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  1. #11
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: AIDS, the Last Great Plague Intro and Chapter 1

    CHAPTER 20
    REC. #1 TESLA

    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 066

    Hatonn present for brief comment and the morning quiz. That which you don't know can hurt you dearly.
    How many of you connected the launching of the Delta for placement of a "military satellite" with the shuttle "probe"? Please keep your minds open for you are not told truth. The systems are getting a bit more sophisticated and if these "space" apparatus do not bear nuclear war weapons we can't touch them--hold it in your heart.
    I further urge ones in the San Francisco Bay area of California to not settle into contentment in the assumption that "it is over for another hundred years or so", it is NOT. There is a very, very large shift due on the fault you label, Hayward. It was intentionally stabilized in order to not coincide with the quake just experienced. Further, this one did not relieve notable stress from the San Andreas; please don't simply return to sleep. My, you ones do like to tempt and gamble---back to the old ball game! So be it.
    What does it require to keep you sleep-walkers awake? Well, let us get on with the work at hand. We shall endeavor to finish the document on this week-end for it is so timely. Therefore, I shall simply relinquish to our most respected teacher, Dr. Nikola Tesla, for he has waited patiently at stand-by for several days.
    We have requested that he refra n from giving technical data regarding what you call "free energy" at this writing for our subject is so urgent and we are herein dealing with frequency and light. We shall get on to the other matter in proper sequence. Thank you, Dharma. You have spent many, many hours with Nikola but I shall be at hand if you have difficulty with communication. This is a good example of frequency integration, for you ones who think this type of communication is mystical or magic. Each energy who presents has a remarkably different frequency and some mesh more easily than do others. It requires frequency adjustments and can present a great deal of stress on the receiver until such time as perfect integration is achieved. Once achieved, however, it is quite easy at subsequent encounters.

    Tesla present and available for interrogation. I shall attempt to respond to queries which are already listed in prior meetings. Unfortunately, that which is requested predominantly, is not of this particular subject matter and I will acquiesce to solicitations to keep my theme within the boundaries of light---as you perceive it. All is light and it is most tragic to separate topics for if you have light you have already imposed all energy matters into the subject in point.

    Since you already have available all you actually need to produce the apparatus under discussion in this document, I shall make an effort at bringing comfort between you who receive of this material and myself, that you might become contented and secure in my presence in this format.

    I suppose my favorite lecture, while in your dimension, dealt with light perception as related to the most remarkable apparatus known to life--the eye. I shall bury a few "secrets" for the researchers who are assessing this material for missing keys to fulfill a given understanding. However, if you gather into a unit the proper workers, you have all you need. If each gives freely of his contribution, you can quickly and quite reasonably produce your equipment. I will discuss light, oscillations and electro-biological radiations and relevant material. Then I will get on with my wondrous appreciation of the eye if there is adequate time and the scribe does not desert me.

    Your most valuable equipment, of course, will be Mr. Rife's fourth microscope (prismatic) of, approximately, your year 1935 along with apparatus allowing for the measuring of crystal "angles". And, of course, his fifth prismatic scope of approximately 1937 which narrowed the light field for slit ultra illumination. If you can reassemble those which have been secreted away you will be far advanced rather than having the necessity of constructing from start-up. I know they exist and are being worked on at this given mo­ment.

    You do not need concern yourselves to any great extent over the frequency apparatus for you can easily find far more sophisticated electronic equipment than was available for either Rife or Priore. But, always build upon the shoulders of others if their shoulders were headed in the right direction and their adjacent heads were screwed on properly.

    In the start-up, however, you will need equipment that allows for extremely critical focused frequency, I suppose I am trying to say, refractometers, for accurate and wide-spectrum measuring of refraction indices.

    Mr. Rife utilized a ray tube with mercury and neon--it would be more efficient if you would utilize, say, mercury and helium because of their octave opposition. Better yet would be bismuth and gammanon but you will find that a difficult combination to come by. Well, go with what is already available for it will be sufficient for this apparatus. Use your logical perceptions of proper frequencies as projected by Mr. Cathie.

    You will not need a mammoth apparatus---always think in terms of "keep it most simple". Just as you can run electricity through every cell in the body by "passing it 'through"' from one point to a completer point and cycle it back, the frequencies can be projected in like manner. I believe you will find Mr. Schroepfer will have some excellent input into that matter.

    Just keep uppermost in mind that the physical plane (your perception limits of third dimension) is divided into sub-planes which differ from each other in one fundamental, namely vibration, which is characteristic of the density of the matter of each sub-plane. The sub-planes are generally designated as solids, liquids, gases and ethers of four differing grades. Actually there are additional grades, but this assumption will serve your purposes. The matter of the higher or finer levels interpenetrates those of the lower. Consequently, all physical objects, made up as they are of solids, liquids and gases, also have an etheric counterpart. This etheric counterpart, which all objects have regardless of size, is most important indeed.

    All matter is in a state of vibration and your scientists have provided you with a scale of energy oscillations. I would, however, again request you consider Mr. Cathie's findings regarding this scale. Energy is measured in octaves, indicating the number of oscillations per second, and the medium through which such octaves are transported. This is why mercury is a most effective medium. The oscillations range from the first octave of two pentillion os­cillations per second and are known as the X-rays.

    The first classification of energy is sound, extending from the fourth octave and the lowest audible note at 16 oscillations per second, to the fifteenth octave at 32,768 oscillations per second - the limit of human audibility. The medium through which this energy of "sound" travels may be solid, liquid or gaseous, and the propagation is performed by waves of condensation and rarefaction. Beyond the fifteenth octave, as audibility disappears, a range of oscillation comes into existence whose operations are defined as being in the "ultra gaseous" medium. This prevails up to the thirty-fifth octave and produces a form of energy known as "etheric sound".

    Please consider this a bit of a primer. I suppose this is not such interesting reading as is a good novel but, dear friends, your species is at stake. Your medical profession must come into acceptance of this modality of treatment and they must do so most quickly. That means we must write some rather advanced items as well as quite primitive information so we can get a good scatter of information.

    From the above described position, all sound slowly begins to change as much higher oscillations are approached, and on the forty-fifth octave the bombarding energy transforms and becomes manifest as "radiant energy", "heat", or "dark light". The travelling medium of this potency is known as the lowest or first "ether" and the character of its propagation is wave motion with molecular clash.

