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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: The Rainbow Masters

    PJ 07
    CHAPTER 17


    FRI., APR. 14, 1989 1:00 P.M. YEAR 2, DAY 241

    Thank you, Dharma, for it will be good to have my portion fin­ished this day. Mine is not to overload, but there is so much to be brought forth in these early stages of becoming balanced, one with the other, that we must stay right with the task. It is our intent to pull away from all forms of religious doctrines, the new concepts of what you call metaphysics, political boundaries, creed differences, color differences, etc. We are ONE BROTHERHOOD; no more and no less. We are only inter­ested in bringing forth untainted "TRUTH" that we might serve our commitment in that Truth.


    The orphans of the Spirit are our concern--those who, without the thread of contact with Deity, remain wedded to an unwhole­some environment; those to whom the real purpose of Life is never revealed; for the crystallization of their intellectual concepts and the hardness of their hearts, stay rooted in self­ishness, do not open the cosmic doorway to our domain or that of the cosmic brethren who also come only to serve and assist.

    So many are the mysteries of Life, so many are the powers of Love. Yet the dust seems to be more their choice than is the destiny of their ordained potential. The veil of obscurity is very, very heavy indeed.

    While man's concern for his ecology mounts, what shall I say is happening to the soul within? The moral standard, recognition of the plane of Spirit, listening to the music of the stars and the spheres, creating that tie of cosmic identity which is the forte of the will of God--these are the strong banners we raise. These are the banners which must be raised.

    We must take careful and attentive note of the widening schisms, the deliberately maneuvered divisions being created through the dichotomies of mind and spirit in the total world order today. It is my desire to speak from our higher level concerning our viewpoint and our intent. Those who would set people against people, those who would point the accusing fin­ger of one religion at another, by so doing create that fracture in consciousness which is a destructive negative spiral.


    It is well known upon thy place that there are in the world mil­lions who are labeled "left wing"; other millions labeled "right wing". There are others who choose, in some degree of human "pride", to choose of the position in the "middle" of the road, so to speak. Let it be understood that WE DO NOT ESPOUSE ANY OF THESE CAUSES.

    The magnitude of importance of our service is such that we can­not identify ourselves or our efforts with anyone confined to a secular slice of opportunism.

    We tend to not favor any of these positions, but rather to rec­ognize the whole spectrum from right to left, including the "middle". Always the truth seems mingled with error. Ours is not to create division, but rather our goals are sound and strengthening to the whole and to the human Spirit.

    We recognize that there are virtuous causes across the whole range of human endeavor, but there are many that are unvir­tuous, unrighteous, deceptive and wrongly motivated. We will not identify with any; for our purpose is not to be popular, but to be truthful and to embrace those spiritual causes which will enable the soul itself to expand its individual Life.

    I do not deny that the poor, as Jesus said, are with you always. I do not deny man's right to fulfill those social needs which to some have become a way of spiritual service. Likewise, we clearly see that among the traditions of men there are many of virtue, albeit sometimes sagging, that ought to be upheld; but where shall we position our timbers of support? We cannot identify with the right or the left, and we cannot identify with the middle of the road. So be it.

    Even as we write, truth and error slide. The human jackal of division has man in derision. The powers of darkness laugh as people espouse this cause and that cause in radical ways. Others are at the center of total non-ness, lukewarmness and take no stand at all-ness. They would not wax hot nor cold. So be it. The soul "salvation" is not served by social reform, nor is it served by "opposing" social reform. The progress of man can best be accented if it is first set in the right direction. May I point out how this can best be done?

    It is reasonable to suppose that there are many things of a spiritual nature unknown to men, and divine revelation has not yet closed its mouth of uttering the great fiat of the Word. There are those who actually think religious tradition is com­plete and that man has but to go about the gentle and yet some­times not so gentle business of attaching labels to various people and various groups. These labels are intended not to liberate, but rather to totally confine.

    When the man of honor sees clearly, he will know that both so­cial reform and opposition to social reform have their own way of sapping his totality of energy. People feel the need to es­pouse one cause or another, and those who are of a radical na­ture find niches of comfortable radicalism in varying degrees to the right or to the left of center. How one radical can condemn the other is difficult to understand in the light of spiritual knowledge; yet it does exist in widespread opulence.

    Spiritual Knowledge is the Highest Knowledge and takes into ac­count the total compass of the brotherhood of man. Therefore, if we make a pronouncement that seems to sanction one or the other it is because the garment of truth must run the whole spectrum. Truth knows no man boundaries.

    The choice then is to render the greatest service to ALL men and women upon the planet wherever they appear on the social scale, from the poorest to the wealthiest, from the weakest to the strongest, from the most unspiritual to the most spiritual, from the foolish to the wise. We must serve them all; and unless we do, we have fallen short of our divine office.

    As the spokesman for the WILL of God (the first ray), I do not believe that division is the divine intent. I do not believe that manipulators do not exist in the world. I know that they most surely do exist; to the total degradation of mankind.

    What we need most is honor; and those who espouse such honor should see to it that the text books of the world, the magazines, the radio, motion pictures and television programs, and all media should honestly present to man all sides of the question.

    Man should not become so enamored with this environment that he loses touch with his soul in the process of "egotistically" molding his environment. Rather, he should understand that the opportunity for life, which he sometimes wears solemnly and then again unceremoniously, is his God-given right, one through which he may, if he will, attain enough self-control to become the master of his own destiny.

    In truth, man CAN be the God of his own universe. He can supplement his desires with reason and can transmute and direct the total course of his being--for either positive or negative purposes.

    Man must be patient and loving with himself for it requires "digestion" of information to be assimilated and properly uti­lized as fuel for his system.


