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  1. #11
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: The Rainbow Masters

    PJ 07
    CHAPTER 19


    TUE., APR. 18, 1989 1:00 P.M. YEAR 2, DAY 245

    Good afternoon, Dharma, thank you for receiving of my energy. I am called Paul the Venetian in order that you will not confuse my label with that of Paul the Apostle who comes for these lessons as Hilarion.

    More as definition of my vibration, I am referred to as the Co­han of the third ray with emphasis upon love, creativity and beauty. In other words, these are the areas of my, let us say, expertise.


    Creativity and beauty cannot actually exist without the presence of "Love", therefore, let us consider love.

    Love IS the flowing essence, the ephemeral quality of God, as it is the movement of the wind and the flowing of water, it re­quires the greatest of discipline to be able to retain-to have and to hold that Love that is so tender, so gentle, and yet the ultimate expression of creative "fires". Those who are the greatest artists, poets, and musicians who use the flame of Love to implement an idea of God are those who have the greatest discipline, discipline of self, energies of self, of life, even of time and space.

    I come, then, to bring unto you an understanding of this disci­pline so that you will understand that discipline is not something to be feared, but rather that discipline is the Law, the fulfillment of Love. Discipline is a grid, a force-field that is necessary in order to have the flow of Love and to retain the flow of Love.

    Where there are lives which are undisciplined, love departs; love compromised and perverted is lost. Where energies in motion are undisciplined, where there is not a chalice that can contain the liquid fire of Love, mankind then loses of that Love.

    To be happy for eternity means that Love must be ensconced in a discipline that requires the discipline of self. To continue to receive Love, ye must give of it. Know that as you discipline your energy, your supply, your expression, the hours of your day, your service to life, you are increasing your capacity to release Love. The more you are disciplined, the stronger are the grids of consciousness. To have a strong consciousness, as strong sinews, enables you to balance megatons of the light­-force that you call Love.

    On Terra, however, there is such difficulty on the part of life-streams in their handling of the currents of "Love", many who should be master of the flame of the third ray are now in states of disintegration and their minds are filled with foul spirits and the mutterings of those spirits. This state of being in degradation results from having perverted that wondrous flame.

    Because Love is such a powerful force, precious ones, its abuse results in a very severe trauma and karma and a deprivation of life and the life-force. Therefore, you see, all of the science of this age of enlightened knowledge, given at the hand of the alchemist, Saint Germain, is channeled to mankind as the flame of God-Love. For out of Love is the fulfillment of the Mother flame of every invention, every aspect of Divine Reality that is waiting to be lowered into manifestation through the creative genius of many among you and many among mankind.

    Unfortunately, due to the educational systems of the world and the equation of certain mass concepts and certain omissions of concepts that ought to be taught from childhood, mankind has a misunderstanding of native genius and students are not taught of the talents of the Lord given to each one, nor are they taught how to release those talents and those flames of their innate God reality. People feel a sense of worthlessness and that only a few have abilities for invention and creativity.


    I am come to tell you that locked in the heart of everyone is a unique idea of Love that you can bring forth for the benefit of your fellowman and the progress of the culture of the Divine Mother. It can be manifest in many diverse ways and expres­sions. Most of you have held the gift in your heart for a suc­cession of experiences simply because you have not been told you could release it, that you could bring it forth, that you are beings of ultimate creativity. More often ones lead you to be­lieve you have no value, no talent, and so forth and so on in order to keep you in subjection. Well, dear ones, yours are the talents which will transcend the fads of the times and move across the centuries as a permanent contribution to the race of mankind. Therefore, I suggest we move right along with the lo­cating and expressing of these talents.

    God creates, therefore, it follows that you "must" be creative. In your hands, in your eyes, in the movement of energies through you there is creative flow. If you have the discipline here in this density you can realize beautiful thought forms in matter. You can release those things that are not for profit nor for the trade and merchandising in the world that are here today and gone tomorrow. But rather, you can release a permanent contribution to thy brotherhood of mankind.

    Let me give you a new concept of the need for self discipline. It is not because if you sin you will die, not if you sin you will be punished, but simply because if you are disorganized (and this is a "sin" against the order of the cosmos), if you are slovenly in your personal habits, if you allow yourself to be moved by every little current and every little sway, you will lose the fires of Love that will give you the greatest enjoyment of your life, the fulfillment of your creative destiny.

    Self-discipline becomes a point of enlightened self-interest. To move toward fulfillment of your divine blueprint and your divine plan can be accomplished in the greatest beauty and joy of the fire of Love, if you will only take me into your daily invocations and give generously of the force of the Sacred Flame so that you can receive directly from your inner "Christ" flame of self. This will allow the genius within to move without.

    Why cannot you walk the earth as Christed ones? What is hin­dering your manifestation of this most wondrous state of Being? It is only the ignorance, the banality, and the sleep of the ages; only because your media and your billboards are not constantly telling you that you can become that which ye desire in achievement. No, they tell you of the sensuality and desire of base pleasures which pull you farther from thy goal. Ye do be­come what ye vision and that which you are told and take within thyself as truth. You move with the banal energies for these energies flow within and upon the waves of mass consciousness, thus capturing you within the trap of hypnotic helplessness.

    Well, I tell you, the media were given unto mankind as a means of disciplining self, selfhood, and of releasing to mankind the messages of the Masters. So be it for thus do things come to be misused.

    Can you imagine if every time you turned on the television set the announcer said, "You can become Christ"? You would begin to believe it. It would become a common fact, no longer startling nor astounding. You must turn on the television set within your inner being, of your etheric body, and listen to the Masters until such time as your public media can be brought into change for the benefit of building up esteem instead of thrusting deeper into violence and low self-esteem.

    I am releasing an opportunity for you to learn to realize there is an invention right within you, already functioning, a means of contacting through the etheric body, by a mechanism and an electronic frequency far above the physical plane--the octaves of the Ascended Masters. Those teachers are there waiting for thy request for participation.