    Now, push the oscillatory frequency per second further and at the forty-ninth octave the first, visibly, to appear occurs as red color. Your sense of sight enables you to appreciate the energy at this point, but although the organs of sight are the most highly specialized organs of the body and most closely associated with the central nervous system, their capacity is limited to a range of this one octave only.

    As the analysis of the phenomena of light shows that the energy of this range of the oscillatory scale is transmitted by the medium of "ether", and unlike sound, is independent even of the medium of gas. A Radiometer, which is an instrument having vanes, mounted on a pivot in an airless chamber, shows rotation under its influence and the speed of its rotation is determined by the intensity of the light and the quality of its color. This experiment proves conclusively that Light is a force and a highly potent one, being able to register its effects across a vacuous space.

    The source of all life and energy on the earth is of course the Sun, and its energy is conveyed to the earth by means of waves of light. Sunlight, on analysis, is shown to be a compound and composed of seven major prismatic colors, which always appear in the following order: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. These colors differ from each other in two ways, (1) the wave-length, which decreases from red to violet, and (2) the oscillatory frequency, which increases from red to violet.

    For growth, all vegetable, animal and human bodies are dependent on sunlight for energy, which they are absorbing continually in the form of light and which they are radiating continually, though the manifestation is different. This takes place through the radio-active and radio-emanative organism or etheric counterpart of the dense physical body.

    Spectroscopy has shown that every element of the earth (over 92 now known) exhibits a preponderance of one or more of the prismatic colors and that the potency of an element depends on the potency of its color waves. It has been found that substances when burnt in a flame have the power of causing characteristic bright lines to appear in the spectrum; and that particular sub­stances always cause the same lines to appear and always at the same location of the spectrum, regardless of the compound in which the metals were used or the great variety of chemical reactions in the various flames, or the immense difference in temperature of these flames.

    This was true of the spectra obtained by a spark passing between electrodes made of these metals, and spectra obtained by a spark passing through tubes containing elements in a gaseous or attenuated condition. It was therefore unquestionably established that the bright lines of the spectrum are beams of light refracted to definite points in the graduated scale and are proof positive of the presence of the metals or elements in consideration. Each set of bright lines or refracted beams of light thus obtained represents the aggregation of wave-lengths, or in other words, the oscillatory rhythm associated with the composition or quality of that particular metal or element.

    In the analysis of various elements it is found that, although some have many bright lines and others few, all show one or more lines predominant and usually one markedly so. This intensity of the lines and their concentration in a given position of the spectrum are the factors which determine the potency of an element and the range of wave-lengths in which it is most highly effective.

    An element or metal heated thus before a spectroscope has had its molecular, atomic and electronic constituents so expanded that the oscillatory rhythm, being inherent in the element, can be appreciated visually by having it stepped up, by heat, to the forty-ninth octave. However, because of this integrity in the rhythm of the constituents of the metal, these oscillatory frequencies are detectable in octaves lower than the forty-ninth by instruments properly adapted for this purpose.

    By means of a specially adapted electric circuit, containing a bank of radio tubes, condensers, a resistance unit, etc, the oscillatory rhythm of the elements can be detected and their potency measured. This is especially significant when it is recalled that all foods and medicines, as well as the human body, are composed of definite element combinations, and therefore act in conformity with such color wave potencies, the aggregate of which gives each its charac­teristic oscillatory rhythm.

    Using the above radio tube circuit, foods and medicines can be analyzed and identified as carrying potencies of color corresponding to definite portions of the spectrum. This is the key to Precision Therapy as will be discussed.

    The human body is composed of elements, of which the principal ones are: Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Iodine, Chlorine, Fluorine, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Silicon, and Sodium. These constituents, already shown to have distinctive and characteristic spectral bright lines of wave-lengths of light, would thus be representatives of the bal­ance of energy existing in the body as light. The body, therefore, has certain oscillatory frequencies normally within it, each with a potency in direct ratio to the amount of the corresponding element present.

    This is a most important fact which becomes apparent when it is known that, with the above electric circuit, the potency of these frequencies in the body can be measured and the excess or deficiency of the corresponding elements determined with accuracy. This is the key to Precision Diagnosis.

    Different organs and tissues of the body having different chemical element preponderances, oscillate at different color wave potencies. In other words, the chemical activity in each organ or tissue, due to its normal characteristic element content, produces particular oscillatory frequencies which are maintained throughout health.

    Oscillatory Rhythm and Electro-biological Radiations are synonymous terms. Any disproportion of the chemical elements of an organ or tissue, from whatever cause, would therefore have a marked effect on the balance of light energy in the organ. This would result in a changed oscillatory rhythm or electro-biological radiation from the organ.


    A given disease condition that causes a particular disproportion of the chemical elements of an organ or tissue, with a particular disturbance of the balance of light, produces, as a natural consequence, an oscillatory rhythm or electro-biological radiation from the organ which is characteristic and indicative of that disease. Different disease conditions are associated with definite and characteristic tissue changes, macroscopical and microscopical. Coincidental and progressive chemical changes, registering as electro­biological radiations on the radio tube circuit, are equally characteristic and measurable.
    Because of these facts the physician is able to detect disease in its incipiency and even in the etheric stage before macroscopic changes have proceeded to the point where symptoms are produced. This, of course, is of great importance in the field of preventive medicine.

    Dharma, let us interrupt this dissertation for a rest break for this is a most lengthy composition and I am picking up great fatigue from your own frequency aura.
    I would say, before we go farther, that it is time to allow Dr. Overholt to understand one of the reasons we had him peruse all the technical writings, some months ago, is to reassure this scribe that what we bring forth is most valid. It was a mammoth undertaking and our appreciation is great indeed.

    I would further give appreciation to my contact in India who has already scribed this information from me. I am aware that it has been republished as recently as your spring of this year. It is most important that it be penned again in this document. Thank you for your patience and response to that need. It was first presented for a much different reason but as with all things, it is most applicable in this present undertaking. All things have a proper time and place of acceptance and understanding.

