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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar



    TUE., AUG. 8, 1989 2:15 P.M. YEAR 2, DAY 357

    It came to pass in time, that Jmmanuel and his disciples went to Bethlehem where he continued teaching and demonstrating his teaching to the people. I, Judas Iscarioth, was among the dis­ciples , but I think it far more appropriate to simply relate from the scrolls rather than comment to any great extent for it is truly so personal and sacred unto me. Justice is a strange bed-fellow, brethren, it always finds its balance in perfection.
    So be it.
    Judas Iscarioth had become disloyal to the teaching of Jm­manuel and he followed only his desires. He secretly gathered up among the listeners of Jmmanuel gold, silver and copper in his money bag, so that he could idly indulge in his life style.

    But it came to pass that Juda Iharioth, the son of the Pharisee, Simeon, informed Jmmanuel of the abuses of Judas Iscarioth, because he hoped he would be paid for this information. Jm­manuel thanked him but did not pay him with any gifts so that Juda Iscarioth thought greatly of revenge, for he was greedy for gold, silver and goods of material worth.

    Jmmanuel responded to the information and led Judas Iscarioth into the desert, where he was taught by Jmmanuel for three days and three nights, the concepts of right and wrong so that the dis­ciple repented and soon followed, again, the teachings in a most careful manner. And, therefore, when they returned to the city, he distributed all of his belongings and the things he had gath­ered among the poor and became a most faithful disciple and living example to the people.

    Judas Iscarioth had been most faithful in the recording of the lessons and demonstrations as presented by Jmmanuel; however, it came to pass that all the scriptures were stolen from Judas--all the carefully scribed teachings and writings. He went forth to Jmmanuel and told him thereof.

    Jmmanuel rebuked him and said, "Verily, verily, I tell you, Ju­das Ischarioth, you will have to suffer far worse things than having been robbed of your writings about my teaching and my life. You will stand accused, undeservedly, of betraying me. This will last for over two millennia, because Simeon, the Pharisee, will see that it is so. His son, Juda Iscarioth, will the be guilty culprit, for he is like his father, Simeon Iharioth, a Pharisee, who wants to take my life. He is the one who has thieved the writings from you, and brought them to the scribes and the Pharisees, so that they can judge and kill me accord­ingly. He received seventy silver pieces for your writings, and he is to receive another thirty pieces of silver when he makes it possible to deliver me to the constable.

    "Mark mine words from this day forward. He will most cer­tainly succeed in doing that which he has been rewarded to do and you, Judas Iscarioth, will be blamed falsely and will become a martyr and this will stand unrebuked for two millennia.

    "Now, put thy remorse aside for you will write down my teach­ings and all about my life a second time, and added unto it, far into thy future. The time will come when your writings will be revealed, that is in two times a thousand years when it shall come to pass.
    "Until that time my teachings will be falsified and become an evil cult, and much human blood shall flow because of it. How-ever, people are not ready yet to believe in my teachings and to recognize truth, nor is it time for the realization of the prophecies. Human mankind is not ready to receive Truth.

    "It will be only after two times a thousand years that an insignif­icant man will come forth who will recognize my teachings as truth and disseminate it most courageously "He will be cursed by the cults that have arisen and the adher­ents of the false teachings and be regarded as a liar, charlatan and fraud. Even his life blood shall be spilled, as will that of his innocent family and friends. So shall it come to pass in that time of the prophets' predictions when the final prophecies are coming to completion.

    "But as for you, Judas Iscarioth, you will be undeservedly re­viled as a traitor and will be condemned, for this is what the fal­sity of the priests and the ignorance of the people desire. But disregard this and continue in our mission, for the teaching of Truth demands sacrifices of self indulgence and personal dis­pleasures. Know that thy name shall be cleared in its proper se­quence.

    "In their spirit and knowledge, people are not yet very devel­oped, and they have to first suffer much guilt and make many, many additional mistakes before they will learn. They must gather knowledge and wisdom in order to recognize truth.
    "Stay with me from now on, Judas, follow me and fulfill your duty as a writer of my teaching faithful, which is the teaching of the Laws of nature and thereby the original Laws of The Cre­ation. No one's 'will' is ever to exceed the will of The Creation which is revealed in the Laws.

    "The Laws of The Creation are good for yesterday and today, as well as for tomorrow, the day thereafter, and for all times in-finite. Thus, the Laws are destined and thereby predestined for things of the future which will have to transpire.

    "It will come to pass in the appropriate time of two millennia, you shall be given contact with one contracted upon Earth to put thy truth to print that thy name shall be cleared and the teachings brought forth in purity in order to fulfill the prophecies. You are beloved of me and as with all within The Creation, the cycle will flow forth and back in its timeless justice. Errors are made but often it is through the errors that the prophecies can be in completion. So be it."

    And, so be it, Dharma, for unto you this day am I humbly grate­ful. My life with the beloved God of Truth and Keeper of the Laws throughout the eons since Galilee have been ever glorious and my cup of joy has overflowed. It is no "penalty" to me for I stand so honored to be allowed to share the closing of a cycle in such greatness. This one who is my God, is also, first, my friend. Amen I AM EVER IN THY SERVICE I AM JUDAS OF ISCARIOTH


    TUE., AUG. 8, 1989 4:45 P.M. YEAR 2, DAY 357

    In the same day that Jmmanuel spoke of these things of my ac­cusing in deception, we went out from the town and walked along the shore of the sea. After a while we sat down where we might rest and be at peace for a respite. It was not to be. For when he sat down, many people gathered around him and pressed in so closely that he stepped onto a boat ported nearby. He sat upon the cross-bench and the people stood at the shore or sat upon the banks and sands.

