In this, is what the Alpha and Omega REALLY are. Watch closely. It will change your concept of God. Completely-Candace

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1989 10:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 063

Ashtar present and ready for AIDS, greetings and blessings on the truth as it flows and may it find its intended receivers. I dictate, you write and God willing, prepared ears and eyes will receive. You were told that you would not understand that which would be brought by the silver cloud cadets and our intent is that just one receive a portion of insight from each subject and then in working together you will find the whole. I do not like working in the form of riddles either, but there is no choice for your controlling elements will stop at nothing to stop your completion of this material.

Your researchers are so very close to the answers that the sum is lost in the simplicity. So be it that Dr. Russell is available now for a bit of basic discussion, would you please receive.
Ah but would old friends, such as we, recognize the modern labels they tag upon our beings. Good day in the light and radiance of the whole. I would tarry and share in comfortable visitation but we have a most urgent task at hand which needs attention. We travel back a very long ways, my friend, and I am pleased to again be in the ability to work with you. Thank you for attending for I do not utilize the gift of ethereal writing.

How little man actually knows and understands; those bits and pieces of a magnificent puzzle which teases the brains and remains ever elusive to the grasping mind. For instance, no one upon your planes recognized how it is that crystals, as a simple example, get their various shapes--they are all "cube" fragments you must realize. How are they determined? Well, they are de­termined in space by the shapes of the "wave" fields which bound the various elemental structures.
Nor, in the end of the lectures and speculations, do you actually have much conception of what constitutes the life principle, nor the principle of growth and to cause disruption by "ungrowth" or disintegration? You must have a concept of the life principle spiral and ever cycling movement on frequency paths. You must know that there is a simultaneous unfoldment-refoldment principle which repeats all patterns in Nature sequentially and records and voids them as they are repeated. This is a most basic point of truth in that which you set out to do in the interruption of the life-streams of retroviruses--- the case currently in point.
You must be aware of that recording principle by means of which the Creator carries forth the sum totals of ever sequential cycle in His unfolding and refolding universe unto the very end of its manifestations upon one planet and its beginning on a new one. Dear ones, this is far more important than casual "maybe so" and "maybe not". Again, everything--EVERYTHING--is a cycle of unfolding and refolding and I shall enlarge upon that concept more relatively a bit farther on in this documentation.
Within the secret which is "light" is the answer to ALL of these heretofore unanswered questions, and many more that you shall rejoice in the discovery thereof as you move along your path; those which the ages have not yet allowed to be in the solving. This revelation of the nature of light will be the inheritance of man in this coming age of greater comprehension. Its unfoldment will prove the existence of God as well, those acceptable even to the sciences and religions alike. That alone would be well worth this effort; would it not?
There is no department of life which will not be vitally affected by this new knowledge of the nature of Light, from the university to the laboratory, from government to industry, and from nation to nation. I simply find it difficult to present it all here in a hodge podge format of deletions to fit the urgent need. Therefore I shall endeavor to present to you concepts relevant to your imme­diate needs. I trust I shall find some understanding perceptors.
I will tell you in advance, for those of you who will poo poo my information for I shall not, nor could I, separate what you call "physical and provable scientific method" from that prana resource which is "mind" and higher dimension. It will only be man in higher dimensional thought who will unravel these puzzles and be able to manifest the physical concept into apparatus.
This electric universe is a complexity of strains caused by the interaction of these two opposing, interchanging electric desires. All matter is electric. Therefore, all matter is conditioned into greater or lesser strains according to the intensity of desire which is the cause of all electric strain to which it is subjected.
The farther removed from rest the greater the strain or tension. That which we call high electric potential is merely great strain to maintain a condition which is far from the condition of rest.

