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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 04
    TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1989 6:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 013

    Thank you, Dharma. Greetings in the Light of the Radiant One. Let us speak today on the coming depression and ultimate collapse of your monetary system.

    You ones are going to have to live with repetition, in some instances, from document to document. There is no other way to get information to those who will pick up a book without having read its predecessor. Today, we will organize the probable outlay so that information is understandable but brief enough that man can "act" instead of sit and contemplate his plight. I will get to the point first, then tell you a bit about "why".


    I will tell you right up front, with no equivocation, that everyone who hears me should be looking for guidance from one on your place. I scan and find this is the only one I feel is so accurate that I counsel you to carefully give ear.

    The great majority of "economic" advisers are incorrect. Some who are most outstanding and well received in the crowd of self-proclaimed experts are set up to distract and mislead you.

    I will only take one as explanation to the above statement. Whether he wittingly or unwittingly participates in the plan of deception is of no real concern. He does, however, give the exact information the government and "gray men" bankers, CIA, etc. desire you to have. Leading you right down the path of the sheep trail. These ones give one or two tidbits of true advice (which was set and told to them in advance), suck you in and then blow you out. I would remind you ones that Mr. Mark Skousen, for instance, was a major player within the ranks of the CIA and touts his "inside" information as a bonus for you. It would be, if you were able to discern truth.

    Let me read you a few "headings" from his current bulletin. "Outlook Bright for Traditional Investment Markets", "Stock Market Headed for New Highs", etc. Actually, portions of the report itself are accurate, other portions of his letter are even more accurate, but can you as a little citizen, understand which is which? He touts "Super Speculation in S&L's"; well, that is exactly what it sounds like, speculation, because your S&L bailout was the starting gun of the marathon to doom.

    As instruction, Dharma, for the placement of writings for this document, I request that the section from "Space-Gate" be placed right up front. You ones need to know the actions of the ones who control you, that you might understand what is happening here.

    Right up front, also, I would urge Oberli to get in touch with one known in business as E.J. Ekker in California. I will be giving information from some of your Earth publications which are superb tools for you ones and I do not wish to give forth unpermitted information as to resource. I would ask please that I be allowed to give Mr. Ekker's address for requested material and he can either make arrangements to ship requested material, or, forward the order requests.

    I would like it known that what I will give you is totally credible and I also give credit for truth to those who speak truth.

    One such is Dr. John King. He has a News service to which ones can subscribe for $59.00. (Three months trial is about $20.00). He also has a book which will move right along with my explanations, called PROFIT FROM THE NEXT GREAT DEPRESSION. There are several other similar booklets but I scan and pronounce that Dr. King's is outstanding. Not a pretty picture; but truth.

    I will also be suggesting Nevada based corporations. Therefore ones need a place to receive the Corporation Manual of Harley Laughlin, as well as how, who, where etc., of incorporating. Please check and see how much Mr. Ekker is willing to handle from his business office. I apologize for utilizing willing hands to overburden, but we must allow the public to have the infor­mation. I can be of no real help to you ones if I only give you spiritual pats upon your backs and say "there, there". My commitment is to help in a very physical manner, where I can do so. My primary commitment, however, is to keep my receivers and workers in total safety that our work is not interrupted.
    ***If it is permissible with Mr. Ekker, you will please give forth addresses etc. and delete whatever is necessary from this writing for final printing.***


    As you ones will see after reading my outline of the "gray men" banking structure you will better understand all the picture. I highly recommend my prior book, "SPACE-GATE" for I carefully explain how important the Secret Supra-Government" truly is. I especially emphasize the Council on Foreign Relations, I am going to shock you here by just listing, in paragraph format, some major, major participants. It will not be current for so many ones have merged and integrated that it would take volumes to include all fragments.
    All banking, all major publication publishers, all major public information (poll) services and all major foundations, as well as major networks and businesses are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, That would seem to be a good thing; not so! You are controlled and headed for economic slavery, bankruptcy and world control by less than fourteen "families".

    CFR members, and this is but a brief, brief highlight listing: Money: Kuhn Loeb, Lazard Freres, DillonRead, Lehman Bros., Goldman-Sachs, Chase Manhattan, Chemical, Irving Trust, Castle bank and its holding companies, Asian Development Bank, the Nugan Han Banks and holding companies, J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp., Schroder Trust Co., Schroders Limited (London), Shrader Gerbruder and Co. (Germany), Schroder Munchmeyer Hengst & Co., Federal Reserve, and, and, and.


    Further now, your entire Executive Department of the Government are members. All your major Foundations, Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie. Also your major institutes of study and research, Rand, Hudson Institute, Fund for the Republic and Brookings Institute. And, well, lets name a few companies on the "in and on it list": Standard Oil, Shell Oil (well, all the oil magnates except the independent ones who got set up and "done in" in Texas), IBM, Xerox, Eastman Kodak, Pan American, Firestone, U.S. Steel, and, and, and.
    Now, who do you think has controlled the Political Parties? Ah, I thought you might be getting the picture. There is a perfectly controlled and managed news and information curtain. I am only going to list up to and including Hubert Humphrey (whose soul probably does not rest in such great peace) and Richard Nixon, for the remainder I have included in my aforementioned writings.

    Democrats: Dean Acheson, Alger Hiss, Adlai Stevenson, John Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Averell Harriman, George Ball, Henry Fowler, Dean Rusk, Adam Yarmolinsky, John K. Galbraith, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Hubert Humphrey and John Lindsay.

    And now, equal time to the Republicans: Dwight Eisenhower, John Foster Dulles, Thomas E. Dewey, Jacob Javits, Paul Hoffman, Robert McNamara, John Gardner, Henry Cabot Lodge, Rockefellers (all), Elliott Richardson, Arthur Burns, Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon.

    I am sure it becomes most clear to you what might stop any outside candidate from even getting audience! Further, after they push their way on through to the public, they later end up in jail or broken following the political show every four years. OH, BLIND LITTLE LAMBS, WAKE UP; PLEASE WAKE UP. THE TRAITORS TO YOU AND YOUR BLESSED COUNTRY ARE IN POWER, DO YOU NOT SEE? TO "QUESTION" IS NOT TO BE A TRAITOR; TO "NOT QUESTION AND ACT" IS BEING THE TRAITOR FOR YOUR BLESSED COUNTRY HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM YOU, THE PEOPLE, WHO FOUNDED THIS WONDROUS REPUBLIC.


    I request hereby, that my credentials be published on the opening pages of this document that there be no misunderstanding of my credentials nor who I am. (Please see EPILOGUE.) I write in no particularly acceptable format; I give it to you as it is in hopefully, understandable, blunt terminology. I do not speak English well; I need not speak at all at any time for my commu­nication is of thought vibrational patterns. Do not err by discounting me or my brothers from the Intergalactic environs who have been summoned at this time of transition.

    I care not for your formal publication formats. I bring forth truth just as through radio signals and frequencies. My scribes hold no knowledge of Earth workings any more than the most ignorant picking up this material. Yes, afterwards, they are most informed for I insure they come into understanding. There is a chance of the public coming into understanding if I can see that my scribes and receivers comprehend to a great measure. I will never endanger anyone of them by allowing prior information nor full understanding. If that were allowed, they would be assassinated immedi­ately. Dharma does not understand the mechanism here, she has only agreed to write. Numerous attempts have been made against her life---�-but she is within our protection. .

    The end times are most near beloved brothers, most near. You have much, much to learn. For instance, how many of you realize that Immanuel was not birthed on December 25th. (A great person was, however, by the name of Isaac Newton). IMMANUEL WAS BORN ON AN AUGUST DAY. COUNTED AS 22. (To some of our most beloved humans, the number 22 will be most important as a spiritual base point.)

    You are on the very edge of the abyss. I see not how you can even move into your year 1990 without a major recession and more likely, a full blown depression that will reach proportions as you have never dreamed. You will be protected somewhat in the early onset while the government and banks get in final control. But it is here, brothers, right upon you.

    There are some measures you might take to assist you in a personal way and thus the purpose for this document.
    Your market is ready to totally collapse; get out of it. You are stuck between the proverbial rock and a very hart place. Gold is an excellent choice but take great care; it can be, and will be, confiscated, safe deposit boxes will be frozen, bank accounts frozen, limits on withdrawals will be enacted and en­forced, etc. I will give you reasons and "Proof' (it has been done to you prior to this). CASH IS YOUR BEST PLOY. GET AS MUCH AS YOU CAN OUT OF YOUR BANKS IN SMALL BILLS (NO GREATER IN SINGLE BILL SIZE OF $20) AND I PAIN TO SAY THIS, BUT HIDE IT. GET AND KEEP A FULL 30 DAY SUPPLY OF FUNDS, 3 MONTHS IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. YOU ARE GOING TO BE HIT VERY, VERY HARD. DO NOT BE CARELESS HOW YOU HIDE IT FOR YOU WILL NEED IT.


    I would close now, Dharma, and organize a bit. I am thinking it might be good to start at the present and work backward with explanation. I further would like you ones to council and perhaps we could issue this in an emergency format in two "volumes". I fear the time is so close that it could be too late for the upstart protection, but could help ones see what to do next. Let us decide that early on for it makes a difference in how I require Dharma's hands to be utilized.

    Unfortunately, you need all this information AT ONCE, AND BEFORE NOW, but no-one would have listened to me. Who would have listened to a space cadet? Well, I think you are ready to understand that I know of that which I speak for the symptoms and signs are about to bury you. So be it and I place the seal of truth upon the words. Also, I place the shield of protection around you ones who reach out to your fellow man with such dangerous information.


    Frequency cleared, Hatonn out please.