    We are primarily concerned with the children of your species, that they be given an opportunity of expanding the richness of the universe, the abundant life and the knowledge accumulation to which they are rightful heirs. When religion, however, becomes a gambit to be used by one group against another, with jealousy increasing rather than de­creasing, we think of the fable of the fox and crow, and how the crow held the cheese in its beak. Then, with flattery the fox induced the crow to speak, the cheese fell out and was devoured by the fox and the crow did not have any of which to partake. All over thy planet, nation is against nation and against them­selves. Religious groups kill and maim their brethren in the name of God and Christ. There is no such thing as Christianity practiced anywhere upon thy place. So be it --as long as there is judgment of man against man, there is no such thing as "Christianity".

    World order does not provide nor allow proper training of its young. There is too much recklessness and wild abandon, too much deceit and personal motivation devoid of honor. This is the example they experience each moment of their existence. These are the images burned into their very consciousness from every sector of their lives. If they are given nothing of purity and Truth to emulate, they emulate that which they do vision and audibly intake. It can be no other way.

    As we begin to thrust forth better events and visions for emu­lation, the dark brothers will cast about wildly and effort at stopping the growth. However, remember, darkness cannot "create", only the Light can "create" and darkness has no exis­tence in Light. So be it.

    As I bring to a close this message at this time, please accept it with the love and intent given. I am here to assist in the gaining of the "WILL" that our task may be completed in honor and integrity in a most timely manner. I bring only strength and goodwill to all men, all creeds, all nations and all colors of man.

    May our Father/Mother Source magnify that Christ-unity of an unbroken, infinite circle and reality born of no winds of delusion and fanned by no fanatic fires, but clearly indicative of the whole spectrum of the consciousness of the Great White Brotherhood/Sacred Councils, which holds the TRUTH above all.

    Forever in the service of that Father/Mother Source and Truth through divine Will, I AM MORYA EL. May our work in unity be blessed and fruitful. So be it as I place again, my seal upon these words.

    Adonai, chelas, adonai in the Light of Truth, Balance and Har­mony through Love.

    Let it be known that I AM THAT WHICH I AM; OF THE FIRST RAY.


    PJ 07
    CHAPTER 18

    REC #1 LANTO

    TUE., APR. 18, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 245

    This is thy teacher, Lanto, of the golden ray vibration. I come not with wisdom as such from either the East or the West. Wis­dom, Dharma, is wisdom; in any place at any time. The need is to speak of "circumstance". Whether perceived as positive or negative, ye are always in the midst of "circumstance".


    I say to you loudly and strongly: "RULE THY CIRCUMSTANCE AND BE NOT RULED BY THAT CIRCUMSTANCE!" Ah so, many who would appear very virtuous would not be altogether virtuous when placed in other circumstances. This is why, of course, the edict went forth, "Judge not lest ye be judged".

    Do not overlook that some of you find yourselves this day in certain circumstances solely because of another life in which you have either criticized, acted or defaulted in the experience in similar circumstance or with impact from or toward one in similar circumstance and ye have not yet cast off thy perceived "karma". The Great Law, in its infinite mercy and kindness, has given to you the opportunity to walk in the moccasins, as thy red brother teaches, of the one upon whom ye placed thy judg­ment. This is even though it was of thyself.

    Now let us consider the present situation. If you are not sat­isfied with your circumstance or your dealing with those cir­cumstances of life, remember that you have recourse. The re­course is to your own Great God Flame and Christ Self who re­sponds instantly to thy call--you, however, must be still and lis­ten for the response for it can come in many ways and will not usually appear as magic. It may also require "time" to bear fruit ripe enough to partake. If ye have requested "in divine order", it may even appear of a totally negative nature requiring the game to be set properly for the results of which you petition. In thy conscious "asking" it is rarely voiced what thee really wants or truly desires. Thy heart knows and thy subconscious knows what is truly being requested--release unto that source and await thy answers and manifestations.

    Know, dear ones, that the instantaneous response of Almighty God is not always the immediate change of circumstance. It is rather a release of light, a coil of infinite energy that begins to cycle from the plane of the I AM Presence to your own Christ Self through the lines of your etheric, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Therefore, the answer to thy call may seem quite a long time in manifestation to those souls who look only to the physical to know God's will or of the Higher life.

    We are not so much concerned with the physical, for it is most fickle, as we are with the revolution of consciousness beginning at the very core of being--the inner blueprint. Thy path must always balance with thy inner path of intent. Many things will impact upon the consciousness of the physical that have no ac­tual place in the plan of purpose as laid down by the soul.


    Let us take, for instance, a petition for healing. When you re­quest healing, God always releases a sacred fire sphere of heal­ing light. It is deposited deep within your subconscious. As this light begins to flow and cycle through the planes of being, it pushes out to the surface unwanted conditions. It is an electrode that is a focus of God's wholeness. Therefore, all unlike itself must be uprooted, must be exposed.

    Therefore, many times when you come into contact with the Great White Brotherhood and begin with the experiment as the alchemist of the sacred fire, you find for a season more problems than you had prior to beginning. Then you wonder why you are on this path in the first place?

    Beloved ones--and here I may seem harsh--if ye only want outer wholeness, then go to other sources. There are faith healers, psychic healers, medicine men, witch doctors, voodoo specialists and medical scientists. In every society they hold the position of prominence. It is not our intent to in any way disparage souls of Light who pursue to the best of their ability the healing of the bodies of mankind. In fact, we have inspired upon many the very healing arts which are practiced.

