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THU., APR. 13, 1989 12:30 P.M. YEAR 2, DAY 240


Greetings, beloved ones of me. Do not concern that thy job re­quires interruptions and input from my brothers. The job is ONE, 'tis no matter. Discipline is oft-times hard to take as is the medicine; sometimes sweet and sometimes bitter. Take all from thy Guide, Hatonn, in sweetness and gratefulness, chelas, for his truth is strong and unbending. He is thy leader; he is thy Father. When he wears the cloak of his fullness; he is Aton and none else come first. Behold him in his glory that ye can rise unto that glory.

I contemplate the vast mysteries of the Cosmic realms, the all in all of the Cosmos, and were it not for the sustaining power of that will divine in my life and myriad angels who also succored me in my hours of travail, I should not have reached the goal or been able therefore to assist you to attain your own.

I come to encourage you in the way of standing for the Light and assisting the progress and the healing of a world; nations and hearts. I would give you a morsel of my own--my sense of compassion not alone for people everywhere but in fact and indeed for the individual. The "orphans" of the Spirit are our concern--those who have not been tutored properly and fully in the inner Light and know not the way to go.

Ye wish to travel in emulation of the Master of the Sacred Cir­cle; the Christ, let us say, Jesus--the one Esu. Beloved, I point out to you one of the most pernicious errors of orthodoxy this day, and ever. It is the lie that the one Jesus is the ONLY Son of God, and furthermore, that Jesus came into embodiment in the full mastery of Christhood and did not himself have to follow the Path and realize his own inner God-potential before beginning his mission.

These things are plain in scripture, but the scriptures have been read and reread, interpreted and misinterpreted and then removal of the very keys themselves have given to Christianity today a watered-down, incorrect religion that does not have fervor or fire to meet the challenges of a civilization. Therefore, thy civilization is in great suffering and peril.

Beloved ones, I share with you, nothing can move forward in life unless the individual has a true understanding of God and of his relationship to that eternal Spirit. And as Aton impressed upon thee, (I trust), passion in that relationship.

Ye must come to realize that Jesus did not come from God a "new soul", born for the first time from his womb in Nazareth. Nay, I share with you. He has come in many ways as many things; and many ones. By his own teachings he proved this to those abiding with him in the physical at the time of his walking among them, that he bore of other energies. Yet it is still denied by those "Bible" quoting Christians who have determined to say it is not so. They do not want to accept their accountability for their own past experiences and what ye would in the East, call karma.

The non-accountability, due to the upbringing of children in the West today, does not prepare warriors of the Spirit to meet the inroads that are being made by all forces of lust and greed after this nation's light and after this citadel of freedom.

Ye must understand, then, that your understanding of the one God and one Christ enables you to see that that one God and one Christ has vouchsafed to you the I AM Presence and the Christ Self as the manifestation of pure Divinity--not many gods, but one God. And the pure Son of God is the UNIVERSAL Christ whose Body and bread are broken for you. Ye must, as par­takers of the Light, as one with the Holy Christ Self, pass through the testings and lessons of discipleship as the Esu did. And you ought to look forward to and expect the fullness of that Christ dwelling within thyself.


Wherefore evolution of a spiritual nature? Why have the prophets come? Why have the avatars appeared? That you can remember what ye were taught; what one can do, all can do. To unlock that potential of thy heart, that divine spark, and show you that you have been moving toward that point of the courage to BE who you really are and not to accept the philosophy that you are evolved from anything other than God. Therefore, in thy purity thee cannot be anything other than God.

What shall be left of a planet?--a scientific humanism? What shall be left? --world socialism and all shall become drones in a planetary movement controlled by moguls of power East and West?

Beloved hearts, this IS THE GOAL of sinister forces. And let none deny that there is an Anti-Christ. For the Anti-Christ IS EVERY FORCE WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE PSYCHE OF MAN THAT WOULD PUT DOWN THAT TRUE AND LIVING GOD WITHIN YOU. REALIZE THAT THIS IS NOT OF NECESSITY, A PERSON WHO WILL APPEAR AT A CERTAIN TIME, but it is the decision on the part of man to embody the destructive forces of the universe to put out the light of freedom, nation by nation.