    PJ 04
    This is an edited transcription of a lecture taped April 23, 1988. The information is valid and, if anything, more easily recognized today ---Hatonn.
    I will be utilizing this information again when I speak of economics, but for now, I will modify from the audio tape to save time and repetition.
    Let us call the group which has elaborate, and successful, plans to rule your nation and your world, the Internationalists. When I refer to the Internationalists I am referring to a very elite group of about twelve to thirteen "families". These 밼amilies� hold your "purse strings"--the zipper and lock, to all the bags of money in your world. Sound impossible? Nay, it is not only possible, it is extremely easy to visualize after I have explained it to you.
    AsI move along, I will give you some names and places whereby you can check it out on an individual basis. I wish never to place any human at risk, however, so in all instances I will only refer to those already having come forth with "public" statements or information.
    I will also have to explain a few terms used to have any sense of continuity. Therefore, as we move along, forgive me of any digression in attempt to give definition, i.e., "fractional banking".
    First, you must fully come into understanding that there truly ARE the elite few, with plans well foundationed and functioning, who control both the world financial markets and ultimately will control all peoples of the world. Do not err in your thoughts by thinking I am speaking of "someone else in the world", I speak more for the United States of America than I do of the re­mainder of your world.
    AsI pull portions of the puzzle together for this document I shall again be referring to such groups as The Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderburgers. Forgive me if I am repetitious. I may need to be repetitious in order to fit the pieces in proper perspective.
    You must know that there are certain families (literally) that control the hard currency. The countries wherein these families abide are known as hard currency countries. These thirteen families have control of the policy making and the decision making of the central banks of those countries. They are owners, these families, of the majority of the stock of the regional banks of the Federal Reserve System. "Federal Reserve" would indicate to the more uninformed, that this is a Federal Governmental Branch. This is untrue the Federal Reserve System is NOT a branch of your federal government. Just as these families control the regional banks of the Federal Reserve System, they also control the currencies that are not allowed to fluctuate. Note here that the American dollar is the standard against which all other currency is measured. All other nations are affected according to the changing values of the dollar. Not only do these families control the currencies, but they likewise control the banks. This, friends, is in all the lending nations of your world.
    For ease of understanding, let us just consider the industrialized nations at this point. I will also need to explain fractional banking to you, because without understanding the lending system you cannot get the picture properly. All of the banks under control of these families practice fractional banking - and beyond - (sometimes there is no hard money present at all). But, let us explain by example on a personal level.

    This is actually referred to as fractional "reserve" banking. Lenders are allowed to loan a maximum of up to 20 to one. This is perfectly legal, practiced by every lending institution in America and elsewhere.

    Example: Mr. A goes to his friendly banker, Mr. B, and deposits one thousand dollars ($1,000) into Mr. B's bank. Mr. B's bank is a Savings and Loan so Mr. A puts the $1,000 into his own savings account. The Savings and Loan is required by your laws, to keep only 5% in reserve. They are allowed to loan out 95% of the money invested or 95% of that which is placed into savings accounts. This means of $1,000 there is $950 which is available to be loaned out. In turn the Savings and Loan takes the $950 and loans it to Mr. C to do some home repairs, let us say. This gentleman takes his borrowed $950 and goes to the local hardware/lumber company and purchases supplies, lumber, nails etc.

    The lumber company carries on regular banking and therefore, he goes to his bank with the $950 for deposit, to Bank D. Bank D is now required to keep 5% but can loan out 95% which would be $902.50. Bank D now loans that to Mr. X who in turn filters it back into the economy, let us suppose, through the grocery store and other business stores. He spends it and now we are going to have that money end up in the Bank Z. Bank Z is required to keep 5%. That means that Bank Z can loan out $857.37. It is again loaned and filtered back into the economy. This is continued right down to zero. With your $1,000 deposit those bankers using fractional reserve banking are now allowed to loan out $20,229.60. This is practiced by EVERY lending insti­tution in America and elsewhere. The amounts above do not include "interest" on the money borrowed, only the principal amount.

    You must now keep it in mind that this results in an increase in the money supply through the Federal Reserve System. Your "big boys" simply turn up the speed of your money presses and run them a little faster and faster in order to pump more into the economy just to boost up the fractional reserve banking. Let me remind you to keep in mind that the thirteen families control all of the hard currencies of the world and are allowed to practice this fractional reserve banking -- this will be important as we move along.


    We will now talk about something referred to, on your planet, as "System 2000", which is a Global Creditors Unilateral plan. This plan went into effect somewhere about the early 1970s. At that time a pentagon official and sev­eral other officials visited Nigeria. They went to the Prime Minister and they paid him fifty million dollars ($50 million) to raise the price of his oil to more than double. Nigerian oil is "light crude" of quality such as it is almost pure enough to burn immediately, without distillation, in automobiles. This type of oil sets the price of oil for the entire world. The $50 million was cash across the board with no repayment requirements if Nigeria would double the price of light crude.

    We will refer to this as light oil. There are only two locations in the world that have this light oil and, of course, it is the most valuable oil in your world, therefore, it is the standard against which all other oil in the world is measured. So, whoever controlled the price of the light oil at that time controlled the price of all of the oil in the world.

    At this point, let us bring the Arabs into this scenario. This will also bring in the Trilateral Commission -- that also includes Mr. Bush. It was now time to bring pressure and persuasion to OPEC. What most of you Americans do not remember is that the United States of America IS A MEMBER OF OPEC. It is kept most low profile.

    At that time a "deal was cut" with the Middle Eastern Oil Producers and this is how it went; all buyers were prepared to pay significantly higher prices for the oil--PROVIDED--all Middle Eastern nations supported the United States of America, BY INVESTING THE REVENUE INTO THE BIG BANKS IN AMERICA.

    To make this picture clear, you must remember that the Arabs, who are wealthy sheiks today, had been wandering around on camelback in a very big desert. They were nomads and they were certainly most unsophisticated in business affairs. Years earlier when the international bankers found out there was oil in their countries, they went forth and persuaded the Arabs to allow them to produce the oil by financing the oil fields, drilling, rigging -- all supplies including expertise.

    After the bankers financed the oil fields they then charged the Arabs usury fees for building the oil supply systems---along with refineries. The usury was quickly repaid because the Arabs became very rich, very quickly. (Way back then you were only paying about 30 cents per gallon in your gasoline stations). Let us now take it further, you go to Nigeria and pay them to double the price of light crude. Unbeknownst to the Arabs, those ones who had become wealthy overnight and didn't know zero about business, much less international finance; the camel nomads; you call them together and say. "We will take the price of crude just as high as you want it to go--IF--you will deposit an established portion of the funds that you get from this NEW PROFIT RISE IN 30 YEAR TIME CERTIFICATES IN CERTAIN MAJOR U.S. BANKS.

    Perhaps you ones can now understand the problems you experienced in your early 1970s. Remember the gas lines and the prices of oil skyrocketing? It was because the international bankers, who hold the purses of the world, knew that the increase in the price of oil that was going to the Arabs would come rushing right back to their bank in 30 year time certificates of deposit.

    Turn now to the 30 year time deposits and let us examine the banker's plans. Back in the late 70's and early 80's Sheik Ymani and his bunch had no idea that there was a connection between those banks, or that they were the same people that had the controlling interest of the major oil companies. Do you see what has been woven here? After all, how could the camel riding nomads realize the international bankers were "having them" hook, line and up to the fishing pole? How could they possibly know that what was happening through these oil companies, was that the monies were being cy­cled right back into the selected, no exceptions, banking system? They couldn't and they didn't!


    Going a long ways back now; in the 1870's the Rockefellers set up something called a Joint Stock Trust. Here I will add, this was just a brief period of time before the American Government declared these trusts illegal. BUT, YOU SEE, THESE ONES COULD FUNCTION FOREVER UNDER WHAT YOU CALL A "GRANDFATHER" CLAUSE. THAT, BROTHERS IS THE ULTIMATE CONTROLLING FACTOR IN AMERICA OF THE PRIME BANKS AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD. That "trust" is in the control of the Rockefeller Foundation, and, in turn controls the Federal Reserve Bank and is the method whereby the In­ternationalists are able to gain control of the currency of the U.S.A.

    Does it begin to become reasonable that those New York banks are showing all time record earnings? Yet, all around the rest of your country of the U.S., banks and Savings and Loans are going broke and failing. THAT, FRIENDS, MEANS YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED RIGHT ALONG WITH THE ARABS AND EQUALLY AS BLINDLY -- WITH NO RECOURSE.

    Let us come back now, and speak of the deal which "was cut" (your ones in power love that term) with the Saudi Arabians and ones of the Middle East. These ones were required to put their money into the prime banks; keep in mind that they did not know that the prime banks were able to lend in amounts of twenty to one. (20 to 1 was quite a while ago, it is higher at present). All they were receiving was the interest on the money they had deposited. Worse for them, in some of these countries it is unacceptable to receive interest for religious reasons so they might wait thirty years to get any money from their certificates of deposit. In other words, they did not know that this fractional type of banking could be done, but through this, the bankers of the world were able to gain control of the money of the Arab world, and in turn, the Arab world only received back part of the interest from the money that they placed into the International Banking System--­UNDER THESE 30 YEAR TIME DEPOSIT CERTIFICATES.

    Through the money gained from the Arabs through the manipulation of the price of oil, and taking the price of gasoline from, let us say, 30 cents a gallon to $1.25 a gallon--there is a lot of money being made. Now, with that money returning into the international banks at 20 to 1, I think you can see the staggering profits. Let us face facts, friends, that money originally came from YOU. Because the bankers had locked in the deposits they were then, in turn, able to make loans to third world nations.


    Think back fifteen or twenty years ago when the International Bankers started investing in third world country loans. Look very closely at the countries which are going bankrupt (completely broke) today. It was fully intended that those countries go broke and I will explain that in a little bit.

    You might wonder how I know so much. Well, I have the best computer system in the universe and all I have to do is key it up and it is spread out before me. My computers rarely reflect errors; only changes in "probabilities" and perturbations in human action and reactions.