    However, I must tell you, it is often better to suffer pain than to take the aspirin or the painkillers that give you the false sense of security that all is well. Pain is a signal like the red light on the dashboard of life that warns you that you are not whole and that you had better learn the alchemy of wholeness. Suffering in itself is neither good nor evil, but it is the use that is made of suffering to bring the soul nearer to that which God is telling thee. Also, know that in the searching all ways, all places and finding no real solutions, indicates a lack of wholeness within thy inner self. When fear of healing is removed the body and inner self will be in the total healing. Until that time, beloved ones, the healing will not be healing, but bandaid therapy for a physical ailment. Many tools may assist in "cure" but the word "cure" means total healing; thee does not need cure and cure again--to "cure" means exactly what it says--"wellness in wholeness".

    Ye must understand, then, the answer to the call. Understand the depositing of light within you. It is God's intent, as God lives and as I am his servant, to bring you into the reunion with the One. And therefore, when you are on the path of initiation, do not be so concerned as to your success or failure as a metaphysician measured by the index of the outer sign.


    The Lord Christos said that a wicked and an adulterous genera­tion seeketh after a sign, but there shall be no sign given, save the sign of the coming of the prophet. Then will ye look into thy own soul, the subconscious of thy being, working out the formula of that being not only in the level of the mental plane by a scientific alchemy and the affirmation and denial of prayer and fasting, but also in the working out of the problem of energy, energy forcefields, the law of cause and effect, and ultimately, the responsibility for life. No magic nor seeming miracles showered down from the sky.

    There is so much more than a miracle here and there, along the Path. We could bring forth the miracles. We could bring forth the multitudes who always run after the miracles. But we are here that you might be made real by reunion with God. As for us, we prefer a road that is a bit rough, a bit steep, a bit lonely for ourselves and for our chelas than the easy way that gives of false security.

    There are many who have mastery of this plane. They use hypnosis, autohypnosis, all forms of mental science and psychic probing for that is where the solutions abide--within that elusive subconscious totality of data storage. The energy released within this particular octave will, in a few short segments of time, be the program on the path of life. There is nothing more simple in practice or concept.

    There are many ones who are caught up for years and years thinking they have certain attainment because, by some spiritual or other process of mental cogitation or meditation, they are able to bring about change. This is not, however, the alchemy of the Holy Spirit re-forming the mind, the soul, and the being, that is not the alchemy whereby the soul experiences the rebirth, but a change that is the rearrangement of dust, the rearrangement of matter molecules.

    What is sickness? What is health? What is poverty? What is riches? Simply the relative condition that is yet illusion, except the individual so manifesting may see beyond that manifestation to the reality of that which is newness yet to come.

    I come, then, from the Octave of the Ascended Masters, to speak with thee.

    Whether the condition of life be happiness, whether the condi­tion be suffering, I say, seek the goodness of God. Godness! Seek the happiness of the ONE God. If thy only happiness can be found in suffering then seek of the suffering for 'tis thy pref­erenced journey. Do not judge of good or evil in this cir­cumstance by the state of thy comfortable ness, but discern by thy state of oneness with God--a oneness that is not a verbal­ization, a oneness that is a Be-ness! What ye verbalize is most often an untruth.

    BE IT
    Be-ness, stripped of all else--this is the path to reunion. Be­-ness. I AM. Not to know about it, think about it, feel about it, but simply TO BE IT. In the being, be the perpetual action of Life becoming Life. Be the sword of Kali. Be the scepter of Christ authority. Let that Holy Spirit live within.

    Let us speak of "LOVE". What is "love"? Love is whatever brings you to the feet of God, be it cataclysm, be it the perfume of a rose, be it the raindrop upon your nose. Whatever will shake you to the remembrance of me, saith the Lord, that is love.

    Thy thrust, then, is not to be the interpreters of the Word. BE THE WORD. Let the interpretation be the "judgment" of the ac­tions (judge actions, not persons for their actions) that proceed. By their fruits ye shall know them. Be the Tree of Life. Let the earth evolutions come and pluck the fruit of your tree, eat of it and enter samadhi.

    Let me now, however, give unto thee a shortcut to immortality. It is surrender. It is the death of the ego. There is a way to purity. It is bathing in the Holy Light. Let the flow of Mother/Father now be unto you purification for a purpose. If purification had not the purpose of the salvation of the soul, then what need of purification?

    Beloved ones, I speak to you of an altered state of awareness whereby you enter into a flow where there is no longer resistance to the God I know. For the God I know is the God that I AM, and that God in you is ready to absorb, to assimilate, and to become yourself.


    This is why it is so very vital that ye ones listen, while using the meditation, quieting tape given unto thee by Master Hatonn for it calls within all the rays, the silence of receiving and the ability to participate on a level of subconscious awareness--not just a hearing (sort of) of another lecture. That is why ye ones should bring of thy questions, written, that ye might present them without altering thy state of consciousness--then receive unto yourself the response where it can be of great value. It ALL TAKES PLACE WITHIN THAT LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS BENEATH THAT WHICH YE PERCEIVE. ALWAYS-­ALWAYS!

    Dharma does not wish to take of thy time to experience the tape; that is error, for ye cut the value of the session to almost "0" by the failure to have all participants at a level of receiving in the proper placement.

    Through these ways ye can have the goal achievement which you so dearly seek. There need be no struggle to becoming that Self of goal, but only the stepping out of the uniform of human­ism, the stepping out of the masquerade of the carnal mind. All that is not yourself cannot bind you unless you give it the power to bind of you.

    Walk away from the old habits-no, RUN LIKE MAD, away from the old habits, the old patterns, the "old" man, the old associations, and stand in the core of thy new Being. Command by the authority of The Almighty Totality, Father/Mother God and be free.

    Do not submit to Darkness, but submit rather to humility in Light that allows protection to thyself. Be the obedient servant of the Law, but not of the demons who would mock your humility and call you servile in that fear which is only the fear of the demons because they have not the truth of God.

    Ye must take the step of going forth unto thy God and request­ing of the balance, the harmony and the Way to alignment--the instructions of the inheritance of eternal Life. In the good old­-fashioned evangelism--make thy peace with thy God--prepare to meet thy God. So be it and Amen.

