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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: AIDS, the Last Great Plague Intro and Chapter 1

    CHAPTER 10
    REC. #1, ASHTAR
    SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1989 8:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 060
    Good day. Ashtar to begin, please.

    Most of the ones on your placement who are delving into the proper approach to retrovirus, cures on your place, continue to relate it to war "beams", frequencies and thus and so. Yes, these things exist and should be spoken of, however, I do not wish to get into lengthy discussions of war machines except as relates to AIDS.

    Suffice it to say, you keep trying to get massive receiving systems into space to receive and further disperse these weapons. You have mammoth problems for you cannot handle the accidents which occur. For instance, at Chernoble and the laboratories in Livermore, California.

    These beam systems require mammoth amounts of power to make the projects feasible and, therefore, facilities are usually built very close to atomic plants or major electrical installations, i.e., your San Clemente system. This is your most deadly toy and, out of control, causes chain reactions which can pulverize your planet in. a matter of seconds. You have no known method of controlling such a chain reaction. I will point out a few interventions, at Emil) request, with which you can recall and relate and then we will move on with the subject.

    The worst hazard is that the beam, itself, feeds upon itself and backteed,, along its own path right back into its source. At Chernoble this is exactly that which occurred. This also will give credence to the information Commander Hatonn has already given many times to you ones---we of the space command were asked to stop the reaction--we did so, but not until far too much damage had been done to quietly shut down the system without great penalty to both you and to the fleet craft.

    You see, for one of OUT craft to get close enough to the source of the beam thrust, we must move into the electronic field which disables our stabilization controls. Once manifested into visible form we are a "mass" vulnerable as are you in human form. In December of 1988, space command was again summoned by the Soviets, and at this intervention we lost a Pleiadean craft with crew. Nine of the dozen or so crew members were killed outright and the remaining ones were severely burned and injured. The Soviets, however, treated our men with great respect, care and brotherhood. We sent in our own physicians and treated these crew members until they could he safely transported home. A second ship was sent to retrieve our people and it was a most appreciated action.

    Again, just prior to your major summit meeting, there was to be just another little show of force to you ones and again they had a backfeed problem. We

    were again summoned for intervention, we responded and again we were disabled and our craft was brought down. This time, however, there was relatively minor damage and repairs were undertaken and we were able to salvage the craft.

    Then at your own research lab, as mentioned above, you got a test completely out of control which blew your capacitors and transformers and headed for annihilation. We were called in by your government on this occasion and were, in fact, able to stop the reaction without loss of craft or crew. This was also in 1988 and was announced in your media as an electrical problem.

    Why would we respond? Because these are the beams which will blast you into oblivion. You would become a mass of problem to the corners of the universe. We would at that point of explosion have massive atmospheric reaction about your planet that we could not stop. We would encapsulate your sphere within a plasmic shield and hope we could contain you enough to continue your orbit and lessen impact to your solar system. You, as man and civilization, would be vaporized.

    We are not allowed to stop your little atomic-seek, find and destroy, war games; we are ordered to intervene in planetary annihilation situations.

    All of this information has been abundantly given unto you ones in the hours of instructions and communications with ones on your placement. Dharma and group have thousands of hours of such, recorded in time segments of action at the time of the occurrence of the event--in minute detail. Someone must organize and pull forth in proper cataloging of information that we do not need repeat and restructure for you for we have no time for repetition. It does, however, require ones who are self-sufficient for there is not yet industry to support individuals.

    This is the problem of you ones who go from place to place with lots of good intent and no means of support. The work and actions are backward. At the time of the Master in Galilee there were no facilities and therefore, the speakers went from place to place abiding and surviving from another's labors in exchange for the receiving of the word. Now ones appoint themselves to hop, skip and jump about at random bearing their perceived calling. You cannot reach the masses in that manner and it is all but useless, worse, it causes your brothers to ridicule and place you in a grouping perceived as drop-outs, hippies, leeches and worse. Just as Immanuel Jesus Sananda will appear in a uniform of space command instead of flowing robes of sack cloth, you ones must stop your foolish hogwash.

    Ah yes, Commander Ashtar is severe and blunt----we of these realms KNOW how it is, you paint the pictures as you HOPE it might somehow be---and you dear ones, are on the very brink of total devastating, agonizing annihilation. Further, millions of your so-called "Christian" brothers will be waiting for some big "lift-off, up and away" into some glorious cloudbank and what will really happen is that they will turn us (the real thing) away and choose to go into the void with the dark brotherhood in their ignorance. GOD DOES NOT MAKE SLOPPY, DRIFT AROUND ON CLOUDS, PLANS. A PLACE IS PREPARED FOR EVERY ONE OF YOU AND YOU PLAY AT LET'S PRETEND GAMES. "LET US JUST PRETEND, CHANT, PRAY, HOLD HANDS, SING SONGS, WEAR WHITE, BLUE OR PURPLE AND MAYBE IT WILL ALL JUST GO AWAY!" IT WILL NOT GO AWAY. IT IS ALL COMING DOWN THE PIKE JUST AS EXPECIED AND WORSE THAN YOUR WILDEST IMAGINATION COULD CONJURE. OH, THERE WILL BE GLORY AND WONDROUS EXPERIENCE FOR THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH OF IT BUT THOSE WHO BLIND THEIR EYES, PLUG THEIR EARS AND TURN GOD'S EMISSARIES AWAY WILL FIND THAT ANGEL LUCIFER HIMSELF HAS BEEN PLOTTING THEIR PATH FOR THEM WHILE CONSTANTLY URGING ONES TO BELIEVE "WE" COME IN EVILNESS뾐AY BROTHER, WE ARE YOUR WAY OUT AND THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.IT TRULY IS NOT EXPECTED THAT VERY MANY ,RELATIVELY, WILL RECOGNIZE THE TRUTH BEFOE IT IS TOO LATE

