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  1. #15
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 47
    CHAPTER 31
    DECEMBER 4, 1991
    Greetings precious Druthea. I AM Sananda, Esu, Immanuel. I AM the one many know as "Jesus Christ". I come in service to Holy God of Light and to you my brethren upon Earth Shan. Sananda is my inherited, earned label given of Our Father, God. It simply means "One With God".

    My scribe is in process of tremendous change and has been for some years now. This I share because many of you will relate to the feelings which are or have been produced by these "changes", or what I prefer to call "challenges" to facilitate spiritual growth. None of you will escape these "growing" pains which I will speak of.

    When this one, Druthea, first became involved with the works of Hatonn and Dharma, contained within The Phoenix Journals, she was quite skeptical. It took many months of self-searching and testing for her to find comfort with the fact that, yes in­-deedy, she was in contact with beings not of this planet, called Earth.

    When it finally sunk in that what Commander Hatonn and the other Hosts said is, in fact true and that this civilization is in se­rious trouble, absolute terror set in for her. Then came the de­nial. "Oh no, DOOM AND GLOOM NEGATIVE HATONN", and "NO BEING OF THE LIGHT WOULD SPEAK THIS WAY" was constantly put in her mind deliberately by ones whom she thought very near and dear to her. She began to doubt her sanity. She wanted her life the way it was BEFORE she knew the Truth ... and there was NO turning back as hard as she tried.

    Does this sound like any of you out there reading this? I thought so. It doesn't end yet, my chelas. She then went through a very long period or deep confusion and became very angry. She cried frequently. She spent much time alone in self-pity. She was harsh to her loved ones. She was even embarrassed at her own behavior at times, but she frankly felt most helpless. She asked for everyone's opinion and interpretation of the transmis­sions presented by Commander Hatonn and even myself, Sananda. All the while God waited patiently for her to listen, mostly she was too terror-stricken and confused to quiet herself enough to do so.

    Many ones, including myself, worked with her and kept a con­stant outpouring of loving light upon her. Many of you ones in the early circle did the same. This child is loved very greatly by many ones and I think she recognizes now the great degree of love given her to assist her during these "difficult" testing times she has gone through. But remember this, chelas, our outpour­ing is only useful to the degree that the receiver allows it! Oth­erwise it simply returns to sender.

    So what did she finally do to recognize and change the fact that she allowed the adversary (Satan) to rule her life for a time? WHEN SHE BECAME SO EXHAUSTED AND DEPRESSED AND HOPELESS, SHE TURNED HER FACE TO GOD AND SAID, "Father, please HELP ME!" The call from the heart place compels the answer and she was at that moment ready to listen for her instructions and act upon them. From that moment on she has commanded shielding of love, protection and guid­ance that she may serve God honorably in His reflection. Does she falter and have her "bad" moments? Certainly. The differ­ence is now she knows she has a choice in the matter (as she always did and did not know) and so she then can make the nec­essary "attitude" adjustments.

    I will share with you that this child finds it most difficult to "sit still" to listen. She has much what you call "nervous" energy. Which has little to do with nerves as such. Anyway, for those of you who wonder what and how to listen to God, read on. This one "walks" every day for "exercise". This is the "time" early on that we, of the Hosts, found it easiest to reach her be­cause she actually puts herself in a self-hypnotic trance while walking. She also cleared her space, commanded protection and asked for guidance to sustain in God's service. It is really that simple, chelas! It begins with Desire, Devotion and Self-Disci­pline. You must DO your part as Co-creator for God already has DONE His.

    I will share with you that NO ONE was more surprised at Druthea becoming a "receiver" than was she! You must realize, precious chelas, that receiving from the Lighted Source and Command is something ALL have ability to do and many do it unwittingly. God is WITHIN you and so the still quiet voice of His love and guidance must be accessed within you. It is not mystical, it is only a mystery until YOU KNOW how to do it. Eventually, and hopefully sooner than later, you will all learn to commune with God within you constantly, regardless of the task you may be performing.