    Since there actually is no "time" or "space", realize that you can be, at any moment of the hour or day, in the presence of your teacher of choice--or all of them. It simply takes the practice of projecting the mind's eye to that physical point, that geographical location in time and space that is the coordinate where resides the master. This is actually not as difficult as it appears; thy brothers of the cosmos travel in this manner in their perceived "reality" and can manifest into matter in reality even to the sense of touch.

    Let us have an experiment, for do you know that my pink "cape" is lined in green? I am a scientist of the first order, and you need not relegate me to the exclusive corner of being an artist. For I am a scientist as well as an artist, and I rejoice that both faculties have been given into my hand as tools.

    Let the chalice that was released many years ago as a thought­-form now be given here below as a chalice for the mental body. Let the chalice be a disciplined force field given to you at my hand and yet which you yourself must fashion. This chalice will not remain with you unless you reinforce it by daily application to the discipline of calling upon the ray resources of our brothers Serapis Bey, Germain, et cetera.

    As the waters seek their own level, so the flame of perfection seeks its own level. Since the level of mankind's consciousness is at the level of imperfection, all that is perfect that is lowered into form must either be reinforced each day by those in embodiment or, if it is not, it will return to the higher octaves.

    You might say, then, that this is decay in reverse, for, of course, perfection does not decay, it simply withdraws. Particle by particle, then, the chalice will return to the level of your Christ flame unless by invocations to that Christ flame you continually reinforce in the physical octave the atoms and molecules of fiery light that compose the chalice.

    This experiment would somewhat equate to going the opposite way on an escalator or moving conveyer belt. If you don't keep moving and keep decreeing, you will lose the ground that you have gained. That is almost how it is prior to your ascension, as though you were on an uphill climb and as though that belt were continually moving, so that you can never stop, for to stop is to move backwards with the automatic reverse trends of civilization and move down, down, down the "Mountain of Attain­ment". Unless you are forever transcending yourself, you are not coming into perfection.

    So I also come to release creativity, but I am limited, not by laws of the Cosmos, but by the law of your own being. Your own being has a law of its own, and each individual has made that law of himself according to himself and his own self-disci­pline.

    In reality you are chalices filled with Love. You have, how­ever, inverted those chalices and made them the entire comple­ment of the electronic belt--the record, the memory of all past MIS-doings contained in the subconscious at the level of the as­tral plane.

    Let us then consider that all we must do is turn the chalice that is now upside down, right side up.

    Do you see that you can sow a garden that grows from the ener­gies of the electronic belt? You can sow Love continuously. You have a great reservoir of Light on high in your causal body. It has been told to you, but I would remind you that every erg of energy that is transmuted in answer to your call is an asset stored in your cosmic bank account. You can then call upon those assets to bring forth fruition of thy goals.

    If you have failed to complete a task or walked away from a sit­uation, a karma, a marriage, a family, a job, a business where you should have fulfilled the transmutation of Love, you still have the time in this life to go back and set things unto right­ness. It does not mean to compromise, but to return means to take your stand with the sacred fire, to compel the moving into that flame. Let the flame take that energy and place it upon the altar of cosmic honor and resolve the circumstance in Love and peace. Resolved in an order that all participants can move forward in light and harmony of peace, and not upon the jangled waves of discontent and bitterness. You must carefully weigh in the balance of Truth, each decision of your life and you must come to know that the flame of God-Justice is the flame of God­-Mastery, no more; no less. This would become a gift unto you for you would have conquered in Love and in the art of living Love.

    Since I am the Cohan of the heart place and as the pink flame of the heart is the frequency of Love to the world, may I come into your heart at least once within your week, let us say on Monday (which is so often called of blueness ,i.e. "blue Monday) that we might work and begin to reverse this course of cancer which is eating away at thy beloved place. Let us effort at slowing the dis-ease, then stop of the disease and then let us reverse the disease into ease-ment.

    You have all the electronic flow necessary to direct the course of your "reality". You only now need learn to use of it in properness. No matter what you have been you can be better and life can be better and fuller from this moment on because you have accepted my Love. It is that by the working in unison we can multiply and compound the positive results relative to in­put. So be it.

    Dharma, I place my seal upon these writings and now stand aside that the lessons are not of such length that we lose of our student's interest. I will have further to share, but I believe we should conclude for this session. I am in great appreciation for thy assistance and for the kind sharing of Commander Hatonn.

    Great blessings are brought forth to you ones from the higher energy flows. This energy comes with abiding love and care, therefore, please be accepting of the gift and come into peace and comfort with all thy works. Though the path seems tedious and trial laden; it is moving in perfection.

    In service, I AM of the third ray of the pink vibration. I AM


    PJ 07
    CHAPTER 20


    SAT., APR. 22, 1989 6:15 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 249
    A seedling is planted and the plant nurtured-- THEN, comes the time of growing unto harvest. Many "things" must be proper to allow the plant to grow to full flower, chela. Some plants can grow in snow, some in the heat of a desert--all things in their proper "place" or growth through "selection". Our energies will mesh when we allow of the "coalescence".


    I AM SERAPIS BEY, of the crystal ray, the fourth you call it for identification. Actually, the crystal ray is my choice. The refracted "color" of the fourth ray is not white. There is a difference, chela. I am simply the "Headmaster" of the fourth ray at this portion of sequence. I long for a better language for thee of the English speaking sectors for "Love" has become such a tritely used term. Yet it is the experience of "love" (agape), not romance of lovers, but abiding, non-defaulting "love" which underlies all progress to higher frequency exis­tence. You are having trouble, Dharma, because it troubles you that we preach "love", "love" and more "love" -- "total love", ad nauseum. It is because there is no other word to use and "no other way to get where you are going".