    I shall stand aside while you have refreshment. I, in behalf of my colleagues here, extend our apologies at the length of these writings but they are most urgent and necessary.
    Please notify me when you are available to resume. NIKOLA

    CHAPTER 21
    REC. #2 TESLA
    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1989 2:15 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 066
    Nikola to resume discussion.

    I think it unnecessary to continue in-depth regarding this matter to any great extent. The point is that underlying conditions of disease show electro­biological radiations of their own that are separate and distinct from that of the particular infection associated with it. By utilizing various rates relating to various organs or specific areas of the anatomy, an area of inflammation or other malfunction can be isolated. A point of special interest is that owing to the anatomy of the large bowel, especially the Sigmoid portion, and also due to faulty elimination, the accumulation of toxins usually begins here, reaches the highest potential, and persists longer than in other parts of the body because there is ample area for extension and storage without production of symptoms due to pressure, irritation of nerves, etc.

    I am not one who advocates colonies as a basic therapy as do many of your holistic practitioners. I found that utilizing a vibration frequency, suitable to the person being treated, would bring gentle and thorough results without discomfort or trauma. I have found that it is quite easy to adjust vibration frequencies to different organs of the body for parts have differing chemical element preponderances and therefore, oscillate to different color wave potencies. Any condition of disease is associated with a disproportion of the chemical elements of the body, with the attending disturbance of the color wave balance. You will find that many chiropractors will utilize these instru­ments whereby the medical profession, as a whole, considers them somewhat more quackery than judicial.

    It is most unfortunate that man cannot not have access to treatments based on logical progression rather than slash, burn and chemicalize at random in hopes of somehow salvaging a life, even if only partially. Don't misunderstand my intent in this dialogue, for there is most certainly need of trained and skilled surgeons and medical applications.

    I will point out, however, that during the past 180 years or more, homeopathic students have organized a listing of remedies that are classified as to the capacity to counteract disease, and as to affinity for stimulating particular organs or tissues of the body. In selecting remedies by the radiaesthetic method, it was found that these tinctures and tablets not only coincided with the forgoing classifications but fell into groups corresponding to certain colors of the spectro-chrome diagram. Likewise, the more modern so-called "wonder drugs" (miracle drugs) also could be allocated to definite color positions on the diagram. I will not linger over the diagram at this time, but it is most feasible indeed.

    Knowing the color correspondences of the remedies simplifies the matter of prescribing so that the balance of light energy in the body may be restored. After the causative factor has been removed or annihilated, there is always the need for restoration to proper function. In selecting the remedies for a given disorder, the one or more which could be expected to yield the max­imum benefit to the patient would be those which, when matched against the patient's specimen, would reduce the congestion and infection potentials to zero and simultaneously raise the vitality potentials of the depressed organs to normal.

    I have witnessed the utilization of ultra-sound in many modern instances, for instance, in pregnancy to visualize the infant in utero, without any damage whatsoever. It is most unfortunate, however, that your medical profession is so geared to monetary concerns and use of chemicals as designated by drug producers, that change is slow in coming. Much wondrous work goes forth in laboratories but it appears, as in my own life history, that that which is a true solution is barred from utilization, to a great extent. It further becomes obvious that if the retroviral infections afflicting your population are not halted quickly, your world population will be devastated--it is most distressing indeed.

    I am bringing this portion, which may appear unrelated, but it is most important for the renewal process. Let me discuss it in relationship to a general malady which causes illness but is not life threatening, for example.

    One beautiful part of ongoing diagnostic follow-up is that the remedy, even of maximum benefit, when administered to the patient accomplishes changes by degrees only. With each tonic or medication a certain percentage of the disease energy is neutralized and toxins eliminated. With subsequent check­ups new tonics are selected to fit the status existing at the time.

    The road back to normal calls for a Ureversal of the tendencies which brought about the condition, as well as the neutralization of the infection. The accomplishment of this objective requires the use of the principles of reinforcement or excitation at certain times and that of interference, retardation or impedance at other times. The important thing is to know when to use which. This is determined by checking, as example, the infra-green group and the ultra-green group of colors to see which are deficient, and which are in excess. While supplying the energy that reinforces the de­ficiencies and brings them to normal, the excess energies are simultaneously counter-balanced by interference or impedance. This holds true for any of the color designations.

    The procedure is progressive and check-ups at intervals of a few days show the degree of progress, as well as indicating the "follow-up" remedy to meet the changed condition. Intermittent check-ups are essential because the effectiveness of the remedy, in tending to re-establish a balanced status, results in the patient out-growing it. In other words, these remedies of proven therapeutic value, prescribed according to this method of selection, mesh with the needs of the patient ill a manner to promote elimination of toxins, to restore vitality to organs and tissues, and to re-establish gradually the balance of light energies in the body.

    As you move into success with destruction of the viruses, you will not automatically have a whole and functioning body. You are going to have some very compromised people needing assistance in restoration to good health. Exposure to varying color beams from a spectra-chrome lamp, used directly on the patient, would be most beneficial, but a tonic corresponding to the same color sector, taken four times a day between lamp treatments, would greatly hasten recovery of health and vitality.

    A point of interest as regards the various infections which attack the living organism is that while they are often composed of more than one kind of bacteria, the one most often complicating the picture is a virus. Then when you are faced with retrovirus infections you are compounding the problem. In general, a viral infection of general nature is relatively more persistent than the bacterial infection, which tends to melt away sooner under treatment, and yet, even they could be called "but nothing" compared to that which faces your species at present. You are going to end up with a body depleted of vitamins and minerals and the balance must be rapidly restored in order to disallow reentry of infection. Timely replacement of these items is mandatory.

    I have rambled on at great length but it is most important to remember that a half dead patient free of virus is not a whole person. Although, with proper supportive treatment and cell enhancement therapy, recovery can be amazingly rapid.

    I would suggest that another marvelous thinker be brought into your circle of colleagues, Trevor James Constable. Mr. Constable has done excellent, and proven effective, work in radionics. You should look closely, indeed, into geometries of radionics and cosmic life pulses. Well, I feel it inappropriate at this writing, to go into CYMATICS, which is practical healing with the use of sound, or psychokinetics. All, in the summation, utilize light frequencies which at appropriate vibration produce both sound and color.