Now, what might have this to do with viruses which have moved into body cells and won't go away but continue to mutate and violate the central cellular master system? Simple, you pass the proper tonal light frequency through the cells and place such strain on the viruses that they cannot remain "whole" and will diffuse in order to move in the direction of rest. When this has been accomplished the particles again find that rest and when this happens, the strain and tension have been voided. The tension has not BECOME rest, it has simply ceased to be.

The entire electric universe is a complex maze of similar tensions--from the greatest to the smallest. Every particle of matter is separated from its condition of oneness, and each is connected with the other by an electric thread of light which measures the tension of that separateness. Therefore it is obvious that ALL is actually only ONE. Each structure within its societal structure striving for its unity as an operating whole.

I like the example of sodium chloride. When sodium and chlorine desire separateness from their oneness of condition in sodium chloride, an electric strain is set up between that separated Trinity. When the desire for separateness has gone out of sodium and chlorine, the electric tensions which bound them to the rest condition from which they sprang are voided. Likewise sodium and chlorine are utterly voided.

The reason for this is that all matter is a series of electric tensions. When the tensions cease, the conditions set up by them ceases. Here is a most important notation: Electrical tensions exist ONLY between UNBALANCED electrical matter in motion which is separated from other electrical matter in motion. Wherever there is a condition of rest, electricity ceases to be. Electricity is, therefore, a dual force which seemingly unbal­ances a condition of rest by dividing it into two opposite conditions and setting them in seeming motion. Interchange between the two opposites of motion voids the unbalanced condition at the end of each cycle of electric expression. Therefore, for each cycle there must be the projection and the reflection--to be successful you cannot have half a whole.

Let us consider the apparatus for producing specific strain on an intracellular virus. Well, already you know that you have two very differing entities of differing composition.

You must visualize to understand the cycle of any thing or organism. Take man, for you must think of "generating man" as infant, child and youth. Following his generating cycles come the degenerative ones in which he gradually repays all of his borrowings from his zero of rest and returns to that zero to again borrow power to express the idea of man, etc.

This process of Nature, which expresses its cycles of idea in nine lesser cycles, is conspicuously present in the life-death cycles of the elements of matter. Carbon alone expresses the idea of matter. All the nine octaves and major frequencies of the elements are stages of unfoldment and refoldment of carbon. The first four and a half octaves lead to the maturity of carbon by the genero-active contraction of gravity (which is cycled electricity). It is the hardest of all of the other stages of its transition, having the highest melting point (here, once again, you have integration of vibration frequency interrelated with tem­perature created by that vibration on a given substance). The last four and a half octaves lead from maturity through old age to disappearance at the end of the nine octave cycle by the radioactive expansion of vacuity.

Now, if you would consider the body whole, you would see that if you could maintain the frequency within the master cellular control system, say at the level of maturity you would not need reverse into the degenerative factor.

Now here is another fundamental basic point from which to extend hypotheses. Genero-activity begins at the birth of carbon in the first octave with genero-active, inner explosive speed of light, which is 186,400 miles per second. It ends with an equal radioactive, outer explosive speed. This speed is the limit at which motion can reproduce itself in curved wave fields before reaching zero where motion and curvature cease.


Carbon fulfills the plan of the Creator in His desire to create but one form: the cube-sphere. Carbon alone crystallizes in true cube, with all of the qualities of the true cube and sphere fully exemplified. All other elements which crystallize as cubes are octave extensions of carbon. All such extensions occupy the four-zero-four position of wave amplitude.

In carbon are all of the elements of its previous stages, just as in man are all of the actions and reactions of his previous stages. Hydrogen is a one octave younger prototype of carbon. It forms on the wave amplitude at four-zero­four just as carbon forms at four-zero-four one octave ahead. In hydrogen is a whole octave of elemental tones. Several of these have been recently discovered and wrongly labeled isotopes. Isotopes are split tones such as those which a violinist could produce between full tones.