    The Master Jmmanuel spoke to them in parables, about many things and I shall attempt to reconstruct them as noted in the scrolls. He began by saying, "A sower went out to sow seeds for the crops. When he scattered the seeds, several seeds fell by the wayside; and the birds came and ate them. Several seeds fell on the rock where there was not any earth in which they could take root. Later, several of the seeds burst forth with life but the sun was standing high in the sky and the seeds withered for they had no place in which to place their roots, they with­ered and dried out.

    "Some of the seeds fell under the thorn bushes; and the thorns grew and suffocated them. Ah, but some of the seeds fell on good land and bore abundant fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold.

    He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
    One of the disciples went to him and asked, "Why do you speak to them in parables, since they do not understand your teach­ing?"

    He responded by saying, "It is given to you to understand the secrets of the spirit, but to them it is not given. They do listen to my words, but they live according to the false teachings of their scribes and Pharisees. Their spirit is ignorant and empty and they first have to learn how to think. What would serve better to make them think, if not speaking parables? Verily I say to you, the knowledge of truth is valuable and good only if obtained through one's own thinking and drawing conclusions from within, that is, the solution of the secrets which are told in parables whereby the visions might be created. Man is still of such little faith and without knowledge, and he is not yet aware of the Laws of The Creation and the power of the spirit. There-fore, first man must learn to recognize the truth and thus also to live according to the law of the spirit. And thusly, he will be-come knowledgeable and powerful in his spirit.

    "It is such that he who has, to him shall be given, so that he may have abundance; but he who does not have, from him will be taken even that which he has. Therefore, I speak to them in parables. For with seeing eyes they do not see, and with hear­ing ears, they do not hear nor do they understand.

    "In them will be fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which says, 'You will hear with ears and shall not understand it; and with seeing eyes you will see and not recognize it.'

    "For the heart of these people is hardened and their ears hear evil, and their eyes are asleep, so they cannot see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and understand with their mind, and comprehend the truth and the Laws of The Creation what were given so that, thereby, they would obtain help and knowledge. For the people of Israel turned away from the Laws of The Cre­ation and are unfortunate and shall never find their peace. There shall always be the shedding of their blood, for they per­sistently trespass against the Laws of The Creation. They deem themselves above all the human races as the chosen people and consider of themselves a separate race. This is malicious error and also evil presumptuousness, f for inasmuch as Israel was never a nation, nor a race and thus, could not be a 'chosen' race by whatever definition Deserting all the Laws of The Creation. Israel is a mass of people with an unglorious past characterized by murder and arson as allowed by the cult laws set forth by the leaders. It is, however, destined that they will not be alone in their false journey.

    "There are only a few fathers in the mass of these ones that have an honorable past and can truly trace their lineage. They, how-ever, do not belong to the generation of cunning foxes who have sold themselves to the false Jewish faith, to the false faith and teachings they took over from Moses who in turn has stolen them from the Egyptians. These beloved few patriarchs are be­lievers of truth and knowledge and they recognize only the Laws of The Creation.

    "These blessed ones have become so few in number they can be counted on but one hand of fingers for they are persecuted and slain just as with John. Herod sent ones forth and had John be-headed while in prison. Oh, they are in no wise, wise and act most foolishly in their arrogance.

    "Blessed are your eyes that they see and your ears that they hear. Verily I say to you, many prophets and just men have de-sired to see that which you see, and have not seen it, and to hear that which you hear, and have not heard it. Many have passed into their graves in the searching and persecution through the eons of time but theirs shall be the kingdom of heaven. There-fore, listen carefully to this parable of the sower.

    "If one hears the word of truth of the spirit and of the laws and does not understand it, the wicked one comes and tears away what has been sown in his mind; it is he on whose path the seed has been planted.

    "Where the seed has been dropped upon the rocks, it is he who hears the word and soon embraces it with joy, but he has no roots in himself so that it could be rooted firmly and he will bend in the winds and blow easily from the fields; in the case of discomfort and any type of ridicule or harassment, he becomes angry and takes his leave.

    "Those ones by whom the seeds are planted among the thorns, that is, when he hears the word, the cares of the world and the delusion of material riches and security of self, chokes the truth and the knowledge and he brings forth no fruit for he cannot al-low himself to reach out beyond the bondage.
    "Now let us consider the one by whom the seed has been planted on good soil, who accepts the word and seeks truth and finds it; and then lives according to the Laws of truth, lets the fruit grow and ripen, and brings forth a rich harvest indeed, one bearing a hundredfold, the other sixtyfold, and the other thirty­fold-- indeed a grand investment of thine assets.
    "This is the meaning of the parable whose secrets have to be uncovered by men, so that they learn to think and find under-standing. But the path that leads to wisdom and truth is long and so is the compliance with the Laws of The Creation, which is yet so obvious."
    "Then he told them another parable, "The spiritual kingdom is like a man who planted good seeds in his field. But when he slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the good fruit and went silently away. When the seeds grew and brought forth fruit, weeds also grew in equal abundance.

