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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar



    TUE., AUG. 8, 1989 7:45 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 357

    Precious, I remind you that you are not to stop to ponder these things which I bring unto you. It is necessary that we pen them and at the appropriate time the content can be discussed. This is the authentic record as preserved, from scrolls which are in safe-keeping in Pleiades. The entire instrument is in dissonance and is the very purpose of the journal. So be it. Ours is not to REWRITE but to correctly document. Might we move on, please.
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    At the time of the preparation and teachings of Jmmanuel to his disciples, John (the Baptist) was incarcerated in prison. How-ever, John also had many disciples who were going about the lands. Word of Jmmanuel's teachings and followings were car­ried back to the ears of John. As it came to John's attention, he sent his disciples unto Jmmanuel to make inquiry of the young teacher.

    They inquired, "Are you the one who is to come, the king of wisdom as was told by the prophets, or should we wait for an-other?"

    Jmmanuel answered and spoke to them, "Go and tell John what you hear and see. The blind see and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead rise, and to those who seek the truth of knowledge, it is given. BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO ARE NOT OFFENDED BY MY TEACHINGS."
    When John's disciples had gone, Jmmanuel started to speak to the people about John, "What did you go to see in the desert?

    Did you want to see a reed shaken by the wind? Or, what did you really go out for and to see what? Did you seek to find a person in soft and supple clothing? Behold, those who wear soft clothes are in the houses of kings, officials, the rich, hypocrites, scribes and priests. Or, did you go forth for you wished to see a prophet? Yes, I tell you: He is more than a prophet. John is the one of whom it is written, 'See, I send a messenger before you who shall prepare your path before you.'

    "Verily I say to you, among all who are born by women, there is none arisen who is greater than John the Baptist.
    "From the time of John the Baptist, until now, the Earth suffers from violence, and those who commit violence seize Earth away. For all the prophets and the Law have prophesied to the time of John, and if you wish to accept it; he is Elijah who is come again that the path would be prepared.

    "He who has ears, hear!
    "To whom shall I compare this generation? It does not matter to the children who sit at the market and call to their playmates, saying, 'We are striking up the music, and you did not want to dance; we make ourselves hoarse with wailing and speeches and you did not want to mourn.'
    "John, who is Elijah, did not eat nor did he drink; and now it is said about that he is 'possessed'.
    "Now I have come, I eat and drink, and they say, 'See what a glutton and wine bibber he is, a friend to the publicans (customs officers) and to the infidels.' And yet, wisdom is justified through the works shown forth.

    "Praised be The Creation of heaven and the universes and the Earth, for revealing the knowledge and the power of The Spirit, which the false teaching has hidden from the expanding wise and those filled with knowledge, now to those who are honest seekers.
    "Yes, it has been very kind of The Creation, wherefrom came God and his Celestial Sons, whereby they have stopped the mis­use of power among the human race.
    "All things have been given over to men, and no one knows the secret of The Creation, that is no man, and thus, not God or his followers. And all things have been given to ME now by God, whose guardian angels taught me the Laws and the knowledge of nature, and the Laws emanating from The Creation.
    "Come to me all of you who are searching and thirsting for knowledge and truth, and I will receive you and restore you. Take upon you, the yoke of learning of the new teachings, for it is the recognition and you will find peace within it for your life. You will find that the development of spirit is gentle and its bur-den most light."