A most amazing thing happens at this point in the unfolding of carbon's life record. Hydrogen's melting point is 259 degrees below zero centigrade and in one octave the winding up process of nature acts like a whiplash at its halfway position where genero-activity and radioactivity meet as equals. This effect tightens the winding of carbon into such a dense substance that the melting point jumps to 3600 degrees above zero in that one octave.

Nature immediately counterbalances this accelerative action by dropping nitrogen, the next element beyond carbon, into a gas which melts at 210 degrees below zero centigrade. It does not recover from the gaseous condition during the rest of its octave.

Another important note to make is herein. The cosmic seed of the silicon octave is neon.

Nature records every action and desire of the body, likewise every conscious desire and thought of the soul in those cosmic elements which are called "the inert gases"; helium, neon, krypton, argon and some others. These cosmic elements, which will not unite with the physical elements, are the basis of God's recording system by means of which every thought and action of every creating thing is stored in them as seed-extensions from sun and earth centers for repetition until their purposes are fulfilled.
Everything in Nature is purposeful and nothing in Nature fulfills its purpose in one life cycle.
Nature multiplies the time dimensions of her light waves so that patterned records of forms which have expanded beyond man's range of sensing can come within that range, then divides those time dimensions until they again disappear into the other half of their cycle beyond man's range of sensing.
When carbon becomes one octave older at the four-zero-four position of cobalt in the sixth octave, it divides its full tone into ten split isotope tones; five on either side.
Carbon has lost much of its vitality and changes its character by thus dividing it into cobalt isotopes. Its melting point has dropped to 1480 degrees, which is slightly higher than the silicon stage of carbon. Because of sharing that position with ten others (isotopes) it has lost much of its true cube-sphere quality of balance which the four-zero-four position manifests. It does, how­ever, become obvious that if an unbalanced particle enters into a previously balanced, let us say, cell and vibrates at a higher dimensional tone it will cause immense strain on the cellular system causing immediate deterioration of the cellular system; now, add to that a substance, say a retrovirus which has the capability of interjecting itself into the very DNA structure, you have an effort at regaining balance--unfortunately to the detriment of the living tissue culture for the carbon creation cannot function and survive in the presence of the attacker.

I will pass this rather quickly but there will be ones of you who can recognize the importance of these opposing elements. Keep in mind, please, what I just said: "When carbon becomes one octave older at the four-zero-four position of cobalt in the sixth octave, it divides its full tone into ten split isotope tones; five on either side." Let us, however, consider further, the four-zero-four position.

This position is one of balance between pairs of metallic opposites such as iron and nickel, manganese and copper, chromium and zinc or sodium and chloride. When any of these pairs lose their metallic quality, such as iron and oxygen in iron rust, or sodium and chlorine in sodium-chloride, they find both rest and balance in the stony quality of the salts; they crystallize in the cubic system if they are equal or near equal opposite pairs. Sodium-chloride is an excellent example. One can see its approximately true cubes in sodium-chloride (ordinary table salt) or the more distorted cube crystals of sodium-iodide.
The four-zero-four position in the octaves of the elements is the position of rest where any action must end its half cycle and begin its other half. It comes to a point of rest before returning to a point of rest, as all actions and reactions in nature do.

Now, consider a retrovirus which is a crystalline living organism. Specifically recombinant retroviruses--do you see that, in the end, they must recombine to survive for they are basically introduced into alien culture and must adapt their environment to one habitable to their existence?

At one octave of further aging carbon becomes rhodium and again climbs to its amplitude position at four-zero-four by five efforts and descends by five more. Rhodium is more vital than cobalt, for its melting point is 1950 degrees.
The cosmic seed of the rhodium octave is krypton. Great vitality is often evidenceD in nature's creations after they have fully matured. The radioactive death principle is as vital in disintegrating the body as the genero­active principle is in integrating it. That vitality is enhanced by the opposition of the genero-active resistance set up against it. Such strong, vital metals as silver, nickel, copper, tantalum, tungsten, osmium, platinum and gold belong to the next two aging half cycles of carbon.