    Earth is a schoolroom. You must not pass from this life in that vulnerable state whereby you become caught in the astral plane, defending yourself against the vultures, the fallen ones who would eat your very flesh and blood because you have not the cylinder of light around you to carry you to immortal heights.


    Secure, then, your soul's opportunity to live in eternity in the moment. Secure it, beloved ones. For I tell you, many are the sudden transitions, and they come in every walk of life among all types of persons. And once the transition is made, the soul then must reap the consequences of this life on earth. Many spend hundreds of years in the astral plane because they fail to take the opportunity on earth to secure that identity in God.

    Let the little mechanisms of the subconscious mind that have been instituted to protect a weak consciousness from Reality now be set aside in part. I call it forth that you might now see the debt to Life you owe, that you might command Life and be free, that you might invoke the sacred fire and know that day by day you are transmuting the causes and cores of those conditions which heretofore you have denied. You are ready for the trans­mutation that you do not turn your back but face with calm cer­titude of inner knowing all that has been less than Christ per­fection. You must face these denials for the reality they bring and then ye can be in the transmuting.

    Energy IS GOD. Every erg of energy that has passed through the nexus of your consciousness through thousands upon thousands of years of experience must now be passed through the flame of the God Source, be stripped of the outer coating of human consciousness, and sent back into your causal body of Life. This is the real challenge of life on earth--not creature comforts, not the attributing of success to those who have become adept at the manipulations of matter.

    I have one great, great longing, dear ones, to see you free in the real sense of the term. I am, therefore, come to extend il­lumination whereby the soul may see Light, may see Darkness, may understand the equation, may know that in the ultimate sense all wrong is unreal.

    But in order to be unreal, to be rendered unreal, in the physical octave where illusions have the appearance and concreteness of a quasi reality, it must pass through the flame of transmutation. Therefore, affirm the unreality of sin, disease, and death even while you invoke the violet flame to transmute the effect of a condition of consciousness whereby in former times and spaces you accepted and qualified the "reality" of that sin, disease, and death.

    The molecules of light are stripped of false belief and systems of error by this transmutation "ritual". The ritual having nothing to do with the process, save a focusing of soul intent through the "ritual" act itself.

    Through this transmutation the inner man is made whole. That in that action you are invoking the Sacred Spirit and the cause, effect, record, and memory of illusion must submit.

    Ye must always hold the goal as there is purpose in all types of petition; meditation, decreeing, visualization, etcetera. When you have found the thread of contact--which connects each one of the levels of mastery, you will enter into the great synthesis of the Mother flame. This great synthesis is the white Light of Totality and from this Light is born Truth, undefiled .


    We do not come forth to condemn of any faith. We only come to bring light, illumination, and understanding of every faith. May those who are divided in the separate churches see that each way is a key; and the understanding of the blending of the keys of life will enable all humanity to contact the very core of that total Light. Let the understanding always be "1 AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!"

    I am Lanto. I seal you now in the truth of understanding and wisdom. Let us ever use of this wisdom and understanding to move forward at this great and critical time upon this beloved garden which has been given unto thee. I give strength unto you caretakers whose load is heavy and the way strewn with ob­stacles. Hold unto us that we may see you safely through thy passage.

    Peace be unto thee as I stand by awaiting thy petition and in­vitation into thy circle of participation. So be it and selah.

    I AM that I AM.

    I AM


  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: The Rainbow Masters

    PJ 07
    CHAPTER 19


    TUE., APR. 18, 1989 1:00 P.M. YEAR 2, DAY 245

    Good afternoon, Dharma, thank you for receiving of my energy. I am called Paul the Venetian in order that you will not confuse my label with that of Paul the Apostle who comes for these lessons as Hilarion.

    More as definition of my vibration, I am referred to as the Co­han of the third ray with emphasis upon love, creativity and beauty. In other words, these are the areas of my, let us say, expertise.


    Creativity and beauty cannot actually exist without the presence of "Love", therefore, let us consider love.

    Love IS the flowing essence, the ephemeral quality of God, as it is the movement of the wind and the flowing of water, it re­quires the greatest of discipline to be able to retain-to have and to hold that Love that is so tender, so gentle, and yet the ultimate expression of creative "fires". Those who are the greatest artists, poets, and musicians who use the flame of Love to implement an idea of God are those who have the greatest discipline, discipline of self, energies of self, of life, even of time and space.

    I come, then, to bring unto you an understanding of this disci­pline so that you will understand that discipline is not something to be feared, but rather that discipline is the Law, the fulfillment of Love. Discipline is a grid, a force-field that is necessary in order to have the flow of Love and to retain the flow of Love.

    Where there are lives which are undisciplined, love departs; love compromised and perverted is lost. Where energies in motion are undisciplined, where there is not a chalice that can contain the liquid fire of Love, mankind then loses of that Love.

    To be happy for eternity means that Love must be ensconced in a discipline that requires the discipline of self. To continue to receive Love, ye must give of it. Know that as you discipline your energy, your supply, your expression, the hours of your day, your service to life, you are increasing your capacity to release Love. The more you are disciplined, the stronger are the grids of consciousness. To have a strong consciousness, as strong sinews, enables you to balance megatons of the light­-force that you call Love.

    On Terra, however, there is such difficulty on the part of life-streams in their handling of the currents of "Love", many who should be master of the flame of the third ray are now in states of disintegration and their minds are filled with foul spirits and the mutterings of those spirits. This state of being in degradation results from having perverted that wondrous flame.