    Back to our subject with only one comment regarding your current "market" problem. Watch what happens now; the effort will be made to shore up the problem with a bit of plastic tape. Paper money will pour into mutual funds, etc. to effort at holding the line on withdrawals and cashouts. This will, if it works, place the funds in worse jeopardy. You are in a most precarious monetary mess. Pray, however, that it works for we need a bit more time prior to the overall collapse. We need major funding for our projects and we need a few more weeks to get that in order. Dear ones, please understand that YOU ARE IN IT! IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU NOW---YOU EITHER ACT ON THE INFORMATION WE BRING OR BE PREPARED TO PAY GREAT PENALTIES---GET OUR INFORMATION OUT THERE. GET THESE DOCUMENTS READ AND OUT TO THE MULTITUDES. DON'T TRY TO COPY THEM INDIVIDUALLY; GET A RESOURCE OR SEVERAL AND TELL PEOPLE WHERE TO OBTAIN THEM---WE ARE GIVING YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO WALK OUR ONES THROUGH, AS MANY AS WILL HEAR AND WALK WITH US, THESE ENDING CYCLE CHANGES AND INTO, THROUGH AND BEYOND THE TRANSITION. SO BE IT, SO BE IT.

    You ones are facing a magnificent problem of mammoth proportion. It requires instant action and funding in large amounts, but because the workers are life motivated instead of greed motivated, surprisingly less than you might anticipate. We are prepared to divert any profits from these documents right back into the programs involved--therefore it would be good if ones would purchase the books or contribute directly to the research teams. This will never be supported by your government funds, whereas a shelter system might be, therefore, plan your input well and place assets in the most priority manner.

    Only a handful of researchers are available who can do the work. You will be prevented from having the already developed hardware so prepare yourself for that aspect; don't expect it and you won't be left twiddling your fingers. When you have about perfected your machinery, the big boys will probably come forth so that they can again, "save the day". You have to keep in mind that the controlling few are very selected and most of your congressmen, et cetera, are as misled as are you. But to do anything in time to save the masses is out of the question, as your governments now function. Even working around the clock, you will still lose great numbers of lives to this plague and that is inevitable.

    Proper electromagnetics is your only solution and it must be set up most quickly. You have had ones pass before this time and some within your format now, who have done the work. Drs. Tesla, Russell, Rife and Priore have done it, if only you will assess it carefully. You do, however, have to bring your current workers into a unit--Strecker, Cathie and others who are too much in danger to name in this document. I name these ones for they are already most public and already understand their jeopardized situation. Earth-man, you have many gallant and daringly brave ones who continue to work in your behalf in spite of the constant impending danger to their lives and those within their family units.

    These documents would already be before you but ones continually fell away in fear and terror. TO LIVE AND WORK FOR A CAUSE, DEAR BROTHERS, IS FAR MORE PAINFUL AND DIFFICULT THAN TO DIE FOR A CAUSE. DEATH IS NAUGHT BUT CHANGE. PONDER IT, PLEASE.

    Expanded prana electromagnetics can solve the problem if you dare get on with it. If you can pull your nucleus of knowledgeable researchers together, you can find thousands who can do all of the other support tasks, such as testing, control studies---all sorts of backup tasks.

    The intrinsic virtual state of cellular control has already been discovered and pointed out. This massive communication system controls all cells in a body and all the functions thereof. This is a "life electromagnetic" system. Your new researchers wish to call this system "Scalar", we have no objections, there­fore, I will refer to this as SEM since you ones do enjoy your alphabet.

    The SEM conductivity pattern is not through the electron shells of the atoms but is directly through the nuclei SEM pathways. The SEM pattern's organized signals, non-specific vector electromagnetic (EM) waves, which externally sum the zero vector on already existing waves, can be constructed for virtually any specific purpose. This includes the ability to destroy a particle such as a virus, cancer cell, leukemia, bacteria--anything within or without individual cells--these frequencies can be created which will actually alter the very DNA/RNA. Through this approach the immune system and repair system of the body or cell, itself, can be reached and manipulated selectively. Thus, the entire biochemistry and functioning of a cell, including its genetics, is totally engineerable.

    Further, a specific "charge pattern" can be designed and utilized to charge up the nuclei of the biosystem to fabricate specific immunity response. This charge, once established, is then maintained by the "master" system to allow for permanent immunity--in other words, you change the master computer to include the new and reject the old data.

    To understand this just stated concept, you need to know something about brain, mind and thought basic functioning. It has been isolated and described on your place sufficiently to scientifically organize it. It, of course, is crude in isolation for it is the etheric aspect of life itself and you ones are not given to understand it in actuality. The concept is sufficient for this discourse.


    You ones continue to search in difficult helter-skelter fashion to isolate something which is so simple you cannot find it. You look where it cannot be found. Search within the limits of where a thing can be found and since all life is electrical energy in one format or another, look there first. Look within the electrical system. Consider the ionic discharges in and across the tremendous numbers of synapses of the human nervous system--it is wondrously constructed by creator, and the slower discharge and migration of ions across cellular membranes. If you take it as a single biological ensemble, you will find these are much like a vast array of continual and ongoing spot discharge vectors, charged current vectors, et cetera. Overall, within the microscopic space occupied by the body, these electromagnetic vectors sum almost to entirely zero resultant. Now, don't let this throw you into confusion. This is a general explanation intended for ones who do understand it, to know they are on the correct path and give further insight while giving all of you an overall view of the whole. We, too, must unfortunately work in mysterious ways our wonders to perform---we are not allowed to "do it for you"!