The next octave of carbon is lutecium and the cosmic seed is xenon. The cosmic seed of carbon's last octave of disappearance arises from the unknown inert gas niton.


The octaves of the elements of matter "grow" from seed, just as all things grow from seed. From the moment the elements unfold from their seed they are in a constant state of transition, from the beginning of their cycle to the end.



They constitute the recording system of this creating universe. They surround the zero from which motion springs and to which it returns. They represent minimum motion in the wave, just as amplitudes represent maximum motion. They are the seeds of the octaves of matter, and each octave has a different seed just as different trees have different seeds. Further, they each have a color tone of light ray which is in infinite hues but always of the same "tone" and each has a harmonic frequency which will match its counterpart in matter.
This is why, in dealing with carbon--which man is, you will need to function within the general spectrum of neon which is the seed.
Elements are waves, and waves disappear and reappear. God's recording system does not allow any creating thing to disappear without recording the actions and reactions of its stages of appearance. All states of motion are recorded in the inert gases. In the inert gases are the souls of their bodily manifestations in the universe of motion. In them is desire for expression and the patterned form of that octave.
The cosmic inert gases fill all space between the stars of the heavens. They insulate states of motion from each other by their balancing zero. They bring all motion into being through the will of the Creator, true to the pattern of desire.
There are nine cosmic gases; the first and the last being one. Alphanon begins the cycle and omeganon ends it--to begin again at alphanon. There is no beginning and no ending--just as with soul life. The list of cosmic gases follows: alphanon, betanon, gammanon, helium, neon, argon, krypton, Xenon, niton and omeganon. The ones known to you at this time are helium, neon, argon, krypton and zenon. It is well time for you to be looking beyond.

Dharma, I note this is most tiring and you had several hours of writing for Commander Hatonn prior to our meeting. I would assume the Commander would allow sharing of that early morning document, for you will never again separate man and God and the cycles closing in this particular time of history upon your planet. It will give confirmation that you are not alone for the Lord will send his hosts from the heavens to abide with you, and it has begun in its last countdown. I am most grateful to be chosen for input in these troubled times for my life-stream has been directed, as has yours, to the days of confusion and tribulation. I am most pleased and humble to be included.

I will withdraw that you might take respite. I will be available at your summons.

Thank you for your willing participation and patience with my dawdling. I tend to desire comprehensive information of the subject and we have not the time nor need of such for my work is available for those who can abide the confusion.

I would request another session this day for I wish to analyze the spectrum, for light is the universal language and man has not realized it fully. I consider it most interesting.
Walter Russell to withdraw.


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1989 6:15 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 064

Walter (Russell) present to discuss the matter of the spectrum and do some analytical elaboration. I see that we are moving ahead of the group having to rearrange my punctuation and respell our incorrect printing. I will make an effort to assist a bit more carefully. Your life is so overfilled with duties that I feel most uncomfortable inserting myself to such great extent. I think ones around you do not understand how exhaustive this work becomes.

Light is the universal language. Through spectrum analysis of light waves man has been able to analyze and recognize each element when in its incandescent stage. By means of the spectroscope, you have been enabled to divide light rays through prisms into the component parts which make up the life history of each stage of its two-way cycle.

My colleague, Royal, utilized circular, wedge-shaped, block-crystal quartz prisms to polarize the light to be sent through his scope. You must have the ability to send every portion of the spectrum through the prism. That portion is selectable, so that a very narrow band corresponding to any color from infra-red up through the visible colors and then through the entire ultra-violet range -- in extremely narrow steps, can be selected for use in illuminating the specimens. As you encounter mutants of a given frequency of a particle, bacteria, virus, etc., you will find very, very critical and minute variations of perfect attunement. However, do not let this mislead you for remember, the perfection of attunement must be with the perfect cell so that stress is maintained on the invader particle.