    Jmmanuel was constantly pressed with questions regarding the laws of marriage and everything related thereto. Most ones were most sorry they had asked. These writings will be discussed in depth at a future time, Dharma, for they are the most abused and confounding of all teachings. These are Uni­versal Laws and are the most frequently "rewritten" to be suitable to man's whims. Nonetheless, there is most logical and rational reason for such rules which range from parentless children birthed to calamitous diseases and broken spirits thrust one upon another. Do not debate it here as this is not the format for such, remember, we are translating the scrolls. As has been given unto you prior to this; there is naught to prevent the "LOVING" of another of opposite or same, sexual affiliation- -it is the "BEHAVIOR OF PHYSICAL LUST AND PRACTICE" which is disdained. LOVE has no boundaries of soul caring and emotion. Physical activities come under the limits of accept-ability for myriads of "just" reasonings. So be it.
    He spoke thusly, "You have been given the commandment: 'You should not commit adultery.'
    "Irrespective thereof, people commit adultery and practice fornication thus going against the laws of nature. But it is writ-ten: 'He who commits adultery and fornication shall be pun­ished, for the fallible are unworthy of life and its laws, for they should be sterilized.' If men or women, not married, cohabit with each other, they should be punished for the fallible are un­worthy of life and its laws, and they, too, should be sterilized.
    "If two men consort with one another in intimate sexual relation-ships, they should be punished for the fallible are unworthy of life and its laws, therefore they should be sterilized and further, expelled and banned before the people.
    If, however, two women cohabit with each other, they should NOT be punished, for they do not go against life and its laws, since they are not inseminating, but bearing.
    "When inseminator and inseminator are united, life is desecrated and killed, but if conception and conception are united, there is no desecration, no killing, nor creating. But activities of lustful pleasure are incorrect for this is an exploitation of nurturing and loving.
    "Verily I say to you, there is no animal under the sky, which like man, would go against the Laws of The Creation and of na­ture. But are you not more than the animal?
    "He who indulges in lustful fornication for the sake of pay or pleasure to the physical senses should be therefore, sterilized that he or she not be allowed procreation and further, should be evicted and banned before the people.


    ***(Now, Dharma, comes the really hard one to swallow in concept and is one of the rules that has been re-written so many times to suit man that it has lost all conceptual meaning. It re­volves around "responsibility" to the child created from the old or from the new relationship. It is always with the seeking of pleasure that all laws are broken, either through seeking of plea-sure of self or greed. I do not make of the laws and it is unim­portant whether or not ye ones of Earth like of them or do not like of them. There is ample reasoning upon which these Laws of The Creation are based and balanced. You will note that many times the phrase "lose--life" is included. Yes, it is that se­rious, chela, it just has long since the writing of the law, been ignored and hidden. It is the time of the "coming again" for the correction of these things which have caused thy civilization of man to drop into degradation. Through these very misusings have you brought yourselves unto destruction. It pleases me not, either, but so be it. At the time of accounting these things done in ignorance are most surely evaluated justly and ones are not randomly thrown into the pits of fire and brimstone. You ones need not rush out and compound thy errors, you will use wisdom in all things)**

    "He who marries a man or woman who was divorced, is guilty and should be sterilized for they are unworthy of life and its laws and both should be expelled and banned before the people.


    He who begets a child and is not married to the woman is un­worthy of life and its laws and should be punished so that he will lose his life, and he who creates a child in this union and aban­dons that child shall have his name stricken from the Book of Life.

    "Verily, verily, I say to you: 'These laws were given by The Creation and nature, and they should be followed or men bring eath upon themselves and all mankind.
    "Let it be noted herewith that there are limits beyond which a planet cannot support mankind in quantities through misuse of procreation. Earth can nourish and support five hundred million people of all human races in balance and harmony with nature as brought forth, without exploitation and reaping unbalance. But, if these laws are not followed, there will be, in two thousand years, ten times five hundred million people and the Earth will not be able to give sustenance and succor for survival. All bal­ance will be lost and destruction cannot be avoided.

    "There will be famines and catastrophes and great world wars, and epidemics will control the Earth, and human races will kill one another and only a few will survive.
    "Verily I say to you: 'There will be crying and gnashing of teeth when so much human blood will soak the sands of the earth, so that new forms of life will come from it, which will bring the fi­nal dreadful horror to mankind.'

    "All good things were given unto you and you received the Laws according to which you are to live. You should adhere to these and additional laws, so that you shall prosper on Earth and have peace in your families; remove the power of the old law that women shall be subject to man, since she is a person equal to man in spirit respect, and has equal rights and obligations. There are many distortions in the laws since they were given forth by God and the Celestial Sons for man has built them to be suitable unto themselves.