    Because Love is such a powerful force, precious ones, its abuse results in a very severe trauma and karma and a deprivation of life and the life-force. Therefore, you see, all of the science of this age of enlightened knowledge, given at the hand of the alchemist, Saint Germain, is channeled to mankind as the flame of God-Love. For out of Love is the fulfillment of the Mother flame of every invention, every aspect of Divine Reality that is waiting to be lowered into manifestation through the creative genius of many among you and many among mankind.

    Unfortunately, due to the educational systems of the world and the equation of certain mass concepts and certain omissions of concepts that ought to be taught from childhood, mankind has a misunderstanding of native genius and students are not taught of the talents of the Lord given to each one, nor are they taught how to release those talents and those flames of their innate God reality. People feel a sense of worthlessness and that only a few have abilities for invention and creativity.


    I am come to tell you that locked in the heart of everyone is a unique idea of Love that you can bring forth for the benefit of your fellowman and the progress of the culture of the Divine Mother. It can be manifest in many diverse ways and expres­sions. Most of you have held the gift in your heart for a suc­cession of experiences simply because you have not been told you could release it, that you could bring it forth, that you are beings of ultimate creativity. More often ones lead you to be­lieve you have no value, no talent, and so forth and so on in order to keep you in subjection. Well, dear ones, yours are the talents which will transcend the fads of the times and move across the centuries as a permanent contribution to the race of mankind. Therefore, I suggest we move right along with the lo­cating and expressing of these talents.

    God creates, therefore, it follows that you "must" be creative. In your hands, in your eyes, in the movement of energies through you there is creative flow. If you have the discipline here in this density you can realize beautiful thought forms in matter. You can release those things that are not for profit nor for the trade and merchandising in the world that are here today and gone tomorrow. But rather, you can release a permanent contribution to thy brotherhood of mankind.

    Let me give you a new concept of the need for self discipline. It is not because if you sin you will die, not if you sin you will be punished, but simply because if you are disorganized (and this is a "sin" against the order of the cosmos), if you are slovenly in your personal habits, if you allow yourself to be moved by every little current and every little sway, you will lose the fires of Love that will give you the greatest enjoyment of your life, the fulfillment of your creative destiny.

    Self-discipline becomes a point of enlightened self-interest. To move toward fulfillment of your divine blueprint and your divine plan can be accomplished in the greatest beauty and joy of the fire of Love, if you will only take me into your daily invocations and give generously of the force of the Sacred Flame so that you can receive directly from your inner "Christ" flame of self. This will allow the genius within to move without.

    Why cannot you walk the earth as Christed ones? What is hin­dering your manifestation of this most wondrous state of Being? It is only the ignorance, the banality, and the sleep of the ages; only because your media and your billboards are not constantly telling you that you can become that which ye desire in achievement. No, they tell you of the sensuality and desire of base pleasures which pull you farther from thy goal. Ye do be­come what ye vision and that which you are told and take within thyself as truth. You move with the banal energies for these energies flow within and upon the waves of mass consciousness, thus capturing you within the trap of hypnotic helplessness.

    Well, I tell you, the media were given unto mankind as a means of disciplining self, selfhood, and of releasing to mankind the messages of the Masters. So be it for thus do things come to be misused.

    Can you imagine if every time you turned on the television set the announcer said, "You can become Christ"? You would begin to believe it. It would become a common fact, no longer startling nor astounding. You must turn on the television set within your inner being, of your etheric body, and listen to the Masters until such time as your public media can be brought into change for the benefit of building up esteem instead of thrusting deeper into violence and low self-esteem.

    I am releasing an opportunity for you to learn to realize there is an invention right within you, already functioning, a means of contacting through the etheric body, by a mechanism and an electronic frequency far above the physical plane--the octaves of the Ascended Masters. Those teachers are there waiting for thy request for participation.

    Since there actually is no "time" or "space", realize that you can be, at any moment of the hour or day, in the presence of your teacher of choice--or all of them. It simply takes the practice of projecting the mind's eye to that physical point, that geographical location in time and space that is the coordinate where resides the master. This is actually not as difficult as it appears; thy brothers of the cosmos travel in this manner in their perceived "reality" and can manifest into matter in reality even to the sense of touch.

    Let us have an experiment, for do you know that my pink "cape" is lined in green? I am a scientist of the first order, and you need not relegate me to the exclusive corner of being an artist. For I am a scientist as well as an artist, and I rejoice that both faculties have been given into my hand as tools.

    Let the chalice that was released many years ago as a thought­-form now be given here below as a chalice for the mental body. Let the chalice be a disciplined force field given to you at my hand and yet which you yourself must fashion. This chalice will not remain with you unless you reinforce it by daily application to the discipline of calling upon the ray resources of our brothers Serapis Bey, Germain, et cetera.

    As the waters seek their own level, so the flame of perfection seeks its own level. Since the level of mankind's consciousness is at the level of imperfection, all that is perfect that is lowered into form must either be reinforced each day by those in embodiment or, if it is not, it will return to the higher octaves.

    You might say, then, that this is decay in reverse, for, of course, perfection does not decay, it simply withdraws. Particle by particle, then, the chalice will return to the level of your Christ flame unless by invocations to that Christ flame you continually reinforce in the physical octave the atoms and molecules of fiery light that compose the chalice.

    This experiment would somewhat equate to going the opposite way on an escalator or moving conveyer belt. If you don't keep moving and keep decreeing, you will lose the ground that you have gained. That is almost how it is prior to your ascension, as though you were on an uphill climb and as though that belt were continually moving, so that you can never stop, for to stop is to move backwards with the automatic reverse trends of civilization and move down, down, down the "Mountain of Attain­ment". Unless you are forever transcending yourself, you are not coming into perfection.

    So I also come to release creativity, but I am limited, not by laws of the Cosmos, but by the law of your own being. Your own being has a law of its own, and each individual has made that law of himself according to himself and his own self-disci­pline.