    Druthea says she thinks there is one down side to knowing you are responsible for all you do and create and how you respond to situations. That is that when you "goof" or make an "error" against God's LOVE principle, YOU KNOW IT and there is no hiding and saying you did not know!

    True, precious, you cannot hide behind ignorance when you do know, but I would not say it to be a "down side" for would you not rather KNOW your errors immediately that you bear the consequences quickly? In this way you are less apt to repeat the error. It is only when in ignorance ones defy the law of balance and love and then wonder why they are having "bad" luck or are so very unhappy. Remember even in ignorance of your errors will you still reap the consequences. So would you not rather stand responsible and KNOW the error be so and KNOW YOU must change your behavior or thinking accordingly? I trust you see the wisdom in knowing!


    So what became of Druthea after she accomplished communion with God and We of His Hosts? Bliss and Contentment? Not hardly, not even at all. Once the novelty wore off, she began to realize and to remember that SHE herself had a purpose, a commitment to serve God here on Earth. We simply reminded her of this commitment. Yes, she was no longer "afraid" to die. She did begin to have a sense of inner peace, although she, I must admit, was not too thrilled to find out about the nature of her responsibilities in service to God. And that is the key word, RESPONSIBILITY. It was like one minute she was just respon­sible for herself and NOW the whole world was included. That is just about how she felt.

    It seems to be and it certainly is a MASSIVE job to awaken a sleepy humankind, uncover the lies of the adversary, boot him out, and clean up the mess and then hopefully graduate beyond these physical dimensions.We continually remind her as well as all of you that you each CHOSE to be here and you will CHOOSE to serve GOD OF LIGHT or continue in the service of the adversary to God.

    ALL ones of you reading this material have made a commitment to serve in some capacity. We are ringing the alarm clock. If some of you are angry, that is good for at least we know you're alive and cooking and perhaps we can help you out of the boil­ing pot before you are too cooked to escape!

    I suggest that you NOT be angry at God or the truth bringers for waking you up, for you will only find yourself in misery and powerlessness. You must be willing to DO your part to change the evil circumstances and bring forth TRUTH and to do it you must sincerely DESIRE TO KNOW WHAT IT IS YOU MUST KNOW AND DO TO SUSTAIN IN GOD'S SERVICE. It is not necessarily easy. It most probably will involve hard work, physically and emotionally. It may not be convenient. But so what! Do you not enjoy a good worthy challenge? A strong spiritual BOND? Inner fulfillment of a commitment accomplished to the best of your ability? Do you realize for most of you this is a rare and precious time opportunity to serve? The changing of a cycle of a planet. You proclaimed to God YOU would serve. Will you honor your commitment?


    So now that the fear is gone, how do you feel? Druthea found herself being tested in ways which produced forth her "insecurities", for example in her case, money. She does not like this being discussed, and many of you are in the same rut as she. The funny thing is, Druthea has always had more than she needs and yet you would think the child is close to poverty by the way she magnifies "expenses" in her own mind. She has an over developed sense of frugality on one hand and then can be quite frivolous on the other. Many of you share her problem in similar ways.

    So what is the root of this insecurity? FEAR rears its ugly head again. It's sort of silly when she looks at it. For she no longer fears death, yet she is terrified of losing her "shopping" budget! This fear/insecurity about money is, in her case, related to deep attachment to physical world illusion as she has been comfort­able within it. Chelas, the people of this world, save a few, are in the process of losing all of their dollars/wealth. As Hatonn says, "The world is being foreclosed upon!" So she, as well as all of you, will need to make some adjustments in perceptions of comfort and "needs". So be it.

    Comfort in the days ahead, my friends, will be a warm bed, home, food and clothing. And you will be HAPPY to have them. There is no longer room in your minds for excess physi­cal frivolity. If that frightens you, I am sorry for you. For your 30 pairs of designer shoes, and your valuable gold jewelry and gems, and your expensive houses, cars and countless other "luxuries" will not serve your basic survival needs in the times ahead. Nor will ANYTHING of the physical leave with you when you depart this plane in the so-called "death" experience. You will need release attachment to these things "you think" make you happy, for if you are honest with yourself, you will find that they DO NOT.