    "When a man marries a woman, he shall pay to the most trusted steward the handling of her possessions, as a price of security, lest she suffer from lack of her necessities. The price should be calculated in such a way that for each year of her life one hun­dred pieces of silver should be the basis, measured according to her knowledge, her ability, and her strength, provided her health is not lacking. The price is not to be considered as that of a "purchase", for no person may be sold or bought, but as secu­rity for the woman, lest she suffer lack.
    "The bond of matrimony between man and woman should be permitted only if both are of mental competence and capable of leading a marriage in accordance with the law.
    "You should enter a marriage as man and wife only if the price has been paid for the wife, that no dishonor be forthcoming from the man and that the wife be sufficiently cared for.
    "If, according to predetermined agreement, no price is paid, the law applies: the man must supply the needs of the wife re­garding all of her necessities.
    "The inability of a wife to bear children, or a man's inability to sire children is no reason for divorce, nor does she or he deserve other opinions or actions.
    "The only reason for divorce is that of adultery, that is the de­struction or endangering of spirit, the body, or the life of the members of one's own family unit. If a person is divorced by his own actions of adultery, he should be sterilized, for he is unworthy of life and its laws for he has responded to the selfish lustful drives of pleasure seeking and has cast aside all re­sponsible behavior.

    "The act of marriage and procreation must have the highest de­gree of pure intent and preparation for upon these bonds and restrictions will rest the preservation of mankind as a species upon the planet. If everything is done and adhered to, justice and peace will come to all mankind, and life in the human form can be preserved.

    "If man continues his selfish and imprudent behavior, he will sound his own death tariff. There reaches a point beyond which a planet cannot support the unbalanced system perpetrated by mankind. And yet, so shall it come to pass that man will not listen and bring destruction upon his own species. It will come about in some two millennium that man will have reached the point of self destruction. And so is it projected by the prophets and so shall it come to pass in its time of fulfillment and in my time of fulfillment.

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    Dharma, let's take a respite, please. This was a most important portion for it is thy reason of desperate plight of this current time. Peace unto you, for thy heart and mind is pained and sor­rowed. Truth is most hard to confront, beloved ones--most dif­ficult. It comes now, as explanation, for 'tis too late to change of a bit of it. Salu

    WE., AUG. 8, 1989 1:00 P.M. YEAR 2, DAY 357

    Thank you, Dharma, let us continue for we have much to cover.
    At this time we will consider another subject which comes under much discussion and is totally misunderstood and "arranged" most conveniently by human rules. It is the matter of what you call the "Sabbath Day".

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    One day as Jmmanuel and some of his disciples walked through a field of corn, the disciples pulled out some of the ears from the corn stalks and ate of them. Always there were the "hangers-on" who followed to "spy" on Jmmanuel and his disciples. I believe it to be much like your newsprint reporters who give no peace to your notable ones of today.

    At any rate, when the Pharisees saw that the disciples had pulled forth the corn, they spoke to Jmmanuel, "Behold, your disciples are doing something that is unlawful on a Sabbath day."

    But he responded, "Have you not read what David did when he and those who were with him were hungry? When he went into the house of God and ate the bread exhibited there which they were not supposed to eat, neither they who were with him, but which only the priests were allowed to eat? So be it! Or, have you not read in the Book of Laws that the priests enter into the temple on the Sabbath day, yet they are without guilt? Verily I say to you, you generation of vipers, 'A stone will turn into bread before no work may be done the Sabbath day."

    "The law that the Sabbath day be kept "holy" is only a man-made law, without logic, and so are many of the man-made laws which are contrary to the Laws of The Creation. False prophets and distorters of the scriptures are those who are guilty of these foolish and false laws which contradict the Laws of The Cre­ation and of Nature. Thus the law of man is to keep the Sabbath day holy and not to work on that day. A law which escapes logic is a law resulting from false teaching of the human spirit. Verily I say unto you, No day is more'holy' than any other day albeit labeled 'Sabbath', and no law commands that no work be done on the Sabbath day. How is it ye establish which is the Sabbath day? Does the cow know she is not to give her milk on the Sabbath day? Do not the farm animals need of food and nurturing on the Sabbath? The cycle of nature does not stop be-cause of the Sabbath and therefore, the law of man is foolish in-deed.
    "Nay, the Sabbath day is a day like any other day in which the daily chores may be done and in fact, must be done that responsibilities are not shirked and unneeded suffering placed upon innocent creatures. Man has a will of his own and he is also the lord of the Sabbath day as it was written in the old scriptures and laws which were not adulterated by false prophets, distorters and Pharisees."
    Thereafter, he went on and entered into their synagogue where he continued to teach the people.
    And behold, there came a man with a withered hand. And they asked him, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day?" This they asked in order to build of a case against him.
    He responded to them, "You hypocrites, if you had eyes, ears, and understanding, you could see, hear and understand; but you are blind and without understanding, for you lack the knowledge to see, hear and understand nature, and you also lack the en­lightenment regarding the Laws of The Creation to enable you to see, hear and understand that The Creation does not keep Sabbath day 'holy'. Every day The Creation turns the stars in the sky, controlling the sun, the winds and the rains, and feeding all creatures upon the Earth.