    It is, in summation, most urgent that you move forward with your research in the cure of AIDS for it is even more deadly than you have surmised. It is further, obvious that you will never get the cure established if you await governmental or professional medical community intervention in a timely manner. Your bureaucracy is much too leviathan to allow a timely solution.

    This information should be scattered throughout the most involved communities as quickly as possible and further, the populace who feel themselves safe, must be given the facts. If your private sector will pull together, you can accomplish your goal. I repeat, you have ones who already have the abilities necessary; you simply need to pull them together into a working, full-time unit.

    Obviously this will require funding; however, since this plague affects every man, woman and child on your planet I would foresee that as this is made known, ones will contribute the necessary support.

    I would request that ones be urged to purchase this material rather than simply passing it around, for the writers of this material are dedicated to great contribution to the rapid realization of a cure---every day, henceforth, is most precious.

    Dharma, I have made a decision to not impose further upon your patience nor on the good nature of the readers of this journal. I shall give my dissertation on the wonders of the eye at a later, and more suitable, time. I am often accused of eccentricity in these dimensions as well as when I tinkered within yours. Ah, if I could grant a few wishes, 1 would give the quality with which I was gifted, that of constructing my machines and apparatus in two dimensions. I could literally project and construct in the invisible fourth and experience the workings thereof without the cumbersome density of the three dimensional plane. But that, too, shall come unto you ones sooner than you might perceive.

    I will take leave now, that you might move on with your activities. I am in great appreciation, Dharma. I trust my contribution will be of some value, although, I am confident my contribution will be much greater in other areas of creation and invention. You ones must never overlook my bladeless pump for it serves in so many various manners. I look forward, with great pleasure, to working again with you and my colleagues.

    I am most cordially yours in friendship

  2. #12
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: AIDS, the Last Great Plague Intro and Chapter 1

    REC. #1 HATONN
    MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1989 7:45 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 068

    Hatonn present, and I believe that we might pretty much finish the document on AIDS this day. There will be others as we move along in "time" but this is sufficient for man to come into understanding.

    As instructions to the compiling I request the following.
    As an Epilog (in placement), I will herein give appreciation to Paul Andrew (we may not utilize his full name for several reasons, not the least of which is that we shall not have him tracked back to his mother). You will please insert the following statement afore the taped transcription and continue it as the final chapter, as such.




    In the entanglements of the physical life journey there are many "unsung heroes" who come forth and during their lifetime they are ignored, persecuted, ridiculed and at best, misunderstood. These ones come in sequence out of an acceptable time element and are projected among a band of humanity not ready for acceptance of the gifts they bear. All who scan these pages will know of one or more such individuals. They come in all sizes and shapes, colors and creeds. Most do their appointed task and depart; man never realizing the treasure borne forth and cast aside through ignorance.

    One such gift unto you ones, was a man whom we shall only label "PAUL ANDREW" for it is most critical that this personage not be traced back to birth source at this time.
    He efforted diligently at "fitting into" your world. He never succeeded, and having come forth to alert others in a timely manner, he departed your plane at the age of twenty-five years.

    There were two people who never fully heard his pleading cry and others who, in their mindless way, drove him in torment. Earth man will learn truth of his actions and stand responsible for their egotistical errors, for once upon your plane an energy is locked into the same format of existence as are all others.


    Paul, even in the smallness of his years, and in spite of the bombardment of negative fulfillment, came forth with what he called his theory of DIMENSIONAL LIFE. The version printed herein is not his polished document which was put to tape some six weeks later, but must suffice in concept for the tape was damaged greatly. Ah, some of you will say: "But that is my theory also, so what is new within its message?" He put it forth as a gift and perhaps you have not yet taken your stand for truth and understanding of that truth; no more and no less.

    Paul was birthed into human format on July 30, 1959, in your American city of Salt Lake City in the State of Utah. All who knew him also knew he was not from your place. He physically departed on March 22, 1985 from Bakersfield, California. His entity departed your plane on March 31, 1985 from the area north of Glendale, in your Los Angeles County, California. I give these coordinates that those who recognize of my words will have confirmation.

    He served well, he serves well presently and shall be allowed to bring forth his works in absentia of that afore mentioned entity and through other conduit. Man must learn that his perception of life-streams is incorrect and come into understanding of endless life and mind.

    As in STAR TREK, those who will be coming forth to assist you from the fourth dimension are only more advanced than are you, little brothers, they are not Gods and are not one WITH God, until they have completed their individual life-stream "tours of duty", if you will. I shall not dwell further on the subject at this time. I shall again, in other documents, give further credit to this young energy who made the ultimate contribution.

    There are two human energies he respected and loved above all others; his mother and one labeled Dr. Andrew J. Golombos. The mother began to understand, the good doctor failed to come from his self-appointed lofty position upon the pedestal to ever see the "Bruno" or "Halley" he had within his grasp. Woe be unto man who fails to recognize of the gifts. Dr. Golombos has wondrous gifts to offer but in his self-appointed definitions separating egotism and egoism--he missed--the definitions are correct, the actions most incorrect. He could, however, sort out all of your technical problems in a very short time-span. If his humility ever matches the projection of his words, he shall be included. He can be easily located in the area of Los Angeles, California.

    The earth father of Paul Andrew shall also remain unnamed. His contributions were ones of pain and denial, greed and ignorance. He, himself, is a physician who has yet been unable to heal himself. Honor shall be given when honor is earned and merited.

    I do give honor to the step-father who understood finally, albeit too late for the human being, he has since contributed in unlimited measure unto our cooperation. I must also leave this one unlabeled for security reasons--this message is for him to receive at this time.
    I will further request that those who know of whom I speak, look within and without for you are missing thy opportunities of greatness.
    For you who seek truth, do not fall away for the petition is always heard and if requested in truth of desire and in honor, ye shall be given it.


    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1989 12:29 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 056

    TAPED JAN. 19, 1985, 12:45 P.M. PAUL'S DEATH: MARCH 22, 1985

    What is the idea of dimensional life? For an explanation of "what it is" I must go into a few details leading into the theory.
    The first is the concept of dimensional universes. We live in and understand the "zeroith" universe. If we were living within an atom this would be the negative-one universe (-1), and if we departed the "zeroith" (0) universe, or we stepped outside of our universe, we would step into the positive-one ( + 1) universe. Then we would look upon our universe, or the zero (0) universe as an atom. It would then appear, but I have no way of knowing how far in either or both directions the stream flows, i.e., - 1,2,3,4, etc. and + 1,2,3,4, etc.