Your problem becomes significant in that destruction comes rapidly, even in a most slowly growing retrovirus, in the integration with the DNA structure. The most desirable time for correction is, of course, before that invasion takes place.

This is where "preventive medicine", if you will, will be your method of choice---in other words, once perfected and your frequencies pretty well assumed, you will treat the "well" body on a rather regular basis.

You will find such increased well-being, prolonged perfection and renewal of the whole body that it will be a most sought-after therapy, or ongoing treatment, for a healthy society.

Each and every element tells the story of its entire previous "incarnations" in other octaves, since its beginning. Any line in one octave is repeated in the next, but shifted in position because of the changing pressures of each succeeding octave. Let us use hydrogen for discussion.

The spectrum of hydrogen is preponderantly red. A bright red line indicates its present octave. Other red lines tell its past history in lower octaves.

Let us say that you take the history of hydrogen, as compared to the complex spectrum of say, iron and it becomes like the history of an obscure child as compared to that of Alexander the Great.

In the spectrum analysis of iron, for instance, the lines which belong to iron and those which tell its recent and remote history can be seen at a glance. These lines also indicate the relative ability of the iron atom to charge or discharge. Wave length 7181.8 is immediately recognizable as belonging to iron in its present octave; 6916.8 is recent history and 6944.8 is extremely remote history, and so forth.

The visible and invisible spectrum is divided into several thousand lines. Each line is different in its shade of color and in its plane. Each line proves that this universe of varying motion is a universe of varying pressures. When the color is invisible it still carries a very specific frequency.

There is a number which will correlate in all instances to all work. It may be a square-of, a sum-of, a division-of, a multiple-of, etc., etc., of a harmonic of a given "thing":

Let us consider an observed fact in physics. This is a principle used in radio and in work with sound. When two different frequencies of vibration are produced, they inter-act upon each other to produce two new frequencies--one of which is the sum of the two original or fundamental frequencies, the other is the difference between the two originating or fundamental frequen­cies. As a good example in the range of sound; take, say, a tone of 400 cycles per second and another tone of 600 cycles per second, the resulting new frequencies will then be 200 cycles per second--or the difference, and 1,000 cycles for the other new tone, the sum.

Royal applied this principle to the field of light. The visible frequencies range from about 436 trillion oscillations per second at the red end of the visible spectrum, to about 732 trillion oscillations per second at the violet end of the visible spectrum. An oscillatory rate faster than 732 trillion times per second results in a beam which is in the invisible, ultra-violet range. The ultra-violet band occupies several octaves of vibration, as compared to the visible spectrum which occupies less than one octave of vibration. The upper limit of an octave has twice the vibratory rate of the lower limit of the same octave

Therefore, the range of the vibratory light spectrum invisible to the human eye is larger than the frequency range of the light spectrum which the human eye can perceive and for your current endeavors, you will be working most diligently in your blind range for the most part.

You accomplish the process of this light by bringing an invisible, ultra-violet beam of, say, 1,200 trillion oscillations per second into contact with another equally-invisible beam of say, 1,700 trillion oscillations per second; the difference between the oscillatory rates of the two originating beams results in the production of a light beam having an oscillatory rate of 500 trillions per second, which is within the range visible to the human eye.

Oh yes, Dharma, there are ones about your place who almost understand this. Actually, they understand this quite well, it is just that there are the missing links in all puzzles. We will give you some researchers who are outstanding in their progressive work at the end of this document. We will not do so now, for segments of this paper are going forth and a thing out of its time is almost sure to perish at the hands of the indiscreet.