    Does this mean throw out your furs and abandon your home? Of course not, precious ones! God IS Abundance, only His abundance is NOT LIMITED TO PHYSICAL abundance! En­joy your "things" which bring you comfort. Although if you have an expensive home with a big mortgage in the city, I would suggest you reconsider that decision. Perhaps it would be wise for you to sell your home (if you can find a buyer) and move to the country, store some food and water and prepare for leaner times ahead. If that sounds negative and doom and gloom per­haps it is your perception which is in error! Perhaps you simply do not understand HOW SERIOUS YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES REALLY ARE!!


    This Druthea asks. No. And it does not become OVER until your return to the ONE Creator God is completed! Remember I, Sananda, am also being tested for this grand finale confrontation with our adversary here on Earth Shan. So don't feel alone, chelas.

    Now at the current time, Druthea is dealing with the challenge of feeling restless and "let's get on with it, I'm bored with the adversaries games." This feeling occurs when you finally begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is not a freight train. It is God returning. And now that she feels it is happening within her, she's becoming impatient for completion of the job. And she asks why doesn't everyone just wake up and get on with it? Well, it doesn't work that way, chela. Just as you have struggled and continue to struggle in your own way with awak­ening and serving, ALL will need to go through their testing and process of awakening. This is part of your growing experience upon this beloved orb. My suggestion? Be as patient with those you are reaching as God and His Hosts have been patient with you! (Big Gulp from Druthea).

    Perhaps some of you can relate to her feeling if I describe it as like a horse you are riding. Often when the horse you are riding is leaving the: stable, it trods along. When you turn back to­wards "home", the horse can barely contain itself and wishes to run all the way home! Druthea knows she's on the road "home" and wants to run and miss all the scenery. Not only will she miss the scenery, she undoubtedly will become careless and trip in a gopher hole, and make her journey much slower and some­what painful too! Ponder it carefully, precious ones! There are NO shortcuts to God. ENJOY the journey. Welcome the "challenges" and testing which YOU and God designs for you to bring you home in honor.


    Impatience comes with not wanting to go through the "process" of an experience or "repealing" something which seems so obvi­ous to you. For the first reason, I say, trust the process of GOD working within you. Your impatience will subside when that is truly accomplished. For the second, that of repetition of a cir­cumstance, such as how the adversary lies and fools you, or when you are explaining the same to others, I say that you have reached the top of one level of awareness and are anxious for inspiration to move into the next. You may recognize reaching, this level by feeling "stuck" and also a feeling of "boredom" and/or "restlessness" may occur. Again, Desire, Devotion, Discipline. Trust the process of God working within you. Be patient for the unfolding WILL occur in the right time for you. And lastly,GOD ALWAYS DOES HIS PART! KNOW AND DO YOURS!

    I will close this segment. Thank you, Druthea, for your service and for allowing this sharing of your personal experience. There are many who will benefit from this sharing and you are truly blessed for having it to share! I Thank you, my precious brethren, for taking the time to read this. May it inspire you in your growth process. Walk gently with one another and Bless our Mother Earth Shan for allowing herself to be your stage of learning.

    Thank you, Father, for allowing mine sharing through this scribe. Please hold her gently in your loving light of guidance and protection that she find the peace within which only exists in your KNOWING MIND. So be it and Selah. I AM Sananda. I come in service to Our One HOLY Creator God/Aton. Salu.

    PJ 47
    CHAPTER 32
    JANUARY 3, 1991
    Greetings my precious little dove, Druthea.I AM Sananda, Esu, Jesus, Immanuel. I come in service to God/Aton of light and to you my precious brethren on earth Shan.

    Thank you for attending me this day, Druthea. Allow me to as­sist you, precious, for it is my honor to do so. You never stand alone in "the wilderness of your mind" as you stated it. You must be willing to ask for and then receive your "help" and guidance in times of despair and depression, chela. A lesson most all of you of mine can improve upon.

    It is quite true that there are no "self-made" men and women. For all have received guidance and an occasional boost from the unseen and unacknowledged ones both in physical and etheric dimensions. It is a "team" cooperative effort that works con­stantly to bring out the best in each one of you, whether YOU recognize the help or not.