    Dharma, you will note that we speak here in terms of zero, non-zero, sub-zero and plus-zero. I would wish that you would relate this in concept to Paul's theories. And, yes, the tape you transcribed is not the final one as was given to you by him in March of '85. But it will suffice for the concept is correct and we shall ultimately give him credit for his contribution was of the ultimate physical separation. He shall be honored for that which he has given unto this mammoth cause for he was "out of his time" and for those blessed beings it is pure torment of inability to adjust or "fit-in". It requires those ones to stimulate actions of others into their accepted and intended tasks. I hope this helps you to understand, chela.

    When I say that these electromagnetic vectors sum almost to entirely zero resultant, it is that only a tiny non-zero vector residue remains. However, this vector zero summation has incredibly rich enfolding signals and channels and dynamic relationships and structures within it.

    This zero vector summation is the biopotential of the body whole. It is constantly and dynamically changing. For those of you who perceive in esoteric terms, this is the "auric" field---the aura. It has multiple virtual state levels, it is anchored in and resides within the atomic nuclei of the mass of the body. It is a virtual-state "engine" activating, structuring and dynamisizing the virtual particle flux of the charged particles of the body. Hence it is finely structured and controls the body's dynamic charges and charge distribution. This, then, is the fashion in which it controls and erects the body's biochemistry.

    Dharma, I am being summoned and therefore request a break. Thank you.

    Ashtar to stand-by status

    CHAPTER 11
    REC. #1, ASHTAR
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 062

    Ashtar present. I am requested to make comments regarding urgent matters.

    Oberli, be aware that surveillance has been increased in your location. You will please ask "Victory" to relinquish direct contact with you to a minimum. Our wish is to exclude no-one from their contribution but he becomes a most watched and controversial person. Pre-information is now in the hands of top elite military personnel prematurely. It is through the slow production of the book that the plan is altered. It is what we wished to have happen but not until the SPACE-GATE was actually in public. We desire the government denial but not the slowing of distribution. These books must get into public hands; why is SPACE-GATE still not public? It has been in Sedona since Au­gust.

    Worse still, in order to have a place of contact, the most damaging material of all time has ability to focus directly back to the scribe and all the precautions we have taken to keep her unknown are now instantly gone. Victory, in his exuberance, has drawn the enemy right into your very encampment. So be it, we will need increase protection and you must keep Dharma pretty close to home.

    Ones are still at play; self oriented, drifting, experimenting and making themselves more publicly known--you ones must see and know, is why we have allowed it to happen, but there must come great self-discipline and control, with self-support to enter into this space for it is so very precarious for Dharma at this point. Love-ins and dream dancing are not the call of the day for you ones. Ones will NOT come into your space to dwell in tents and presumably "take care" of you. How foolish indeed. However, sometimes the foolish appearing jackal is more the wise master of the fox den---hold it in your heart. These ones in seemingly unwittedness mock the name of the Masters they claim to serve. We have great compassion and we have this incident under control---lessons are constant and unexpected. Do not badger yourselves over it for it has been guided. Ones who function without moderation are most dangerous to everyone. Each word spoken must he considered from the standpoint of its destination receiver. JUST A NOTE OF CAUTION, NOT A REPRIMAND, PLEASE. FOR WE NEED A COMPLETE SCATTER ON THIS INFORMATION AND I DO NOT WISH TO STALL YOU OUT--IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAY BUT THE FLOW BREAKDOWN CAME IN SEDONA. NEITHER IS THIS A REPRIMAND BUT ONLY ALLOWS YOU TO SEE WHAT A DIFFICULT THING IT IS TO WORK WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF FREE-WILL OF MAN. WE HAVE OUR PROBLEMS TOO!


    You will find that those vulnerable at top levels will do anything to cover bad leadership and management. Just as with the gun turret explosion on your U.S. ship (I name no names for I do not wish to further credit the lie), however, the elite have now dumped the blame of those deaths on a poor, blameless (and dead) sailor having now written the fiasco off to a suicide bomb placed by him, between ammunition storage. Evil knows no hounds, dear brothers, no bounds. It is just as with ones the enemy wishes to trap and get rid of, they will simply set-up a situation and place evidence or "whatever". You must leave them no opportunity to take note, and know that any radicals around you are the most closely watched. Dharma has no new information and the spies know it; add radicals running about and they will take her out one way or another. We monitor most exactingly what is given into these books that there is always backup known and available to those who do the surveillance. Just as with the shooting of President Kennedy by his bodyguard--the truth is in picture form all over your globe--you just did not happen to know it. We do not play with the lives of our scribes.

    Enjoy the Nostradamus discourses. These are the way we are bringing forth updated material, through many ones at various levels of input. There will still be riddles which will only give information to a specific few but in general, all will have it along with final instructions. We will continually give you source information that is predominantly valid, that all ones can have access and give working funds and material to continue dispersement. Give information forth regarding the sources of our recommended reading, please.

    Let us now return to our subject. Keep these communiques of daily matters within the chapters of the books for at this point it is the only way to get these messages to the many. As you move further, your publisher will be given information for continuing arrangements. You just go on about your business for as you are guided into the proper channels, you will be given relief from the massive burden. We see and understand the situation and remember, it takes time to lay groundwork for massive building, ones have to come into realization of their proper portions, etc., etc.
    I believe we left off on the 15th in the middle of a dissertation on �

    I was speaking of non-zero residue. Modern scientists consider this residue and try to ascertain where and how mind and thought are accomplished by the residue. No, that is the incorrect approach. The residue, the ENH field remainders, are simply garbage--waste. It is the engine operating inside the vector zero summation that must be considered. These exhaust by-products are not the functions of the mind/thought process itself but rather they are the spillage resulting from the function of the process itself.