Without understanding of the equation of Armageddon, without the understanding of "free will", it is impossible to realize that some have chosen the left-handed path of black and destruction, of the Lie, and of the murderer. And without accepting of this, it is impossible to understand so-called human behavior, which is not human at all, but it is dark (devil you ones call it), be­havior and the behavior of evil incarnate and disincarnate.

Do I sound like a fundamentalist Christian? Well, I am! Remember well: I came first to adore. I was transformed. I was transfigured. I was, if it need be said, among the first "born-again Christians". Oh, would it be only possible that all could see of the path so clearly in that grand circle of truth.

Just as the Christos Esu Jesus studied with great preparation of his soul of Light, this Son of man, ye must come into thy knowl­edge. Harken back to the ancients and the teachings. Harken to the time of Lemuria. Those teachings of the law of God that were there were transported to the caves and retreats before the sinking of that great continent. Thus, going back far back be­yond all recorded history, you find the lineal descent of those who have come to earth for a single purpose; to seek and find the thread of contact with Almighty Source and to demonstrate by their lives a LIVING truth.

Men may tamper with scripture. They may rewrite the codes of law to suit themselves and their lowered and lowering standards. But, dear ones, they may NEVER CHANGE THE RECORDS OF AKASHA. In Akasha--as the subtle energy and force that permeates the planet and your auras--you will find the record of ALL past experiences of yourself, of all previous experiences of masses of lifewaves who have come here from other planetary homes. You will find the records, THE TRUE RECORDS, of civilizations.

You will find that ones who have been given the gifts to write the truthful stories of the motion pictures and great books, have been given the gift of tieng into these akashic records. Many, as Dorushka, sat to write about subjects concerning those things of which they have no knowledge. Not only have they recorded for people all sorts of invaluable information that would give keys to the past and past glories of civilizations of great light and scientific achievement, but they have also shown a teaching and a path and an understanding for each individual soul to find his true roots all the way back to the birth in the heart of the Great Central Sun (Son) and the descent to experience here.
Why experience in a darkened world and a darkened star? Why put on veils of flesh and forgetfulness? It is because the soul demanded free will and the right to experiment in the universe of God, and the Father accorded the request. Thus they went forth as from the bosom of Abraham, from the Great Causal Body, and evolved into denser and denser spheres. And, alas, came those hours when the "fallen angels" did tempt them away from their first love and that of the God Most Holy. And there began to be the densification of the flesh and the mind (some minds are really, really "dense"), and the people lost the contact with their God. THEY WERE GIVEN TO FORGET THE NAME OF I AM THAT I AM.


God sent the knowledge of the true monotheism in the midst of pagan culture, even to Ikhnaton (Akhnaton--sound familiar Dharma?) and then on to Moses, et cetera. And once again to great I AM Presence because the focal point as the sun-symbol of the Presence of God--the many hands extend as Ikhnaton saw it, the power to move a nation as Moses perceived it, and today the source of your strength and your healing as you perceive the same Presence.

"They" may attempt to divide the Body of God upon Earth by religious schism and argumentation, by placing the emphasis on the letter of the law. We have seen enough of inquisition in our time! We have seen enough of the wars of Protestant and Catholic! What is the net gain? The only true gain on the path of religion is the spirit, the Holy Spirit (Ghost) with the in­dividual and then moving nations--Yahweh (Yewah) moving among his people, who is still able to draw out those servant sons of God who will truly manifest an example of the path of freedom with Saint Germain and the other Brothers who have come forth to lead and assist.

Beloved heart so Light, surely you can see that the return to Source is necessary, for a people have forgotten their God. They have not understood the future coming of the Christ and therefore they do not understand why the saints have lived, why they have died and sacrificed, why they have left a record--­because the emphasis is not on you, but upon a Christ nailed to a cross.

This will afford you nothing unless you yourself realize that all that was in this Son of God can be yours. And the imitation of the path of this Jesus Christos, this Circle of Infinity in Perfection, is surely our calling and our teaching. It is the fundamental teachings of the Spirit. It is the teachings given to the apostles. It is the anointing of the apostles. It is the transfer of fire, heart to heart! IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE "WORD" AND THE WORD "WAS".