    Being within the current universe which is represented by the zero (0) status, I cannot say for sure if these other dimensions actually exist, but for definition sake, I will say that we live in the zeroith universe. Therefore, if we could move within an atom we would have to say we are in the -1 universe. Therefore, if we move outside our universe we would of necessity be in a posi­tive, say (+1), universe. Briefly, that is a simplistic concept of dimensional universes.

    Let's now say you have a line going from negative through to ours, the zero, and on into the positive dimensions of the universe. Now what if somehow one could step outside of that line--then you would be in the cosmos-or free in an etheric state of existence within the cosmos--free of universal restrictions. Now this is but a concept which, to my knowledge, cannot be proven.

    The next point I would bring to your attention is what is called the theory of evolution--certainly an old concept which has been under great contradiction and controversy as presented by Charles Darwin. This theory, if I understand it correctly, is that basically man came from the higher apes, the apes from lower species and on down the line through the fishes and back to the tiny one-celled life forms.

    But, if you move farther backward, so to speak, you move downward through perceived life form and into molecular reactions, or chemical reactions.

    Keeping in mind my concept of dimensional universes, and further, keeping in mind Mr. Darwin's theory of evolution, at least if the above understanding is correct, we would, of necessity, move into what I call, dimensional life. This concept, if correct, becomes the theory of dimensional life.

    Now, the idea is essentially the following: Let us say, that we--as man--live in the zero universe. That is, right now the human species is consuming energy and consuming resources. We are expanding our growth. As we expand our growth, our needs for more resources, our needs for more energy also grows.

    As man continues to grow he will eventually leave the planet Earth, move to other planets and will begin utilizing the energy and resources of other planets, firstly from those in our particular solar system. Man, then left to his own devices, will continue to grow and exhaust the resources in these new environments so he would need look to other sources for man continues to expand without thought to eventual destiny or extinction.

    It is feasible that man, in his movement into the solar system, will expand and eventually begin to pull other solar systems together, but man shows, so far, that as he now incarnates he would just continue to use the resources in exploitation. In any case, man will expand ultimately to the limits of our galaxy and then at some time in the perceived future, provided man continues to grow and expand, the energies and resources in our own galaxy will not be enough. Therefore, at that time, man would of necessity move on out into other galaxies.

    Let's say that the +1 universe looks upon galaxies as atoms, and let's say that man finds it most beneficial to connect galaxies together for the best utilization of the energies and resources of the whole. Now, if you were moved into the positive one universe looking down at the atoms, what you would then see would simply be represented as chemical reactions with those atoms ("galaxies").

    If you look in the opposing direction, you would say that there is a sharp line between the zero universe in which we live, and the negative-one universe, which are atoms. It could be that in the positive-one universe the entire of the galaxies could represent one atom--or, from higher dimensions the entire of the galaxies may appear to be as one atom. My knowledge is not great enough to know wherein lays these sharp lines of demarcation.

    I have already given you the image that if we begin pulling galaxies together--then, you would have a chemical reaction within the positive universe. If, however, the entire of the galaxies are represented as one atom then man could still continue to expand until, relatively speaking, he expands to the limits of the universe as his current perception would recognize such and move into a higher "universe" whereby he has more energy and resource with which to function. This obviously would not be in a physical format as we can recognize of it in our current structure.

    At that time he may find it more appropriate to connect universes together, at which time you would perceive chemical reactions within that prior positive-one universe. Where those sharp lines between these existence frames actually is, I simply don't know. You can look at universes, galaxies, solar systems or groupings of atoms as if they are only one atom.
    Let us look at this zero universe where man now stands and assume we have worked our way upward into the positive-one universe. Well, actually, let us move in the other direction and look at the realm of the negative universe, or the atoms.

    Now, Mr. Darwin indicates that we first had chemical reactions, followed by one-celled animals, on into fish and plants, then animals, and then finally, man. What is all this leading to? After coming this far, I hope that you will understand my meaning when I say, "What is man? What are you? What am I?". Each one of us represents an entire civilization of some type of life-form, or social structure composed of trillions of living entities functioning in our perceived negative-one universe---obviously controlled and placed into order of function by our system already in a representative higher universe.

    Your body, yourself, may be an entire civilization composed of hundreds of billions, actually trillions, of living entities residing in the negative-one universe controlled by a central "computer" or "God" who is obviously "self', for if the controlling mechanism--you--breaks down, you then have chaos within that negative-one universe--your body.

    So, what is dimensional life? Dimensional life may be this; that you have living entities in one dimension that build social and organized structures large enough to become a single, living entity in the next higher dimension. As those single entities in the next higher dimension, multiply and grow, they in turn build yet another structure which ultimately becomes cohesive and functions as a unit and moves onward and upward. This is never ending for there is no limit to the universes themselves for universal realms are infinite. Essentially dimensional life is the progression of life-stream into ever higher and more orderly compilation of units into ONE whole. From the zero status this cannot be proven, but at some point I believe man will be able to have knowledge from the higher life planes and this will be brought into our knowledge and be proven.

    What I conceive here, I would like to think of as the theory of dimensional life. Right now, in my frustration, I have no way to prove this theory and certainly few would entertain my opinion for there are many much more learned men than myself and I probably would not be heard. I know there is a fragment, an essence of energy that can only progress, for having progressed (evolved into higher form) it cannot move backwards for that is the law of progression. In this instance it would have to be said that this my "hypothesis" of dimensional life for a "theory" actually needs more scientific proof to be acceptable and I have no means for its proving.

    When I think about it, and the more I think about it, the more I am convinced it is real and it is correct and orderly. Then, I get completely in awe of ones who have been able to utilize the concepts of living things upon which to base their physical constructions.

    When I look at a mosquito, a fly--even those tiny little gnats, those little tiny gnats that fly around in circles about an inch in diameter and get in your ears and sit there and go whring, whring, whring and go in your eyes and ears and bug hell out of you, I have to look at them and think how wonderful it is that they can actually fly. I think about ones like Wilber and Orville Wright and how intelligent they really must have been to actually figure out how to fly. I think, "what an achievement that is!" and then I really wonder how can a mosquito fly? How could it know how to fly?