    If you put the mind into a state of rest and photograph the components of the zero vector summation, actually see the highly complex enfolded structure (pattern) of these components; then take a second "frozen" time photograph of the same components a very, very short time later, subtract the previous "frozen" pattern (the delta --"difference") between the two patterns represents the myriad of thoughts or specified forms in the virtual state. In a general sense, this represents the contents of the thinking mind. Each entity will have a varying thought pattern for each individual has relatively different thought impact from a given exact trigger thought point. But you will be able to understand better, the actual electrical circuitry of the function itself. Further, the speed from "normal" to "impaired"; "fully functional" to "retarded"; "normal" to "substance damaged" etc., can in fact, be ascertained and damaged circuit synapses isolated.

    The mind is the overall functioning and changing of the entire pattern substructure and the ability of the organism to have such and do such. The ability of the organism to "do" such and such requires a couple more "nested" levels of virtual state, two or more higher dimensions which in essence has the same meaning. Basically all those electromagnetic component vectors are in, at least, the fifth dimension and therefore can be referred as higher dimensional or in some definitions, hyperdimensional. I personally do not like the term "hyper" for it denotes exaggeration or ballyhoo instead of "higher". But you will run into it often in Earth literature. "Supra" or even "super" would be a better designation.

    Every component driving the vectors themselves is higher dimensional. A thought is an "exact" change of a vocalized pattern. The thought must come prior to the vocalizing of the sounds which form the verbal thought. Except, in the case of direct "channeling" as with this scribe--the pre-thought is mine and she has no pre-thought about the contents. This is, however, a most significant proof of the status of "higher dimensional form at work", the "super/supra" consciousness. It goes beyond the subconscious level of function.

    Most thoughts are totally without consciousness, multiple, simultaneous or parallel. A few could be considered serially ordered, singularly considered and processed--depending on the consciousness involved.

    The subconscious mind is totally a parallel processor--bunches of thoughts at once. The conscious mind, on the other hand, is totally a serial processor; only one thought can be handled at a given instance. Most persons never reflect on this matter, that they can only perceive one single thought at a time in the conscious state.

    In a healthy, alert state the conscious mind is so rapid that by habit, persons believe they perceive many things at once. However, what is occurring is that the conscious mind is perceiving only the ONE while the subconscious is in taking ALL data surrounding the thought, from the room, the clothes, the accent of the speaker, on and on ---, and running a continuous library.

    Now, when the conscious mind regards the subconscious contents it sees something which has multiple meanings--at once. That is symbolism. The subconscious offers symbols which have many meanings in its effort to communicate an idea to the consciousness. Dreams are an excellent example---or even "daydreaming"---efforting to get an idea into the consciousness. Only the individual having the "dream" can actually analyze it for it is the most personal of personal. It may take the skilled "dream work" therapist to allow the consciousness to receive the projected thought, but beware of psychiatrists and psychologists who "INTERPRET" YOUR DREAMS FOR YOU---ONLY YOU ACTUALLY KNOW THE MEANING OF YOUR DREAMS AND THAT MEANING CAN BE BROUGHT FORTH, BUT ONLY BY YOURSELF.

    Why do I go into this material? Because change and master function of the body, through the tiny-most cell, is controlled by the mind and thought. A confused mind will produce an infirm physical response; likewise, a clear mind can heal an infirm body by clearing any defects from the control system.

    In a healthy, alert state the conscious mind is so rapid that by habit, persons believe they perceive many things at once. However, what is occurring is that the conscious mind is perceiving only the ONE while the subconscious is in taking ALL data surrounding the thought, from the room, the clothes, the accent of the speaker, on and on ---, and running a continuous library.

    Now, when the conscious mind regards the subconscious contents it sees something which has multiple meanings--at once. That is symbolism. The subconscious offers symbols which have many meanings in its effort to communicate an idea to the consciousness. Dreams are an excellent example---or even "daydreaming"---efforting to get an idea into the consciousness. Only the individual having the "dream" can actually analyze it for it is the most personal of personal. It may take the skilled "dream work" therapist to allow the consciousness to receive the projected thought, but beware of psychiatrists and psychologists who "INTERPRET" YOUR DREAMS FOR YOU---ONLY YOU ACTUALLY KNOW THE MEANING OF YOUR DREAMS AND THAT MEANING CAN BE BROUGHT FORTH, BUT ONLY BY YOURSELF.

    Why do I go into this material? Because change and master function of the body, through the tiny-most cell, is controlled by the mind and thought. A confused mind will produce an infirm physical response; likewise, a clear mind can heal an infirm body by clearing any defects from the control system.


    The potential lays at the SEM ability to penetrate the nuclei and actuate internal changes within the substructures (thoughts). The nuclei are in continual "charge up". The particles change their states; they charge up to their impressed potential, including the potential of each component of that impressed potential. Mind, thought and memory all reside in, and are recorded in, the atomic nuclei.

    The biopotential of the dynamic mind uses "negative" energy and "negative" "time". SINCE THE NUCLEUS IS POSITIVELY CHARGED, POSITIVE ENERGY AND POSITIVE TIME ARE NEGATIVELY CHARGED CRE­ATIONS. That is exactly what you get from photon interaction with the elec­tron shells of the atom. Since it operates in negative time, the mind biopotential in negentrophy, it can restore order from disorder, or chaos.