    "The waters run in their channels and everything takes its nat­ural course, on this Sabbath day as on the next Sabbath day, as it was created by The Creation. But is not man more than all creatures and plants, since he is lord above them all when he adheres to the TRUE Laws? You generation of serpents, you distorters of the scriptures who, because of your own greed for money and power, spread false teachings. Who among you, if he has a single sheep, and it falls into a hole on a Sabbath day, would not seize it and pull it out? How much more does a man count than does a sheep, and your deceitful and false teachings!"

    Then he spoke to the man with the withered and useless hand, "Stretch out your hand!" And he stretched it out, and it was whole again.
    The Pharisees went out and again took counsel as to how they could murder Jmmanuel, since he exposed their lies and false teachings and moreso, did so in front of all the people. When Jmmanuel heard these intentions, he went away. Many fol­lowed him and he healed all who were in need of healing.
    He petitioned them to keep their silence, for he feared that he would be captured and would need suffer the death of a martyr. He did, however, continue uninhibited, to go about the land teaching and revealing wisdom to the people of all the lands in which he ventured.
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    Dharma, let us have a break here for I wish separation of this segment from the next. The following portion is most personal to me, Judas Iscarioth, and I wish it to hold example unto you ones. Salu, I take my leave for this portion.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar



    TUE., AUG. 8, 1989 2:15 P.M. YEAR 2, DAY 357

    It came to pass in time, that Jmmanuel and his disciples went to Bethlehem where he continued teaching and demonstrating his teaching to the people. I, Judas Iscarioth, was among the dis­ciples , but I think it far more appropriate to simply relate from the scrolls rather than comment to any great extent for it is truly so personal and sacred unto me. Justice is a strange bed-fellow, brethren, it always finds its balance in perfection.
    So be it.
    Judas Iscarioth had become disloyal to the teaching of Jm­manuel and he followed only his desires. He secretly gathered up among the listeners of Jmmanuel gold, silver and copper in his money bag, so that he could idly indulge in his life style.

    But it came to pass that Juda Iharioth, the son of the Pharisee, Simeon, informed Jmmanuel of the abuses of Judas Iscarioth, because he hoped he would be paid for this information. Jm­manuel thanked him but did not pay him with any gifts so that Juda Iscarioth thought greatly of revenge, for he was greedy for gold, silver and goods of material worth.

    Jmmanuel responded to the information and led Judas Iscarioth into the desert, where he was taught by Jmmanuel for three days and three nights, the concepts of right and wrong so that the dis­ciple repented and soon followed, again, the teachings in a most careful manner. And, therefore, when they returned to the city, he distributed all of his belongings and the things he had gath­ered among the poor and became a most faithful disciple and living example to the people.

    Judas Iscarioth had been most faithful in the recording of the lessons and demonstrations as presented by Jmmanuel; however, it came to pass that all the scriptures were stolen from Judas--all the carefully scribed teachings and writings. He went forth to Jmmanuel and told him thereof.

    Jmmanuel rebuked him and said, "Verily, verily, I tell you, Ju­das Ischarioth, you will have to suffer far worse things than having been robbed of your writings about my teaching and my life. You will stand accused, undeservedly, of betraying me. This will last for over two millennia, because Simeon, the Pharisee, will see that it is so. His son, Juda Iscarioth, will the be guilty culprit, for he is like his father, Simeon Iharioth, a Pharisee, who wants to take my life. He is the one who has thieved the writings from you, and brought them to the scribes and the Pharisees, so that they can judge and kill me accord­ingly. He received seventy silver pieces for your writings, and he is to receive another thirty pieces of silver when he makes it possible to deliver me to the constable.

    "Mark mine words from this day forward. He will most cer­tainly succeed in doing that which he has been rewarded to do and you, Judas Iscarioth, will be blamed falsely and will become a martyr and this will stand unrebuked for two millennia.