    I am sorry, friends, your friendly bankers set it up deliberately so that the third world countries would go broke. You have to pay attention to history and look back to the time when those third world countries were beginning to gain independence and setting up independent governments. It was at such times that these bankers loaned the upstarts great sums of money which actually had come to them through the Arabs, basically.

    The international bankers not only wanted, but insured, that these borrowing countries would misuse the fundings. It was fully intended that those countries would go broke. It was prearranged that the funds could be mismanaged through greed and simply be squandered. You must remember that the leaders of these countries had never governed anything or anybody. They knew nothing about government. They had been colonies under the governorship of other larger countries.

    The international bankers knew that the leaders were bound to squander the funds. It was known they would have no way to know what to do with them (and they were massive) and so the cycle goes. They were actually' squandering money taken from you through the Arabs through high oil prices, etc. Let us now follow it on through.


    I will hereby digress to a story from Dharma's earth home state--Texas--most of you have heard of it. Let us go back some years (not too many) to jog some memories. Do you remember someone named John Connelly, who was governor of Texas? Do you recall that he was also in the vehicle and was injured during John Kennedy's assassination? Well, Mr. Connelly was also Under Secretary of the Treasury--he was a lot of things and titles. These ones with Mr. Connelly did a most fascinating thing--they planned to implement a new currency for the State of Texas. You see, Texas is a part of the Union only through a renewable "treaty". The treaty is automatically renewed every year, but it isn't necessary that it be renewed. That means, friends, that the U.S. only has a treaty with Texas to keep it in the union of states. It was not voted in as were your other states.

    Texas was at one time -- I believe your term might be "filthy rich". The state was wealthy and there were many very, very wealthy individuals. Rich individuals such as the Hunt brothers, who actually had nothing originally, but became extremely wealthy, overnight, by OIL. That was all the way back when oil was first struck and became so very popular.

    I am truly going to tie al1 this together but you must bear with me for there are so many facets. I must make it clear what I am going to say. I will explain to you why, if you don't already know, it was so very important to ones of "the opposition�, and why there was an assassination attempt against Mr. Connelly's life as well as Kennedy's.

    Why are those men "broken" today and a state in severe financial trouble? It is because the Internationalist's learned of what the Hunt brothers and Mr. Connelly were trying to do. Texas, a state by treaty, can legally secede from your union. The Hunt brothers and Mr. Connelly knew that Texas had the ability to set up their own country and have their own currency. That is why they could be solvent and not be under the dictates of the Federal Reserve System. Or, simply stated, under the control of the international bankers.

    At about the same time they were in the process of gaining a corner on the silver of the world. This was in order to finance a process whereby they could overcome the international bankers and it was at that point the Hunt brothers were smashed. John Connelly was almost killed, and Texas, which could have been the only state in the union to fulfill breaking out of the trap, has been punished with some extremely major problems. Today, portions of Dallas and Fort Worth, Houston and other wealthy, wealthy cities have gone on to resemble ghost towns in your Old West. Ones who had grown rich in the oil industry have been severely punished, the Hunts and Connelly are bankrupt.

    The Internationalists became so incensed, so angry, at what these Texan's had done that they broke the back of the oil industry, and the major oil producers of Texas. It was a well designed plan and executed in perfection.

    When ones attempt to interfere with the plans of the international bankers, you can see what the results can be. The Hunt brothers were working directly with the Shah of Iran, on the above plan. Immediately thereafter one of the Texas bankers was killed, the Shah of Iran was deposed, and the Hunt brothers were forced into bankruptcy.

    There are many ways the international bankers can get revenge on ones who attempt interference with their overall plan; through murder, or you might well be placed into a mental institution and locked away permanently, or you can have trumped up charges brought against you whereby you are locked away indefinitely in prison. This latter has also happened to numerous ones in the "UFO" investigation circles who find and bring forth truth. It is exactly what happened to Colonel Wendelle Stevens. Colonel Stevens probably has investigated more UFO incidents than any other one individual. Further, an assassination plot was arranged and attempted while Colonel Stevens was incarcerated. Strangely, the perpetrator, who dressed as a religious leader, was caught in the act, turned over to the FBI, and has never been heard from again. So be it.


    If you will recall, the Shah of Iran was in perfect health when he was deposed and departed Iran. He was only declared to be sick after he reached the United States. You were told he was being held in "protective" custody at a military base. There, you were also told, he was being treated for his illness-­--which was not present at the time of his arrival. He died anyway, didn't he? Face it--his death was planned and the murder executed.

    In your present months there is an international uproar over the use of chemical and germ warfare utilized Iran and Iraq. Some of the viruses cannot be traced -- nor, in such above instances, would anyone dare to pursue it.

    Who would question a man becoming ill, being treated and then expiring unexpectedly? Certainly no one in the United States would question it. It was uncomfortable enough just having the man in your country. Death can most effectively be brought about in any number of non-traceable ways; one of which is through micro-dots and variations of vibration frequencies, as well as through viruses. (This is exactly what happened to Dharma, in her own dwelling--causing cardiac arrest. We just happen to have her under constant monitoring for she is a receiver of several of us in this higher frequency dimension; therefore, we can catch these attempts and can counter them. Doesn't do much for the mental relaxation of the victim, however.)


    You can get verification of these little stories from Senator John Hansen of your own government. I am going to speak of Iran and your people who were taken hostage. I doubt many of you have heard the truth of the matter.

    Senator Hansen was in the House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. He knew what was happening in Iran and requested permission to go to Iran and investigate. Congress refused. Mr. Hansen then purchased his own private airline ticket and proceeded to Iran anyway.

    When Senator Hansen arrived, the one Khomeini proffered an audience. Guess what the Khomeini said? He said, "We don't want these hostages, certainly not any more than you want us to have them". "As a matter of fact," Khomeini continued; "I'd like to give you these hostages, at least half of them anyway, and you can take them home with you tomorrow morning. That is, Mr. Hansen, if you will promise to begin an investigation into the relationship between the Shah of Iran, Chase Manhattan Bank, Mr. Henry Kissinger and your President Carter."

    At this point, Senator Hansen was most delighted. He rushed to call back to the U.S. to someone who could give authorization and said, "Hey, I can bring half of the hostages home tomorrow. How shall I arrange it?" The person on the other end of the line said, "Well, I will call you back tomorrow and let you know." Now please guess what happened on the following morning? When the call was placed hack to Mr. Hansen, he was told the following, "Get yourself on the next airplane coming to America. Come home immedi­ately. Do not bring hostages. Do not do any negotiating. You have no right to speak on the part of the Congress of the United States of America even if you are a congressman. Get home immediately with no further discourse."

    Here is what he found upon his return to Washington--that the incident was entered into the Congressional record. Further he found that President Carter knew the hostages were going to be taken and further--knew that they were there for a reason and he was not to interfere. Now, you ones get yourself ready for a bomb if you have not already had access to this expose'. The release of the hostages in Iran was negotiated by a negotiator of Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, U.S.A. All outside overt and covert attempts to gain release was a facade. Ask any marine who was involved in the military efforts thereof.

    Is it really any wonder to you ones that Iran is all ticked off at you today? Those hostages, and America, were held in terror while bankers got the Shah's money safely into their banks before the Shah was killed and then, in turn, got much of the money belonging to Iran. A pretty wicked way to get Iran's money into the Chase Manhattan Bank so it could remain solvent and be one of the wealthiest institutions in the entire world.


    The international banks formed bank "holding companies" so that they could not be held responsible. The Chase Manhattan, Chemical Bank and J.P. Morgan's bank were the predominant banks for money deposited by the Arabs. The holding companies were formed in order to loan out money to the third world countries while knowing full well that the third world countries were going to go broke.

    After the Shah had been destroyed and the money was safely in the banks, there were massive amounts of money loaned to third world countries. These notes were shifted from the banks to the bank holding companies in anticipation of the eventual bankruptcy of the borrowing countries.

    One holding company was for the purpose of loaning money to the third world countries. The purpose of the second holding company was to borrow money from the international bank in order to purchase agricultural lands. That means your farms and also certain corporations in the United States. The farms and businesses will probably continue to make some money, but the third world countries are designated to go down. This is ongoing, dear ones, not a passing fancy.

    Here things began to happen rapidly and with sleight of hand. There have followed myriads of liquidations, foreclosures and bankruptcies which were effected by the FDIC and FSLIC which are under the total control of the Federal Reserve Board. Literally dozens of banks all over America quickly were, and are, being bought up. But the big question is by whom? Who has the money in sufficient amounts to make such purchases? Further, where could such sums of money originate? The great sums come from the higher oil price money that goes to the Arabs, then deposited into the international bankers' banks. The banks being purchased are then intentionally closed. Some of those banks are still solvent. They are also buying up farm land throughout America through the farmers who are now being put into bankruptcy because of the high American dollar (in relationship to foreign currency). At least this is the way it was up to a year or so ago---it is fluctuating somewhat at the present time for other heinous things are under way which are the next step in the plan. I shall not go into those things in this document for I intend to do a document relative to your economies. First, let us consider what is happening now and has been, for your past few years--a lot of things are being done now through the Oriental communities. Ah so?


    We are going to now consider currency on a world basis. We will also point out why some of the monetary plans and money making formats are valid and Viable.

    Let us speak a bit about Mr. Marcos who was recently deposed from the Philippines. This is most typical, friends, so watch the hands closely. A representative of the international bankers' bank went to those ones and said, "Mr. Marcos, we will note all your loans and offer you alternatives. We will forgive all of your loans. You cannot pay them back, you cannot pay back the interest, you can't pay back the principle, but, we would like to make you a bargain. We will just forgive the loans."