    In this manner, the life blueprint of the living organism can maintain order in the midst of the entropy (a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system so related to the state of the system that a change in the measure varies with temperature in the ratio of the increment of heat taken in to the absolute temperature at which it is absorbed). This definition is given herein so that you can carefully consider temperature as an important component of "blasting" a specific particle, such as a virus. Further, keep in mind this additional definition of entropy: The measure of a disorder of a closed thermodynamic system in terms of a constant multiple of the natural logarithm of the probability of the occurrence of a particular molecular

    The potential lays at the SEM ability to penetrate the nuclei and actuate internal changes within the substructures (thoughts). The nuclei are in continual "charge up". The particles change their states; they charge up to their impressed potential, including the potential of each component of that impressed potential. Mind, thought and memory all reside in, and are recorded in, the atomic nuclei.

    The biopotential of the dynamic mind uses "negative" energy and "negative" "time". SINCE THE NUCLEUS IS POSITIVELY CHARGED, POSITIVE ENERGY AND POSITIVE TIME ARE NEGATIVELY CHARGED CRE­ATIONS. That is exactly what you get from photon interaction with the elec­tron shells of the atom. Since it operates in negative time, the mind biopotential in negentrophy, it can restore order from disorder, or chaos.

    In this manner, the life blueprint of the living organism can maintain order in the midst of the entropy (a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system so related to the state of the system that a change in the measure varies with temperature in the ratio of the increment of heat taken in to the absolute temperature at which it is absorbed). This definition is given herein so that you can carefully consider temperature as an important component of "blasting" a specific particle, such as a virus. Further, keep in mind this additional definition of entropy: The measure of a disorder of a closed thermodynamic system in terms of a constant multiple of the natural logarithm of the probability of the occurrence of a particular molecular arrangement of the system that by suitable choice of a constant reduces to the measure of unavailable energy. The living organism must be able to maintain order in the normal physical components of the cells of the physical body. Since the "AIDS" virus and mutations thereof, alter the actual DNA in all cells of an infected body, the overall body must be cleared. I assume I make my point.
    Thus, the functioning mind and biocontrol system--the master cellular communications system, the immune control system, the acquisition system and the repair control system, all reside in the nuclei in dynamically interacting pattern potentials, or pattern charges, complete with resonances and frequencies and et cetera.

    Priore constructed an electromagnetic treatment machine and demonstrated a close to 100 percent "kill" (cure) of all kinds of carcinomas, leukemias, etc., in thousands of laboratory tests utilizing animal forms. These tests were openly shared with American scientists as early as your 1960's. At the time of the research, the French government funded several millions of dollars for Dr. Priore's research.
    Into a tube containing a plasma of mercury and neon gas (hold this combination in your hearts for Sir Russell will expand on this subject later), a pulsed 9.4 gigacycles wave modulated carrier frequency of 17 megacycles was introduced. These waves were produced by radio emitters and magnatrons in the presence of a 1,000 Gauss (the cgs ' centimeter-gram-second' unit of mag­netic induction equal to the magnetic flux density that will induce an electromotive force of one one-hundred millionth of a volt in each linear cen­timeter per second at right angles to a magnetic flux) magnetic field.
    Dr. Priore exposed experimental animals to this magnetic field during irradiation and a mixture of waves, some seventeen or so, coming from the plasma tube and modulating and riding the magnetic field, passed through the animal's body. Among other things, as plasma can convert a transverse wave to a longitudinal wave, also phase conjugate, time reversal waves can be produced.
    Phase conjugated electromagnetic waves carry negative energy and negative time. They exhibit negentropy and move from disorder back to order. The proof is already in the hundreds of technical papers in non-linear phase conjugate optics in the orthodox scientific literature but ones continue to misinterpret the true definitions of terminology. Dr. Priore's apparatus produced a SEM signal with deliberately constructed, unfolded components including phase and conjugated electromagnetic waves.
    Further, keep in mind that just to send out waves is inconsequential unless you have a correctly tuned receiver crystal for exacting frequency. You must integrate the information into a single functioning apparatus.


    Dharma, I request a break at this time as I have other pressing appointments. I would like to cover some discussion of Dr. Rife's material today, however. Thank you for your attention. I understand that this is a most difficult task for you in that you must work without any technical knowledge. Trust that this information is of great value to those working on this project. In your service, I move to stand-by.
    Commander Ashtar clearing frequency.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: AIDS, the Last Great Plague Intro and Chapter 1

    CHAPTER 12
    REC. #2, ASHTAR
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1989 5:15 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 062
    Yes, Dharma, Ashtar present. Let us not comment too greatly on the earthquake; I do request you keep close watch for within the past week you have had heavy quakes off of Alaska and Japan--it means the earth is in increased pressure around the plates. We don't seem to be able to urge you severely enough to get your attention--when those plates really slip it is going to be something beyond your belief and very few take action or plan for survival modes. So be it. It is not evacuation time yet so if ones expect to be doodled up into dandy space ships--it is premature planning! This subject has been covered most carefully and explicitly by Commander Hatonn--some of you really like to live on the edge--well, along that coastline is going to be a very big, deep edge any day now. Rest well and pray a lot, you who dwell on the brink. Further, any slippage on any major intersecting faultline can tip it all.

    Back to our subject of AIDS and other retroviruses.