    In reality you are chalices filled with Love. You have, how­ever, inverted those chalices and made them the entire comple­ment of the electronic belt--the record, the memory of all past MIS-doings contained in the subconscious at the level of the as­tral plane.

    Let us then consider that all we must do is turn the chalice that is now upside down, right side up.

    Do you see that you can sow a garden that grows from the ener­gies of the electronic belt? You can sow Love continuously. You have a great reservoir of Light on high in your causal body. It has been told to you, but I would remind you that every erg of energy that is transmuted in answer to your call is an asset stored in your cosmic bank account. You can then call upon those assets to bring forth fruition of thy goals.

    If you have failed to complete a task or walked away from a sit­uation, a karma, a marriage, a family, a job, a business where you should have fulfilled the transmutation of Love, you still have the time in this life to go back and set things unto right­ness. It does not mean to compromise, but to return means to take your stand with the sacred fire, to compel the moving into that flame. Let the flame take that energy and place it upon the altar of cosmic honor and resolve the circumstance in Love and peace. Resolved in an order that all participants can move forward in light and harmony of peace, and not upon the jangled waves of discontent and bitterness. You must carefully weigh in the balance of Truth, each decision of your life and you must come to know that the flame of God-Justice is the flame of God­-Mastery, no more; no less. This would become a gift unto you for you would have conquered in Love and in the art of living Love.

    Since I am the Cohan of the heart place and as the pink flame of the heart is the frequency of Love to the world, may I come into your heart at least once within your week, let us say on Monday (which is so often called of blueness ,i.e. "blue Monday) that we might work and begin to reverse this course of cancer which is eating away at thy beloved place. Let us effort at slowing the dis-ease, then stop of the disease and then let us reverse the disease into ease-ment.

    You have all the electronic flow necessary to direct the course of your "reality". You only now need learn to use of it in properness. No matter what you have been you can be better and life can be better and fuller from this moment on because you have accepted my Love. It is that by the working in unison we can multiply and compound the positive results relative to in­put. So be it.

    Dharma, I place my seal upon these writings and now stand aside that the lessons are not of such length that we lose of our student's interest. I will have further to share, but I believe we should conclude for this session. I am in great appreciation for thy assistance and for the kind sharing of Commander Hatonn.

    Great blessings are brought forth to you ones from the higher energy flows. This energy comes with abiding love and care, therefore, please be accepting of the gift and come into peace and comfort with all thy works. Though the path seems tedious and trial laden; it is moving in perfection.

    In service, I AM of the third ray of the pink vibration. I AM


    PJ 07
    CHAPTER 20


    SAT., APR. 22, 1989 6:15 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 249
    A seedling is planted and the plant nurtured-- THEN, comes the time of growing unto harvest. Many "things" must be proper to allow the plant to grow to full flower, chela. Some plants can grow in snow, some in the heat of a desert--all things in their proper "place" or growth through "selection". Our energies will mesh when we allow of the "coalescence".


    I AM SERAPIS BEY, of the crystal ray, the fourth you call it for identification. Actually, the crystal ray is my choice. The refracted "color" of the fourth ray is not white. There is a difference, chela. I am simply the "Headmaster" of the fourth ray at this portion of sequence. I long for a better language for thee of the English speaking sectors for "Love" has become such a tritely used term. Yet it is the experience of "love" (agape), not romance of lovers, but abiding, non-defaulting "love" which underlies all progress to higher frequency exis­tence. You are having trouble, Dharma, because it troubles you that we preach "love", "love" and more "love" -- "total love", ad nauseum. It is because there is no other word to use and "no other way to get where you are going".

    The term conjures immediately to the mind's eye, the drifters in false pious demeanor, drifting about pronouncing great ac­ceptance of all things--positive or negative. Yea, the non-pro­ductive acceptors of any, and all, kinds of sexual encounters to "prove" their unbiased "love"--empty, blinded drifters partaking of any, and all, mind altering plants or drugs. Ah yes, 'tis sad for thee are ended with no proper term to use for the truth of it. Worse, in the acceptance of those teachers, many of the children who followed or were "later" followers, made gross errors not easily corrected. Many extreme measures were taken in immature minds and actions which were done for convenience and avoidance of responsibility of "real" "love". Ah, such sadness flows in my consciousness as I see the foolish blunders made under the temptation of the brothers of darkness pretending to be lighted brethren. As always, the worst attack is on the youth who are still too young to discern from "life" in full and thus are acting from impulse and rebellion. So be it for special blessings are poured forth upon these ones who do come onto the Path that their feelings of "guilt" be moderated for they knew not what they were doing. There is no magic "age" for knowledge, sometimes it never comes in an entire lifetime of physical experience. Sometimes it comes past mid-life--so be it; it comes when it comes--no more; no less. Life of physical experience is just "that"--experience; ye are here to experience. Ye each come for a different reason; how blessed ye are when ye find thy brother who has come primarily for the same purpose thee chose. Do not waste time in remorse for what thee did not know, or do, in thy past--the "past" is gone.

    Ye can not change one thing of yesterday. It is as far gone as any existence on another sphere a billion years ago in thy time sequence. If thee made errors that can be corrected--do so, but it is gone and naught can be removed or added to yesterday or last split moment. Ye can dream of tomorrow--but ye actually only have this heartbeat of a moment; for life and death, action and inaction, wholeness or cripple-ness, light or dark are only "one" heartbeat in separation. One little electric impulse of energy surge is all the separation there is in the universe. Even thy "mind" is set up so that the interruption of energy flow through particular circuit interchanges can place a hu-man into an entirely different illusion of experience. Thy mental houses of distress are filled with those precious ones.

    I am not come forth to this group, through you, Dharma, for the same thrust as for the beginners of truth seeking. Ye do not need of the same lessons of the novice. Ye ones are about a job, well planned and functioning. Let us consider some of the things ye do not need to do in order to move forward.