    The term conjures immediately to the mind's eye, the drifters in false pious demeanor, drifting about pronouncing great ac­ceptance of all things--positive or negative. Yea, the non-pro­ductive acceptors of any, and all, kinds of sexual encounters to "prove" their unbiased "love"--empty, blinded drifters partaking of any, and all, mind altering plants or drugs. Ah yes, 'tis sad for thee are ended with no proper term to use for the truth of it. Worse, in the acceptance of those teachers, many of the children who followed or were "later" followers, made gross errors not easily corrected. Many extreme measures were taken in immature minds and actions which were done for convenience and avoidance of responsibility of "real" "love". Ah, such sadness flows in my consciousness as I see the foolish blunders made under the temptation of the brothers of darkness pretending to be lighted brethren. As always, the worst attack is on the youth who are still too young to discern from "life" in full and thus are acting from impulse and rebellion. So be it for special blessings are poured forth upon these ones who do come onto the Path that their feelings of "guilt" be moderated for they knew not what they were doing. There is no magic "age" for knowledge, sometimes it never comes in an entire lifetime of physical experience. Sometimes it comes past mid-life--so be it; it comes when it comes--no more; no less. Life of physical experience is just "that"--experience; ye are here to experience. Ye each come for a different reason; how blessed ye are when ye find thy brother who has come primarily for the same purpose thee chose. Do not waste time in remorse for what thee did not know, or do, in thy past--the "past" is gone.

    Ye can not change one thing of yesterday. It is as far gone as any existence on another sphere a billion years ago in thy time sequence. If thee made errors that can be corrected--do so, but it is gone and naught can be removed or added to yesterday or last split moment. Ye can dream of tomorrow--but ye actually only have this heartbeat of a moment; for life and death, action and inaction, wholeness or cripple-ness, light or dark are only "one" heartbeat in separation. One little electric impulse of energy surge is all the separation there is in the universe. Even thy "mind" is set up so that the interruption of energy flow through particular circuit interchanges can place a hu-man into an entirely different illusion of experience. Thy mental houses of distress are filled with those precious ones.

    I am not come forth to this group, through you, Dharma, for the same thrust as for the beginners of truth seeking. Ye do not need of the same lessons of the novice. Ye ones are about a job, well planned and functioning. Let us consider some of the things ye do not need to do in order to move forward.


    Ye must face the question; how great is thy "love"? How badly do thee wish to participate in a transition of a birthing of a planet into a higher dimension -- the fulfilling of a cycle? Ye have to confront to what extent ye are willing to give up the course of self centered illusion to accomplish insight necessary to participate with thy unseen brotherhood.

    There is a key in the disciplines to Higher Consciousness. The key is not to become entangled in the labyrinth of human ques­tioning and the "fears" and the doubts and specter of the night that haunt that labyrinth. You do not have to trace the mean­derings of the carnal mind and the human consciousness through all of the levels of the subconscious in order to come to the knowledge of Truth, in order to come to Reality or to overcome in Love.

    The key is NOT to be drawn by curiosity or a fascination with horror or a gluttony for the things of the senses, drawing you down into more and more astral experiences and psychic phenomena. The key--instead of taking a thousand steps through the astral plane--is to take ONE step into the plane and encircling beingness of the Mighty I AM Presence, into the plane of the "Christ Mind" where the oneness and the wholeness of that Great Pyramid, (the triune of totality and power), the oneness and the wholeness, is the dissolving action.


    Brethren, transcend your cycles! Do not follow those negative spirals round and round and round again; going down, down, down unto the death manifestation in the very crypt of the elec­tronic belt. Spiral, instead, upward and outward utilizing the flame of transmutation, consuming on contact the debris ye encounter. The flame is not linear; it need not travel over the lines of human creation. Your soul, enveloped in that flame, also need not remain any longer in the consciousness that the only way out is through the lower frequency labyrinth.

    I say, transcend it! This means that in the moment when you would indulge your pettiness, your argumentation, your "human" nonsense, your dalliance in childishness, in the moment you instantly let go and you let God be the Light that swallows you up in the victory of Love. The "Love" that is your victory is your own love that is God made manifest within yourself. Our God IS the all-consuming fire of Love. And THAT God-self resides as close as thy heart-cell; within thy breast, within thy mind--thy soul. Why do thee ones shut Him from thee? Ye carry within, the unlimited power of the universe and ye hide away from Him.

    Gain "passion" in the loving of that wondrous Source. Love enough so that you do not have need to satisfy some human de­sire of density. You are not "forced" to appease the carnal mind and give in to that which is destructive. Thee are blessed with a thinking, reasoning and potentially unlimited mind, given the freedom of will and choice; use it. You do not have to engage your energies in imperfection. As much as you think that it is sometimes necessary, I tell you that by always going within, within the heart and upon the threefold flame of Life, within to thy God-force of self, you can transcend all former cycles. So be it.

    When ye can sustain thy attention upon your I AM Presence and upon the Light, you will receive the energy necessary to deal with ALL other circumstances. You will grow beyond having to travel through them in your emotions, in your mental concepts, in your memory, and in physical labor. Think, then, upon this. The disciplines for Higher Consciousness demand that you prove how it is that you can be in the world, and yet not of the world.


    How do you accomplish this seemingly impossible feat? The first step is to become as "a little child". You must become open as in innocence of the questioning, the accepting, the total open-ness of a little child coming into truth of experience. You must go beyond and above what thy mind has been filled with of untruth to be replaced with truth. Ye cannot instantly become a Christed Man or Woman without having first come into understanding of the Law. The first steps, therefore, are in the accepting of the teaching that ye might learn that Law.

    Regress in your soul awareness for a moment. Go in thy mind back to the point of embryonic life of your consciousness of in­nocence, entering into that form of the tiny babe. Total trust and faith and hope and charity are yours. You have not hardened your heart, you have not hardened yourself to become a cynic in the world. Your skin is tender; it is not toughened by the failures of others. And so in the sweet perfume of your love of Mother and the Mother's love for you, you remember wholeness in God and this is all of your identity.