    Then I realize that man could not build a mosquito. Man could not build a fly. With all our current technology, high as it may be, we still could not build a mosquito---something that small that could fly--well, we could not build a mosquito!

    So what did? Something did! I conclude that what did are living entities beginning in the negative-one universe. The same flow stream of living entities that built you and me. Boy, it amazes me when I look at a fly. It amazes me when I look at bugs because I think, "What in hell built them?"--something built them and it sure as hell can't be by accident.

    Something actually built me--something built you and it sure as hell was not by accident.
    Let's look into the other direction where man expands. We start connecting up, let us say galaxies. Before we realize it, we find ourselves in an ocean of galaxies. Or, if you are in the positive-one universe looking back (or down), you can see an ocean of atoms and maybe some molecules which have begun to connect. You realize that YOU can connect those atoms and before you know it you find out, damn, you can actually move that civilization through this ocean. Well, there would be God's one-celled animal in the positive-one universe, which is not shabby.
    Well, you can use your own imagination from there. When man starts building two-celled animals, or two-celled societal structures and three, and then four and then a thousand and a million ....
    I look at a mosquito and think of a helicopter, I look at a bird and I think of an airplane and I think, "Where is technology?" Man developed technology for helicopters and airplanes, but who developed technology to build mosquitos and birds? Oh my--well, let us look now at another evolution.

    Let us look at Wilber and Orville's first powered airplane, the very first powered flight. Look at the evolution of aircraft from its inception through its growl h, up to today. On a parallel to that you could look at the first "thing" that flew, it probably was not a mosquito--who knows, maybe a bird or a fish--one that could flop its wings and remain out of water, whatever it was --- look at the very first one. Well, there is type evolvement or natural selection whereby each developed, or was orderly constructed, to efficiently function and continues to evolve to be more adapted and efficient.

    Could not man have a similar parallel growth? Could he not grow up and beyond the limits of this dimensional restraint and into higher dimensions of life-type existence?
    Well, you have my theory for dimensional life. Yet, I have no proof nor do I think I am the first to have this concept but neither have I found it written elsewhere. Therefore, I can only draw conclusions which I feel to be logical and I therefore believe this is valid.
    If I am correct, this could lead to many, many other things. If it is true that these living entities actually are in a negative universe awaiting expansion, growth and order then perhaps we can communicate with them on a frequency or vibrational level. And secondly, perhaps they are seeking a way of evolvement themselves, in their primitive aspect, and by our being higher, but composed of them, perhaps we can show them how to build even better than ourselves, you know, maybe we could lead them a little better---I truly believe that each cell--each atom--has a frequency and by use of that particular sound or light frequency we can actually communicate and structure order out of any chaos in the mechanism.

    In looking at man who is now above the negative-one universe it appears we have not progressed in proper fashion, therefore, by communicating with that negative-one universe we see that if we do not utilize technology--let us compare our brain to that of a computer, if we don't use the computer wisely we will be overrun with chaos from that negative-one body which can produce equally negative balance over into our current living universe which I refer to as the zero state.

    The computers, the mind, seem to get larger and larger and appear smarter and smarter. This also leads further-- and I would like to think about something else which has just come into my thoughts.

    When the computers which man is now utilizing, become so powerful in themselves, that computers can make their own decision solely on their own, it will affect the destination of man himself because man will have given up his rightful place in the order of progression. Right there, at that time, you essen­tially have produced another "living" entity or "being" composed of matter and brought it into a higher existence.

    When the time comes, as it appears it will, that computers make the decision for the species---however developed, that they gather data that makes the decisions instead of man, that will be a very important point in time. When I think about it, that is starting to happen right now, because already reliance is placed on computers which come up with facts that are critical and vital to the human species. I can see that relatively speaking, in the near future worldwide computers could be making decisions for the functioning of the entire human species.

    Well, looking on the other hand, if you and I are separate civilizations in the negative-one universe then it seems to me that the brain may be one of these computers, in concept. If so, then this idea can carry further into a magnificent brain (computer of energy) which controls all of us and each of US.

    Looking at the idea off dimensional life, I have come across other things which seem to make sense, t.o me at least. When you look at our civilization growing and expanding, you can use your imaginations and imagine unlimited things when you parallel it with the negative-one universe. When you look at the negative-one universe from the aspect of the zero universe, you can thereby imagine what our zero universe must look like from the aspect of the positive universes.

    The idea of dimensional life may very well be important in guiding the human species in the future by acknowledging and understanding the living entities in the negative universe and seeing how they have progressed. We can do two things, we can help them to progress better and at the same time, we can learn from their progression in order or chaos and likewise adjust.

    Let me restate this idea. By acknowledging and understanding, well, first you would have to prove that the negative-one universe living entities actually exist in such a universe; and further, prove that we are a product of their work---a product of the architects and engineers of that universe. Now, by un­derstanding and observing their progress, it can be most beneficial to our progress as a human race, for it is the end result of how those atoms, molecules and cells function which ultimately reflects how we function on the whole. Therefore, it could be most beneficial to our overall societal structure.

    Further, by monitoring their progress, we can actually help them correct their course if it is in disorder, and give them the resources they need. We could find out what their structural and societal needs are and help them and in so-doing, they will help build us and our higher potential can even better assist us as we move onward into positive higher dimensional living. We could go forward with a lot fewer mistakes if we would just pay attention.

    I guess this pretty much concludes my ideas of dimensional life as I have called it. I do hope that someday it is proved so that if some day it does become a theory of dimensional life, I believe it will be very powerful for the advancement of knowledge, the advancement of the human species and the betterment of all life..

    There are two people, if they had not existed and I had not had the input from either one of these two people, there would absolutely be no way I could have developed. One is Andrew J. Golombos and the other Charles Darwin, though I disagree with his final conclusions.

    There are thousands of people that I wish to give gratitude and I thank all of the people that have helped me. I could read off a list, but I would first have to make the list, and it would probably contain too many to list, therefore I just give my appreciation to all who came before me.