    Digress time: remember, who did that money belong to that they loaned out to these third world places? It was not the bankers. Well, of course, it was that Arab money, because of the higher prices that the people all over the world had paid. So, back to what the bankers' say, "We뭠l just forgive your loans, the principal and the interest and you never have to pay it back --IF (ALWAYS THE IF!)---. The "if' goes about as follows: You have to do away with your national currency, whatever it is. The dollar will be your cur­rency basis of value. You will be set up with a type of debit card system instead of the usual currency system. Then, too, you must give us perpetual rights to all of the natural resources in your country.

    Interestingly enough, it was right after that little gift gesture; that friendly little suggestion that Mr. Marcos was deposed. Why do you suppose that happened? Well, Mr. Marcos was pretty feisty and he told the international bankers where they could go right after they got immediately out of his country. He had no intention of giving them sovereignty over his country and look what happened.

    Everyone in that country found that suddenly their social security number was synonymous with their credit number; further, their central bank was to act as a wholesaler for credit, which in turn, was extended to it by the new super bank which was announced by your Mr. Paul Volker in the fall of 1985. That was ratified immediately by President Reagan. Just a fun aside for you who love to play with numbers and speculate about coincidence---the names and numbers, the digits, added up to six. Lots of things around Mr. Reagan add up to sixes--even his retirement home address. I take very little stock in these things, but many of you seem to like the game. Also, because a President is not reelected does not mean he is vanquished from the fray.

    A further contingent condition of the benevolent gift, if you will, of the International Monetary Fund, was that in order to help the economy of those countries the IMF was going to nominate external, non-domestic corporations to properly engineer, exploit and excavate the minerals of those said countries who had just put those same mineral resources up as collateral. This would all, thereby, supposedly bring prosperity to those striving nations.

    Mr. Marcos was a bit sharper up front, however, and he pinpointed on the word PERPETUAL in the contract. He realized that quite obviously he would be signing away the sovereignty of his nation.

    I make no comment or judgment regarding Mr. Marcos as a person, nor do I make comment about any individual --- those ones are of human format, not mine. I am just telling you the way it is and how some things happened.

    In the case of the Marcoses, it was only a matter of weeks before the banker's brought down the guillotine blade. Riots were financed by, and originated through, ones of the international banker's groups. It is never humanly wise to cross these ones; you see, Mr. and Mrs. Marcos were exploiting the people well enough on their own and did not wish to share.


    Ah, let us not forget those holding companies of which I spoke. Remember holding companies one and holding companies two? The second group was receiving credit from the first group of holding companies to purchase assets and liabilities from the "prime" banks. The only liabilities they would purchase were liabilities represented by Certificates of Deposits of the Arab nations. The assets they were buying were loans made to the debtor nations. Remember, it was designed that third world countries would default on the loans which would bankrupt the holding companies which had purchased the Arab's CD's from the banks.

    At such a point, the international bankers say to the Arabs, "OK fellows, sorry, but all those billions of dollars in 30 year term deposits that you have been depositing all these years are gone. They were sold to a holding company, unattached to us, which loaned the money to third world countries which are bankrupt - broke - gone kaput. Sorry Mr. Arab but as of today you are bankrupt. Just like that--all gone!"

    You might ask, "Is it possible for the Arab world to go bankrupt? Really now, the richest people in the world with all that oil?" It is a little bit shocking isn't it? Poor souls, they didn't even know those CD's had been "sold" to those holding companies. They had deposited the money right into the New York bank as required. How could they possibly know they were transferred out and into bankruptcy destined companies? How could they understand the inner manipulations of international financiers? They were nomads, they didn't know anything about business. One cannot even consider them foolish. How much of this intrigue do you know, much less understand?

    The Arabs could not know what they were up against. But now let us look at what has happened. Before the end of 1986 the Arab world became a bit aware of what was happening to them. The word went out that before May. 1st, 1987 millions and millions had to be transferred out of the Arab world into America, to start preparing for doomsday. Money was to be shifted into any kind of securities that were even half way decent. Why do you think this was so? It was so that when the Arab sheiks came to the point of bankruptcy they could be sure the people under them, those millions of people of the Arab countries who have literally been "kept" by give-away programs, could not get at them. They would have a place to run to and, hopefully, hide. Well, when this all comes down that these Arab countries have literally been sold out, innocently or knowingly, there will be uprisings, turmoil and literally, massacres abounding. It is going to happen, friends, right in the Arab nations.

    This is why they have purchased, and set in place, silkworm type missiles from China. Long range, nuclear capable, and they have the nuclear devices to arm them. Could it be they will be needed against their own peoples? The people are going to be quite irritated when they are no longer receiving anything from the all revenues, that their own country is bankrupt and that further, they were sold out by their own leaders. At that point there will be mass migration of sheiks headed for America where they have already trans­ferred the most of their assets.

    The Arabs were trying to make the big purchases by May of 1988; it is now a year and a half later. Do you not think things might be starting to come down pretty soon? Could it be relatively correlated In timing to Savings and Loan problems and private pension plan troubles and failing economy and - and -?

    I continue to see problems as I look upon my scanners. The probability of you making it into your 1990 before a major depression is not reflected there. I see no way for you to make it past your fall season.

    You only need a couple more countries to default and your monetary system will collapse. You sit on the target for several methods of pulling you down into collapse. Well, back to the original story.

    We are talking of holding companies in trouble. The international bankers have removed responsibility from themselves. They passed the notes, etc. on to the holding companies who in turn made the bad loans. All that money belonging to the Arabs has been passed on into the holding companies. All the international bankers have to do is say to the Arabs, "You are broke. As of today--all gone!" When the Arabs demand payment of the 30 year term notes, the holding companies are insolvent -- simple as that, no funds--broke.

    Do you see now, that this group "made" people some years back and now they can "break" them with equal speed and efficiency without being accountable?

    I fear, friends, it is not very different from what is being done unto you dear ones. **********but, that is another story.


    What happens next after this point in insolvency and negotiations, is that the assets would have to be liquidated. The Arabs now have to liquidate. They bought farm land, for instance, all over America. Likewise they bought stocks in a lot of corporations as well as a lot of bonds and some other kinds of real estate. In fact, they have controlled a large portion of the New York Stock Exchange. Keep in mind the Japanese control a large portion, also.

    Let us look at the morning following the notice of bankruptcy. The Arabs will dump their stocks onto the New York Stock Exchange and what is going to happen when billions of dollars worth of their stock comes on the market? I am talking billions and billions of dollars and, suddenly, there it all is to be sold!

    What happens to farm land that is already depressed? In 1987 prime farmland that had been worth $3,000 an acre was less than $700 per acre because of deflation and the inability to repay farm loans. Now you have added drought and all sorts of other bad dreams. By the way, this deflation was brought about by your Federal Reserve System. Well, the Arabs don't want that farmland, they have all the problems they can handle. What hap­pens to the price of the farmland? It is going fight to the floor isn't it? Brothers, when that happens with the value what does it mean? It means it has no collateral value any longer. With no collateral value, how can a farmer borrow money next year for his crops? In turn, what happens to the crops? Who is going to feed the people? What is going to happen in the grocery markets? The results, of course, equates to hunger and scarce supply. Sad, brothers, but it is a well laid out plan working to perfection.

    It all boils down to CONTROL and how do you ever recover. Further, let us look at your stock situation. What is going to happen when these multitudes of stocks are dumped on the stock market? Chaos. What will be the result of catastrophic chaos? IT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO THROW THE AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGES, PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, PRIVATE BUSINESS, AMERICAN REAL ESTATE AND QUITE FRANKLY, THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL, INTO A STATE OF TOTAL CONFUSION.


    Let me finish the plan for you. At the time of total confusion and inability to function, those benevolent bankers are going to come through with a "save the world proposal". They are going to be prepared to eliminate cash because of its collapse. Secondarily, they must then stop drug trafficking. Then, they must also push to stop tax cheating. Now, what self respecting American citizen can possibly be against such noble efforts? They (the bankers) have set up and orchestrated all of these programs and now will pretend to stop them.

    What will the average American do when your television says, "Look at what those dirty Arabs have done to you?" What would you do? You are going to believe what they tell you, aren't you? You are going to be right up there in front saying, "Sure they did it to us. Those Arabs want to control the world." Pretty soon it will be, ''Those Japanese want to control the whole world," and then, "The Chinese want to control the whole world." You will join the chant that says, "Look, they bought up all of this major part of America. Look at all the money we have given them, and see what they have done. They have col­lapsed our stock market, et cetera and so on". Ah ha, but here come your benevolent bankers and they are going to say to you, "You have got to have a new currency and then the next thing we will do is use that new currency to stop this dope trafficking. You know, that which is coming in from Central America and those other countries. Then, of course, we are also going to have to have a debit card to stop people from tax cheating because, after all, Mr. Public, if we don't do this we will never get ourselves back on our feet. --­So, brothers, if you'll just turn everything over to us benevolent bankers we will take care of everything and straighten out the whole mess." You know what, brethren? You will hop on that bandwagon and agree to your im­prisonment like babes to candy. You will not only agree to it; you will demand it. For you will forget to hear the big IF. "YOU WILL GET ALL THIS DONE FOR YOU IF YOU WILL JUST TAKE A DEBIT CARD FOR YOU INDIVIDUALLY WITH OUR LITTLE OLD NUMBER ON IT!" YOU WILL HAVE JUST FALLEN FOR THE OLD IDENTIFICATION CARD SCHEME.



    This has been a scenario about the Middle East. Where do you think you are today and what do you think you will be when you have this new currency? It will only devaluate the old "dollar" to zero. It is planned already and named already; the Phoenix. A little prior to this, there is a plan to bring forth an international credit card ID. Let us refer to it as a government ID card with your social security number on it which would be, and get this because the next is important, satellite linked through the Star Wars system. Does any of this sound familiar to you? This program of Star Wars is at least 60% geared towards this very purpose and only 40% for the claimed defense systems, etc.