    At that point you are the babe in Christ. You are calm and serene, with the absolute conviction that your life is in God, that God is caring for you. The most essential quality of becoming this tiny babe is to understand the quality of helplessness. When you are totally helpless, then you must allow God to work His work within you. You can truly say, as the child of Christ: "I of mine own self can do nothing. It is the Father in me which doeth the work."

    You have a clear transparency, purity from the immaculate "vision" of the "Cosmic virgin". This is the meaning of "Immaculately conceived", you know no "sin", you know no separation from God. You are in the womb of the Mother. You are surrounded by the waters of the living Word. You are at peace, and life is yours to conquer because you are God in manifestation.

    Now you are ready for the disciplines whereby the babe will be­come the child. Next comes the outer manifestation; from within the womb into the outer womb. Your habitation is a "cosmos", a brave new world, a world filled with light and yet with shadows and darkness somehow as yet undefined to your precious soul. You come forth and you travel the cycles of your individual Cosmic Clock and you bow before the great initiators of Life.

    The little child of innocence then is forced to learn the ways of his new world--separated from the attachment of the disciplines of the God-All where thy knowledge WAS in the cycles of the Father. You now experience falls and scrapes, tears, and demands that cannot be fulfilled. Therefore, you learn to fulfill your own demands; the shaping of the feelings and of the mental body, the shaping of the mind, the memory, and the noble form­--the form that is to house the spiritual fire of life. Ah yes, this little child; this little child born to be God--but alas, also come the pitfalls.

    As the veils of innocence are parted one by one and you mature in the understanding of the world as well as in the understanding of the Law, take care. Take care that you do not forget your Source and the fairies and the undines and the gnomes with whom you frolicked as a little one. Take care that you do not forget the faces of angels who have tended your crib, who have watched over thee. Take care that you do not forget that there are masterful beings who took you by the hand and walked you safely through the places of danger--but ah so, mostly ye do forget.

    There are few who will remind you, there are few who will know, for they have all been deprogrammed away from God into the ways of the world. Thus, if you retain your innocence of the little child, you will become the little child who leads all of the aspects of the Creation into the knowledge of the Christ.

    It is the little child within you that will be the leader of this age of coming into knowledge. It is the "child" who remembers the Source, but coming into that oneness of balance, of discrimination, of learning, of mastering the studies necessary to function in this world and to be of service and to have the sacred labor ye have accepted.

    You must not only "become" the little child, so to speak, to have disciplines of Higher Consciousness, but you must also remain the "little child". It is better to be hurt again and again (and here ALL of you chelas take careful attention), than to have the cynicism of the existentialists. It is better to have advantages taken of thee, than to fall into constant mistrust of your fellowman. As thee grow, you will become discerning and will not fall prey to these ones who will pull thee down. Do not set about armoring thyself with false armor; for the armor thee will choose outside of the God-ness will be of darkness. If you steel yourself with that false set of armor that is not the tube of light, the innocence of the White Light, but that is the mastering of deceit and intrigue, the mastering of a carnal ego, the mastering of all of its defenses, its indulgences and all of its experiences which the fallen ones tell you you must have in order to distinguish Light and Darkness.


    This, dear ones, is the first and fundamental Lie that is told to the child to take the child from the path of Light: "Come and experience this, come and experience that. Taste and see, taste and know for yourself whether or not this is for you." Ah yes, this is experience--so be it, but it is not of necessity.

    The little child in all innocence does not need to taste of the energy veil (temptations of illusory evil), need not partake of it or absorb it or become contaminated by it in order to know the Truth. There have been many, many ones, Christed ones, who have entered into the Holy of Holies and who have found the satisfactions of love in God and in his holy angels without the experience of participation in the banal.

    Those who have accepted that "LIE" and entered into the compromises of all of the things that are offered in the marts of the world are burdened today by a cross of their own making, a cross of their own actions, a cross that is the hatred of the Divine Mother in whose womb they live and move and have that being of Light.

    Therefore, the child maturing to become the Master in the way, to carry the cross of world lessons, cannot take upon himself that cross of world karma because he is too busy carrying his own cross of selfishness and self-indulgence. Therefore, chelas, there are few "who have the time" to participate in Truth; who will take the effort to bear responsibility or will only "if I have time, give me a call and I'll try." "When it is convenient and I have no other thing to do, no appointment with worldly "stuff-­-I'll try." Do thee recognize of thyself from time to time? So be it and Selah--it will backfire upon thee!!

    In every "age" there must be souls who are willing to bear a certain portion of the weight of world "karma" (for lack of a better word). In these times it is by and large elemental life who bear that weight, for those among mankind who care at all to carry a little extra baggage are few and far between.


    Those who love are the disciplined ones who can walk through the narrow streets of the cities of the Middle East, for instance, where every form of temptation lurks and every aspect of the "sins" of human consciousness is displayed in the market place.

    Ah so--to walk through or to tarry, explore and partake????

    It is one thing to enjoy a shopping trip; it is another to become addicted to going shopping and to examining the manifestations of human consciousness when you ought to be meditating upon the Light that burns within the shops of your very own inner being. Precious ones, discipline means to withdraw energy (and with it your attention) from its encasement in the tomb of Mat­ter. It means to stop the flow into the dense and direct it into the Higher. The "pearl" is the symbol of your causal body, and the layer upon layer of the pearl are the spheres of con­sciousness that you have built layer upon layer around the cen­tral core of the I AM Presence of self.

    This iridescent "mother-of-pearl" is worth all!! Therefore, a wise man will go and sell all that he has for the one pearl, the one pearl of Cosmic Consciousness. Its discipline demands that you let go--let go of all involvements and realize that from day to day you never know when your soul (bereft of the physical body) will find itself cast on another shore in the mental plane, in the astral plane (God forbid), or in the etheric octave.