Many micro-organisms could only be observed, in the past, if stained with a chemical. Some micro-organisms never became visible with other microscopes, because no suitable stain could be found. What is more important is that with the addition of stains, the frequencies are altered and correct readings cannot he determined. Royal's microscope had the prime advantage in that he could locate many micro-organisms having no color in the visible light range--their frequency characteristic is such that they have a "color" in the invisible, ultra-violet range. By the use of the heterodyning principle in his microscopes as mentioned, the micro-organisms of ultra-violet colors are brought into the visible light range in their natural state, without the use of any stain. Because of the breakdown of the cycling assumption, you will also find that much is similar in the infra-red scope. The heterodyning principle in the scope also brings into visibility the micro-organisms which had not responded to any known stain, and all micro-organisms can he viewed in their natural state. This gives the investigator a considerable advantage for in addition to a stain changing the frequency it has another great disadvantage--it kills the organism.
This is the only method, further, which allows viewing of organisms in their living state--ELECTRON MICROSCOPES INSTANTLY KILL ANY LIVING ORGANISMS WITH THE BEAMS PROJECTED.
Further, consider this, which is most often overlooked. As you attune frequency, you are not "just" bringing the invisible into visible--BUT YOUARE ALSO CAUSING THE CLUTTER OF THE VISIBLE TO BECOME INVISIBLE뾐OT A LOT DIFFERENT FROM VIEWING A SO-CALLED UFO, EXCEPT THAT THE UFO WILL BRING ITS FREQUENCY TO MATCH THE VIEWER AND THE VIEWER, THEREFORE, DOES NOT LOSE HIS ENVIRONMENTAL PERCEPTION.This is another area, the UFO phenomenon of visibility, which is greatly connected to 169443--a very important numerical arrangement indeed.

Elements of matter are not different substances, or different "things". They are different pressure conditions of light waves. The light units of the elements are all alike but are differently conditioned by the electric pressures exerted upon them during the inward or outward spiral journey from zero to zero.
The unanswered mystery of how the elements become mathematically precise octave tones, just as musical tones or color tones of the spectrum are mathematically precise in vibration orderliness, lies in the wave field gyroscope principle.
Together the eight elements of an octave form two halves of one whole cycle of tones which ascend from zero to the four-zero position of amplitude and descend again to zero to begin again. This spiral journey contracts into greater pressures as it approaches wave field amplitude positions at spiral apices, and expands into lower ones on the return journey to spiral bases.
Location of elements on wave fields are determined by wave-field mirrors. The two-way spiral journey of each half cycle extends between six mirrors of still light which compose the wave-field, and winds around a still shaft which centers the spiral. Three of these mirrors are the mirrors of action and, of course, the other three are the mirrors of reaction. The three of action are the inner intersection planes of the cube and the three of reaction are the outer boundary planes of the wave field.
All of these planes of the wave field are of zero curvature but, the spiral universe which is forming within those planes is curved. Curved planes of light act as two-way lenses which bend light to focal points and extend it from those focal points radially.
As the two-way spirals of forming matter extend from the wave field center in opposite directions toward wave field intersections, the six mirror planes of still light focus three points of still light upon the still shaft of each half cycle. Centers are formed at these focal points which become the one, two, three positive and negative elements of matter by rotating gyroscopically upon the wheels of light which act as equators for those borning tones.
Multiplying and dividing pressures determine the density and volume of each succeeding element. The color spectrum records these pressures, as the complete history of every element, from octave to octave of the whole nine octave cycle of the elements.
Keep in mind, that multiplying pressures of the spiral also affect the curvature of its light lenses to such an extent that the focusing positions change their mathematical ratios in conformity with the acceleration of gravity and the deceleration of radiation.
The positions of focal centers of gyroscopic wheels, in the gyroscopic principle, are thusly affected; each element is the square of the distance to and from its succeeding one, in accordance with its direction. The direction of gravity is the inverse square, and the opposite direction is the direct square. The volume of each succeeding element is likewise affected directly and inversely as the cube.
Six of the eight gyroscopic wheels of the whole octave are thus accounted for by geometric projection of two-way opposed lights through each other, from two sets of three mirror boundary fields. The fourth double tone is formed at the rest point where eight cube wave fields meet. This is the point of rest which is known as the center of gravity in earths or suns---where motion and curvature cease.
The completed sphere thus becomes a section of eight adjoining wave fields and revolves around that point of rest upon the wave shaft where the two half cycles of the wave meet. For this reason the four-zero-four position is one of balance in which the yellow of orange is the dominating color of one of its two gyroscopic wheels and the yellow of green is the other, centered, of course, by "white".
At the two points upon the still shaft of the turning sphere where the shaft penetrates its surface are the magnetic poles of still light which control the balance of each sphere's turning. One of these is the north magnetic pole which controls the winding of the sphere into density by centripetal electric force, and the other is the south magnetic pole which controls its unwinding into space.
In a sphere such as our nearly mature sun, these magnetic poles are practically upon the sun's pole of rotation, but upon oblating planets, such as your earth, the magnetic poles are removed from that pole of rotation in accordance with the measure of the earth's oblateness.
The elements of matter are miniature stellar systems. Every principle and law which applies to one applies to the other. This solar system is a gyroscopic wheel in the position which iron occupies in the elemental series. When it spirals a little further it will correspond to a carbon atom. At that occurrence the sun will then be a true sphere and its new planets will also be true spheres. Now, isn't this a most fascinating and wondrous journey into revelation? I realize it appears most complex but the principles are most simple indeed.