    Your success in gaining understanding and broader awareness comes as much from allowing and graciously accepting God's guidance and that of His chosen helpers, as it does from your physical actions, whether your actions serve God or the adver­sary, within your journey on earth Shan.

    The process of your lives is designed to bring you ever closer to KNOWING the I AM presence within you that you become God in Action, and ultimately co-creator of universes within Creation.


    Advantages you ask! Most certainly. For although you design your own limitation, you also are given the tools for reaching beyond it. First, by recognizing and taking responsibility for it. Asking God for assistance to conquer it. And then making the decision followed by the necessary action to overcome and grow beyond your self-imposed limitations. Simple? Rarely. Com­fortable? Hardly! Worth the effort? ALWAYS!

    How does one recognize a limitation? Easy. I will point out some feelings/expressions which all of you will recognize in your experience within your own process of life: How about Resisting change, Impatience, Stubborn inflexibility, Fear, Re­sentment, Superiority, Inferiority, Insecurity, Bigotry, Greed, Physical lust, Guilt, False pride, Wrath, Vanity, Laziness, Envy and Jealousy? Some of you may recognize these expressions since we wrote in detail about many of these as "Deadly Sins" and "Recognizing the Anti-Christ Within You"in the "Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual".

    All of the above limitations as well as many not named are ex­pressions of the adversary and denial of your own God power within. Expressions of Resisting change, Impatience, and Fear have to do with Not TRUSTING or understanding the process of your life and, therefore, feeling helpless and powerless. These expressions are simply the symptoms of your unbalance within. By recognizing the symptom of Resistance, for example, you can then ask God within to show you its CAUSE, which usually involves Fear. Is it bad to feel afraid? No. It is simply a symptom of your ignorance about your own ability to move through the fear with the knowledge that God walks with you when your intentions serve Him. Fear is a selfish response, of­ten concerning loss of something which you think you hold dear.

    There is only one concern you each must acknowledge in which the symptom of some Fear may serve you. And even the label Fear does not quite accurately describe this concern. What might that be? "Losing" your soul to the adversary and becom­ing a prisoner of his Hell on Earth, in which the absence of God, will be prevalent. The eventual absence of God upon your place is a probability. Healthy concern because of understanding the consequences is appropriate here.

    For must of you of God's children, there is not this problem for your hearts are pure although your actions may sometimes be somewhat less than pure. Remember we've spoken many times about how YOU push God out. He never leaves you! Most of you have already experienced moments or even lifetimes in Hell with the absence of God's knowing presence within you. Sim­ply because you did not know to accept your inner power. And ALL of you have experienced, at one time or another, His res­cue or Hand of Light pulling you from the darkness, when you asked for help. Eventually, and already for many of you, the status of your soul is not even a concern for your only choice can be God of Light. Your lifeline is always God and that is ALL you need to be like unto Him and you will be shown the path out of your self-imposed limitations.


    Most of the talk is simply more "New Age" nonsense. When mine scribe, Druthea, first heard about it over a year past, she thought like so many of you ones, "Oh, that sounds good." She thought about it. What does it mean? She understood physical detachment, in other words from material "things". But how do you accomplish what is described as "emotional" detachment? Well it took some time for the process of understanding to come to fruition. She finally asked, "WHY would I need to achieve total detachment from emotions and feelings? What would be left?" Good question, chela. The key here is SELECTIVE RE­LEASE. And I am using the word release in the place of de­tachment simply because of the mis-use of the term and the con­fusion surrounding it. Firstly I see revelation in Druthea upon looking up the word, so let us share the definition herein:

    Detachment: 1. The act of detaching or the stale of being de­tached (Separated, disconnected). 2. Lack of interest in sur­roundings or worldly affairs. 3. Absence of prejudice or partiality.