So thusly, where does a nation stand when challenged by the taunting of "a" Kaddafi or terrorists from any creed or nation? It is divided and weak. Where does it stand when there are those who tamper with the money supply and the economy? Where does it stand when the children cannot read and write and cannot rise up to become leaders and representatives of still the greatest nation on earth?

Where do a people stand when they no longer have recourse to Almighty God and his Spirit in them? What can they do when their bodies are beset by drugs, when they are caught up in vio­lence, when all manner of pleasure and entertainment is the first thing thought of when their disinteresting jobs are through? I tell you, if America, let us discuss, is to be secured from that which is plotted by the dark ones on this planet, there must be a rising fervor and a return to first principles both in "Church" and "State".

How shall we tell them? How shall they be God-taught when the false pastors have invaded the temples and denounced even the very communion of saints which we enjoy with you and you with us in the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood? Brothers and sisters on earth have a right ordained by the Christos to commune with their brothers and sisters in heaven, not by psychic or astral means, but by the true Holy Spirit. And the Holy Ghost is the Comforter and the Teacher who has come to you to bring all those things to your remembering which the Christ has taught unto thee.

When did he teach you those things of which ye are not being reminded? When? Were you all there in Galilee? It is not quite possible for the tens of thousands and millions who ascribe to the path of the Brotherhood on this planet to have all been there in the flesh. And thus, The Christos spake to all of you to whom he taught in all octaves of being in that hour and upon that mission in many forms and many diverse ways. The Sacred Circle Son of God truly spoke from the etheric retreats, and all the world heard.

Do you think the fame of the Christos spread only by the apos­tles or only by the "grapevine"? I tell you, no. The power of the presence of the Christos in the earth has been' the power to contact every living soul these thousands of years with the inner knowledge and the sense of the honor of the Christ presence within them. And that teaching is ongoing no matter what is said in the mosques or synagogues or temples. So be it for the truth is so.

The LIVING CHRISTOS does shepherd his own, nation by nation, for this reason: People understand right and wrong, they know what ought to be and ought not to be, they know what is evil if they will allow themselves to perceive it. And therefore, the STANDARD "LIVES". The honor code is present with the comings and the goings of philosophers and psychologists (in truth) and all the rest who now say, "this is right," and they say, "this is wrong".

Relative good and evil is not the story of your life. Put that aside and recognize that it is the Absolute Good of God present with you that is the power to devour the forces of Absolute Evil, first and foremost being that tyranny over the soul and spirit of freedom--this time to a spiritual birth of freedom. The way ye reach and accomplish this in greatness is no different from the way it has always been taught--through discipline and singleness of pure thought and action.


If you go within to thy true knowledge ye will remember that the path followed by the Christos was never an exception, was not something unique and exceptional where one life should forever atone for the sins of the many, but was the example of what had been done again and again and again--always the avatar coming to give to the followers on earth the example that there is a way out of DEATH AND WHAT THEE CALLS "HELL" and the round of suffering. There is a way of self­-transcendence. DEATH IS NOT THE END OF LIFE--DEATH IS A MERE TRANSITION OF EXPERIENCE UNTO DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE.

Error leads to unreality. Unreality leads to insanity. Thus, the insane stalk the earth taking innocent life through deliberate or misperceived means. The insane take the life of the unborn and call it woman's right; or man's right. Man and woman--the right to murder their own child! Is this liberation? No. It is enslavement to a pain that gnaws within the soul for the rest of the natural experience and in future experiences until it is finally resolved.

Offering liberty, the dark ones sow corruption--corruption of the spirit and the soul and not of the body. This is why the dangers of this particular "age" are so great. This is why I say it is the greatest moment in all of history of each and everyone of you to make your statement and to establish that contact with God which all who have gone before you have made, and thereby become the functioning instruments in that great service, the spiritual power and the healing and holding of the balance of nations and peoples.

Oh ye can rejoice that these things can be done and thy mirror can reflect of it as thee stands afore thyself and can state: "I have worked, I have mastered--God with me and by His GRACE. And because I know who I am and God is with me, I can do these things.