    "The servants went to the fields and saw the weeds and came to the sower and said to him, 'Lord, did you not plant good seeds in your field? From where come the weeds?' He responded, 'An enemy did this.' And the servants said, 'Do you want us to go and pull the weeds from the fields?' The sower answered, 'No, lest ye pull out the good plants along with the weeds. Let both grow together until the time of harvest, and then I shall tell the cutters; 'First gather the weeds and tie them in bundles so that they can be burned and the ashes strewn over the field, to nourish the soil; but gather the good fruit and lay it up in my barn.' But, behold, said Jmmanuel, "both grow side by side, the weeds and the good fruit. The weeds somewhat hinder the full growth of the good fruit but later, the weeds will become compost and nourish the soil. Therefore, since good fruit needs nourishment in order to grow, if it was not for the weeds which are made into nourishment the fruit could not grow unto perfec­tion and abundance."
    Then Jmmanuel told them another parable. "The spiritual king­dom is like leaven which a woman took and mixed among three bushels of flour until it was thoroughly leavened."
    And thus did Jmmanuel talk to the people, in parables; but he did not talk ever without using parables, so that it might be ful­filled which was spoken by the prophet who had said, "He will open his mouth in parables and will voice that which was hidden from the beginning of the world, so that the people may learn therefrom and find truth, and recognize and follow the Laws."
    "Let he who has ears, hear! The spiritual kingdom is like a hid-den treasure in the field which a man found and hid, and re­joicing in it, he went to sell everything he had to buy the field.
    "And likewise, the spiritual kingdom is like a merchant who searched for precious pearls, and when he found one he went and sold all that he had and bought the pearl.
    "And again, the spiritual kingdom is like a fish net that was cast into the sea to catch all kinds of species. But when it was filled, they pulled it ashore, sat and gathered the good fish into vessels, and threw the useless fish away. Such is the spiritual kingdom which rules in man and whose king is man himself.
    "Therefore, pay heed to the parables and learn to solve their se­crets, so that you may learn to think and recognize the Laws of The Creation and follow them. Did you understand all I have told you?" And they answered, "Yes".
    And he continued, saying, "Therefore, every scribe who has be-come a disciple of the spiritual knowledge and the spiritual kingdom is like the father of the household who finds in his trea­sures things both old and new."
    After Jmmanuel had finished these parables, he went away.


    Later, he went into his father's city, Nazareth , and taught in the synagogue, and the people were shocked and they said, "How did he come by such wisdom and how can he do such mighty works? Is he not the carpenter Joseph's son whose wife became pregnant by a guardian angel's son? Is not his mother's name Mary? Are not his brothers Judas, Joseph, Simon and Jacob? And his sisters, are they not all here with us? Where does he get all the wisdom and power for his deeds?"

    They were much offended by him and threatened to turn him over to the courts. But Jmmanuel said, "A prophet is never esteemed less than in his own country and in his own house which will become true for all the future, and as long as man has little faith and follows the false teachings of the scribes and other misinterpreters of the truth. And it will become true in two times a thousand years, when man has become aware and thinking, that my real, unfalsified teaching will be revealed anew.

    "The new prophet of that far away future time will not have that much power and strength over the evil and of diseases, but his knowledge will include mine and his revelations about my real teaching will shake up the structure of the whole Earth, because at this time the world will be inundated by my teachings which have been distorted and falsified by the scribes, and the Earth will live in a false cult which will bring it death. Before the two times a thousand years are past, the new prophet will reveal my unfalsified teaching in small groups, as I teach in small groups my trusted friends and disciples, the wisdom and knowledge of the Laws of The Creation. And it shall not be given to know until that time whether it shall be that the prophet is of male or female.

    "That one's path will be beset with difficulties and obstacles, for he will start his mission in a peace-loving country in the north where there is a strong false cult of my teachings that have been falsified by distorters. In that place he did not show any great signs of his powers and did not publicize his great knowledge, because of disbelief. It is noted that his powers shall be hidden even from his own eyes that he might not misunderstand his path. There will come forth several blessed ones who will take the truth and give it forth unto the world and the Celestial Sons of the Heavens will give proof and credence unto the words. So be it for such is it written that in the final days distant, those ones shall prevail in the name and truth of The Creation.

    "And thus shall it come to pass in the generation of two times a thousand years, that these things shall come into fulfillment. "

    ************ ********

    Enough for this day, Dharma, for we have worked long and dili­gently. I grant you rest and peace, little one, for thy task is one of great responsibility. Ye have ones of greatness and filled with love, who will give unto thee the support ye need. So be it and I place of mine seal upon the writings of mine beloved, Ju­das, that they come into thy world in clarity and purity. Adonai and praise be unto Solen Aum Solen that this time has arrived that our works might come into fulfillment.


  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 10

    WED., AUG. 9, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 358
    Greetings in Radiance, Dharma, for another wondrous day has been given unto you by The Creation. Treasure each of the gifts for you have some unpleasant ones to come. So be it. Do not fail to witness the flowers and gifts along the path.