    "Now, put thy remorse aside for you will write down my teach­ings and all about my life a second time, and added unto it, far into thy future. The time will come when your writings will be revealed, that is in two times a thousand years when it shall come to pass.
    "Until that time my teachings will be falsified and become an evil cult, and much human blood shall flow because of it. How-ever, people are not ready yet to believe in my teachings and to recognize truth, nor is it time for the realization of the prophecies. Human mankind is not ready to receive Truth.

    "It will be only after two times a thousand years that an insignif­icant man will come forth who will recognize my teachings as truth and disseminate it most courageously "He will be cursed by the cults that have arisen and the adher­ents of the false teachings and be regarded as a liar, charlatan and fraud. Even his life blood shall be spilled, as will that of his innocent family and friends. So shall it come to pass in that time of the prophets' predictions when the final prophecies are coming to completion.

    "But as for you, Judas Iscarioth, you will be undeservedly re­viled as a traitor and will be condemned, for this is what the fal­sity of the priests and the ignorance of the people desire. But disregard this and continue in our mission, for the teaching of Truth demands sacrifices of self indulgence and personal dis­pleasures. Know that thy name shall be cleared in its proper se­quence.

    "In their spirit and knowledge, people are not yet very devel­oped, and they have to first suffer much guilt and make many, many additional mistakes before they will learn. They must gather knowledge and wisdom in order to recognize truth.
    "Stay with me from now on, Judas, follow me and fulfill your duty as a writer of my teaching faithful, which is the teaching of the Laws of nature and thereby the original Laws of The Cre­ation. No one's 'will' is ever to exceed the will of The Creation which is revealed in the Laws.

    "The Laws of The Creation are good for yesterday and today, as well as for tomorrow, the day thereafter, and for all times in-finite. Thus, the Laws are destined and thereby predestined for things of the future which will have to transpire.

    "It will come to pass in the appropriate time of two millennia, you shall be given contact with one contracted upon Earth to put thy truth to print that thy name shall be cleared and the teachings brought forth in purity in order to fulfill the prophecies. You are beloved of me and as with all within The Creation, the cycle will flow forth and back in its timeless justice. Errors are made but often it is through the errors that the prophecies can be in completion. So be it."

    And, so be it, Dharma, for unto you this day am I humbly grate­ful. My life with the beloved God of Truth and Keeper of the Laws throughout the eons since Galilee have been ever glorious and my cup of joy has overflowed. It is no "penalty" to me for I stand so honored to be allowed to share the closing of a cycle in such greatness. This one who is my God, is also, first, my friend. Amen I AM EVER IN THY SERVICE I AM JUDAS OF ISCARIOTH


    TUE., AUG. 8, 1989 4:45 P.M. YEAR 2, DAY 357

    In the same day that Jmmanuel spoke of these things of my ac­cusing in deception, we went out from the town and walked along the shore of the sea. After a while we sat down where we might rest and be at peace for a respite. It was not to be. For when he sat down, many people gathered around him and pressed in so closely that he stepped onto a boat ported nearby. He sat upon the cross-bench and the people stood at the shore or sat upon the banks and sands.

    The Master Jmmanuel spoke to them in parables, about many things and I shall attempt to reconstruct them as noted in the scrolls. He began by saying, "A sower went out to sow seeds for the crops. When he scattered the seeds, several seeds fell by the wayside; and the birds came and ate them. Several seeds fell on the rock where there was not any earth in which they could take root. Later, several of the seeds burst forth with life but the sun was standing high in the sky and the seeds withered for they had no place in which to place their roots, they with­ered and dried out.

    "Some of the seeds fell under the thorn bushes; and the thorns grew and suffocated them. Ah, but some of the seeds fell on good land and bore abundant fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold.

    He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
    One of the disciples went to him and asked, "Why do you speak to them in parables, since they do not understand your teach­ing?"

    He responded by saying, "It is given to you to understand the secrets of the spirit, but to them it is not given. They do listen to my words, but they live according to the false teachings of their scribes and Pharisees. Their spirit is ignorant and empty and they first have to learn how to think. What would serve better to make them think, if not speaking parables? Verily I say to you, the knowledge of truth is valuable and good only if obtained through one's own thinking and drawing conclusions from within, that is, the solution of the secrets which are told in parables whereby the visions might be created. Man is still of such little faith and without knowledge, and he is not yet aware of the Laws of The Creation and the power of the spirit. There-fore, first man must learn to recognize the truth and thus also to live according to the law of the spirit. And thusly, he will be-come knowledgeable and powerful in his spirit.