    Royal Rife's work clearly demonstrated specific frequencies associated with particular viruses and disease organisms. In addition, his universal microscope, using evanescent waves, or waves with only hyperdimensional components, had no wavelength limitations on its resolution. Consequently, it could see directly into the virtuous state past the limit of the photon. Indeed, it could not only see the exceedingly small point cells that lie between ordinary cells and are just barely visible to the "best" orthodox light microscope, but it allowed visualization of some sixteen interested, deeper and smaller levels of structures within the point cell. Nothing before or since has achieved such a penetration. There are two or three of these scopes around that can be brought into repair
    Using this microscope he could see virtual state energy forces functioning and moving. The biology his microscope revealed was far beyond the state of biology today. It was unorthodox in conception and presented a great threat to your orthodox medical and scientific communities. If you are going to create and spread an incurable disease to fit your purposes you most certainly do not desire the cure to get there prior to the infection. Oh yes, that is exactly what occurred, little dreamers. With his scope, Rife could not only "see" the little varmints but he learned to manipulate and control the living internal structure of living electricity. Now please refer to the Nobel prize this past week for the ability to isolate a single unit of electricity and stabilize it. Honors be to that one. Learn what you can from that researcher---you are going to find that electricity units are living structures.
    Since internested levels of virtual state are also "higher" spaces, or hyperdimensional, Rife's microscope was the first and only instrument to allow vision directly into higher dimensions and observe the higher dimensional living forms.

    In Rife's time such a thing was unthinkable to medical science, yet today with substantial evanescent wave technology already utilized in wave guides and with a well developed body of evanescent wave theory, you could prove that Rife's microscope was capable of doing precisely what he and other scientists reported. But what happens? It is further hidden to cover the lack of interest and ridicule of the past actions. Perhaps nothing in history ever changes except the names and places.

    It is important to note here for the less sophisticated reader: "evanescent" means to dissipate like vapor--tending to vanish like a vapor.

    Before I go further I will return to the phase conjugate waves and phase conjugate replicas of ordinary waves and signals. I have a tendency to move too rapidly even for my secretary and I apologize, Dharma.

    Included in those exceedingly complex modulations and spectrums, every cell has a complicated electromagnetic radiation spectrum. An abnormal cell has an abnormal change to that spectrum. If you subtract the normal cell spectrum from the abnormal cell spectrum you have a specific delta that then, introduced into a normal cell, will convert that kind of abnormal cell.

    When you have such a single pattern for cancer conversion, for example, you can irradiate a normal cell with it and turn that cell into a cancer cell. However, suppose you phase conjugate that cancer conversion single pattern. The phase conjugate replica will be the pattern that precisely converts that sort of cancer cell back to a normal status. With phase conjugate replicas of cancer cells specific delta frequencies are fed into the cells of a body having that cancer, the cancer cell's master cellular control system will modulate with these time reverse specific signals. That will return the cancer cells within the body to the proper master cellular control system of the animal.
    Thusly, the cancerous cells will be immediately destroyed or reverted hack to a normal cell. A very similar process exists for just about every disease bacteria and infectious agent, including the viruses of AIDS. As a matter of fact, the viruses are more easily disrupted due to their crystalline formation.

    In the Soviet Union it has been proven that any cellular death and disease pattern can be induced by a specific pattern carried on an electromagnetic signal. If the target cells are bombarded with the pattern carrying carrier signals for enough length of time.
    In Australia these experiments have been fully replicated and extended. These documents should be easily obtained, say by Cathie of New Zealand, and nab onto the researchers. In Australia they have induced cellular death and diseases between cell cultures at a distance of over a hundred feet--a most convenient distance indeed. Unfortunately, these experiments-thousands of them, were done in military institutes; but I see no particular problem in obtaining them.

    Scientists in West Germany have also replicated these cellular experiments. However, the important missing link is that these experiments have some unpublished data to be gathered; that portion was the corresponding Soviet work showing electromagnetic REVERSAL of cellular death and diseases conditioned by irradiation by phase conjugate replicas of the pattern carrying induction signal. Briefly: If an action in forward time induces a condition then the time reversal of that action will reverse the condition. (YOU SEE, YOU ARE DEALING IN HIGHER DIMENSIONS WHERE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TIME AND SPACE!) The concept is so laughably simple that it eludes you ones. The time reversal of an electromagnetic disease process is a specific electromagnetic healing process for that particular dis­ease.

    This is exactly the technique under intense research by the group mentioned by Commander Hatonn in preceding discussion in this book. You can develop a cure for AIDS along with a cure for cancers, leukemias and just about every other disease known to man--you can even clear those blocked passages in the circulatory system.


    In his device, Priore internally structured the carrier photons themselves, making them vacuum engines. This structure contained the dynamic delta for the disease. By introducing these spectrum to a giant rotating plasma he then phase conjugated his vacuum engines and then passed these time reversed vacuum engines down and through a strong magnetic field which thoroughly penetrated all cells of the biological organism being treated. The scalar components that are the structured photons representing the time reversal of the disease were absorbed and re-radiated in all cells, charging up the nuclei of the atoms and organisms to some potential level of that exact healing and reversing pattern.

    In that way he passed a specific cancer reversal phase conjugate replica into every cell of the body, charging the cellular biopotential and producing a permanent healing delta onto the body's cellular master control system. In the process that cancels that in leukemia pattern, charging the nuclei was cancelled and discharged. The new time reverse charge also destroyed the cancer cells or converted them back into normal cells. That, my friends, cured the disease even in terminal instances---all of them. Yes, I said ALL OF THEM!

    Further, for the disbeliever; he could cure sleeping sickness and any viral disease, et cetera, et cetera. In other words, the process represented a severe stress against any cellular control system delta encountered. This caused a return to the normal cell's and master cell's cellular control system of the body.