    I will surrender the alternation frequency to Judas Iscarioth that we not take too much time in idle chatter for your hands tire quickly enough and the time span is short for having this transla­tion finished. Enjoy the honor, however, for it is a great benevolence to allow an entity to clear of his false legacy and set a record to correctness. Blessings are upon you ones who re­ceive at Earth physical plane and set the dictation to permanent record. There will come a day in the twinkling of the universal eye when man shall find these words which will be ancient, and again, a world will be changed for it is experienced to be so. Salu, little sparrow, I grant you strength and accuracy that you concern not about it.

    Thank you in graciousness. Judas here to continue through the scrolls. Do not expect the original scrolls, which are in mine hands, to be brought in the original contact other than perhaps that you and a very limited few, can view them. They would be taken and most quickly destroyed by man. However, ye shall be given thy credence and credentials that thy writings be known as truth. May we do well this day, is my quest.

    ************ ********

    During the time that Jmmanuel dwelled in Nazareth , news about him reached Herod. Great speculation had arisen in the land and Herod was most distressed and told the people, "This surely must be John the Baptist, he has arisen from the dead, therefore he does possess great and mighty powers."
    Herod had seized John, bound him and put him into prison be-cause of Herodius, the wife of his brother Philippus, and sub­sequently had him beheaded.
    It had happened that John had reprimanded Herod saying, "It is not good that you have taken Herodius, for you have committed adultery with her, and you have to be punished according to the Law."
    At that moment he would like to have killed the Baptist but was afraid of the people, for they considered him to be a prophet. However, when Herod celebrated his birthday, the daughter of Herodius danced before him and it pleased him greatly. He was most lustful of her and in his foolishness, he made an unlawful oath that he would give unto her whatever she would demand of him.

    The young girl acted according to her mother's demands and re­sponded, "Bring me the head of John the Baptist on a platter of silver."
    But the daughter of Herodius wept when she said it, for she dearly loved John the Baptist and fully believed in his teachings.
    The king, Herod, was glad that Herodius had persuaded her daughter to demand the head of John because this way he would not be guilty in the eyes of the people, inasmuch as he had given an oath. But Herodius' daughter did not realize that Herod and her mother had agreed, even before the dance, to demand the head of John the Baptist through her. She thought it some type of banter to be enjoyed at the celebration festival.
    However, Herod immediately sent soldiers and had John be-headed within the prison, and his head was carried on a silver platter and given to the young girl. The girl was overwhelmed with grief and she kissed the forehead of the head that had been severed. She cried bitterly and said, "I did not know that love could taste so bitter." Then she took John's head to her mother and placed it mockingly at her feet.
    The disciples of John then came and took the body from the prison and buried it. They then searched out Jmmanuel and told him of what had happened.
    When Jmmanuel heard this he was overcome with anxiety for his work was not yet finished and he feared the same fate prematurely, so he went away on a light ship into a deserted area. When the people heard of this, they followed him on foot from the cities. But as Jmmanuel saw the crowds gathered, from a distance, he felt great sorrow for them and entered into a boat from across the water and came unto them; he went ashore, and healed the sick and infirm.

    In the evening the disciples came to him and said, "This area is so deserted and night is falling; tell the people to go away so that they can buy food and drink in the villages."
    But Jmmanuel said, "It is not necessary that they go away; give them something to eat and drink."
    But they responded, "We have nothing here but five loaves of bread and three fishes for we have looked and can find no more."
    Jmmanuel said, "Bring them unto me."
    He told the people to sit down, took the five loaves of bread and the fish, spoke a secret blessing, broke the loaves of bread and the fish, gave them to his disciples, and the disciples gave the food to the people. They all ate and were filled, and when fin­ished the remaining food was gathered into baskets, the baskets of morsels numbered twelve.
    There were about five thousand people who had eaten

    After they had eaten, Jmmanuel asked his disciples to get into a boat, and to take it over as far as the city ahead of him, until he could dismiss all of the people. After he dismissed all the peo­ple, he climbed to the crest of a small hillock where he might be alone for a brief rest that he might regain his strength and he stayed alone for a time of refreshment.
    Meanwhile, the ship of the disciples was in the mid area of the sea and was in great difficulty because the sea had swelled and the waves were overtaking the boat. A storm had risen and the wind was contrary and they were extremely distressed and fear­ful.

    During the fourth night watch, Jmmanuel came towards them, walking on the waves of the sea. When his disciples saw him walk upon the water, they were terrified and said, "He is a ghost!", and they were screaming in fear.
    Soon Jmmanuel reached near unto the boat and spoke to them saying, "Be comforted for it is I, do not be afraid. I have come to bring you to safety."
    "Master, is it truly you?" asked Peter. And Jmmanuel answered, "Verily, it is me."
    Peter could not understand and called to Jmmanuel, "Master, if it is you, please let me come to you---upon the water."
    Jmmanuel said, "Then come here unto me and do not be afraid, believe and know that the water will carry you and it shall carry you. Do not doubt in your faith and your knowledge, and the water will be firm beneath your feet."