    This major space linkup will facilitate the transmission of banking information throughout the world instantly. This would be a debit card with a number which would be required for you to do business, and friends, if you know anything at all about your Biblical prophecies, God has already told you it will be, it will take place. Further, it will be done in such a clever way that you "Christians" who say you will NEVER sign up nor participate will never see it hit you and you will have joined the program without even realizing it. How else are you going to survive? Let us not be foolish in our claims for you are dealing with most clever planners who have out thought you completely up to this date.

    Now, I hope you will believe me when I tell you that the "Star Wars" program of satellite systems is in place. Satellites are up there, friends. We of other planets are allowed to stop nuclear warheads--we are not permitted to touch satellites which are not geared to some type of nuclear detonation.

    Well, all those wonder filled bits of technology called eyes in the sky and spy satellites "for your security" are really for the purpose of transfer of the very banking and income information which I have just been describing. It can set up immediate transfer of funds from all over the entire world, from the debit card, that the internationalists will see to it are established with every living person, You will be on the system whether you know it or not. In fact, you who are old enough to read these words ---- and every child ---- is already entered therein.

    All information will be entered into a central computer and from that place the world will come under instant financial control. So, dear Americans, you have just paid your hard earned money to finance that program to initiate the bankers' international credit card system and number system that will be implemented whether or not you choose of it. IT IS DONE, BROTHERS, IT IS IN PLACE---DONE! DON'T TELL ME YOU WILL NOT PARTICIPATE---YOU ARE ALREADY A PARTICIPANT, DEAR LITTLE ONES.

    Oh yes, what of your defense system? Doesn't look too good does it? Well, we are not going to let those nuclear warheads out here in our space past one hundred fifty miles anyway. That is our prerogative and we stop them or dismantle them.


    Do you not see, brothers, that this is the way the prophecies are coming into your focus? It is happening all about you but you don't seem to know what it is you look for.

    Please, all I want you to do at present is HEAR ME. There is naught you can do about it to any great extent as it stands.

    You who will hear me and mine own groups, hear me. You must utilize all of the remaining time to its maximum efficiency for we will have to continue to work under the new systems. Our projects will never be less than excellent investments and they must, and will, be funded. It needs to be done rapidly, however, before we are caught up in total collapse of the monetary system, We can work through depression if we have fundings--monetary collapse shuts us down for all practical purposes, until the system can be put on track and functioning.

    It can work and will work, for in these confused, rushed and harassed days there is great madness to shift money and make money on money and etc. Countries such as China, Japan --- all non hard currency countries are desperate to convert to dollars.

    I will further tell you that your governments know we are here. They also know we are not here to interfere. We are here to walk our people through a transition and we plan nothing subversive. We do plan good business ventures and welcome all who wish to participate. We have no communes, all work for fair reward. We plan good business with total integrity and latest technology. We are here to help' not overthrow. We are here only to walk our brothers through, for it will all come down just as the prophecies are given. There will be some very bad times ahead most surely if plans are not made for those days of tribulation.

    Let me speak a bit more regarding "timing". I know that what I have said is truth.

    It was confirmed by top sources in Switzerland that by October of last year there were twelve debtor nations who had agreed to the proposal of debt forgiveness in exchange for perpetual consignment of natural resources. There only need to be one or two more that give enough leverage to announce the Arabs bankrupt. As of now, all the top leaders in the Arab world know the story and they are scared to death about it. They don't know what they are going to do about it; there is actually nothing they can do about it. They certainly do not know how to announce it to their populace. There doesn't seem to be any way to get the information out to the people.

    Further, no one knows how to announce all this to the American people. It has been attempted by some and fallen on deaf ears. I hope that by the time many of you have read this document, there will be recognition of our presence in your space. What I tell you is truth.


    I would like now, to sum up this scenario.

    Because the 20 to 1 debt to asset banking ratio also operates in reverse (that's how it is with leverage), it only takes about five percent of the third world countries to declare bankruptcy and when they do, and they accept the plan of the international bankers, then the bankers can declare the bank holding companies bankrupt. Because of the reverse leverage of the loans, only 5% of the third world countries could basically declare the world bankrupt and the ownership of all falls to the international bankers.

    When this program is initiated and in place, it will wind up with the international bankers owning all mortgages and all properties. What is that going to do to your country? What about the world? What control will they have when they initiate the debit card? It will be an automatic number which will be given and would be required because the country is devastated.

    It would then result that the international bankers, who are made up of all these secret and complex committees I have previously discussed, would now own the majority of the United States and most other countries (for all will fall in short order), would control the Arab world and therefore, by about a thirty year plan of manipulation, will have brought the peoples of the world under control.

    Two years ago, your Senator George Hansen said you had only about a year to get this under control, to get the information out and do something about it. Well, your year has passed into two and a half. How much have you heard about it? I doubt very much. Brothers, this is how men make slaves or their fellow men.

    It has, however, been prophesied since the beginning of your world that these things would come to pass. This statement is not to give you negative feelings. This is to tell you that you are IN the time of the evolution of your planet where these things are now coming to be.

    I go through all this that you might recognize the signs which are all around you. The time, in your perception of time, is fleeting. The "time" we call se­quence of events -- is fleeting. We have much to do and we are here and available to assist you ones of God and the children of your planet called Earth Terra. You are a sister planet to we of Pleiades. Many of our ones walk among you. There are many duties and jobs that must now he finished.

    The story, the work, will go out for that is God's promise to man. His promise is to allow man to hear and to see, followed by proof. He will send these things through us of the space brotherhood.

    These things shall be documented and sent forth to man so that man can see what he wishes to do--what choices he wishes to make regarding his divinity.

    I am going to leave this portion now, that you ones can ponder these things.

    We come in love and we can see farther than you. We have access to all records, so we can see and know. We can give assistance if we are so petitioned. And you might ask, "Why would you ones do that?" Because Fa­ther God the Totality, the Light which is your Source and My Source loved you enough to send forth His Celestial Son, before us. We now serve that same "Son" who is our Commander and act in His service.

    Further, for you who are our brothers, we will not leave you stranded on that place. Ye who do not yet know me, will come to understanding of our presence. I leave mine seal and my blessings on this portion, which I fear is quite lengthy, Please ponder it several times until you have understanding for it is most Important.

    Go Dharma, it has been such a terribly long session for you. Turn the papers over to the others that you may get some rest.

    Salu, Salu, Salu Hatonn moving to stand-by.
    Last edited by wave; 2010-01-26 at 04:56.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 04
    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1989 6:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 014

    Let us move smartly along please.

    Yesterday on your news(?) programs it was touted on every station. "GNP is up one and a half points from the month before---recession is off!" Day before yesterday: "Stock market hit all time high!---recession off!" Then yesterday, "Stock market fell BUT it was due to profit takers from yesterday's all time high.---recession off!" YOUR RECESSION IS NOT 'OFF'! YOUR DEPRESSION IS VERY MUCH 'ON'! YOU HAVE NOTHING UPON WHICH TO BASE YOUR PICTURED PAPER FLOW. THE SYSTEM IS QUITE DEAD, JUST AS ARE THE ONES PICTURED ON YOUR PAPERS.

    Dharma, I realize you know naught of finance nor international economics. I care not, chela. Please, I will make an effort to not move so rapidly. I do not, however, want you to even "think" about it as we move along here for it only slows us; you can come into understanding elsetime.

    These messages and suggestions are put forth for my people who are asking for assistance in order to maintain working ability for we are building a new business structure. The only way you can do so, and survive at the same time, is to use clever strategy. Because my vision is farther out front than is yours, I can assist. I can also see "the trees within the forest".

    Let me give you some figures. They are obsolete, of course, but you need a full year, in your counting, to form a picture. To save time, which is the only way you are going to gain value from this dissertation, is to utilize some of your own published figures lest you spend all your time checking on the reality of one Hatonn. I am going to quote a lot of things, selectively, so that I might give you reasoning to take action.

    Firstly, what is money? The paper money you spend has as collateral a U.S. Government Treasury Bond. Remember that, it is not gold, my friends. Therefore, government credit is money. So, if the government's credit is not good, neither is the money you spend. Further, neither is the value of mortgages, CD's, mutual funds, and any other "paper", since they are all measured in "dollars". In a very short time the dollar will be worthless. It's very much a form of suicide---intent and fulfillment.

    Do you realize that approximately four banks in the U.S. fail in each of your weeks? This does not count the ones being absorbed by the gray man banking octopus (relative to the gray men lecture). I state, "failing". This is because they are in the state of petrifaction. Only a very small portion of most banks' assets can be liquidated on short notice without very large losses.

    Commercial banks rely on the Federal Reserve to replenish their reserves-­DAILY--good weather or bad. But guess what---the Federal Reserve Banks are not in much better shape: they consist of government securities. In case of a bank run, the Federal Reserve would be in no position to meet the demand for cash -- remember the minimum 20 to one lending ratio? If a demand for cash through honest liquidation were allowed, it would abso­lutely break the bond market. Therefore, the Federal Reserve System (FED) would have to do what it has already begun to do---monetize by CREATING CREDITS--- not PAPER MONEY; the bad assets of the banks needing aid only makes the FED's own position incredibly worse. Therein lies great and magnificent danger, friends.

    Most of you, the U.S. public, and, frankly, most of your experts live in a dream world. You peer into your personal computers (experts) and the television screens (public) and eat up the projections of paid projectionists who tell you exactly that which is fed to them. Most of you believe you are still a nation that you have been in the past times---one that furiously pro­duces goods and services so that everyone can have a wondrously high standard of living. You believe that it is your capitalistic system and its profit drive that makes it all possible. (News flash: you haven't had a true capitalistic system in such a long, long time.) You believe that you work for money, money is your main goal, and you get this money by hard work. WRONG!