Look carefully at those pastors who preach falsely. Those who create in fact a servile relationship of sinners to a favorite son, and internally and subconsciously it is a psychological maneuver of the fallen angels, preaching hellfire and brimstone and enormous fear and an angry God and the promise of everlasting hell and damnation to those who do not repent. THESE ARE THE PREACHMENTS OF THE EVIL WHO HAS CREATED AN ALTERNATIVE RELIGION TO THE TRUE TEACHING OF THE CHRISTOS.

Know, however, that most pastors who are thus indoctrinated are not of an evil bent, but have simply followed the "party line" they have been given and that has been carried on for lo these many generations. The proof is in the eating of the pudding. THE PROOF IS IN THE ACTION. Where are the results?

Ah so, and so be it for the flame of freedom and truth cannot be put out. The voice of truth can never be silenced. It speaks in many, many hearts. We are here, summoning the mighty archangels to go forth with their legions of Energy to cut free those souls who are bound, to cut them free from the nightmares of demons and discarnates that prey upon the mind and the body. But do not fear those discarnate souls--shun those ones in physical form who house these darkened beings in incarnate form.

What is transpiring upon this planet is the result of the softness of religion itself and dearth of leadership. Thus, we come to give to you our momentum and the momentum of thy Brothers that your work can be fulfilled in purpose.

The entire purpose of life is finding God--finding God within yourself and your talents and your calling and your sacred LABOR. Ones can say what is pleasing but I tell you NO ONE IN THIS WORLD IS HAPPY UNTIL HE HAS MADE HIS PEACE, BALANCE AND HARMONY WITH HIS GOD, HIS "I AM PRESENCE". There are many who would deny this and yet, are they truly happy? Oh, dear ones, the pain and unhappiness upon thy orb is overpowering and overburdening; ye cannot comprehend of it.

Constantly I pray that you ones of this great nation will not come to knowledge of Truth through adversity, through nuclear war, through economic collapse. I trust you will also pray with me in this-wise, for beloved, the prayer of ye ones, those of you who use the law rightly, availeth much. We must fight the good fight would be thy words. We must take the action necessary to move in "timely" manner. For many of these things will come upon thee ones as the cycle closes and we can only have fulfillment in peace unto the extent of thy preparation.

Chela, let us close for this portion. I do not wish to overburden so that ones will not be in the reading of these words. I will speak more in the hours to come. Lo, I AM and I AM with thee always, even unto the ending of thy days upon this place--SO BE IT.


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FRI., APR. 14, 1989 6:30 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 241
Yes, precious one, you have come to this place at this time for your work was unfinished. I feel the clutter within as you effort at balancing "life, as it were", with thy appointed task. So be it, the way is never an easy path.


I come in the light of a beautiful, golden dawn. There is mist on the land, dew on the living branches; also a new Season of growth and birth. I am your elder brother, EI Morya of the "ray of dawn"; the first ray. I greet you in peace and appreciation for thy labors. You will become more and more comfortable with the cycles of energy, chela. You must always begin "within" and move outward. Man always begins outwardly and moves within bearing all the dregs and causal pains within to pull him to lower energies. Start with the God-­ness within and all will be transmuted in the violet flame of what "really" IS.

I became one with the cycles of Matter for the mastery of those cycles, almost, as it were, going within the within; the heart of Matter before going to the outside of Matter. Growing from within--from within the sun, within the earth and within the Sun behind the sun--I learned the way of Source and Source's laws by the inner geometry of the molecule, the atom--the Cosmos.


My appreciation, chelas, of that which I did NOT at first call God, or Universal Source, came through the humble awareness, the awesome awareness of this magnificent "thing"--this "thing" that IS "LIFE", this thing that is energy, this thing which is the harmony, this thing that I now behold as the "WILL" of Creator Source; That Mighty Presence of Universal "Allness".

The will of God Totality is applied in all levels of human en­deavor. For the will of God is the blueprint of every project. It is the foundation of every task. It is the skeleton of your body, it is the physical energy; it is etheric fire. The will of God is your will TO BE GOD in manifestation. Without that will, you would not be in this place at this time attempting a magnificent encounter with the task at hand.