    Peter stepped from the boat and was held above the water and he walked toward Jmmanuel. But then strong thunder ripped through the howling storm and he was startled and began to go down into the sea, and he screamed and called , "Jmmanuel, help me!" Jmmanuel quickly went to him, reached forth his hand and pulled him gently up above the waves saying, "Oh you of little faith, why are you startled, and why do you doubt when things appear to be difficult and formidable? The power of your knowledge gives you the ability which you have just witnessed. You trusted in my words before the thunder came, but when you were shaken and began to doubt, then the power of knowledge left you and your ability disappeared also.

    "Never doubt in the power of the spirit which is part of The Creation Itself and therefore does not know any limits of power.
    "Behold, there was a little bird who circled the sky a great dis­tance in the air and whistled and sang in rejoicement about life when a strong gust of wind came and made him waver. He suddenly doubted his power to fly, fell and crashed and was thusly killed.
    "Therefore, never doubt in the power of your spirit and never doubt in your knowledge, when logic proves to you the Law of The Creation. Even in thy daily lives you can see the logic of The Creation and know truth, for all about you will be done that which you perceive cannot be done."
    Peter and Jmmanuel then stepped into the boat, and Jmmanuel told the storm to stop, and it abated and the winds ceased to blow and all was quiet as the waves became stilled.
    Aboard the boat, the men marveled and said, "You are indeed a Master of the Spirit and someone who knows the Laws of The Creation. No one like you has ever been born, and also, no prophet has had such power."

    Jmmanuel smiled and answered, "I tell you there are greater masters of spiritual powers than me, and they are our patriarchs who came out of the great space, and the greatest among them is God and He is the spiritual ruler of the three human races. But above Him, is The Creation whose Laws he faithfully follows and adheres to, and he, God, is not omnipotent either, as only The Creation Itself, can be omnipotent. Thus there are limits for him who allows himself to be called God and who is above Kings and emperors, as has been said. But man is ignorant and immature because he considers God as the same as The Creation and follows the false teachings that were adulterated by dis­torters and charlatans. Thus, when man believes in God, he does not believe in The Creation, for God is man on a far greater dimension of perfection and it is left for man to grow in his own truth and perfection that he can attain such perfection.

    "There is a great difference in God and man, however, that in his spirit He is infinitely greater than all people upon the Earth. But he is NOT The Creation, which is infinite and without any form nor limitations. Thus, God, too, is a creation of the Origi­nal Creation which has no beginning and has no ending."

    All was very quiet upon the sea as they came across the water and went ashore, in the land of Gennasaret .
    When the people in this place became aware of him, they sent word all over the land and brought all to him who were sick and infirm. They asked that they might even touch the hem of his clothing that they might be healed, and thus it took place; those that so much as touched the hem of his robe became whole.

    ************ ********
    Thank you, Dharma, let us take a brief leave of the word for respite. Salu. I will await your signal to continue.

    CHAPTER 11

    WED., AUG. 9, 1989 10:00 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 358
    Ah yes, Dharma, let me give back unto you a song, "Put your hand in the hand of the one who stills the waters. Put your hand in the hand of the one who calms the seas. Take a look at your-self and you'll see your brother differently. And put your hand in the hand of the man of Galilee ." So be it for he offers his hand unto any who will accept of it for I know, I have walked with him since the eons past--I am Judas Iscarioth of Judea; long since gone from that place but walking with the Master. He is the way-shower and Captains this ship unto its proper portage. You are given to walk in physical form at this glorious, most glorious time of a golden dawn. You ones are most blessed; you who take his hand and prepare a place for his coming forth in radiance. You cannot comprehend how blessed ye are to have these truths bestowed upon you. And, further, to be granted the gift of building of the city is beyond thy grasp---so be it for it shall finally come into thy realization.

    ************ ********

    There came to Jmmanuel, Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem , saying, "Why do your disciples disregard the laws of the el­ders?"
    He answered and spoke to them, "Why do you violate the Laws of The Creation for the sake of your own man-written laws? Moses said according to the Laws of The Creation, 'You must honor your father and your mother; but he who unjustly honors his father and mother shall die a death.'
    "Butyou teach: He who says to his father or mother: 'I sacrifice to the cult what I really owe to you', he needs to honor his father and/or his mother; and so you did away with the Laws of The Creation for the sake of your statutes and hunger for power. You hypocrites, Isaiah prophesied about you accurately and said, 'The people of Israel honor The Creation only with their lips, for their hearts and their knowledge are far from it. They serve their cult in vain because they preach such falsehood and deception, which are nothing but man-made laws."
    Jmmanuel called the multitude and said: "Hear and under-stand! "
    "The teachings of the scribes and the Pharisees are wrong and are all lies, because they teach you man-made laws, which are not the Laws of The Creation nor of God."
    His disciples came to him and said, "Do you know that the scribes and the Pharisees took great objection to your words when they heard it? They went out from here to witness against you and to have you slain because of your teachings."
    But Jmmanuel answered, "All plants that do not live according to the Laws of The Creation, will dry and perish or will rot and perish. Let them say what they will say and do what they will do, for they are the blind leaders leading blinded ones. But when the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a ditch. But we will go away from this place that the persecutors remain without gratuity."