    "It is such that he who has, to him shall be given, so that he may have abundance; but he who does not have, from him will be taken even that which he has. Therefore, I speak to them in parables. For with seeing eyes they do not see, and with hear­ing ears, they do not hear nor do they understand.

    "In them will be fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which says, 'You will hear with ears and shall not understand it; and with seeing eyes you will see and not recognize it.'

    "For the heart of these people is hardened and their ears hear evil, and their eyes are asleep, so they cannot see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and understand with their mind, and comprehend the truth and the Laws of The Creation what were given so that, thereby, they would obtain help and knowledge. For the people of Israel turned away from the Laws of The Cre­ation and are unfortunate and shall never find their peace. There shall always be the shedding of their blood, for they per­sistently trespass against the Laws of The Creation. They deem themselves above all the human races as the chosen people and consider of themselves a separate race. This is malicious error and also evil presumptuousness, f for inasmuch as Israel was never a nation, nor a race and thus, could not be a 'chosen' race by whatever definition Deserting all the Laws of The Creation. Israel is a mass of people with an unglorious past characterized by murder and arson as allowed by the cult laws set forth by the leaders. It is, however, destined that they will not be alone in their false journey.

    "There are only a few fathers in the mass of these ones that have an honorable past and can truly trace their lineage. They, how-ever, do not belong to the generation of cunning foxes who have sold themselves to the false Jewish faith, to the false faith and teachings they took over from Moses who in turn has stolen them from the Egyptians. These beloved few patriarchs are be­lievers of truth and knowledge and they recognize only the Laws of The Creation.

    "These blessed ones have become so few in number they can be counted on but one hand of fingers for they are persecuted and slain just as with John. Herod sent ones forth and had John be-headed while in prison. Oh, they are in no wise, wise and act most foolishly in their arrogance.

    "Blessed are your eyes that they see and your ears that they hear. Verily I say to you, many prophets and just men have de-sired to see that which you see, and have not seen it, and to hear that which you hear, and have not heard it. Many have passed into their graves in the searching and persecution through the eons of time but theirs shall be the kingdom of heaven. There-fore, listen carefully to this parable of the sower.

    "If one hears the word of truth of the spirit and of the laws and does not understand it, the wicked one comes and tears away what has been sown in his mind; it is he on whose path the seed has been planted.

    "Where the seed has been dropped upon the rocks, it is he who hears the word and soon embraces it with joy, but he has no roots in himself so that it could be rooted firmly and he will bend in the winds and blow easily from the fields; in the case of discomfort and any type of ridicule or harassment, he becomes angry and takes his leave.

    "Those ones by whom the seeds are planted among the thorns, that is, when he hears the word, the cares of the world and the delusion of material riches and security of self, chokes the truth and the knowledge and he brings forth no fruit for he cannot al-low himself to reach out beyond the bondage.
    "Now let us consider the one by whom the seed has been planted on good soil, who accepts the word and seeks truth and finds it; and then lives according to the Laws of truth, lets the fruit grow and ripen, and brings forth a rich harvest indeed, one bearing a hundredfold, the other sixtyfold, and the other thirty­fold-- indeed a grand investment of thine assets.
    "This is the meaning of the parable whose secrets have to be uncovered by men, so that they learn to think and find under-standing. But the path that leads to wisdom and truth is long and so is the compliance with the Laws of The Creation, which is yet so obvious."
    "Then he told them another parable, "The spiritual kingdom is like a man who planted good seeds in his field. But when he slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the good fruit and went silently away. When the seeds grew and brought forth fruit, weeds also grew in equal abundance.