    Now please, each of you THINK about this carefully. Are you trying to achieve separateness or unity? Disconnection or Oneness? Can you change the world without interest in it? Would you not want to feel care and concern for your surroundings and the rate of your brethren around the globe? Is it possible to be God-human with His soul-life and not FEEL ANYTHING CALLED EMOTIONS? Love is an emotion, a feeling and an expression. What actions constitute love? Absence of prejudice (pre-judgment) sounds good, but what about lack of partiality? Are you not partial toward God? Or is it the adversary? Does this meaning sound Godly or Satanic in presentation? It depends on how it is presented.


    How about simply releasing or becoming separate from evil? Detachment from fear, resentment, envy, hatred, insecurity. In other words releasing the limiting emotions of the adversary and concentrating your mind on awakening the co-creative emotion of brotherly love. And to be effective in your service here, you must have a high degree of compassion for the human condition upon your place.

    Now I will give another example of appropriate, detachment. When you are sharing The Word, it is none of your business, if ones refuse to hear or discount you because of it. That is their choice and privilege and NOT your responsibility.

    An example of inappropriate attachment would be to material ego status and especially attachment to your OPINIONS about how things are or should be, etc. Always leave yourself room to change your mind from opinion to KNOWING, especially when you are inspired by GOD within to do so. That means being willing to admit to self, or another If appropriate, that you were wrong and you now recognize the "right" or balanced way.

    Other areas of inappropriate attachment are attachment to the altered ego's need to dominate and manipulate to achieve ITS needs or desires. Many of you parents are faced with these sorts of challenges as well as ones in the average workplace or anyplace where people gather and interact with one another to achieve similar/same goals. Whether it be friendship and/or getting out The Word.

    Look at it this way. You have the choice to offer a positive constructive INFLUENCE or a negative destructive INFLUENCE. EVERY choice, action and decision you make is either increasing or DE-creasing brotherly love and goodwill. It is up to each of you to learn the difference. Most of your processes of life revolve about learning the difference between behavior and actions which bring balance and Godly influence, and be­havior and actions which feed the adversary's hunger for de­structive manipulation, domination and control of your being and this physical planet.

    It is easy to TRUST the process of life when you walk KNOWINGLY in balance in communion with God every moment. How many of you have achieved this so far? VERY, VERY few of you. This is the challenge, precious chelas. MANY, MANY obstacles of testing which are designed to push you off the balanced tightrope of your journey are offered. In time you accept fewer and fewer of the distractions for you learn to recognize them and walk over them or through them because YOU KNOW you have the power and the choice to do it. Meanwhile be gentle on yourselves. For even the most accomplished Mas­ters of knowledge and communion made errors in discernment from time to time, and suffered the consequences thereof, in­cluding mineself.

    I could not serve you now effectively in this capacity had I not experienced many times upon the physical planes as you each have and are doing. The rewards of finally recognizing YOUR power to influence positive constructive change are enormous.


    This question Druthea asks and so do many of you. In your case, precious, you are measuring results according to what ap­pears on the surface. And your efforts will seem quite futile and hopeless when you expect quick and obvious results which you think you can measure by this letter or that comment on the work. This again is not your responsibility, precious. For you are not able to measure the change WITHIN a person's soul consciousness whom you've touched.

    For example, if your sister appears to hear and see no evil, es­pecially when you bring it to her attention, that is YOUR per­ception. Because she chooses not to respond to you does not mean that inside her mind and heart are not torn or moved, even if she simply thinks you're nuts. And perhaps she prays for YOUR soul, thinking it is you who is misguided.

    God monitors the heart in caring love extended. Yours in shar­ing Truth and hers in wanting to keep peace and harmony in the few hours you had to share. Your frustration comes in trying to monitor the "silence" and your need to be heard and understood by her. Release that need, for it is your insecurity, as the Commander correctly told you, which moves you to seek accep­tance from her. Allow her her process to unfold, for she ac­cepts you exactly how you are. Your ideas are quite another thing. With the bond of love between you, know she will reach out to you when she is moved to do so, Be prepared and allow her her own time. That is a true gift of love. Do you under­stand? Yes, I hear your comprehension. And I trust that all of you in similar circumstances will ponder these lessons well for they apply to ALL who "happen" upon this transmission.