    Encountering the normal control system in normal cells there was no delta--therefore there was zero stress. Encountering the abnormal control system in tumor cells it produced great and specific stress on it and reverted it to the normal control system of the body's normal cell. If the cancer cell could not withstand the stress it died promptly. Thus, to a normal cell the Priore signal pattern acted somewhat soothingly as a stroking to normal cell structures and no interference occurred with the normal cell---that is, one whose scalar control pattern is locked to the body's master cellular control system and in phase with it.

    The Priore signal stimulated and stroked the normal cell but did not injure it in any manner. On the other hand, the scalar potential pattern in and of an abnormal, say cancerous cell, is out of phase with the body's master cellular control system and is not phase locked to it. Hence the Priore signal causes direct interference with the abnormal cell's independent scalar control system. The interference pattern constituted the reconstruction of normal energy directed to the cancer cell and also jammed its abnormal scalar life signals. This destroyed the cancerous cell by two mechanisms: 1. Physical energy was channeled directly into the abnormal cells causing direct mechanical damage, and, 2. The cancer cell, being an independent living "critter", had its scalar life-channel connected to his primitive mind which connected his primitive mind to his body, jammed and terminated.

    If the cancer cell was reverted to a normal cell by the Priore stress before being destroyed, it became just a normal cell and the Priore stress had no further effect upon it. Any disease with cellular, biochemical or genetic basis can be cured in like manner. Priore's method, for example, was clearly shown to be able to completely reverse fatty deposit clogged arteries and further, lowered cholesterol levels to normal even in the occurrence of abnormally high cholesterol diets.

    Every cell of the body, however, even the hair must be irradiated and treated, that is, charged up with the signal for the disease pattern is located in every body cell. The master cellular control system is holographic. The pattern that is substructured and potential with its dynamic and oscillating component is in each component, that is, in each atomic nucleus, hence is in each and every cell. Every structural level of the body larger than a cell also has its own correlated pattern of modulation on the overall. The biological organism can regenerate lost limbs, for example, if it can utilize its natural recovery process in a Priore manner. Even though Priore's work was presented to the French Academy of Sciences, it was far beyond the group's ability to understand the device or its function.
    Friends, I do not speak of ancient history--I speak of the 1970s. The academicians knew nothing of scalar electromagnetics and phase conjugation and that is exactly what the Priore device was. More the medical world saw a phasing out of their very expensive services--a dual motivation to squash this unsettling crazy man.

    Sad for mankind, in 1974 the funding was withdrawn just as Priore was completing a device which could irradiate an entire human body. It would have been capable of curing almost all human diseases. Ah, but then, you might not have been able to enjoy this plague and tribulation and the cycle ending would undoubtedly have been postponed. Man, unfortunately, rarely changes the probabilities in a positive way--just runs headlong into disaster faster and faster.
    In that particular machine Priore utilized a lamp, in which 17 specific frequencies were mixed and modulated upon a 9.4 gigacycles carrier. The machine was large enough to irradiate humans over their whole body. It should have been capable of curing cancer, leukemia and AIDS in two, five minute irradiations--a week apart.

    While Priore was still in your dimension (physically alive), a major thrust was made to bring the device to market and into medical research and into utilization. The devices were to be assembled in France and then shipped to purchasers, who would be large research and development laboratories where they could be brought into local specifications. I think it is sufficient to note that "big brother" put a stop to the funding for the project and the work had to be shelved
    It is a fact that such signals can reverse nearly every cellular illness or condition of the body. The program to produce the cure for AIDS in this manner only requires the necessary funding and the assembling of the persons (left un-named for obvious reasons) to do the job.

    Well, the Soviets proved conclusively that any cellular disease or death
    pattern can be transmitted electromagnetically and induced in target cells
    absorbing the radiation. They also found they could do this from great distances of some several thousands of miles. Do your cells cringe every now and then?

    The Soviets reported their effect using near ultra violet photons as carriers.The ultra violet photons were those emitted in death by a diseased or damaged cell as it dies. That is the bioluminescence which carry the property substructure. Photon bombardment of the target cell culture by the death pattern photons, and remember these conditioned photons are specific vacuum engines, induced the exact disease pattern in those shells after a charge-up of kindred period of time. During that charge-up time the atomic model in a target cell culture was charged-up with tailored photon vacuum en­gines which carried the exact cellular death pattern. As charge-up proceeded, the death pattern was gradually introduced onto the master cellular control system, at the cells in the target culture.
    The West German scientists utilized infra red waves, that is, the infra red conditioning photon vacuum engine. Please, particularly note that it is already well known in quantum mechanics, better known as electrodynamics perhaps, that when a photon is emitted from the surface of dielectric body, the entire dielectric body participates in that emission. Another definition please: "dielectric": A non-conductor of direct electric current. Also, "dielectric heating": The rapid and uniform heating throughout a non-conducting material by means of a high frequency electromagnetic field. (He who has eyes, please let him see!) If a photon is absorbed on the surface of the dielectric body the entire dielectric body participates in that absorption. Note also, that whether or not cellular disease conditions can be corrected by time reverse signals must certainly have occurred to your friendly Soviets, since this has already been widely utilized in the Soviet's giant Scalar Electromagnetic weapons---oh yes, the same ones that backfeed.

    Rife's microscope could easily allow visualization of viruses for it could easily defeat the wave length limitation of the light frequency utilized.