    Since the turn of your last century America has been transformed from a system of making goods to one of making money; that is, there is more money to be made by playing with and juggling money than by working to make goods. Proof? Always you want proof! Let us go back to ancient times when the figures were inclusive, let us say 1986. There was $2 trillion in goods traded internationally and $36 trillion in capital transfers. Dharma cannot even spell the numbers of trillions transferred in ONE DAY presently.

    It was, in the ancient past, that banks made money making small loans to the public. Now they rake in leviathan fees for lending in LEVERAGED BUY OUT deals. They will lend to a merger deal for a very large fee; i.e.: "Banks made $380 million on the Nabisco deal alone, and they will make close to $300 million in the Time-Warner debt-merger-insanity.

    This appears crazy, does it not? After all, all of this debt-these loans they are making--are going to have to be repaid some day, aren't they? If not, then Time- Warner goes down a deep hole and takes its large and very friendly New York City banks with them! So be it---remember my lectures? Exactly what is intended, public, exactly what is intended--with both parties knowing truth? All moves right back into the plan and the magnificent banking "own the world" system. They will never he repaid---just as third world country debt--it is not intended that it ever be repaid. All participants are a part of the Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations and International Monetary Fund. OH YES, BELOVED ONES, YOU ARE BEING LED DIRECTLY INTO THE DRAGON'S MOUTH AND IT IS PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN. WE HAVE TRIED TO TELL YOU THIS FOR YEARS BUT, "THERE ARE NO SPACE MEN OR UFO'S".

    Let us speak briefly about the "quality" of credit. The sole aim of government spending should be to keep the credit of the government at the highest possible level and above all suspicion. (I don't really have to go further, do I?) That statement means that the government must borrow only if it can see revenues in the rears ahead which can be used to retire the debt. If this should happen (and It happened in your ancient historical past), the rate of interest would be stable and quite low. Now, there is NO WAY--NO CHANCE of ever retiring your government debt, therefore, interest rate gyrations proves my point. They move like runaway rockets--crazy, up --- and a bit down --- but never steady. They are manipulated to "assist" the economy-or so you are told so you can be distracted from that which is really going on under the covers.

    The quality of all outstanding credit in your America cannot be higher than that of the government, so the ongoing deterioration of the government's credit adversely affects every single one of you.

    I suggest you start, right now, looking into survival gear and survival foods. You think I chuckle -- nay, I do, unfortunately, mean it. I will at some point along here give you some preferred places to seek out these resources.

    I will take the explanation of your debts a bit further (and beloved ones, I do not even yet speak of your personal debts, which comprise the major portion of the overall debt. Remember those credit cards?). I will speak in generalities about national debt in your country.

    The domestic debt in America is not without its magnificent danger. It can easily be compared to "nuclear" energy. Controlled and constrained it can be enormously beneficial. Out of control it can be enormously destructive and further, just as with fissionable matter, without any apparent bad effects. Up to a point you appear to be fine-v-but once critical point is reached--WHAM­-MELTDOWN AND CHAIN REACTION BEYOND RECOVERY!

    On October 20, 1987, your New York Stock Exchange came within five minutes of closing down. Had that occurred, it would have taken at least five years to gain ability to reopen. And that perturbation was minor compared to what is headed your way when the OIL KINGDOMS DUMP! You do not even have a tightrope upon which to tread--your rope is wound so tightly and so tattered and frayed that it will reach critical point and snap, in the blink of an eye.

    What is good debt vs. bad debt, you ask of me? It is not arbitrary--it is judged by its productivity. This is the ratio of net gain in Gross National Product to the gain in debt (the net gain in GNP is the excess of additional GNP over additional debt).

    If this ratio is positive, then the new debt can be serviced out of current income. The greater the ratio, the higher the quality of the debt--like consumers having enough income to easily pay what they owe. BUT if the productivity of debt (meaning the income it produces) becomes negative and interest can no longer be paid out of current income, then new debts have to be originated to meet the maturing debt. This negative ratio is a clear sign that bad debt is now breeding and multiplying more bad debt. This feedback short-circuits the economic process.

    The debt-tower is then out of control and in due time must self-destruct. THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE, BROTHERS, AT CRITICAL POINT--­RIGHT AT CORE MELTDOWN BLAST-OFF! Hold to your seat belts: You have a GNP of around $4 trillion AND DEBT OF ABOUT $12 TRILLION. YOUR DEBT IS NOT PRODUCTIVE. YOU PRODUCE DEBT, NOT WEALTH! DEAR ONES, YOU WILL PAY THE PIPER IN THE FORM OF A LONG DEPRESSION. This is the only way to close the gap between your GNP and debt.


    Now I will quote directly from your own statistics: (Credit to Dr. John King, Future Economic Trends, August, 1989.) (Editor's note: the quote is direct; if the numbers do not add properly it is not the error of the Author.) "As of September 30, 1988, the formal debt of the Federal Government was $2.6 trillion, and this excludes their contingent liabilities which, to most Ameri­cans, are an accounting curiosity. The government debt maturity, on average, is just 4 1/2 years. In the early 1930's it was 50 years and in 1947, 20 years.

    'The Federal Government Contingent Liabilities are as follows: DIRECT GOVERNMENT LOANS: $222 BILLION, GUARANTEES ON LOANS BY U.S.: $550 BILLION, LOANS BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: $720 BILLION TOTAL: $1.5 TRILLION!

    밫o this must be added government deposit insurance guarantees: $1.5 trillion in S&L's, $1.5 trillion in Commercial Banks, and $700 billion in Credit Unions (FSLIC, FDIC, Federal Credit Union Insurance )---a TOTAL OF OVER $3 TRILLION. All government debts total over $8 TRILLION. Uncle Sam is strung out on a debt limb, more than most people can realize.

    밫he Thrift Crisis (S&L's) has given all of us a taste of how fast these contingent liabilities can turn into real dollar losses. Early on, the Thrift Crisis was estimated at $20 billion, then $150 billion, then $237 billion, and now $400 billion (WALL STREET JOURNAL. Martin Mayer. May 14, 1989). My own guess is that the thrift deposit total is $1 trillion, why so large? Uncle Sam does not have the resources to save that size debt, and neither do the taxpayers--consumers buried as they are in debt. The coming Credit Meltdown will prove the accuracy of this observation.

    "When will this happen? Actually, it has already started. The 'solution' by Congress of the S&L crisis is another Band Aide. Why don't they do more? A lack of funds--if the FED tried to borrow the kind of real money needed, the financial markets would be wrecked in the process. Not far ahead we will all be witness to that terrible fiasco--meltdown.�

    Now comes a very formidable situation. When your Treasury gets ready to refinance its debt, it is at the mercy of the financial markets. In fiscal year 1990 (Which by the way, starts October first--ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!), the Treasury will have to refinance $670 billion in debt. That, friends, is on top--above and beyond--any NEW borrowing.

    Short-term rates are on the rise, and this makes refunding more costly. Also, lurking in the distance is the worry that the markets will begin to worry about the "credit worthiness" (you know, your TRW credit report) of your Government. Uncle Sam.

    So far the financial markets globally have been remarkably complacent. No one harbors the thought that the U.S. government might go broke --- or do they? The world bankers are "banking" on it! The public truly believes that the government's promise to pay thrift and bank and other bad debts is a fact. BUT, THE GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU THAT GOD IS IN HIS HEAVEN, THEREFORE, ALL IS WELL WITH THE WORLD---WHY WORRY, AND BESIDES, THE WORLD SERIES IS COMING UP WITH OR WITHOUT PETE ROSE.


    Evidence is growing that the government has very little overall capacity to make good on its own debts.

    If the S&L (thrift) fiasco is not bad enough, in early June, Brian Hyland, Inspector General for the Labor Department, said that more than $1.6 TRILLION in PENSION FUNDS is potentially at risk because of poor regulations and inept enforcement of federal laws. Mr. Hyland added, "These are savings American workers have set aside for their future. These workers trust that the government will protect these funds by holding man­agers and trustees of their pension funds accountable." (So what, do you know any trustees or managers who have $1.6 trillion?) He continued, "As has been demonstrated by the recent savings and loan crisis, government regulation of an industry does not ensure that invested assets are protected. 봗he $100 billion Congress estimates the rescue of the thrifts to cost will appear to be a 'bargain'" (Already obsolete isn't it---$200 billion and grow­ing!) "should a similar crisis wrack a significant number of the nation's 870,350 private pension funds. The funds hold $1.6 trillion in assets. The government insuring agency, the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, is itself in financial trouble NOW." Oh my, the Labor Department has worked long into every night to discredit Mr. Hyland just as the government works at discrediting anyone who speaks truth.

    All it will take to bring down the house of cards--THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM--is a change in perception of those that buy government debt. If they become truly worried about the Treasury's willingness and ability to honor its debts, the debt game is OVER-DONE-FINIS! AND, BROTHERS, THE JAPANESE HAVE BEEN MOVING MORE AND MORE AWAY FROM SUPPORTING YOUR DEBT AND THEY HAVE BEEN CARRYING YOU FOR A LONG TIME! THEY ARE BUYING LESS AND LESS OF YOUR DEBT WHILE BUYING MORE AND MORE OF YOUR REAL ESTATE TO GET THE LAST BIT OF VALUE FROM YOUR DOLLAR.

    Keep in mind, also, that the contingent liabilities above are the items that might cause loss in confidence. These are debts that the government has put its guarantee behind---BUT---are not part of the $2.6 trillion in formal dept.

    Note how fast these contingent liabilities can turn into real dollar losses. Look at the Thrift Crisis. Add the potential Pension Crisis. (Worse, by tomorrow you will have additional crises.) A part of the problem is compounding interest, a most ridiculous spiral of disaster.