    Let us please take a break. Thank you, Druthea, for sitting with me. I know you will write longer, but you are not as strong as you think in your body yet. You need healing time and you have allowed your worry and fretting time to encroach not only upon our time together but also your own healing. This is not to chastise, but simply to make you aware of what you do to self, precious.

    I love you as a very part of my own being and I, cherish you and treasure this time we have. You will learn that there is very little of perceived duties worth worry and forfeit of our time, to write. There are MANY ones beyond your perception who find sustenance and peace within from this work, including you, my little dove. The inadequacy will pass, for it is part of the illu­sion of altered ego and has no substance in the Light of GOD and our work together. Be at peace. You serve well. There is always room for improvement and your desire takes you there.

    I AM Sananda, One with God. Walk together in Peace and Love and KNOW that GOD walks with you. Salu.

  2. #16
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 47
    CHAPTER 33
    JANUARY 5, 1992 8:35 PM
    Greetings and good evening, precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I am also known as Esu, Jesus, Immanuel, Pale Prophet and many "other" labels. I come in service to Holy God of Light, Our Creator, and unto you, my brethren upon earth Shan.

    I call this document "New Age" Nonsense for the simple reason that most of you ones who now read THE PHOENIX JOURNALS have experienced some or much in teachings or doctrines which fall under the genre or category lumped together calling itself "New Age Movement" and/or "Metaphysics".

    Firstly, let me correct the term since many of the professed doctrines by so-called great and inspired "New Age" teachers, both seen and unseen, have or will prove in time to be a mixture of inspired truth and the deadly lies.

    Do you know that many ones who run to and, fro searching, out this teacher or that doctrine which "sounds" good and "feels" good actually become quite apathetic? I will explain. For my first example of discussion let me rename "New Age Movement" to "New Age Inertia".

    Why inertia? Although all ones do not fall into non-action inertia, many have spent so much time "trying" to BE, that they have forgotten how to move, unless it is to seek drugs to get high, or a partner to express sexually with, or myriads of other "physical" ways to please the senses and not add to their Cosmic knowledge.

    Did you know, precious ones, that Satanic worship, witchcraft and Freemasonry also fall under the genre "New Age"? Just go to any so-called "New Age - Bookstore or even many of the general book stores who have a "New Age" section and see for yourselves. How do you nice "New Agers" feel about that? I will now expose some of the false doctrines which have con­founded, confused and misled most of you.


    Yes, everything is perfection WHEN you exist in the UNDI­VIDED mind of God of Light. Until that time, precious ones, you will be made often painfully aware, through the divided, male-female conditioned, sexed paired experiences of your soul­ fragment journey, of your imperfection in relationship to God. And to the last moment of your soul journey, you will be in the constant seeking of the knowledge which will bring you home to HIS undivided ONENESS. The physical planes offer the most numerous opportunities to experience in imperfection and igno­rance of divinity. By design it is so. And as your soul learns the difference between God balance within His laws and the ad­versary's unbalanced defiance of God's laws, you move from ignorance into KNOWING. From KNOWING you become gradually free from the limitation of material desire because of your desire and achievement of KNOWING God and His ways WITHIN you.


    This sort of statement is one of the most misleading because the most common interpretation is EVERYTHING, every behavior, action, and activity is okay. And at the same time these ones will tell you, "You must not JUDGE another." Well, true. Remember the laws of God we wrote about in PHOENJX OP­ERATOR-OWNER MANUAL? We bring balance to the state­ment "You must not judge another," by adding, "You MUST judge behavior and actions which do defy God's laws."

    What's the difference? You are never obligated to CONDONE behavior and actions against God's laws of balance. For exam­ple, can you STOP someone from having an abortion? Not force­fully. You can, however, explain to them why it is wrong to murder, knowing full well THEY will make and live with their own choice and you cannot choose or act for them.

    Know that there are NO women, who contain God conscience, who do not know the sin against God and life they have com­mitted after they have chosen abortion. DO they all change their behavior? No. But the remorse and the often accompanying self-punishment remains with them until they are able to see the error in personal responsibility and thus change the attitude and behavior which would compel them to murder an unborn babe.