    It has now been proven, in your own physics studies, that the wave length limit in optical instruments can be violated by utilizing evanescence complex waves. Rife's microscope utilized such waves and thusly, normal light wave length was not a limitation.
    When an instrument is utilized to make complex waves, it can also be utilized to make phase conjugate waves. Rife's microscope could also be utilized to determine the exact color frequency pattern associated with specific disease organisms. There is great knowledge herein for it allows for the exact matching of frequency patterns.
    Well, Rife got the usual warm treatment by his fellow man in payment for his services. He was bound over into prison and when he was later released he was a broken and discouraged man. He lived out his remaining life in retreat and his death was hardly noted.

    You are fortunate if you can act quickly enough, for there are ones still living who have direct knowledge of the workings of the scopes. If you get busy you can recover and replicate the work. If you tarry your population will be devastated by the plague called AIDS and you will find no open space large enough to spread your memorial quilt.

    Dharma, it is late and we are both weary. Please let us close this and we will make our enemies on the morrow. In loving care and appreciation, I move to stand-by.
    Commander Antheose Xandeau Ashtar to clear frequency. Good evening,
    Ashtar to out

    CHAPTER 13
    REC. #1, HATONN
    WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 063

    Hatonn present, Dharma. I will make a brief statement about your current affairs; however, the questions and petitions coming forth are a bit annoying, even if understandable. Further, I see we will not get on with our work if we do not comment.
    We are always amused in the midst of disaster to see the mind and mouth of man at work. Not one public statement has gone forth to say how fortunate that God set it up to change the fewest possible physical life-streams in the Earthquake area.

    I will point out several things and I desire you ponder them most carefully as to how "accidental" it could have been.
    1.How often do you have a world series baseball game played at 5:00 p.m. in one area? My scanners show not one death in that stadium filled to overflowing with people who would have been at work or moving homeward. Further, great numbers in the ballpark would have been killed in their isolated dwelling places or business places.
    2.Most businesses closed mid-afternoon so employees could make it to their homes to celebrate the opening of the game at 5:00 p.m. which lessened the traffic on the roadways at the time of the quake.
    Warning--warning-warning! How many listen to warnings'? Further, how many are relishing this happening and expect the bus from up here--the cloudbank with the Master? Could the Revelations be true, they ask? Is it possible this is the time? Get out your little calculators and figure it out!
    Oh no, it won't be as you petition it to be---"let us know ten minutes before a problem" so "then I can believe". You have been warned, warned and warned again. We have even pulled ones out of this very shock area only to have them change their minds about truth and move to even more dangerous ground in the very affected area. So be it, I remind you----: "I shall come unexpected as a thief in the night." and "These things will come without warning. . .!" No, you who work with me have protection but not in the face of forewarning--that is called free-will choice to be where you choose to be.
    Evacuation'? You could not believe how many life forms we have aboard ship this day--most have changed dimensions and are in a state of shock but we are most busy at our task.
    Now, let me tell you something to ponder. Probabilities and "signs" are confusing---getting prepared is quite simple. Your seers saw this coming on October 18th--that is pretty close--you were off only by one year! In a realm of no time or space, that is pretty accurate. Many of you also "feel" changes and "something big coming down" this October and have voiced it----YOU ARE NOT GIVEN TO KNOW FOR MAN WOULD NOT AVOID DISASTER; MAN WOULD MAKE SURE THE WORST COMES OFF IN TIMELY FASHION.
    How many disasters can your government's pocket books carry? You may be in line to find out.
    Yes, you in Tehachapi will be hit also--I have never told you otherwise; I have told you that you of ours, will be secure and the area protected in a lift off if necessary to preserve the crystal. A 1,200 to 12,000 foot raise-shift is not be sneezed at dear ones--Father has not promised you a rose garden--you have been told it will be beyond your ability to comprehend.
    Dharma, let it be known herein that all ones along the coastal area cities are in grave danger of loss of both life and resources. We do not wish the Commander Ashtar gave you warning to be alert in these current days--pay attention to all natural actions along the regions of your "ring-of-fire" and connect them for therein lies your greatest signals. Listen to God speak, not your earth humans who give "expert" edicts---those experts have told you UFO's don't exist, AIDS is not a problem, you don't need a shelter or survival program---sure would be handy for a few people in California this morning to have some emergency rations, cooking facilities, flashlights and nice cozy well constructed shelters for if you can remain in good health, man can rebuild. You have a problem in the water supply for in some areas gasoline is flowing in your storm drains---prepare and you can sustain yourselves. Let this lecture suffice please

    The pressure is beginning to crumble the Russian empire--don't miss these things covered by the distractions. Honnacker's extraction in East Germany is a major note for this date. Major indeed.
    The public, and more especially the "secret" meeting between hated enemies in the Middle East is of major importance in ways you do not even see for there is no comment regarding the real issues being bonded. When that temple starts going up and the sacrificial rituals are totally reinstated within the citadels; beware, for the moment will be upon you. Now, how much more do you desire to know?
    Go, please, for a break that we might get on with the instructions from Ashtar and the beloved scientists, Dharma. Go in peace, child, and give no thought to the cares of the day for you are in the Father's wings and we have note of you and yours--our ones are blessed and should rejoice in the moment for this is your purpose and your fulfillment. It is so and let it be recognized for that truth which it is.
    Continue to look unto the heavens from whence comes your proof and reassurance--watch for our spectrum strobes for those are your "visible" connection to your various mother crafts, set to your frequencies--pay attention to all "nudges" and respond after clearing of your areas. Do not sit around speculating which is which and what and who--at this point it matters not and is only distracting from that which must be done.
    The time has arrived and passed, we have renamed our central command craft "PHOENIX" and appropriate ones are permanently locked on to our system. Welcome aboard!

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