    Peter then spoke unto Jmmanuel, "Please interpret, to us, your speech about the blind men."
    Jmmanuel reprimanded his disciples and said, "Are you, too, still without understanding and therefore ignorant and doubting in thy spirit? You have been with me for a very long time, but you still do not have the ability to think and recognize truth. Verily I say to you, you yourselves will do much towards falsi­fying my teachings in the future, for you do not come into proper understanding of such simple truth. With your knowledge, you hardly exceed that of the other people who have not walked with me. Have you not yet realized that all the parables and speeches have a spiritual meaning and are about the spiritual life of man-kind? Oh you of little faith, does not your un­derstanding exceed the stupidity of the people and those who make no effort to follow the Laws of The Creation and of God? BEWARE, OR YOU WILL SEE ME IN A FALSE PERCEP­TION AND LIGHT AND ACCUSE ME OF AN ORIGIN OF WHICH I CANNOT BE."

    Then Jmmanuel went away from that place and escaped to the area of Sidon and Tyre .
    But, again, he was antagonized by the Sadducees and Pharisees who came to him and demanded that he would let them see a "sign" of his spiritual power.
    But he answered and said, "In the evening you say, 'Tomorrow will be a fair day, for the sky is red.' Then in the morning you say, 'Today will be foul weather, for the sky is red and dull.' You can discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot you then also discern the signs of the times as they appear unto you? This wicked infidel generation is seeking a sign; there shall be no sign given unto it, but the sign of Jonah who disappeared alive into the belly of the whale and stayed alive therein, and came again alive into the light."

    Jmmanuel said not another word, turned from them and left and went away from that place.
    Jmmanuel and his disciples then boarded a boat and sailed across the sea and arrived ashore on the other side of the sea. They found that they had forgotten to bring bread along on the journey.

    Jmmanuel spoke to them, "Take care and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees."

    They spoke among themselves and one said, "That probably means something to the effect that we haven't taken along bread or something else to eat," and mumbled and grumbled among themselves. Jmmanuel heard them and he was angry and said, "Oh you of so little faith, why does it concern you that you have no bread? Do you still not understand? Do you not have the imagination to understand my speeches? Are you of such little faith and without understanding that you are unable to recognize the meaning therein? Do you still not understand, and do you wish to not understand for all times to come?

    "Do you not remember the five loaves of bread and the three fishes divided among the five thousand, and how many baskets you lifted up still filled? I speak not of the bread you eat every day, but beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees."
    Finally, they understood that he had not said to beware of the leaven of the bread, but of the false and adulterated teachings of the scribes and Pharisees.

    Jmmanuel then traveled into the area of Cesarea Philippi and asked his disciples, "Who do these people say that I am?"
    They answered, "Some say that you are John the Baptist, others, that you are Elia, and others again, that you are Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
    Then Jmmanuel said to them, "Who do you say that I am?"
    Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Messiah the prophets had spoken about, and a son of the living God, the spiritual ruler of the three human races."

    Jmmanuel was most angry with irritation and answered and said to him, "Oh you unfortunate one, my teaching has not revealed it to you, for I instructed you in truth and you have listened not. I also tell you that you are a faithful disciple, but your under-standing must be compared to that of an unlearned child. You are Peter and I cannot build my teaching on your rock, and you will open the portals of ignorance, inasmuch as people will be overcome by your false interpretation of my teaching, and shall follow it, and live according to false teachings. I cannot give you the key of the spiritual kingdom, or you would open it with false locks and false portals. I am not the son of the spiritual ruler of the three human races, and therefore not the son of God.

    "My mother is Mary who conceived me through a guardian an-gel, a descendent of our patriarchs, and my Earthly father is Joseph who is a mortal father to me that I might have Earthly birthright, and further, Peter, ye shall some day correct of thy misunderstanding that the truth shall go forth to the four corners of thy planet."

    He then warned the disciples not to tell anyone such a story as had been pronounced by Peter and not to go forth and teach such erroneous stories and false teachings. "SO BE IT AND SELAH! AHO!"

    From that time forward, Jmmanuel began to tell the disciples that he would have to go to Jerusalem and that he would be caused to suffer much from the elders and the scribes and high priests, because he could not avoid bringing his teachings unto them.

    Peter was angry and said to him, "May God or The Creation prevent that! This may not be allowed to happen to you, for they shall arrest, torture, and kill you."

    But Jmmanuel turned to Peter in equal anger and retorted, "Get away from me, Satan. You are an annoyance, for you are not thinking in spiritual reasoning, but in human thought and desire. Simon Peter, again you make me angry and show your ignorant thinking. It is not alone your thinking but it comes forth from thy lips in behalf of all mine accredited ones.
    "Verily, I say unto you this day, because of your ignorance the world will shed much blood, because you will falsify my teach­ing and spread it among the people and it will become more and more twisted and inverted. You will be guilty of the deaths of many peoples, and of the origin of a false name for me, and of the evil insult of calling me the Son of God, and that God is The Creation Itself, for it shall come to pass as I speak it.

    "But you are still under the grace of my long suffering patience and you can still improve your ignorance by some measures, but I am remaining in great annoyance with you, brother."

    And then Jmmanuel said to his disciples, "If someone wants to follow my teaching, he should take the burden of seeking the truth, of realization, and of understanding upon himself. But man will surely not do so for man is lazy and careless, he will believe that which anyone speaks unto him. It will be those who live their lives in truth and knowledge who will be victorious, but he who lives his life in untruth and ignorance, will lose.