    Ye must face the question; how great is thy "love"? How badly do thee wish to participate in a transition of a birthing of a planet into a higher dimension -- the fulfilling of a cycle? Ye have to confront to what extent ye are willing to give up the course of self centered illusion to accomplish insight necessary to participate with thy unseen brotherhood.

    There is a key in the disciplines to Higher Consciousness. The key is not to become entangled in the labyrinth of human ques­tioning and the "fears" and the doubts and specter of the night that haunt that labyrinth. You do not have to trace the mean­derings of the carnal mind and the human consciousness through all of the levels of the subconscious in order to come to the knowledge of Truth, in order to come to Reality or to overcome in Love.

    The key is NOT to be drawn by curiosity or a fascination with horror or a gluttony for the things of the senses, drawing you down into more and more astral experiences and psychic phenomena. The key--instead of taking a thousand steps through the astral plane--is to take ONE step into the plane and encircling beingness of the Mighty I AM Presence, into the plane of the "Christ Mind" where the oneness and the wholeness of that Great Pyramid, (the triune of totality and power), the oneness and the wholeness, is the dissolving action.


    Brethren, transcend your cycles! Do not follow those negative spirals round and round and round again; going down, down, down unto the death manifestation in the very crypt of the elec­tronic belt. Spiral, instead, upward and outward utilizing the flame of transmutation, consuming on contact the debris ye encounter. The flame is not linear; it need not travel over the lines of human creation. Your soul, enveloped in that flame, also need not remain any longer in the consciousness that the only way out is through the lower frequency labyrinth.

    I say, transcend it! This means that in the moment when you would indulge your pettiness, your argumentation, your "human" nonsense, your dalliance in childishness, in the moment you instantly let go and you let God be the Light that swallows you up in the victory of Love. The "Love" that is your victory is your own love that is God made manifest within yourself. Our God IS the all-consuming fire of Love. And THAT God-self resides as close as thy heart-cell; within thy breast, within thy mind--thy soul. Why do thee ones shut Him from thee? Ye carry within, the unlimited power of the universe and ye hide away from Him.

    Gain "passion" in the loving of that wondrous Source. Love enough so that you do not have need to satisfy some human de­sire of density. You are not "forced" to appease the carnal mind and give in to that which is destructive. Thee are blessed with a thinking, reasoning and potentially unlimited mind, given the freedom of will and choice; use it. You do not have to engage your energies in imperfection. As much as you think that it is sometimes necessary, I tell you that by always going within, within the heart and upon the threefold flame of Life, within to thy God-force of self, you can transcend all former cycles. So be it.

    When ye can sustain thy attention upon your I AM Presence and upon the Light, you will receive the energy necessary to deal with ALL other circumstances. You will grow beyond having to travel through them in your emotions, in your mental concepts, in your memory, and in physical labor. Think, then, upon this. The disciplines for Higher Consciousness demand that you prove how it is that you can be in the world, and yet not of the world.


    How do you accomplish this seemingly impossible feat? The first step is to become as "a little child". You must become open as in innocence of the questioning, the accepting, the total open-ness of a little child coming into truth of experience. You must go beyond and above what thy mind has been filled with of untruth to be replaced with truth. Ye cannot instantly become a Christed Man or Woman without having first come into understanding of the Law. The first steps, therefore, are in the accepting of the teaching that ye might learn that Law.

    Regress in your soul awareness for a moment. Go in thy mind back to the point of embryonic life of your consciousness of in­nocence, entering into that form of the tiny babe. Total trust and faith and hope and charity are yours. You have not hardened your heart, you have not hardened yourself to become a cynic in the world. Your skin is tender; it is not toughened by the failures of others. And so in the sweet perfume of your love of Mother and the Mother's love for you, you remember wholeness in God and this is all of your identity.

    At that point you are the babe in Christ. You are calm and serene, with the absolute conviction that your life is in God, that God is caring for you. The most essential quality of becoming this tiny babe is to understand the quality of helplessness. When you are totally helpless, then you must allow God to work His work within you. You can truly say, as the child of Christ: "I of mine own self can do nothing. It is the Father in me which doeth the work."

    You have a clear transparency, purity from the immaculate "vision" of the "Cosmic virgin". This is the meaning of "Immaculately conceived", you know no "sin", you know no separation from God. You are in the womb of the Mother. You are surrounded by the waters of the living Word. You are at peace, and life is yours to conquer because you are God in manifestation.

    Now you are ready for the disciplines whereby the babe will be­come the child. Next comes the outer manifestation; from within the womb into the outer womb. Your habitation is a "cosmos", a brave new world, a world filled with light and yet with shadows and darkness somehow as yet undefined to your precious soul. You come forth and you travel the cycles of your individual Cosmic Clock and you bow before the great initiators of Life.

    The little child of innocence then is forced to learn the ways of his new world--separated from the attachment of the disciplines of the God-All where thy knowledge WAS in the cycles of the Father. You now experience falls and scrapes, tears, and demands that cannot be fulfilled. Therefore, you learn to fulfill your own demands; the shaping of the feelings and of the mental body, the shaping of the mind, the memory, and the noble form­--the form that is to house the spiritual fire of life. Ah yes, this little child; this little child born to be God--but alas, also come the pitfalls.

    As the veils of innocence are parted one by one and you mature in the understanding of the world as well as in the understanding of the Law, take care. Take care that you do not forget your Source and the fairies and the undines and the gnomes with whom you frolicked as a little one. Take care that you do not forget the faces of angels who have tended your crib, who have watched over thee. Take care that you do not forget that there are masterful beings who took you by the hand and walked you safely through the places of danger--but ah so, mostly ye do forget.