    These terms have been mostly popularized by one known as Ruth Montgomery, self-proclaimed "channel", within her books, STRANGERS AMONG US and THRESHOLD TO TOMORROW. This term she uses to describe experiences of tremendous personality change, often through "near-death" ex­perience. I will compare her use of the term with the term "born again" as used by some calling themselves Christians, al­though these so-called Christians simply refer to the experience of being "born again" as a miraculous, nearly instant change of life characterized by recognition of Christ as their Savior and return to "Christian" values, doctrines and beliefs contained in various versions of the Bible.

    She describes, according to her "spirit guides", in her book THRESHOLD TO TOMORROW, the experiences of over a dozen "New Age" teachers, healers, and workers of various sorts.

    Please be aware that it is Montgomery (supposedly by direction of her "spirit guides") who interprets the experiences of ones such us Jason (Ray) Winters, who heals himself of terminal can­cer by developing an herbal tea concoction as being a "walk-in" experience. She describes this occurrence called "walk-in", as the original "soul" energy desiring to leave the body and allow­ing another energy from the "spirit" plane to "take over" the life. What is truly interesting is that, according to Montgomery, the one "taking over" is always come to be in service to human­ity, although not a perfected being, either.

    Now I ask you ones who have read THE PHOENIX JOUR­NALS, especially about "robotoids" and, "duplicates", do you truly think God needs remove the original soul to bring about constructive change, enlightenment, healing and other positive changes in attitude in His children? Why would GOD deny the one help when, especially in the case of Winters, HE asked God to help him? Would God need to discard the original soul and replace it with another? Why would GOD let a spirit bypass the normal process of life, birth, childhood growing and simply TAKE an "abandoned" adult body?

    The answer, precious ones, is GOD does not work in this man­ner. He needs no walk-ins to do or accomplish His work, He grants no special favors to spirit energies of light who come into physical manifestation TO LEARN and SERVE for instant avoidance of responsibility (walk-out) and avoidance of the pro­cess of life from BIRTH (walk-in). I'm sorry to burst your bub­ble, you ones who "believe" this nonsense.

    Either GOD assists you by your desire and your contract to achieve awakening of purpose and service to Him, even when you drastically change your perceptions and attitude, and you remain humble in service, Or one has allowed possession of a dark or several dark energies to confuse and mislead many of God's children.

    EVIL cannot create a soul and only lower astral and other dark energies would want possession of another's body, if invited or allowed. That is simply the way it is. Evil can and does "duplicate" physical human (and non-human) appearing bodies, robots without soul-energy, designed to do as Evil demands and programs, just as a computer is programmed.

    For much more information on "robotoids, synthetics and dupli­cates", I will strongly suggest you ones who find this sort or technology "science fiction" and outrageous to go and read THE PHOENIX JOURNALS which contain released TRUTH about this process, designed and controlled by the evil adversary. Commander Hatonn has outlaid in SEVERAL of the JOUR­NALS information about the who, how, when, where and why or development or robotoids, synthetics and duplicates. I sug­gest it is well worth your time to investigate with your God given reason this truth for your world is run by evil through these projections and it behooves you to know how it has come to be and who your enemies are! So be it.

    Let us close this document please. Thank you, Druthea, for your service, precious. Let God's hand guide you to that which you seek within. For it is more wondrous than you are able to perceive at this time. Be at peace, precious one. You are far too hard on self at this time. I love you and treasure this time we've had to share.

    I AM Sananda, One with God, in His service of Light, Knowl­edge and Love. Thank you for your attention, my precious brethren. Walk gently with one another and the way will be made clear. Salu.

    PJ 47
    CHAPTER 34
    JANUARY 6, 1992 5:00 PM
    Greetings precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in service to Holy Divine God/Aton of Light and to you, my brethren on earth Shan.

    I have heard your call, precious. I have requested you read the book (THRESHOLD TO TOMORROW) not to confuse, but to clarify. I am monitoring and you are using reason. I did not say that Ruth Montgomery is a "bad" person. I simply stated that God needs not nor uses not replacement souls for bodies. USE discernment, little one. Could God replace one soul for another who wants to leave? Certainly. Is it as common or as Montgomery writes that MANY walk-in souls from higher vi­brations will come to assist mankind through the earth shift, etc? No. I am sorry, chela, if this confuses you.