    If you were the Messenger, you would be in the position to ob­serve day by day those who are born and those who are dying, those who come into the physical plane and those who leave. It is a vast parade of souls taking incarnation and moving on. But the disciplines for Higher Consciousness, if it is to be retained, must be proven in the physical plane. Therefore, it is the ad­monishment of the hierarchy to make time and space count, for they are the crucible whereby you prove your God-mastery and the alchemy thereof. Little progress is made in other planes; for here in matter you made of your experience; learned or did not learn thy lessons, and here in matter is where you must bring it all into balance. Let none think that they will live forever and forever in these lower bodies. They are but vehicles of consciousness which are loaned to you, as all of the energy of God is on loan to you, that you might prove the mastery of free will.

    I come to you, then, to give you the concept of discipline. I tell you, as I survey the world scene in all of the dreadfulness of that which is taking place--so much is unknown to you--that it is pathetic how your leaders have deprived you of knowledge of what is actually happening in secret diplomacy, in international politics, and even in thy own legislatures.

    As I survey all of this, I see as the one hope that path of ini­tiation that leads through the teachings of what is called "The Great White Brotherhood", the Lighted Brotherhood (not black, brown or white but rather, lighted vs. darkened). There must be ones to walk with mankind until they awaken from their sleep and begin to see--really see! There must be ones who lead in balance and harmony and love. Man must follow because the way is Truth; not from fear of power which will render him useless.
    Ye ones have accepted the mantle; have asked for participation and have been appointed. Thy way shall be opened unto you that you can find the path without falling along the wayside. But, chelas, ye must hold strong for the worldly ones will effort ceaselessly to pull thee down. However, know that when the circle is closed, the cycle is finished and those without will remain without; those within can not be separated. So be it, for it shall come to pass as written in the great books of the universe.
    I take my leave in appreciation for being allowed a "hearing" and always know that I stand attentive to thy calls.


  2. #12
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: The Rainbow Masters

    PJ 07
    CHAPTER 21


    MON., APR. 24, 1989 7:00 AM YEAR 2, DAY 251

    Hilarion to speak to you, Dharma. Thank you for allowing my humble presence to join with you.

    We sat with you as ye were witness to the moving pictures of last evening; for reference, MURDERERS AMONG US--­(Simon Weisenthal's life stream during this passage). I am going to speak on the manners of persecution upon the bodies, hearts and souls of man, by man. I am the best spokesperson for the subject for my own physical lifestream on Earth place, was as Paul "Saul of Tarsus". I persecuted to such extent that none, not even thy Hitler could balance my negative energy. It was only different in the group whom I persecuted. Quite frankly, I knew no better truth. Ones living in the presence and fulfillment of the "evil" intent actually "believe" it to be the better way, chelas. I have "paid" dearly for those wrong choices of my precious "free-will" actions. I continue to "earn" my way back to total perfection.


    I also have witnessed that even through the acts of "evil" which were perpetrated at my hand, and command; the balance of good has been allowed to blossom indeed. Therefore, chelas, do not cast aside ANY lesson for ALL scenarios are intended for thy experience and learning achievements. Simon W. is correct; it is when the actions are perpetrated, and then man allowed to "forget" or deny, that the true lessons are lost to be repeated again, and again, and again. Ye ones become "bored" with the repetitions that the Jewish peoples repeat yearly at all important days. Most do not even know why "they" do it and the "point" is missed. There were almost as many non-Jewish persons annihilated in the days of Hitler, as there were Jews (give or take a few "million"). I will not go into the reasons, now, that those things happened, but it had to occur for the rest of the mandates to be allowed to bloom. It had to be for the revelation of the prophecies. One man's evil? Oh no, brethren, not one man's evil. Evil so widespread that you would not even comprehend the level of hatred against brother which was really present. If many were not evil, Hitler could have done naught; he would have been killed or at least cast away from leadership. It was the dark brotherhood at work in fine form. So be it for it is done, but the lessons brought forth must not be lost unto any of you for you have only just begun the next "segment" of horrors as the evil ones come into final confrontation.

    When ye have been tempered in the fire for thy purpose, however, the entry of the Master Teacher is as the whirlwind. It comes in mighty force, confounding of the very consciousness of the human entity. If thee are appointed, it will come when and wherever the God within confronts the Master alchemist. It can gently grow from that point or it can completely consume of thee. Mostly, ones are of basic "goodness" and the moment of "conversion" is not really known to thee. Until the "awakening", you will not probably know at what point in the existence of your soul you finally offered "all". There is not even a way to know if you came for a purpose as I have. Back again and again to assist ye of the mortal density. Let it be, just know that you ARE and let us do of our work.

    Actually, it is the culmination of the call and many calls. Ye know of your growth when ye recognize that you are "broken" in the "human" and accept the Divine as thy only choice. Ye will err again and again; thee will never slip again into the pits of evil.


    Ah yes, ye better be in the listening or the "call" can be most uncomfortable to the human being. For your confirmation, do ye wait for Him to appear in visions, to flatter you with the presence of angels and trumpets; harps playing and a retinue of God beings? Ah, chelas, ye may wait very long, and you may find the waiting very "hard". Just as I had to be in the facing of my task in the Lighted Path, ye must face the difficulties and expectations of evil attack upon thy path. This receiver, this Messenger, Dharma, must face all possibilities. I effort at warning her, and you, of the pitfalls of the Path and the mission for the way is cluttered with all that would stop thee. Do not be smug in your understanding of the mysteries, for there are many who have had the sacred mysteries who have never experienced the resolvement of the Lighted Red Road to Creator Source.

    If you do not neglect the requirements of the service, you will find that the God Presence will come forth from His place within and become without. You will also feel the encircling comfort of the Brotherhood of the Sacred, Infinite Circle, which is the Christos, form total protection about thee.