    I thank everyone who has given me input and I am most grateful. I also wish to add that up to this point, I have not written on this matter. At this point, I give anyone rights to expand on this subject with only one request, that they give me some credit for these ideas. If it is, however, not an original idea and therefore belongs to another, such as Dr. Golombos, then I withdraw all rights; no one shall use these ideas unless they are truly mine.

    I further require that the writings be only for the betterment of mankind and that they in no way hinder or damage anyone else's property.

    This concludes the taped message, but I see that I have quite a bit more available tape. Since I will be studying this subject I will leave the space for addition of material.

    There is one other thing right now. When I was thinking of putting this on tape for people to hear, I could only think about what if I am wrong---what if people say, people you are a fool!" Well, what I have put down is only a concept which I have developed from much input and that is all it is. I corre­late it with painting a picture. Say, I painted a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, well, that would be a picture of a very "real" thing that exists, ok, and say I made duplicates of that picture and gave it to others. Well, I have painted this picture and I give it likewise as a gift, as represents my percep­tion.

    On the other hand, let's say I sat down and I dipped my paint brush in a randomly picked color to begin and I sloshed the paint around on the canvas and then dipped my brush in different colors, never cleaning the brush and just did a mesh-mash---which a lot of artists do these days (and they sell pictures like that). Well, this may be one of those mish-mashes or a piece of art--in either case it is my idea and I give it as an idea for I cannot prove it in any case.

    Again, thank you for hearing me.

    Hello again, a couple of additional points, please.
    Every time I spoke of molecular reactions, I wish to include crystal growth. I did mean molecular reactions but must include the growth of crystals.

    When I spoke of the computer intelligence, etc., what I mean is not individuals in that civilization but the civilization itself as a whole, as to action and direction.
    The third point I would like to add is; as to the rights of anyone writing a book on this subject---that is open and I hope that someone does so--I very much hope that someone does. As to the use of the material; anyone can utilize the substance as long as it does not hinder or damage the property of any other individual.

    Also, on the subject of the computers; don't misunderstand--I do not think the computers as machines will ever have power to function independently, it will be through consistent and ongoing interactions with individuals; so in that sense they will never have total power to make decisions, but I think you understand my meaning.

    I would like to leave you with one question in mind to think about. When you look at plants and animals; say you look at a bug and ponder over how it came to be---could this be the solution, could the idea of dimensional life really be valid? Please inquire of yourself the next time you look closely at a living organism such as a plant or animal.
    Again, thank you.


    This was such a great, great man. I shall give no technical data for if you know of whom we speak, you can look up the documentation; if you know not, it would mean naught. We will simply repeat his "Foreword" from his book "THE SECRET OF LIGHT" for that was his work most relative to this document at hand. Given in your year, 1947.

    "Jesus said, 'GOD IS LIGHT,' and no man of that day knew what He meant. The day is now here when all men must know what Jesus meant when He said 'GOD IS LIGHT.'

    "For within the secret of Light is vast knowledge yet unrevealed to man. Light is all there is; it is all we have to deal with, but we do not yet know what it is. The purpose of this message is to tell what it is.

    "Today's civilization has advanced far in knowing HOW to deal with matter but we do not know WHAT matter is, nor the WHY of it. Nor do we know what energy, electricity, magnetism, gravitation and radiation are. Nor do we know the structure of the elemental atoms nor the gyroscopic principle which determines that structure. Nor are we aware of the fact that this is a two-way continuous universe of balance in all effects of motion and not a one-way discontinuous universe. Nor have we even yet heard of or suspected the most important of all principles in physics, THE VOIDANCE PRINCIPLE and the mirrors and lenses of space which are the cause of illusion in all moving things.

    "Nor do we even consider the entire material electric universe to be the illusion which it is; there being no reality to it whatsoever.

    "Nor have we the slightest inkling of the cause of curvature of space, nor the voidance of that curvature in planes of zero curvature at wave field boundaries. No one now knows how it is that crystals get their various shapes. It will amaze the world to know that those shapes of crystals are determined in space by the shapes of the wave fields which bound the various elemental structures.

    "Nor have we the slightest conception of what constitutes the life principle, nor the principle of growth, nor the simultaneous unfoldment-refoldment principle which repeats all patterns in Nature sequentially and records and voids them as they are repeated. Nor are we aware of that recording principle by means of which the Creator carries forth the sum totals of every sequential cycle in His unfolding and refolding universe unto the very end of its manifes­tations upon one planet and its beginning on a new one.

    "Nor are we dynamically aware of the souls and seeds of things. These roots of universal repetition are now but metaphysical abstractions to religion and physical guesswork to science.

    "Within the secret of Light is the answer to all of these heretofore unanswered questions, and many more, which the ages have not yet solved. This revelation of the nature of Light will be the inheritance of man in this coming New Age of greater comprehension. Its unfoldment will prove the existence of God by methods and standards acceptable to science and religion alike. It will lay a spiritual foundation under the present material one of science.

    "The two greatest elements in civilization, religion and science, will thus find unity in marriage of the two. Likewise, human relationships will become more balanced because of greater knowledge of universal law which lies behind all of the processes which light uses to interweave the patterned forms of this electric wave universe.

    "There is no department of life which will not be vitally affected by this new knowledge of the nature of Light, from the university to the laboratory, from government to industry, and from nation to nation.

    "I therefore give it to you with all of its clarity as I myself have become aware of it from behind the scenes of this cosmic cinema of light illusions which is our universe."


    And for all his wondrous works in the philosophies, arts, atomic sciences, all his connections with famous personages and from all his accolades from the highest human sources; his one desire was to bring enlightened truth to his fellowman and KNOW GOD! So be it.


    Born in Yugoslavia, Nikola Tesla landed in New York in 1884 at the age of 28, one of thousands of immigrants to come from Europe to the United States that year. He arrived with four pennies in his pocket--and his mind bursting with brilliant ideas which would stun the scientific community, introduce humanity to the true potential of energy, and light up the world.

    In comparison to his contemporary, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla's name is not well known. Yet it should be, for without his scientific breakthroughs and inventions, our modern world would be very much different than it is. You would have Edison's light bulb, but only people living within a mile or two of a power station would be able to use it. For it was Tesla's development of alternating current generators, transformers, and motors that overcame the immense limitations of Edison's direct current systems and made the long-distance transmission of electricity practical. It was truly Tesla's genius which lit up the world -- not just homes for the wealthy.