The gyroscopic principle accounts for the law of Nature which causes like elements to seek one another. All decomposing compounds are sorted out, element by element, gyroscopically.

The efforts of man to transmute one element into another must be governed by this principle, and not upon the theory that another substance will be obtained by "knocking out an electron". It makes no difference how many planets there are in a solar or atomic system in so far as its "substance" as an element is concerned. One or more added or subtracted would not change the element into another substance any more than one or more children would affect the nationality of the parents.

Transmutation will become simplified by observing that the plane of gyration, in relation to amplitude, and the speed of revolution of the gyroscopic wheel upon its still shaft, will alone change volume by either multiplying or dividing density. Great possibilities in new metals lie in the proper application of this principle.

This, of course, is where our Master St. Germain is most adept; in the fields of alchemy and transmutation--therefore, you can surmise that you will find the solutions to many of the mysteries solved in the violet ray spectrum--but that is another story for another day.

The elements of matter are miniature stellar systems. Every principle and law which applies to one applies to the other. This solar system is a gyroscopic wheel in the position which iron occupies in the elemental series. When it spirals a little further it will correspond to a carbon atom. At that occurrence the sun will then be a true sphere and its new planets will also be true spheres. Now, isn't this a most fascinating and wondrous journey into revelation? I realize it appears most complex but the principles are most simple indeed.

The gyroscopic principle accounts for the law of Nature which causes like elements to seek one another. All decomposing compounds are sorted out, element by element, gyroscopically.

The efforts of man to transmute one element into another must be governed by this principle, and not upon the theory that another substance will be obtained by "knocking out an electron". It makes no difference how many planets there are in a solar or atomic system in so far as its "substance" as an element is concerned. One or more added or subtracted would not change the element into another substance any more than one or more children would affect the nationality of the parents.

Transmutation will become simplified by observing that the plane of gyration, in relation to amplitude, and the speed of revolution of the gyroscopic wheel upon its still shaft, will alone change volume by either multiplying or dividing density. Great possibilities in new metals lie in the proper application of this principle.

This, of course, is where our Master St. Germain is most adept; in the fields of alchemy and transmutation--therefore, you can surmise that you will find the solutions to many of the mysteries solved in the violet ray spectrum--but that is another story for another day.

Dharma, it has been a most long and tedious session. Please let us take a break and then we will resume with a discussion about the "shape" of the universe--not the social status but rather that it is in no shape at all. Thank you for you extended attention) for which my appreciation is unlimited.

I will herewith withdraw my presence that you might take respite.

Most cordially,
Walter Russell