    You might proclaim: "I am not worthy for I walked in such negative manner, yesterday". AH SO, man walks that path constantly. Man needs the example of imperfection that he can relate to perfection. Do not suddenly sit on thy pedestal and proclaim achieved perfection. Seek rather to be perfected by that wondrous energy that comes from perfection. As you are perfected within, the Light will radiate without. Know perfection as the graces of that Great Spirit and seek them. Judge not how far thy brother has progressed; look within at thy own degree of progress and move ever forward. Wrap thyself in the protection of that perfection that the evil brotherhood is kept without. Darkness cannot invade thy presence in Light, unless thee allows of it.

    Do you not see that if it were possible to be humanly perfect, there would be no need for divine perfection? If it were possi­ble to contain God on earth outside of thee, there would be no need to pursue heaven. Once you have experienced the energy flow that comes with a healing salve of wondrous beauty, thee will want to remain inside that calm and harmonious wholeness. Look always within in truth and honesty. Just as I, as Saul, was struck by the Light and blinded upon the roadway, have ye not perchance been stricken? Just as the Master Esu Jesus stood in my presence and asked; "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" Have ye not heard these words in thy soul as ye have witnessed curses upon thy fellow man, abortions of thy babes, deliberate actions to avoid responsibilities of truth; as thee has taken the "easy" way, the human way? Oh yes, there is not one energy who will fall heir to these words that will not have experienced that small, wee call within thy mind.

    Come now, come and let us reason together, you who are the intelligent, or so self-considered, you who are the ones who know of the things of this life. Let us consider the end of cycles and the sluffing off of the old. Let us remember how all that appears in manifested form must be recycled back into the cen­tral Source. "You can't take it with you" truth. Is it not better to come into early understanding and communion with thy Source before having to climb back up the ladder to a level whereby thee can do of thy appointed work during this time of transition? Is thy alarm clock not ringing and ringing? There is a pattern, a blueprint, a building if you will, whereby sequence is mandatory. Are you filling thy service station in timely manner that the sequence is not interrupted? Are you aware enough to count the days and the hours of opportunity open unto you? You cannot ask of another "What is my level" or "Am I doing OK?"--not even thy Higher Brothers--for you know whether or not you are doing all thee can; all thee has "agreed" to do. You "know" if thy job is being fully tended and naught left undone for another to need pick up and bear. Ye "know". If ye claim ye do not know--better go again, within and see what you find. For if you question and excuse; you know thee are not acting in wholeness, but rather wish ones to assure you that you are OK. No, brethren; thy job is solely between thee and the God-within. It is much as in pregnancy with child; ye are, or ye are not, pregnant. Ye are doing thy job fully, or thee are not; gray areas are excuses. This is not to be condemning-­only, when confronted, then the response need not be excuse but truth. God knows the difference; more, even thy cosmic brothers know the difference; 'tis only man who has closed his talents of understanding to the limit of hiding one from another.

    Just as I was given a "new" name by the Master Teacher; Paul to replace Saul, it was to remove the old from my presence that I might experience in the new. The inner name given unto me at that time signified the great power of the mission of healing that was to be mine. Each one of you have a secret name which is given unto you. Some of you will hear numerous labels within thy inner self i.e., John S. has many names and great purpose--never be in surprise as you confront thyself coming and going in thy daily life. Many of you within this tiny circle have taken great loads to burden thee along the Path to harvest of "this" mission.


    Wholeness is a concept which is required as you pursue thy path; especially the path of "healing". "Healed" means "in wholeness", and you cannot have a "whole" in "partial-ness". It requires skillful practice to master the art, just as an artist must practice first with the brushes in clumsy strokes until perfection produces the beautiful reflection on the canvas.

    It is incorrect, beloved ones, to wait for some future nebulous time when you think by some miracle that suddenly, with one sweep, you shall step forth and speak the word of healing and at that moment you will be transformed into the magnification of the Christ.

    Healing comes as you apply yourself day by day to the invoca­tion, the calling forth of the healing ray, the garnering of that ray in your aura and in the chalice of your consciousness, and then the application of that ray as you are called upon in hour of crisis or need for one another.

    Another incorrect concept is that you are NOT in need of heal­ing. You "seem" to be "well" and functioning, and therefore you perceive "all is well". Precious ones, until the hour of Wholeness, of cosmic integration, you are less than whole and therefore you require healing. Each and everyone of you, each hour of the day, can therefore practice the fiats of the Christ.

    Go back and study the words of the Great Teacher. Study his words. Use the fiats that he used to make men whole. First he would usually remind them that their transgressions were for­given; that they might forgive themselves. Thee must forgive self for all states of imperfection of self are wrought upon self in some means or manner as a result of self punishment for perceived "sins". You must realize that healing is first and most critical, an action of the mind--the subconscious mind that harbors thy instructions for actions performed by self and consciousness. It sounds as if it is a great difficulty; nay, simple, simple in Truth.

    Why bother with the healing of the consciousness and human form? Ye will just be changing dimensions into wholeness, will thee not? Nay, absolutely not! Can you function without a physical form in this octave? Of course not. Would you then, be elsewhere? Perhaps, but your mission would not be fulfilled. Thus a return once again, another descent of your soul energy into a physical form might be required should you pass off lightly the calling of your present position in the world arena.


    Now, heed carefully; having a physical form partially dedicated to Truth and partially involved in the world of the senses and relationships of controlling nature, is not as the Masters have intended that you should be. You have accepted a mission and it cannot be "sometimes"; it has to be all times or the work will not be finished in "timely" manner. So be it. I would wish that it be otherwise; it is not otherwise.

    I, Hilarion, place my own energies at thy disposal, to help thee find and hold thy way in truth. Men and women who would carry forth on this mission must be in the thinking once, then twice and again and again of Holy integration and bringing forth of Truth in perfect form. It is not that which goes into thy mouth that defileth man (ye stumble around about that which you eat and drink), but rather it is that which comes out from the mouth that defileth.