    "What would a man profit if he would gain the entire world and all that is in it, and would damage his spirit? Or, how can man help his spirit, if he is unable to "think"! Man must think care-fully and learn about all circumstance in which he finds himself that he not pre judge without proper knowledge regarding that of which he judges. Ye have neither the patience nor the will­ingness to go forth and ferret out the truth of a given circum­stance but judge on untruth and limited knowledge and pro­nounce thy judgment loudly about the lands. It will merit you nothing in the spans of that which you call "time". The Creation is timeless, and so is the spirit of man.

    "Verily I say to you, there are some here who will not taste the power of spirit in this life span, which they will learn in the next life to come; or the next after that. But the spirit of man is igno­rant as long as he has gained knowledge through human thinking and research. And so the spirit of man is not a machination of man, but a part of The Creation given to him which has to be made aware and has to be perfected, so that he proceeds to be One with The Creation, since The Creation, too, lives in con­stant change and growth. I repeat--The Creation is timeless, and so is the spirit of man.

    "The teaching of knowledge is extensive and not easy, but it is the way to life, manifold in its manner. The human life of man is destined to be perfection of the spirit, so that he lives his life in fulfillment thereof. Even if man makes mistakes, he learns from them and gathers perception and knowledge, thereby cul­tivating his spirit and acting according to his strength. Without mistakes it is impossible to gather perception and knowledge so that the spirit can be cultivated.

    "Verily I say to you, the teachings of the high priests, the Phar­isees, and the scribes are deceptive and false, when they tell you that a mistake would be punished by God or The Creation, when the mistake serves the purpose and the knowledge of the spirit.
    "Since there is no mistake that can be punished if this mistake serves the perception and knowledge of the spirit, so then there is no mistake that can be inherited, and no punishment in this world or another world for the literal punishment of such a mis­take would contradict all the Laws of Nature, and thus, all the Laws of The Creation.

    "In this life--still in another life--there is no punishment, if a mistake has been committed, which will serve the perception and knowledge of the spirit. If man lives with the vocation to perfect his spirit and obtains perception and knowledge through his mistakes, he leads a life for which he was destined.

    "However, if man does not learn according to the rules and the size of his spirit which is governed by the Law of The Creation, he is led into things which have to be in accord therewith, since they are destiny. It shall be long before man comes into his bal­ance in understanding of these words.

    "Let it be realized that the spiritual powers of other people af­fect the life of the individual; either in a perception of good or bad.

    "But if man at this time begins to think and perceive, he needs the teaching; therefore, the prophets have been sent by the Ce­lestial Sons to teach the human race the true Laws of The Cre­ation and the knowledge regarding life.
    "The people are still most ignorant, following the false laws of the high priests and the distorters because they do not perceive the new teaching in its truth. Incomprehensibly so, they curse the truth which has to come. They curse the prophets, stone, kill and crucify them. But since the teaching of the truth must be spread among the people, the prophets will simply have to bear the great burdens and whatever suffering might come forth under the execration of the people.

    "Therefore, many prophets have been persecuted, are being persecuted and so shall it be after my time is past. The prophecy of the destiny according thereto is that this also applies to me, and that I, innocently, will be declared guilty.
    "However, brethren, I shall not be killed, but being in a state of semi-death, I will be considered to be dead for some three days and nights. I will be placed in a tomb so that the sign of Jonah will be fulfilled.
    "This shall come to pass at such time as I attain a certain perception within myself, increase my own knowledge, and cre­ate a new power in mine own spirit. So be it for it shall come to pass."
    And thus the days passed in teachings and lessons.

    One day it happened that a disciple went to Jmmanuel and said, "Who is the greatest in spirit?"

    Jmmanuel called to a child who was nearby, and placed it among them and spoke, "Verily I say to you, if you do not change and become as the children, you will not become great in spirit. He who searches and seeks and gathers understanding, who thirsts for knowledge as this child, will be great in spirit. And he who searches and seeks and finds like such a child, will be in himself always the greatest. But he who does not heed this truth and follows false teachings, and neither searches nor finds, would be better off with a millstone around his neck, hanged, and drowned at sea, where it is the deepest, for there is no sense in life and there is no fulfilling of its meaning without searching, seeking and finding.

    "It would be better to expel those who do not understand, from life, so that they cannot hinder the willing, who do seed truth. But in the after life it is certain that the unreasonable people are willing to heed the Law of The Creation. Woe to the world be-cause of annoyances. Trouble must come; but woe to the one through whom it is caused.
    "However, if your hand or your foot annoys you and is lost, do not take heed. It is better to lose a limb and to grow great in spirit than to have two hands and two feet and remain small in spirit or to wither altogether.

    "Further, if an eye offends you and becomes blind; do not pay attention to it. It is better for you to "see" the Laws of The Cre­ation in the vision and might of your spirit, rather than having two eyes and be spiritually blind. See to it that you do not be-come one of those who are sound in body but sick and lacking in mind and spirit.

    "Search always the meaning and truth of my teachings. Since I am as human as are you, I, too, have to search and perceive for I, too, am about mine growing and understanding.
    "However, since I am human like you and have gathered my knowledge, so are you capable of learning, searching, perceiv­ing, and knowing; through this you follow the Law of The Cre­ation. And through this will you know that you, too, can reach thy perfection. For I come forth that you might know of the path and truth.