    "The servants went to the fields and saw the weeds and came to the sower and said to him, 'Lord, did you not plant good seeds in your field? From where come the weeds?' He responded, 'An enemy did this.' And the servants said, 'Do you want us to go and pull the weeds from the fields?' The sower answered, 'No, lest ye pull out the good plants along with the weeds. Let both grow together until the time of harvest, and then I shall tell the cutters; 'First gather the weeds and tie them in bundles so that they can be burned and the ashes strewn over the field, to nourish the soil; but gather the good fruit and lay it up in my barn.' But, behold, said Jmmanuel, "both grow side by side, the weeds and the good fruit. The weeds somewhat hinder the full growth of the good fruit but later, the weeds will become compost and nourish the soil. Therefore, since good fruit needs nourishment in order to grow, if it was not for the weeds which are made into nourishment the fruit could not grow unto perfec­tion and abundance."
    Then Jmmanuel told them another parable. "The spiritual king­dom is like leaven which a woman took and mixed among three bushels of flour until it was thoroughly leavened."
    And thus did Jmmanuel talk to the people, in parables; but he did not talk ever without using parables, so that it might be ful­filled which was spoken by the prophet who had said, "He will open his mouth in parables and will voice that which was hidden from the beginning of the world, so that the people may learn therefrom and find truth, and recognize and follow the Laws."
    "Let he who has ears, hear! The spiritual kingdom is like a hid-den treasure in the field which a man found and hid, and re­joicing in it, he went to sell everything he had to buy the field.
    "And likewise, the spiritual kingdom is like a merchant who searched for precious pearls, and when he found one he went and sold all that he had and bought the pearl.
    "And again, the spiritual kingdom is like a fish net that was cast into the sea to catch all kinds of species. But when it was filled, they pulled it ashore, sat and gathered the good fish into vessels, and threw the useless fish away. Such is the spiritual kingdom which rules in man and whose king is man himself.
    "Therefore, pay heed to the parables and learn to solve their se­crets, so that you may learn to think and recognize the Laws of The Creation and follow them. Did you understand all I have told you?" And they answered, "Yes".
    And he continued, saying, "Therefore, every scribe who has be-come a disciple of the spiritual knowledge and the spiritual kingdom is like the father of the household who finds in his trea­sures things both old and new."
    After Jmmanuel had finished these parables, he went away.


    Later, he went into his father's city, Nazareth , and taught in the synagogue, and the people were shocked and they said, "How did he come by such wisdom and how can he do such mighty works? Is he not the carpenter Joseph's son whose wife became pregnant by a guardian angel's son? Is not his mother's name Mary? Are not his brothers Judas, Joseph, Simon and Jacob? And his sisters, are they not all here with us? Where does he get all the wisdom and power for his deeds?"

    They were much offended by him and threatened to turn him over to the courts. But Jmmanuel said, "A prophet is never esteemed less than in his own country and in his own house which will become true for all the future, and as long as man has little faith and follows the false teachings of the scribes and other misinterpreters of the truth. And it will become true in two times a thousand years, when man has become aware and thinking, that my real, unfalsified teaching will be revealed anew.

    "The new prophet of that far away future time will not have that much power and strength over the evil and of diseases, but his knowledge will include mine and his revelations about my real teaching will shake up the structure of the whole Earth, because at this time the world will be inundated by my teachings which have been distorted and falsified by the scribes, and the Earth will live in a false cult which will bring it death. Before the two times a thousand years are past, the new prophet will reveal my unfalsified teaching in small groups, as I teach in small groups my trusted friends and disciples, the wisdom and knowledge of the Laws of The Creation. And it shall not be given to know until that time whether it shall be that the prophet is of male or female.

    "That one's path will be beset with difficulties and obstacles, for he will start his mission in a peace-loving country in the north where there is a strong false cult of my teachings that have been falsified by distorters. In that place he did not show any great signs of his powers and did not publicize his great knowledge, because of disbelief. It is noted that his powers shall be hidden even from his own eyes that he might not misunderstand his path. There will come forth several blessed ones who will take the truth and give it forth unto the world and the Celestial Sons of the Heavens will give proof and credence unto the words. So be it for such is it written that in the final days distant, those ones shall prevail in the name and truth of The Creation.

    "And thus shall it come to pass in the generation of two times a thousand years, that these things shall come into fulfillment. "

    ************ ********

    Enough for this day, Dharma, for we have worked long and dili­gently. I grant you rest and peace, little one, for thy task is one of great responsibility. Ye have ones of greatness and filled with love, who will give unto thee the support ye need. So be it and I place of mine seal upon the writings of mine beloved, Ju­das, that they come into thy world in clarity and purity. Adonai and praise be unto Solen Aum Solen that this time has arrived that our works might come into fulfillment.


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