    Currently, you (taxpayers) are servicing the public debt, and it will never be retired, Taxation, given time, can only grow worse--it must. Moreover, the credit worthiness of the government can suddenly vanish if creditors lose faith (or decide against supporting you) in the ability of the government to eventually retire the public debt. Do you also see why you cannot afford to give up the billions of dollars gleaned by the drug intercourse?

    A great deal of the annual increase in debt now can be accounted for by the high rate of interest the government must pay. The interest payment is far in excess of the productivity of labor and capital, and it is created out of thin air to keep the game of musical chairs going. But this merry-go-around must stop sooner or later, and when it does, it is CATASTROPHE FOR ALL OF YOU.

    Please allow me to list a few things and then we can get down to some hard possibilities for saving your assets. Just a few things your friendly Mr. Bush faces in the "GRAY NINETIES": (Again quoting Dr. King.)

    "PEARL HARBOR NO.2. The Japanese Investor Army has gobbled up the best parts of Hawaii for breakfast. They are now having lunch on California and lunch dessert of Washington D.C. Dinner hour is arriving fast and this time Mr. Bush won't get a quick rescue!

    "NATIONAL DEBT. $2.6 TRILLION AND CLIMBING LIKE A ROCKET. Interest is a miserly 15% of the national budget at present. But, by the end of 1989, it will likely be doubled. How far is it from that point to bankrupt-city?

    "TRADE DEFICIT. At $160 billion, this is actually more pressing than the national debt. Your trading partners are really getting miffed off at you.

    "CORPORATE DEBT. This is worse than the government debt. It is a million wobbly dominoes on a shaky on a shaky table--all lined up. Leverage buy-outs have wreaked havoc on debt.

    "PRIVATE DEBT. The credit card mentality is pandemic, and nobody seems to care. Just offer more and more and you take and spend more and more. Over half your country lives from paycheck to paycheck and saves naught. Worse, much of that paycheck goes to paying off "old" purchases and interest. You believe an really upscale lifestyle is now your birthright. Well, you are taking VCRs, computer clones, Suzuki's and Hondas in trade for all that Hawaii and California real estate.

    "SAVINGS AND LOANS. The charade is over. Your FDIC is a total mi­rage and life FSLIC is some $17 billion in the debit hole. Both are being kept alive on life support systems in the form of an intravenous continuous drip line running from the Treasury Department. BROTHERS, THE 'QUIET' BANK RUNS HAVE ALREADY BEGUN!

    "INFLATION. It is back! In fact, it never went anywhere. Private studies of true inflation (you know, those NOT done by your government), have put it, and keep it, well above 10%.

    "THE BUREAUCRACY. All yes, the government apparatus has become bloated and incredibly expensive. (Please see SPACE-GATE, THE VEIL REMOVED.) Portions of it are legally IMPERVIOUS to change, like your State Department which tends to crucify your friends and aids your enemies.

    "THE HOUSE OF CONGRESS. The ultimate problem is entrenched liberal congressmen. They have taken the richest economy in the world and driven it to its knees. Further, today the re-election rate for those financial morons is 99%!! Now, who votes for the 'PUBLIC SERVANTS'''?


    I can go on and on pointing out all the mess. But you ask, "What do we do?" You take a good confronting look at the truth of it; take off the blinders and really SEE. Then, I am going to make some suggestions for handling your money and your business (from now on they will be inseparable). You must utilize all tools left at your disposal -- before they are appropriated. There are no good solutions. It is much like being in a nuclear war--there is no good place to be--only, perhaps, a place where you might somehow survive until the lifeboat arrives.

    The mess is not reversible, it must play itself out--right on through the debit card enslavement for it is too late to do more than try to survive and do as well as you can through it.

    You will have a series of expected sequence of events. First you will need to protect your current money assets as much as possible and protect your currently "owned" property. S&L's and Banks will not be a good place to keep anything. Then you will need to get yourself into a tax shelter (the government will appropriate all your funds in the form of taxes until there are no funds left to garner). There is only one shelter that I find on my scanners and that is in incorporation and good corporation management--­bunches of small corporations--quite frankly, set up in your State of Nevada. Nevada is the only one of your states within the union that can give you any protection at all.

    Dharma, I wish to give you a break, chela, before we continue further.

    I trust I have given you enough examples that you will at least listen to me. I can give you a history of how you have cycled, released control and historically come to this point--BUT--I perceive you need help, not lectures on how, why, what, when and where--you already know WHO! SALU.

    PJ 04
    REC #2, HATONN
    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1989 2:00 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 014
    Thank you, Dharma. Hatonn returned to continue.

    Let me remind the readers before going further; we are not in the literary business, nor the financial business, nor the corporations business, nor the "book" business. I am here because I have been requested to be here. I am giving input according to the probabilities as they are presented to me. I will tell you what I see; I can do no more. What you do with the information is irrelevant to me or to my scribes. I am here in your space on Higher business and am telling my troops the most effective moves to make RIGHT NOW. You are in a final loop in a tailspin that leaves you very few options.

    Your economists can tell you anything they please. You may believe anything you please. You may take the advice or cast it aside. I just suggest that if you cast it aside, you do not come to Hatonn with your moaning and complaints. You ones (your world) are going to go right through the prophetic times according to projections and, right on time. Built in is a very big world wide depression and economic collapse. I'm sorry, but you are also going to undergo a miserable, miserable war.

    There are no perfect "solutions"; I can only give you what might give you benefit. In other instruction manuals I will try to keep you informed as to the best type of survival facilities and food storage. Yes, there will be hard times ahead but if you heed my words and suggestions you can be a bit prepared. As your brothers from the cosmic realms have the ability to come and go in your behalf, you will be receiving much input and assistance. Many, many have responded to your plea for help--but I promise you this--there will be no abuse nor ridicule of my scribes nor those of Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda, If you do not know of that which I speak, I suggest you get everything you can from A.S.S.K as we will be giving updated suggestions and instructions through that source--often, regularly and up to the minute.

    I suggest you not be too amused at these words. You are in the transition of a world; to and into the final days of the Revelations' prophecies. It will be the ones who come into balance with the Creator God who will get their tickets on the trip to the stars with the Master who returns to pick you up. I have given you an overview that you might not be so foolish as to say there is no such thing as "space men", and a worse one---"These things are of the Devil". That statement, my friends, came directly and blatantly from the Devil himself. How better to keep you from finding truth and help through this horrendous transition?

    Now back to "what can you do"? Again I am going to take the liberty of quoting from Dr. John L. King. I highly recommend his advice and a contact place will be given at the ending of this book. Dr. King has never heard of me nor the author; but then, she doesn't know Dr. King so the balance is equal. I shall, however, see to it that he gets this material immediately so he can be expecting any calls which might originate from this source.

    Dr. King omits the one most valuable asset you can acquire and utilize, however, and that is the corporation--properly set up tended and utilized in Nevada with a trustworthy agent or office staff. I will cover it secondly.

    So far I have not been able to elicit communication with Dr. King personally so I will take liberties as a Space Commander that you ones should not utilize; that is, using another's material without permission, I trust that since I give him full credit he will be generous with me.

    And I quote, "So the question arises, 'What can I do now to protect myself from the inevitable financial debacle?'

    And with that, another question, 'How can I take advantage of the bargain basement opportunities the crash will bring?'" Well, I am not interested in that phase so you ones will have to find out directly from Dr. King.

    "First of all, if you persist in believing that Uncle Sam is going to bail you out, or anyone else out, forget it. There is no insurance program in force that will ultimately return your money to your hands. Nor is there any prevention against the domestic social violence that will erupt when financial chaos descends. Nor any way to quickly fix the breakdown in communications and transportation.

    "During the early months of the Great Depression, just about everything that could go wrong did go wrong. And now, in the 1980's, there's a whole lot more that can go wrong. Practically everything is hooked up by electronics and computers, so what can go wrong this time will likely go wrong with the speed of light." I would add here that I will, in this document, only refer to man-induced economic disaster. You will also be faced with incredible earth upheavals and changes.

    "Second, remember that change is an ordeal. The coming change will be more of an ordeal than previous changes because of its sheer size. It will be far more than financial and economic. It will be political and social, too, for we have reached a watershed in American history. Tomorrow will present a totally new world, which we will have to learn to cope with and fashion a life from. This will be no mere replay of the past. It will be a greater transformation than anything in memorable history". I'm sorry, Dr. King, much different than you can imagine, either.

    "What you can do immediately--assuming you are reading this before the crash--is get your money out of banks and S&L's. Don뭪 wind up among the panicked crowd banging on the bank's closed door.

    "Also, get your money out of the stock market and out of mutual funds or money-management funds.

    "Do not keep more than a bare-bones balance in your bank or S&L, just enough to make a month's worth of bill payments.

    "Do not keep money in pension funds, retirement funds or life insurance policies, either. All these institutions invest your money in stocks and bonds and mortgages. Those financial instruments will be hit the hardest, so cash out before it's too late.

    "To secure your nest egg, buy U.S. three-month Treasury bills or U.S. savings bonds. The bills are in $10,000 denominations and the savings bonds may be bought for as little as $25. Buy them from your bunk's Trust Department or from a stockbroker. The reason this is important is that while all else in the economy can be allowed to disintegrate, the U.S. Treasury will have to be held together at all costs. Without a federal foundation there is nothing at all left. And nothing upon which to rebuild.


    "This is a favorite haven of everyone because of tax-free income. Present tax law changes alter this wonderful world, but aside from that, cash out of municipals because of a far greater danger: defaults! During the 1930's one of the worst places to have your money was in city and state bonds since so few could honor them. Today there is $1 trillion of this 'paper' out there. Cash out now!


    "Everyone wants a high income and this means high interest rate returns that line your pockets. This is especially true of senior citizens living on fixed in­comes. They have an imperative to maximize their cash flows with high yields. This is unfortunate.