    Healing in thy force field means the actual healing everywhere upon this planetary body. For as you are (as the God within "you") the authority for this earth, you will find that in geometric proportion by the infinite calculus of the Spirit, one with God is a majority for the entire universe.

    You must see, then, that you are but a replica of the planetary body in your forcefield and in your own self-ness. Therefore, just as the Christos had the power to change an entire course of history, so do thee.

    And so, I, Hilarion of the ray of the fifth refraction, come with the answer and the key. If it be heeded and taken, you will find that the power of Truth, as it is released from the heart of the Great Central Sun Magnet, will "draw all men unto me". For I AM--the I AM of me IS--the Living Christ Circle of Infinity and I bear witness to Him who showed me along the way of Life that the only Truth, the only Way, the only Love, and the only Power is the Victory of the momentum of God within the individual force-field of all mankind.



    I AM,

    PJ 07
    CHAPTER 22


    TUE., APR. 25, 1989 6:00 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 252
    Good morning, Dharma, and it is a good morning. I know, child, ye had of great revelations in thy night and they have returned with you. As we all have accepted responsibility it has been a heavy load under which we chafe and squirm. When thee "know thyself" it takes a while to come into balance, so let it be at rest for a time of digestion.

    I AM Lady Nada of the Sixth Ray; the Cohan if you will, the bringer of truth of communications on soul levels and nurturing; ministering and service. I come most closely wrapped in the robes of violet and gold from my close association with Germain and Master Esu Jesus. You of the flock will need of my experi­ence and lessons whether ye be masculine or feminine.

    I too, had to learn the Path of Love with the Great Ascended Masters. I also learned that everyone who goes forth to serve has moments of self-doubt or thinks that after all of their efforts, their works are not too good, or that no one will want them, or believe them, or that no one will appreciate of their talent. There is a moment of total self-blindness when an individual may actually make a choice NOT to go forward with their accepted work. This is a very difficult impact on those ones who have depended upon that one to fulfill his or her, task. The days grow short upon thy place as ye know it; ye are in the days of decisions and action. These are days when ye must stand strong lest ye be pulled down.

    Ye ones have just been severed from any income resource. The sustaining funds have ceased. What will ye do? Oh, I see and I thank you brethren--ye will just go on and ye will trust of us to show thee the way. So be it for as ye release it unto us, it is done. Do not despair for the plan is yet in unfoldment.

    It serves ye ones well to remember thy talent in the serving as the "Mother"; the nurturing nature of Mother Creation which abides within all beings, male or female, for there is no dif­ference in the realms of Higher Understanding. No difference. For on the magnificent levels, there is total balance; total harmony of flow and integration. Only our thrust is in differ­ence that all facets of experience can be best utilized.

    It is the wondrous flaming heart of the Mother embodied in the friend, the loved one, the ministering one that provides that help when the individual himself must give all strength and energy, all of his drive to the making of the mark at that precise moment. Therefore, even the Christ on the representative four­teen "stations" of the cross still had the balance of this mother, holding the flame of watchfulness, of encouragement, of beauty, and of the divine memory of the end that is known from the beginning.


    Please understand that even the rotations of the planets, the movements of the stars in their courses are perpetual example, reinforced subconsciously, that all of life is in the ritual of ministration and that the repetition of the ministering is the necessity and the beauty of Christ appearing. As you come to see the need for daily service to be repeated without fail each and every day (as with your receiving, Dharma, and the sharing) in any and all of your occupations, you move from the mastery of individual Christhood on the Sixth Ray into and on to the full mastery of the Seventh Ray.

    You will find thyself in repetition upon repetition. You will find yourself saying, "I have told this person over and over, not once but many times over, and still they move against the principle of this law". Well, this allows thee to see, beloved ones, that is the obvious need for continued ministration. It is like the water­ing of the flowers; the garden. The rains come and they come again into growth, and the elementals do not complain that they had given water "only yesterday". We who come as the teachers often forget there are things we all need on a daily basis. And yet when it comes to the teaching of the sacred precepts of the Law, we think somehow, either in ignorance or in pride, that if we have given our teaching, our word ought to be enacted. Further, if it is not enacted, well, it is too bad for that individual--they had their chance.

    If the angels took this attitude, I dare say that none of you would have a ministering angel today. For you have been ministered unto for tens of thousands of years. So you see, when it is oneself, it is easy to understand that one may need comfort and need it again and again. In the giving to other, however, you think, "Why is this person always, always needing comfort when God is obviously so always present?"

    Well, "that" God needs to be obviously present in YOU! In turn it is obvious, or should be to you, that the individual cannot see God or understand His comfort unless you bring it personally. Therefore, in your perception of others' needs, you must put on your Godhood, instead of your perception of your own needs and become the balance which keeps on keeping on.

    We the Cohans, therefore observe. We allow souls of Light to pursue the Path in this way for many years, for we know the end must soon come. When they have finally magnetized everything they could think of under the sun and realize that their souls are still empty and there is still that longing for the lost chord, they may come to the realization that it is not the use of the Path for the getting unto oneself, but the use of the Path in order to supply the needs of others that is its highest application.


    You have truly arrived when you have no needs or wants, and you think to yourself, "How rich I am in the wisdom of God, His glory, and His Love". Further, when someone might ask what ye would need or prefer as a gift, et cetera, ye can think of nothing with which to respond--you have all thee needs for per­fection within.

    For many along the Path, they consider the mark of attainment to be the fullness of health, wealth, and happiness; for them these are their standards of spirituality. Well, dear ones, some of the most spiritual people in the world are so bearing the bur­dens of life that they may be in abject poverty, they may have nothing. They may be burdened with incurable disease, they may be bowed down with all sorts of problems. And those who point the finger and condemn or judge are the very ones who "need" attainment on the Sixth Ray of Ministration and Service.