Because you cannot be expected to function in other nations, other portions of thy planet, our thrust in the teachings will be upon the geographical locations where ye are at home. In this instance, America. Do not effort at absorbing the whole until thee can Master the portion.

There is a cancerous substance moving across the mass uncon­scious. Let us just call it anti-will. It is a substance so subtle that most among mankind do not even perceive that by this substance there is a denial of freedom, a denial not only of the will to be, but of the ability to will to be. Like the weakening of the form, like the drawing away of the very strength of the body, so is this substance moving against the flame, the fiery flame of the will to purpose, the will to perfection, the will to Life itself. Man has been all but rendered helpless in his own existence.

This is the plight of the evolutions of Terra Maka. Both in East and West there is that "hypnosis", that manipulation of consciousness at sublevels by the substance of selfishness itself, by the substance of lesser will of desire--willing for power, pleasure of self and manipulation of brother, willing for everything but the will of Source God which is sufficient to meet all aspects of life within the soul.

The plight of modern man is the plight of a "false will"--a will to death; not unto life. A will to be unconscious, not to face of the issues, not to take of responsibility, but to become drunk by the media, by the chemicals in the food and drink, by the dissipation of individuality through a mass mesmerism, a collective consciousness of the crowd instead of the individual rising, rising to a self awareness carved out of the will of a Higher Beingness. Therefore, chelas, the heroic problems shall be met in heroic measure--through the same methods of reaching through that subconscious level of receiving instructions. We have to replant the fertile soil within the subconscious. Relax, chelas, the blueprints are well drawn and already beginning to be structured.


I, and my brethren, come to wake ye ones. I come to shake you to a larger purpose, a larger destiny to which you were birthed. I come to let the decibels shake, rattle and roll until you "HEAR", to allow the frequencies and the vibrations of your be­ings become attuned--NOW!

Let this precious gem of placement and atunement be a place of rallying point to move out of the lethargy and sleep of the ages, to awaken this nation to a vital purpose, to awaken the individual to strength and courage, self-discipline and the will to move beyond this deathlike mesmerism whereby the people give in so easily to sloth and sleep and sensuality and every form of "pleasure" while the world, the world of the energy of Source, instead of spiraling unto a fulfilling purpose, unwinds down and down and down until there is nothing left but the inertia of the rest of death.

This substance, this pall, this pollution that is the very core of the pollution of the elements of your beings, is taking from you your very life-flow that you wander from here to there, ac­cepting what the day brings as though it must be.

You ones go about these groggy headed ways, blaming God for thy plight. Surprise, chelas, YOU HAVE MADE IT THUS; YOU MUST NOW UNDO WHAT THEE HAS ACCOM­PLISHED. Accept that you have done it and therefore, ye can undo of it. Stop blaming God and brother for thy own plight.

The rise and fall of civilization is the work of Man, not of Fa­ther God. Man has failed to implement the will of God, has failed to contact the very core of being that is his own.

Ye ones must cease of your "blaming others"; thy parents, thy society, thy teachers, your culture--your civilization. However, ye must make of thy own stand for right purposes and cast aside those things which bring you down.

I find myself using the term "sacrifice". I dislike the word but ye have no word to fit of the meaning I wish to convey. Let us instead use "self-discipline". Sacrifice indicates a negative "giving up of something". You are not in the "giving up", thee are about to be in the "getting or'. Sacrifice indicates a perception of "pain". There is no pain in carving away the fat of the mortal so that the lean soul of the spirit can fly. There is no pain in the entering into the wondrous beauty of the will of Source-Self. There is actually a moving away from "pain" that ye ones have endured as a civilization for centuries of your time. Your souls are in agony and you have not even made contact with the soul in this life to recognize of its agony. Ye just proceed upon thy path of misery, boredom and longing for better without acting to achieve "better".


To achieve this "better" there are requirements. These are dis­ciplined requirements. You must have discipline of self and situation. There is no substitute for self-discipline. It is why we get this child up at dawn to write. We can write at any hour of thy day; but she has gained the discipline to get up at the break of dawn to do this work. If she will do this, she will also be available when she is needed and not just when "she feels like participating". This is only an example, Dharma.