    "A high yield carries with it a high risk. Recently I talked with someone who told me, with some pride, that he still had some big money in a S&L that had been paying him 16-1/2% for 6 years! I suggested that he forget it; S&L's are the worst places in the country to deposit and leave funds because many are insolvent and one day the whole business will go up in smoke. You must be cautious: if you lose your capital, you have no Yield, and you are then truly up against it. So, forget yield. Look for capital safety above all!


    "Right now the best place for large sums of money is 3- to 6- month U.S. treasury bills. U.S. treasury notes and bonds will fall dramatically in price. The bills will, too, but not as far. In addition, you can double your money in Treasury bonds at the right time, which is in motion and coming our way.


    "Get out! Too risky.


    Get out! A CD is no better than the bank or S&L that issued it and most of them are in trouble now!


    "The FSLIC is insolvent. The FDIC has less than one cent for every $1 you have on deposit. Do not think for a second that the government will ride to the rescue of these deposit liabilities, as many believe. This is because the government must borrow the funds for such a rescue. This increases their debts, which are already sky high, and you would simply pay for this folly as a taxpayer. Not only that; if they even tried such a rescue they would wreck the bond market in the process since foreign holders of U.S. bonds would cash out and destroy bond prices. There is no fast and easy solution to this coming nightmare.


    "Start now buying gold coins, any kind, and hoarding them. Keep them at home, not in a safe deposit box at a bank (banks will be closed, and deposit box contents are not insured). Gold will rise to $2,000 an ounce and the bad news is that it will fall back to $35 an ounce. This is because the purchasing power of gold is always constant: one ounce buys a man's suit of clothes; in 1935 $35 gold bought a good suit; today $450 gold buys a good suit. You cannot have a fortune in gold and hope for super-low prices for the things you buy.


    "It will rise to over $100 an ounce, and then will fall, too.

    "What do you do if you have large profits in gold and silver? How do you preserve your gains. My suggestion is buy land in the country with your profits. Land, of course, will be very cheap as we get further into the depression, less than ten cents on the dollar for most everything.


    "Cash them out now while you can. Why? Insurance companies will take large losses in stocks and bonds and real estate, and pass them on to you. I know this since I worked for a major life insurance company as an economist years ago and saw the debris the Great Depression left. Also, AIDS will finish them off for good.


    "Pray a lot if you are collecting one. These funds are managed by yuppie whizzes on Wall Street who are up to their eyeballs ill stocks and bonds-­-paper that will vanish. If your pension fund survives, which is doubtful, it will then be cut.

    "The stock market crash of October, 1987, directly affected many pension funds, especially those that invested in corporate stocks. Corporate pension funds generally invest 50% of their pension funds in stocks, 35% in corporate bonus, and the balance in real estate, certificates of deposit, etc.

    It is only prudent to find out just where your pension fund has your money invested, and if it is not totally in Treasury bills, try to change this as soon as possible.


    "Both of these will be reduced at least by half, maybe more. But the prices of the items you buy will also fall by that amount, so your purchasing power will be the same.

    "Above all, you must preserve your capital so you will have purchasing power and income as the economy is stood on its financial head. The good days are gone forever, perhaps, and we are all going to have to do a lot of surviving so you might get ready for this now.

    "The large fortunes in America, many of them, were made in hard times or depressions, when the wise and thrifty had funds and bought cheap. In the coming depression everything will be for sale, but few will have saved resources."

    I, Hatonn, have been telling my own dear ones this very same thing, and still, some play the "outguess it" game. Well, it is the risk of your lives. That break could come this very afternoon and if so, you will have lost greatly. I mean, you ones who know me well---get yourself under disciplined control; the risk is not nearly worth those few dollars. Besides you will have what you need; better to use it to get in the inner circle where the business can continue to thrive. We intend our cells to thrive.


    "No one knows when the final, major financial panic will happen. The time is not now that important, but being prepared is crucial. You must be ready. After the crash, it will be too late; you will be licked financially, filled with fear, and unable to cope. I caution you: be prepared. This advice is conservative, but it has stood the test of history for generations and it will tomorrow, too.


    "Always, in severe deflations, opportunities for real estate buys emerge at bargain basement prices. In Chicago in 1832 during a real estate crisis, a $15,000 house depreciated to $100 in one year. In Florida in the late 1920s a real estate credit bubble grew and then burst, as all credit bubbles do, and beachfront property fell to one cent on the dollar." Well, Hatonn is here to tell you that you are also going to have a rearrangement of your beachfront properties!

    "The more palatial the property is, the cheaper it will be since no one wants to get involved with property having high maintenance costs.

    "But to take advantage of these real estate buys, you must be liquid. If you are in dicey credit paper, like a certificate of deposit, you stand to lose much of its face value. This makes hoarding gold and silver coins rather attractive, doesn't it?

    "The October crash signaled a major reversal in the economy. Until then, the farm, oil, bank and thrift losses and commercial real estate losses had not totally impacted the minds of the public. For some unknown reason, the public maintained an uncanny optimism about the future.


    "This is the time to batten down your financial hatches and get yourself personally prepared for financial survival. Be self-reliant because no one else will take care of you or protect you, and that includes Uncle Sam, who will have his hands filled, too, with tax revenue losses and larger-than­-believable federal deficits and other unique problems.

    "For those with an eye to the future, the silver lining and the strategy is to secure your nest egg and patiently await the profit opportunities that always accompany hard times. As in the past most of the public will be caught by surprise, and left standing in a line at the bank. But someone has to be positioned to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Begin now to become that somebody."

    Please hear us, friends, there are several more things I want to take the liberty of pointing out to you. I hope you understand that I most surely am very serious about what I am giving unto you.

    If this information is shocking to you, such as the information regarding the world banking "take over", I suggest you continue with serious intent in receiving just a bit longer. If you take care and act promptly you can be spared much of the danger that lurks in the dark. Information and knowledge is your best ally; except for action. You can know all there is to know and yet, if you do not "act", you have garnered naught.

    You will have two main enemies in the months to come regarding your financial and self-survival. Your government and your neighbor, for both will become desperate soon enough and, driven by panic, they will both use the force necessary to get what is yours.

    In case you have not heard of Emergency Banking Regulation #1, it is not surprising. You were not supposed to know about it. It is almost impossible to get information about it. Be grateful for careful research in your behalf.

    In a "NATIONAL EMERGENCY"--which the President can declare in a time of grave crisis (like any great economic depression)--this regulation gives your government the right to:





    The imposition of this Regulation will he devastating and destructive to anyone caught in its trap. You must arrange your property so no-one can get at it. They will have the right to do anything legal or illegal, from garnishment to kidnapping to get your resources. The latter has already happened (the kidnapping), by "authorities" during the Reagan administration. Scare you? I certainly hope so!

    If you follow some good techniques and instructions you will he able to achieve some security. If you are careless and procrastinating to over-extent you will loose. Pay attention for the time is NOW. If I get inquiries about how to accomplish some of these things, I will take the time a bit later to give you some input. Before I depart this portion, I will tell you a few things that threaten your privacy, your safety and the security of your assets.

    Know that your IRS can conduct "informal" inspection of your bank account(s)--WITHOUT YOU EVER BEING INFORMED THEY ARE SO DOING! They gained that right in January, 1989, so if you do not believe me--check it out. Thank Judge Larry McKinney, Federal District Court for that little gem. He ruled that the IRS has a legal right to "informally" examine bank records without a summons, search warrant, court order or even the knowledge of the bank account's owner! As you might surmise, a surprise "informal" investigation is far more effective. You better learn how to protect yourself and get yourself devoid of anything of merit in your bank account.

    There is a great misconception that a "low profile" existence is the best way for you to protect your privacy. No---forget it. Do not differ from anyone else--low or high. Fit in the mold and be so routine in appearance that you would not attract a snooper sniper. In a great depression you can't maintain a low profile anyway. Until tax funds dry up and blow away they will have their big guns and magnifying glasses at ready.

    Anybody can inspect your credit records--and if that is not bad enough, those records, right now, are probably incorrect. You better get them cleaned up before you have to come up with assets you didn't know were listed, and that you do not have.

    Do not count on electronic protection devices to protect. You can count on being under surveillance if you appear to have anything during a great depression. You will be electronically surveiled. Most of my team is already under constant surveillance. There is, however, a rather simple device for debugging --- check with your electronics store.

    You must know that the only safe phone is a cellular phone--and it is safe only while you are in motion. It is simple to intercept a cellular phone call, but nearly impossible for a stationary phone tapper to listen in while the caller moves through different zones in the network.

    Now, I know it is a problem thinking where in the world can you store money around your house and be safe. Well, first of all you learn to put it somewhere and keep your mouth shut. Except, always have at least one family member who knows where to search for things.

    For instance, if you bury it outside on your property. Make sure you have watertight, insulated containers and do make a detailed map. You think you will not forget but from season to season and bush to bush you will forget.

    Also, your refrigerator or canned goods shelves are quite good--if you weight the cans to be approximately the same weight as the original can with contents.

    Your freezer is excellent; especially a large turkey which can he stuffed, But you will have to be careful who accesses these places.

    Remove a baseboard ill a special room of attic cubbyhole which can be placed back into form with no notice.

    Back of a light switch-plate is excellent (within the hollow wall space).

    Books which are hollowed out in the center. However, you will he limited, space-wise, if you do the proper thing and get small denomination bills.

    Well, I shall have more for you on this later; I want you to have enough at this session to get started! Sit quietly and you will become most creative. Aho and Amen! This is all I am going to give you from this subject matter for I shall now turn to Corporations. I strongly urge you to rush to the phone or mailbox and obtain Dr. King's material immediately.

    Let us take a break, Dharma, as this has been much too long a day for you but time is so precious--each day is truly a gift from here forward. Use it well, my friends. If you pull together as in true community, you call handle this thing come upon you. Divided you shall surely fall. SALU!
    Last edited by wave; 2010-01-26 at 04:57.

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