    Nor was Tesla's genius limited to just this one accomplishment, as staggering as it was. He invented the Tesla coil, which is still used widely today in radio and television sets and other electronic devices. He pioneered the use of remote control. He produced better turbines than anyone else. He created artificial lightning. He harnessed the electrical potential of Niagara Falls--a stupendous feat in his time.

    In 1900, twenty years before the first commercial radio broadcast, he attempted to construct a mammoth tower on Long Island to broadcast not only radio and television waves, but also other electromagnetic energies. It was a grand scheme which would have revolutionized the shape of modern life even more than his other projects--but it fell through when financial support was withdrawn.

    At the height of his success, Tesla maintained an elaborate laboratory in New York. From time to time, he opened the doors of the lab to the public and gave demonstrations about the nature of electricity and the new developments he was working on. The demonstrations were often quite spectacular, with Tesla calmly sending electric current through his body to light up an incandescent tube he was holding. (This is not terribly unlike the method that will ultimately cure AIDS.) The lab itself contained many innovations which were never commercially exploited. None of his lights or motors, for example, were connected to the power source by wires. Instead, a single loop ran around the four walls, near the ceiling. This loop was continually electrified, and from it all of Tesla's lamps and motors "somehow" drew their power.

    As impressive as Tesla's inventions and innovations, however, are the breakthroughs he made in the scientific understanding of the principles of electricity. More than anyone else before him or since, Tesla comprehended electricity. He knew how it behaved and what could be expected of it, not just from observing electrical phenomena, but also from directly perceiving, intu­itively, the archetypal patterns of electricity.

    It was this understanding of the nature of electricity which allowed Tesla to recognize the value of alternating current and how to make it practical--at a time when other scientists had pronounced it nothing more than a scientific curiosity, with no useable merit. It was likewise this profound understanding and insight which drove Tesla to conduct a series of experiments in Colorado Springs, where he proved the existence of terrestrial stationary waves--proved that the earth's atmosphere is electrically charged and can carry electromagnetic waves from any given point to any other point on the earth's surface. He considered this discovery the most important of his career, and put it to a practical test, broadcasting electricity through the air without wires and lighting lamps twenty-five miles distant with it. Even scientists of today do not understand fully the significance of these particular discoveries.

    Sadly, many of Tesla's best ideas never went beyond the experimental stage. A world occupied with its mundane concerns could not appreciate the treasures of Tesla's transcendental thinking while he was alive, and did not adequately support his work financially. Indeed, late in life, Tesla had hardly any funds to finance his scientific investigations. Yet he kept pursuing new understandings, even though the majority of his insights would not be applied.

    Tesla ALSO EXPERIMENTED EXTENSIVELY WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF RESONANCE, which is the capacity of the energies of one physical object to vibrate in step with the vibratory patterns of another object or force. He comprehended these principles well enough to be able to create artificial earthquakes with a most tiny machine--and claimed he had the knowledge to split the earth like an apple. Today, many scientists are trying to rediscover, in their work, the principles of resonance which Tesla explored in his--but did not receive the support to develop.

    In fact, a great mystique has been generated in certain circles about this man and his discoveries. Russian scientists are trying to duplicate his "death ray" as are the American scientists. However, without proper understanding there is a very likely chance they will simply "split the earth like an apple" for they have no notion as to how to control that with which they toy--alas, to the possible destruction of the recognized world and the species of man.

    Few are able to reproduce his thinking and understanding of scientific principles and those who come close practice at greed and self-proclamation of inventor status just as took place in his lifetime.

    This is worth musing on. In the long run, it is not the inventions and the breakthroughs which should be considered the greatest contributions Tesla made to mankind, as spectacular and as important as they were. MR. TESLA REQUESTS THAT THE NEXT PORTION BE EMPHASIZED: FAR MORE IMPORTANT WAS THE STYLE HE SET FOR SCIENTIFIC THINKING AND DISCOVERY. TESLA WAS TRULY AN EXAMPLE OF ENLIGHTENED GENIUS, AND SET A LEVEL OF BRILLIANCE THAT SHOULD BE THE MODEL TO WHICH ALL SCIENTISTS, GENIUSES, AND INTELLIGENT PEOPLE STRIVE.



    I, Hatonn, would like to make one last comment in this vein of thought. Mankind always takes unto himself these thoughts and projections and changes them somehow to suit self. In Mr. Tesla's case, it does not work so efficiently as in the religious world, for if you do not utilize Mr. Tesla's concepts quite purely, you will not be producing a functioning machine. You must know, however, that his ideas have been stolen from inception through this day.
    His favorite offering to questioners regarding his brilliance was simply attributed to Isaac Newton: "IF I HAVE SEEN FARTHER, IT IS BECAUSE I HAVE STOOD ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS."


    We will not linger over lengthy definition of our history for those bothersome tidbits are covered in prior material and has little value here other than as distractions. Please suffice it to say that we are most valid and come in love and truth, sent at this time in service of the higher Source. It is with great gratitude that we participate and have humble appreciation for being graciously received.

    As we move ahead, we trust you will come into your trust of our presence for you have been misled for so long a period of sequence that you have forgotten your source. As we bring forth corrections to your myths which have become distorted through the cycles of your "perceived" time it will be necessary that we have established absolute truth of both our presence and content of information.

    We most eagerly look forward to the approximate sharing of this transition of "time" and "space" change. It is toward a true brotherhood of mankind in all dimensions that we now are coming into your physical consciousness that you may be prepared for our physical visitation.

    The purposes of these messages is one of making acquaintance in friendship and to give assistance through a most critical and trial laden portion of your evolution. It is, further, to allow you to recognize that the dimensions of experience are only "different" not invalid. We are most valid indeed, there is nothing mystical nor magical about our invisible presence---all works within the laws of universal physics; we are simply higher dimensional beings who are more advanced in technology and knowledge of The Creation and Universal Truth.

    In love and appreciation for your kind audience, I now bring this document to a close. May God be gentle and merciful upon you dear brothers as you journey through this most difficult time sequence. We are at ready and prepared to assist if you but petition in equal peace and integrity.

    Transmission concluded 10:31 A.M., October 23, 1989, Day 068, Year 03.

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