As you begin to manifest control over self, ye will begin to see how ye can manifest any other thing thee wishes. Not for the fun of "magic" but for the fulfillment of thy accepted task; to revel in thy own fully developed mind control over all matter. This will not be to impress man for ye will be beyond the wish to "impress"; rather for thy own expression of truth.

It is good to demonstrate mastery, but ye must not be in the following of those who demonstrate phenomena as "the way", whether legitimately or illegitimately, whether as the "white" or the "black" magician. The time has come for mankind to fol­low the Teacher for the Truth of the Teaching Itself, for the very sake of the vibration of Truth and "Life"--not mystical hocus-pocus.

To mesh with the higher vibrations of purpose you must cease dwelling within thy own "self-ness"; the "me-ness" of all ac­tions. If ye only act for self reasons ye have done nothing other than replace one selfish experience for another, and that is what thy brother will emulate if it be more desirable than his own selfishness. Ye will only have set up "your way", not the way of Truth which must be the route of transition from this blighted state in which this planet and civilization are trapped.

I can assure that all who take the position of seeking freedom from the subjugation of mortality, without exception, have had to first take the step of self-discipline and have given up person­alization of input, both from higher sources and worldly physi­cal attachments. Ye must go beyond thy conscious reaction to personalized "self' to come into harmony with that which is sur­rounding of thy being.

As ye have committed unto this magnificent task; I and my brothers of these higher vibrational frequencies will respond to thy call at any moment of any day or night. There is not one soul ever neglected when a call is made. Like attracts like. I go where the call arises. I go where the vibration is located and my presence is felt--ye are never without guides and protectors in thy work--NEVER; NOT A MOMENT!

Know thee are always in the sight and knowledge of the higher planes. Every thought is known; every action accounted. Naked you will stand before thy God at the conclusion of this sojourn, so it would behoove thee to be a bit careful of thy activities which you "assume" to be hidden. It will not be "MAN" who will stand in thy presence; it is God.


Do not concern as you become focused within our gaze. All ones have that feeling of discomfort when they realize that all actions are known. Ye have heard of it since childhood, but ye now will begin to feel the presence of the "watching". Let me assure you, precious ones, we have seen it all before--"ALL". There is naught ye can think of or do that has not been seen or done or thought of prior to thee. It is repeated over and over and over and over again in the mass consciousness ad nauseam. We have seen this world and its folly. I have seen the same old plots cued up by the fallen ones, the same old tapes played again and again until they are so old that those tapes of the fallen ones actually sound worn and distorted from the re-playing within the inner receivers.

It is strange, however, that it is never realized that ye are being subjected to the same old conditioning that ye have heard in your last experience and the one before that and the one prior--­on and on. The plots are the same. Very little new literature has been written in lo, thousands of years. If you were among the fallen ones, ye would have no need to be "creative" as the same few plots work again and again without need of change.

Ye ask; "How long will ye Masters wait while we grow"? Well, we have eons to wait in patience, while ye toy and try--­again into ad nauseam--. THE QUESTION IS, HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO WAIT? We know the hour of our coming and our going. Do ye know of the hour of thy coming and thy going, of your aborning in the womb of time and your moving again through space to other shores? Ponder it carefully, chelas.

Can you be assured that if your task of fulfillment is not ac­complished "this time" that there can be a next time on this beloved place? Is it possible that at some point all those ones with whom you will experience are also planning to complete their missions upon this place--will there be a place for thee?

Where will thee go to fulfill your inner blueprint when you are bound to earth? With the attitude toward abortions, birth con­trolling and life itself, will thee have a way to come again?

You must look carefully within, chelas. What are thee about? I mean, what are thee REALLY about? Do you go here and there to be searching, to be entertained and the, best "story performance gets thy vote of confidence", to look for a reed in the wind? Or --, are you REALLY responding to the call of the soul for that wholeness, for that harmony and for the light which is your very Life, your very sustenance?

In this wondrous land where we are focused, you are a people of "goodwill". This is a land of goodwill, a land of abundance that has been shared with the nations of the world. Thy people of goodwill have also been infiltrated by those who have come to steal the Light of the Christos and of the Mother and of God himself (herself, itself), and to twist and to turn and to torture the children who hold to the path of truth. You see, chelas, they attack in efforts to cause ye ones denial of the light and the goodwill and the God-government that WAS INTENDED TO BE MANIFEST IN THIS PLACE--IN THIS NATION!!