    If they would run to the aid of that one, they would discover in themselves the lack of the one great gift that individual pos­sesses: Love. Love that replaces "fear". Love within the heart that is content to bear the burden of others. Love within the heart that trusts God in the hour of adversity. Love that does not complain simply because all things are not in the fullness of the richness of Western civilization, as the dreams of this West are created out of the images of opulence, luxuriousness, unending food, et cetera. Do not misunderstand and assume that if these things are present it is less than wondrous. It is inner satisfaction and balance of which I speak, not "things".

    "Things" are nice to have if thee can maintain balance in the necessary ability to release without care or pain, the things of matter and comfort. If you can let them go; ye have "made it". If you can let them go if necessary, you will have gained grand entry into the Kingdom. It is thy willingness within which is the key to the door of greatness.

    I am come in the flow and the rhythm of God IS Love that moves across eternity in undulations of sound, calling the souls of all evolutions in the stellar worlds home to the heart of God.
    The great summoning of Life is for souls who have evolved in the outer realms of time and space to return to a center of Being that is Awareness, that is Truth, that is Life. Man must go within, for the souls of mankind are tired of evolution in dark­ness and chaos.

    Souls have not built the great amphitheater of life where the great drama can be outplayed in nobility after the image and likeness of the Christed ones. Therefore, the weariness of the soul is not in outer manifestation, but the weariness of the soul is in the outer manifestation that is not Whole, that is not complete because of wrong sowing and of wrong "knowing".

    Mankind have not known the Truth that should make them free, but they have known the Lie and been condemned by that Lie. Thus, the weariness of the ways of the flesh, the experimenta­tion with the uses of the Sacred Fires that is inordinate in the sight of God. I come as a Cosmic Mother and as a member of the Higher Realms to draw the tired, the poor, the weary, those who have been burdened by the world and have not remembered the words of the Prince of Peace, "My burden is Light". For every burden you carry, precious ones, can be changed in the twinkling of an eye into Light and Light's manifestation, Light's toleration of itself.

    Light is infinite, and thus the starry light that portends an infinite Cosmos waiting to be received, waiting to be filled with the fruits of the harvest of souls can be seen, can be known, can be experienced by souls who will come within into the inner Being, into the chamber of the heart place.

    When you come into that stillness and you begin to meditate upon God (become one with thy God ness), you will first be moved and stirred by the regular beat of God's heart. In that beat is the pattern of the release of energy for a Cosmos, a rose, a seed, a soul. It is the regular advancing rhythm of energy spiraling from a fiery core to the circumference of its inherent design.

    When you come into the center of the heart and meditate upon these concepts, you will at first wonder at the grandness of God's being-ness. By and by as you think upon these things and that Being, you will come to realize that you are thinking upon your very own being, your very own life, for God is Life. In fact, chelas, God and Life are synonymous.

    I AM

    The sounding of the great tone which marks the birth of the soul is a mystical awareness of identity as the I AM THAT I AM. Further, that which "I AM" is God, and that which "I AM" is the soul when you say I AM THAT I AM.

    When God then speaks, He is saying, "I AM that soul, I AM that awareness of self, I AM that I am". When the soul speaks in the first person echoing the words of the Creator, the soul de­clares, "I AM". Then, as the energies flow from the Spirit to the soul, from the soul to the Spirit, from God to man, from man to God, who can say at what point God is becoming man, man is becoming God? Who can say at what point there is the vortex of the interchange where God is man and man IS God? Therefore, I AM THAT I AM. For in the Law of the One the Alpha is become the Omega, the beginning and the ending, and the Omega is become the Alpha, the end has become the start. The cycle infinite! This is the Sacred Circle closed within the "Christness" of self and oneness with all.

    Being is one, Life is one. But there is a divinity of polarity which manifests in order that God might have subjective aware­ness of Self, and that man might have an objective awareness of self--that God might have an objective awareness of Self, that man might have a subjective awareness of Self. Thus, in the flow of Life transcending Life, ALL BEING IS INDEED "ONE".

    As you contemplate this great mystery in the center of God's (Self's) heart gathering more of the flame of Spirit into the soul, you reach a point in meditation, in oneness, where you might say your soul could burst with the fervor of the Divine Light. Then comes that great and wondrous desire to burst forth as a bud would in the springtime, as a blossom on a plant, as a leaf on a tree and as a wondrous bird flying from the nest--a fledgling ready to experience Life.

    At some point you must release those energies that have been winding tighter and tighter within. The "spring" must at some point be released, the energy must be allowed expansion and the spirals must go forth. The cycles must be released for cycles in­crease the identity of God. Man's awareness spins from the center to the periphery of God's Cosmic Consciousness.

    Man's whereabouts in time and space are limited only by his use or misuse of energy. Using energy wisely and well, man tran­scends finite spheres and blends his consciousness into oneness; allness--I AM "HE", I AM "THOU", I AM "THEY" --I AM "ME". I AM BROTHERHOOD.


    Brotherhood is the union of souls who have gone forth from the center of Be-ness. All beings who have identified with God throughout the ages are connected. It is through this brother­hood that we shall accomplish this wondrous transition which is coming. There is much speculation upon these matters; the prophecies have been made from the beginning of life upon thy place--the cycles explored and predicted. So be it, chelas, for it is coming to be in thy present "time". We are connected directly to your energy flow, at this sequence point, I in the Pleiades, you upon the planet of dense compression. You know within, however, that the brotherhood stretches as our "oneness" spans time and space.

    Let us remain ever within the violet flame which holds us bound as one in service, that the transmutation which some will call the Rapture or the Translation might pass smoothly and the Tribulation be surmounted by the ones of the Master's fold. Aton will give thee what ye need to understand and know of all of these things. Thy time is at hand; allow it to be a wondrous adventure, beloved ones.

    Ye shall be meeting us most quickly within the unlimits of the Cosmos for we shall come from the clouds to enfold thee.

    In infinite Love and Service,


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