    There are few who will remind you, there are few who will know, for they have all been deprogrammed away from God into the ways of the world. Thus, if you retain your innocence of the little child, you will become the little child who leads all of the aspects of the Creation into the knowledge of the Christ.

    It is the little child within you that will be the leader of this age of coming into knowledge. It is the "child" who remembers the Source, but coming into that oneness of balance, of discrimination, of learning, of mastering the studies necessary to function in this world and to be of service and to have the sacred labor ye have accepted.

    You must not only "become" the little child, so to speak, to have disciplines of Higher Consciousness, but you must also remain the "little child". It is better to be hurt again and again (and here ALL of you chelas take careful attention), than to have the cynicism of the existentialists. It is better to have advantages taken of thee, than to fall into constant mistrust of your fellowman. As thee grow, you will become discerning and will not fall prey to these ones who will pull thee down. Do not set about armoring thyself with false armor; for the armor thee will choose outside of the God-ness will be of darkness. If you steel yourself with that false set of armor that is not the tube of light, the innocence of the White Light, but that is the mastering of deceit and intrigue, the mastering of a carnal ego, the mastering of all of its defenses, its indulgences and all of its experiences which the fallen ones tell you you must have in order to distinguish Light and Darkness.


    This, dear ones, is the first and fundamental Lie that is told to the child to take the child from the path of Light: "Come and experience this, come and experience that. Taste and see, taste and know for yourself whether or not this is for you." Ah yes, this is experience--so be it, but it is not of necessity.

    The little child in all innocence does not need to taste of the energy veil (temptations of illusory evil), need not partake of it or absorb it or become contaminated by it in order to know the Truth. There have been many, many ones, Christed ones, who have entered into the Holy of Holies and who have found the satisfactions of love in God and in his holy angels without the experience of participation in the banal.

    Those who have accepted that "LIE" and entered into the compromises of all of the things that are offered in the marts of the world are burdened today by a cross of their own making, a cross of their own actions, a cross that is the hatred of the Divine Mother in whose womb they live and move and have that being of Light.

    Therefore, the child maturing to become the Master in the way, to carry the cross of world lessons, cannot take upon himself that cross of world karma because he is too busy carrying his own cross of selfishness and self-indulgence. Therefore, chelas, there are few "who have the time" to participate in Truth; who will take the effort to bear responsibility or will only "if I have time, give me a call and I'll try." "When it is convenient and I have no other thing to do, no appointment with worldly "stuff-­-I'll try." Do thee recognize of thyself from time to time? So be it and Selah--it will backfire upon thee!!

    In every "age" there must be souls who are willing to bear a certain portion of the weight of world "karma" (for lack of a better word). In these times it is by and large elemental life who bear that weight, for those among mankind who care at all to carry a little extra baggage are few and far between.


    Those who love are the disciplined ones who can walk through the narrow streets of the cities of the Middle East, for instance, where every form of temptation lurks and every aspect of the "sins" of human consciousness is displayed in the market place.

    Ah so--to walk through or to tarry, explore and partake????

    It is one thing to enjoy a shopping trip; it is another to become addicted to going shopping and to examining the manifestations of human consciousness when you ought to be meditating upon the Light that burns within the shops of your very own inner being. Precious ones, discipline means to withdraw energy (and with it your attention) from its encasement in the tomb of Mat­ter. It means to stop the flow into the dense and direct it into the Higher. The "pearl" is the symbol of your causal body, and the layer upon layer of the pearl are the spheres of con­sciousness that you have built layer upon layer around the cen­tral core of the I AM Presence of self.

    This iridescent "mother-of-pearl" is worth all!! Therefore, a wise man will go and sell all that he has for the one pearl, the one pearl of Cosmic Consciousness. Its discipline demands that you let go--let go of all involvements and realize that from day to day you never know when your soul (bereft of the physical body) will find itself cast on another shore in the mental plane, in the astral plane (God forbid), or in the etheric octave.

    If you were the Messenger, you would be in the position to ob­serve day by day those who are born and those who are dying, those who come into the physical plane and those who leave. It is a vast parade of souls taking incarnation and moving on. But the disciplines for Higher Consciousness, if it is to be retained, must be proven in the physical plane. Therefore, it is the ad­monishment of the hierarchy to make time and space count, for they are the crucible whereby you prove your God-mastery and the alchemy thereof. Little progress is made in other planes; for here in matter you made of your experience; learned or did not learn thy lessons, and here in matter is where you must bring it all into balance. Let none think that they will live forever and forever in these lower bodies. They are but vehicles of consciousness which are loaned to you, as all of the energy of God is on loan to you, that you might prove the mastery of free will.

    I come to you, then, to give you the concept of discipline. I tell you, as I survey the world scene in all of the dreadfulness of that which is taking place--so much is unknown to you--that it is pathetic how your leaders have deprived you of knowledge of what is actually happening in secret diplomacy, in international politics, and even in thy own legislatures.

    As I survey all of this, I see as the one hope that path of ini­tiation that leads through the teachings of what is called "The Great White Brotherhood", the Lighted Brotherhood (not black, brown or white but rather, lighted vs. darkened). There must be ones to walk with mankind until they awaken from their sleep and begin to see--really see! There must be ones who lead in balance and harmony and love. Man must follow because the way is Truth; not from fear of power which will render him useless.
    Ye ones have accepted the mantle; have asked for participation and have been appointed. Thy way shall be opened unto you that you can find the path without falling along the wayside. But, chelas, ye must hold strong for the worldly ones will effort ceaselessly to pull thee down. However, know that when the circle is closed, the cycle is finished and those without will remain without; those within can not be separated. So be it, for it shall come to pass as written in the great books of the universe.
    I take my leave in appreciation for being allowed a "hearing" and always know that I stand attentive to thy calls.


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