    "If your fellow man makes errors and embraces teaching in falseness, go to him and confront him in privacy. If he listens to you, you have won your fellow man and done a great service. If he does not hear you and keeps on embracing his senseless­ness, let him go, for he is not worthy of your teaching once you have done all that you can do. However, come to your own knowledge that that which you proclaim is in actual fact, truth. and not of thy own perception of personal opinion.

    "It is better to allow an unreasonable person to walk on the path of misery than to bring confusion to one's own spirit; therefore, take great caution that you be absolute in your TRUTH, and not tainted by falseness to any manner or degree.

    "Verily I say to you: The heavens would fall down before an unreasonable person could be taught reason, therefore, beware of same, for acceptance of truth comes from just logic and clar­ity of reason
    "Sow the seeds of truth and wisdom on fertile soil where they can be germinated and grow, for only germinated seed and sturdy plants will bring forth great fruit."
    About this time Jmmanuel departed from Galilee and went into the Jewish land, beyond the Jordan river .

    Many people followed him there also, and he healed those who came to him in request of help.
    The Pharisees also came to him, taunted him, and said, "Is it right for a man to divorce his wife for any cause?"

    Jmmanuel answered and said, "Verily I say to you, stars would fall from heaven before divorce is permissible, because, for the sake of marriage does a person leave his father and mother and stay with his spouse, and they will become one flesh and one blood. And they are no longer two, but as one in flesh and in blood, and that is theirs. And from that oneness can they then bring forth offspring which again, are one flesh and one blood of their father and their mother combined. What, therefore, has been joined together, let no man put asunder, for it is against the Laws of Nature that the child can be properly nurtured and grow in truth and strength as one within the unit of 'one'".

    Then they retorted, "Why then, did Moses command that a letter of separation be issued in case of divorce?"

    He spoke to them, "Moses gave you permission to divorce be-cause of the hardness of your own hearts and the dominion over you, but it has not been so since the beginning of the human race, for in this instance Moses did break the Law. But I say to you that whoever divorces except if it be for adultery in fornica­tion, or for other errors made by the other, is breaking a mar­riage."

    Then the disciples inquired of him, "If that is the way it is be­tween a person and his spouse, it is not good to marry."

    But he responded wearily to them, "Not everyone understands this word, save those to whom it is given, for some do not enter a marriage, because from the time of their birth they are un­suited for marriage; some do not enter a marriage because other people have made them unsuited for it, and others, again, do not enter a marriage because they renounce marriage for the sake of spiritual power. He who can grasp this, let him grasp this. It is not the divorcing that should be given the careful consideration but rather the marriage."

    Then it was that the children were brought to him so that he would lay his hands on them to bless them. But the disciples re­buked them as being an annoyance. But Jmmanuel spoke, "Leave the children alone and do not stop them from coming to me; for they are my most attentive listeners and of such is the kingdom of wisdom."

    He put his hands on them and said, "Teach knowledge and wis­dom, and you shall be spiritually complete and true followers of the Law. Verily I say to you, inasmuch as I am called Jmmanuel, which means 'God with us', you, too, shall bear this name if you perceive the wisdom of knowledge."

    He then said to his disciples, "Verily, verily I say to you, seek knowledge and perceive the truth if you are to be wise. Since I am named 'God with us', this means that I stand spiritually above Kings and emperors, which means, truth is among us. Thus I am the king of wisdom among the human races, as God is the king of wisdom among the Sons of Heaven, which are the creators of the three human races.

    "But as I was born of Earth woman and speak her language, I am called Jmmanuel as God is called God in his language, which means king of wisdom and ruler over this human race and ruler over the people.

    "Seek and understand my speech and its meaning lest you may be so bold to call me the Son of God, or to attribute to me the power of The Creation, or to insult me by calling me the ruler over good and evil. Behold the little children, they are not like you; they believe in the truth and the wisdom of my speech, and therefore wisdom shall be theirs. So why do you push them away?"

    Then he gently placed his hands upon them and then departed the place.

    As they were walking, Peter said to him: "Behold, we have for­saken all to follow you, and what shall we get for that?"

    Jmmanuel spoke to them, "Verily I say to you, you who follow me, some of you will embrace the wisdom of my teaching, so you will be spiritually great in the incarnations to come. But some of you will not perceive the wisdom of my teaching and will spread false teachings about me in the times to come. But those shall have a difficult time finding the truth in their coming incarnation. But ye must come into thy truth and wisdom in the conclusion if ye are to gain thy spiritual perfection. And thus it will be among the human races from East to West, and from North to South. My teaching will be brought to many, but they will not perceive it. Many will follow false teachings about me and therefore not find the truth, because they consider me God or his son, or perhaps even the Son of The Creation.

    "Great words will be spoken and some will proclaim that they alone know the truth, because they have become victims of a terrible mistake, and thus follow evil and falsified teachings.

    "Many will be the first among human races, because they will think humanly in their false teachings. But they will be the last in spiritual knowledge and very small, indeed, in wisdom. Wisdom will only be where the knowledge about wisdom bears fruit and follows and respects the Laws of The Creation in truth."

    I, Sananda do place my seal upon these words. So be it and Se-Iah. I AM THAT I AM, I AM SANANDA. SALU, SALU, SALU.

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