    Is it wrong that so many ones in her book believe themselves to be Walk-ins? Not necessarily. They believe what seems "right", to them until they learn differently. You must understand the common thread in all of these cases, which are beautifully pre­sented. Some traumatic event occurs, in a marriage or other situation, which causes the one great emotional distress and de­sire for release of life, such as contemplation of suicide, actual near death or coma from an "accident", or even long incarceration of the body.

    The ones speak of the moments of their "transition" (which they believe to be walk-out/walk in occurrence) or inner change, as I refer to it, as a wonderful freeing experience. Each somehow miraculously KNOWS how to correct his/her "problems" and is transformed into one desiring to serve humanity in unconditional love, free from excessive materialism, hatred, resentment and other repressive desires.

    Do I discount the experiences of these ones? Not at all. I sim­ply do not support the conclusions "believed" by these ones and Montgomery that the original was allowed escape from re­sponsibility of his/her incarnation. And that somehow the "original" soul could not become "inspired" and "uplifted" by God and thus awakened to purpose. Instead, the original is re­placed with a "much more enlightened and humanitarian soul"? Come now chelas. Think about this!

    Could Albert Einstein be a personal guide who transmitted and transmits information to ones such as Bjorn Ortenheim? Abso­lutely! Is that your business? NO.


    Ah so, the "born again" experience is wondrous for the ones who experience same. Does that mean, the original must leave? Of course not! We have told you that MANY enlightened, higher vibration beings have and are currently being incarnated upon this plane AS BABIES to grow, into responsibility of mis­sion and purpose in service. Remember, Commander Hatonn has told you numerous times this is the reason ABORTION is being encouraged so. To destroy God's little ones before they have their chance.

    Do you have to "believe" me over Ruth Montgomery? Not at all. I do suggest that those of you who believe yourselves to be "walked-in and out" to think upon my words. It is best to med­itate upon the processes and ways of God and His Infinite Wisdom and KNOW you are you, the original in awakened form, if yours is truly one of service IN ACTION. Be not afraid to honor and have gratitude for God and YOUR personal guides.

    Do not dishonor self with thinking the "original" was too un­-evolved to have "transformed" in thinking so quickly and mirac­ulously. With God as your "Guiding Light", ALL is possible and reasonable.

    Another point. You each have a contract WITH GOD if you come in His service. You are graced with a body of your co-­creation for carrying out your mission. God does not NEED YOUR BODY, but you do to serve out your commission on earth!

    Are there "other" energies just waiting to pounce in your body because you want no responsibility and know not to protect yourself? Certainly. They are not in service to God! No "higher" energy, 1. NEEDS YOUR BODY, or 2. DESIRES TO COMMANDEER ANOTHER'S PHYSICAL BODY! (Remember the law of Non-interference? If not, read about it in PHOENIX OPERATOR OWNER MANUAL.)I trust I have brought clarity upon this subject. So be it.

    For those of you who wonder why I seem to belabor this sub­ject, it is because my scribe has sat today upset and confused because the stories "sound" so sincere. Perhaps they are, chela. It is only the conclusions which I take exception to and you de­serve to understand why for if you do not, then I know that many others have been confused about this as well.

    Thank you for seeking, Druthea. Remember the sincere call compels the answer and I do not leave you, distressed or other­wise. Although you were afraid for the first time at what was written by mineself since you yourself have no experience in this area. It is reasonable for you to question, clear your space and again question and know it is I, Sananda, with you. I am NEVER offended by you being sure about identification of MY presence, precious. I expect you to KNOW whom communi­cates with you and in whose service they come EVERY TIME!

    Let us close this document. Please be at peace, my precious brothers, for it is the journey of your life which marks the char­acter with honor or with disgrace. And honor is yours by design of inner desire and action. Know God within and BE His Honorable reflection. The choice is always yours.

    I AM Sananda. I come in Light and Love in service to Divine Holy God/Aton. Thank you for your attention. Salu.

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