I have come forth to reinforce thy "will"; thy belief in the higher causes. I have come to convince you, by the very essence of my presence, my life, my radiation, that the As­cended Masters ARE "REAL". To doubt in their existence is to doubt the existence of your own Reality. To doubt the Path is to close the door to Life. To doubt the way as being shown is to move into "death".

The Sacred Christed Circle declares evermore, "I AM the open door which no man can shut". Do not give the power to anyone on any plane of existence to open and close the door of your consciousness. Give that power to no one, for God gave it to you to keep unto yourself, unto your Real Self, your own Christ Presence. Do not relinquish of it to anyone, and thereby you will not lose time in the detour of the personality-cult consciousness that is filled with maya and selfishness and manipu­lation.

I contact you for a cosmic purpose--to right the wrongs of civi­lization, to clear the way again in the marts of education and culture for the recognition that life itself is a path of initiation, that all of government and all of industry and all of learning must serve this end, this end to which Christ was born, to which Christ came into the world, to bear witness to the Truth.

Let us then see, one by one, how ye will eliminate from your life that which does not serve the cosmic purpose of bearing witness to the Truth of your own inner reality and your own in­ner being. Let us see how you will eliminate those factors and conditionings that rob you of your sleep, rob you of your en­ergy, and keep you on the treadmill of economic survival. You had better consider the survival of your soul and be less con­cerned with thy status in society. This society will crumble.

How will you strip yourself, then day by day grow beyond those impediments to the will of God? Let us see how you mark the way of the overcomer.

Yes, civilization will crumble unless some among mankind re­spond with the fervor of the devotees of the will of Truth to hold the balance for America, South and North America, and for all evolutions of this world. Some will make the supreme sacrifice­--a sacrifice that is not death but of total living. Some will build of the structures and foundation of the blueprinted plan of transition. I further assure you that the building will be upon thee ones in the physical form. It is totally upon your free will, what will be the determination of this age?


Cast your superstition into the flame of fairy godmothers and the such of mystical "do it for me fantasy". There is no way of the "miracle" that will bring in such a golden time. It is the miracle of hard work, of application of the law and of the science of initiation. That is the great miracle. And when the sons and daughters of Truth say, "A miracle has occurred this day", it is the alchemy of the overcomers--always; not a "miracle".

Precious ones, when you work the works of the Father Source, the Masters multiply your effort by the alchemy of the Sacred Holy Spirit. But this too, is "law" and you can expect your investment in life to return to you with interest. It is the law of abundant Life. If, however, you sow a narrow field, you will reap of a narrow harvest.

The will is in your hands, for I have already made My deter­mination. You will give answer, for the guardian angel of your Presence takes note of the increments of the will. The incre­ments of the will are the all-determining factors of who you will become, whether or not you will succeed in the material or the spiritual universe. Increments of will determine whether you will live or you will not live in the consciousness of Truth, the Father Source, God.

Chelas, I ask you this question: Are thee ready? Is thy will strong enough? Are ye ready to "WILL IT TO BE SO?" SO BE IT AND SELAH; I PLACE MY SEAL OF THE FIRST RAY UPON THESE WORDS AND UPON THY HEART CELLS. HOW WILL IT BE? HOW WILL IT BE? IT IS UP TO THEE!
I go now, leaving you in peace to ponder upon thy task and commitment. For, beloved ones, the task is great and always in the beginning, the help small. So be it for it shall all come to pass as written; Will thee be in the story?



Hatonn here Darma. It has been a long session. Thank you, chela, for thy acceptance. Always I stand by, little one, as the lessons are powerful and the energy almost to overload; you will be fine. Take time to come again into thy own balance in gentleness and perhaps solitude. The lessons are of utmost im­portance and the teachings must have entry unto you ones in consciousness. We are melding of the subconscious teachings of thy sleep/dreamtime into thy wakening consciousness. The lessons learned on a higher plane must now be brought into useable format of conscious thought and acceptance. So be it and the strength of understanding abides with thee.