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  1. #3
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 04
    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1989 6:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 014

    Let us move smartly along please.

    Yesterday on your news(?) programs it was touted on every station. "GNP is up one and a half points from the month before---recession is off!" Day before yesterday: "Stock market hit all time high!---recession off!" Then yesterday, "Stock market fell BUT it was due to profit takers from yesterday's all time high.---recession off!" YOUR RECESSION IS NOT 'OFF'! YOUR DEPRESSION IS VERY MUCH 'ON'! YOU HAVE NOTHING UPON WHICH TO BASE YOUR PICTURED PAPER FLOW. THE SYSTEM IS QUITE DEAD, JUST AS ARE THE ONES PICTURED ON YOUR PAPERS.

    Dharma, I realize you know naught of finance nor international economics. I care not, chela. Please, I will make an effort to not move so rapidly. I do not, however, want you to even "think" about it as we move along here for it only slows us; you can come into understanding elsetime.

    These messages and suggestions are put forth for my people who are asking for assistance in order to maintain working ability for we are building a new business structure. The only way you can do so, and survive at the same time, is to use clever strategy. Because my vision is farther out front than is yours, I can assist. I can also see "the trees within the forest".

    Let me give you some figures. They are obsolete, of course, but you need a full year, in your counting, to form a picture. To save time, which is the only way you are going to gain value from this dissertation, is to utilize some of your own published figures lest you spend all your time checking on the reality of one Hatonn. I am going to quote a lot of things, selectively, so that I might give you reasoning to take action.

    Firstly, what is money? The paper money you spend has as collateral a U.S. Government Treasury Bond. Remember that, it is not gold, my friends. Therefore, government credit is money. So, if the government's credit is not good, neither is the money you spend. Further, neither is the value of mortgages, CD's, mutual funds, and any other "paper", since they are all measured in "dollars". In a very short time the dollar will be worthless. It's very much a form of suicide---intent and fulfillment.

    Do you realize that approximately four banks in the U.S. fail in each of your weeks? This does not count the ones being absorbed by the gray man banking octopus (relative to the gray men lecture). I state, "failing". This is because they are in the state of petrifaction. Only a very small portion of most banks' assets can be liquidated on short notice without very large losses.

    Commercial banks rely on the Federal Reserve to replenish their reserves-­DAILY--good weather or bad. But guess what---the Federal Reserve Banks are not in much better shape: they consist of government securities. In case of a bank run, the Federal Reserve would be in no position to meet the demand for cash -- remember the minimum 20 to one lending ratio? If a demand for cash through honest liquidation were allowed, it would abso­lutely break the bond market. Therefore, the Federal Reserve System (FED) would have to do what it has already begun to do---monetize by CREATING CREDITS--- not PAPER MONEY; the bad assets of the banks needing aid only makes the FED's own position incredibly worse. Therein lies great and magnificent danger, friends.

    Most of you, the U.S. public, and, frankly, most of your experts live in a dream world. You peer into your personal computers (experts) and the television screens (public) and eat up the projections of paid projectionists who tell you exactly that which is fed to them. Most of you believe you are still a nation that you have been in the past times---one that furiously pro­duces goods and services so that everyone can have a wondrously high standard of living. You believe that it is your capitalistic system and its profit drive that makes it all possible. (News flash: you haven't had a true capitalistic system in such a long, long time.) You believe that you work for money, money is your main goal, and you get this money by hard work. WRONG!

    Since the turn of your last century America has been transformed from a system of making goods to one of making money; that is, there is more money to be made by playing with and juggling money than by working to make goods. Proof? Always you want proof! Let us go back to ancient times when the figures were inclusive, let us say 1986. There was $2 trillion in goods traded internationally and $36 trillion in capital transfers. Dharma cannot even spell the numbers of trillions transferred in ONE DAY presently.

    It was, in the ancient past, that banks made money making small loans to the public. Now they rake in leviathan fees for lending in LEVERAGED BUY OUT deals. They will lend to a merger deal for a very large fee; i.e.: "Banks made $380 million on the Nabisco deal alone, and they will make close to $300 million in the Time-Warner debt-merger-insanity.

    This appears crazy, does it not? After all, all of this debt-these loans they are making--are going to have to be repaid some day, aren't they? If not, then Time- Warner goes down a deep hole and takes its large and very friendly New York City banks with them! So be it---remember my lectures? Exactly what is intended, public, exactly what is intended--with both parties knowing truth? All moves right back into the plan and the magnificent banking "own the world" system. They will never he repaid---just as third world country debt--it is not intended that it ever be repaid. All participants are a part of the Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations and International Monetary Fund. OH YES, BELOVED ONES, YOU ARE BEING LED DIRECTLY INTO THE DRAGON'S MOUTH AND IT IS PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN. WE HAVE TRIED TO TELL YOU THIS FOR YEARS BUT, "THERE ARE NO SPACE MEN OR UFO'S".

    Let us speak briefly about the "quality" of credit. The sole aim of government spending should be to keep the credit of the government at the highest possible level and above all suspicion. (I don't really have to go further, do I?) That statement means that the government must borrow only if it can see revenues in the rears ahead which can be used to retire the debt. If this should happen (and It happened in your ancient historical past), the rate of interest would be stable and quite low. Now, there is NO WAY--NO CHANCE of ever retiring your government debt, therefore, interest rate gyrations proves my point. They move like runaway rockets--crazy, up --- and a bit down --- but never steady. They are manipulated to "assist" the economy-or so you are told so you can be distracted from that which is really going on under the covers.

    The quality of all outstanding credit in your America cannot be higher than that of the government, so the ongoing deterioration of the government's credit adversely affects every single one of you.

    I suggest you start, right now, looking into survival gear and survival foods. You think I chuckle -- nay, I do, unfortunately, mean it. I will at some point along here give you some preferred places to seek out these resources.

    I will take the explanation of your debts a bit further (and beloved ones, I do not even yet speak of your personal debts, which comprise the major portion of the overall debt. Remember those credit cards?). I will speak in generalities about national debt in your country.

    The domestic debt in America is not without its magnificent danger. It can easily be compared to "nuclear" energy. Controlled and constrained it can be enormously beneficial. Out of control it can be enormously destructive and further, just as with fissionable matter, without any apparent bad effects. Up to a point you appear to be fine-v-but once critical point is reached--WHAM­-MELTDOWN AND CHAIN REACTION BEYOND RECOVERY!

    On October 20, 1987, your New York Stock Exchange came within five minutes of closing down. Had that occurred, it would have taken at least five years to gain ability to reopen. And that perturbation was minor compared to what is headed your way when the OIL KINGDOMS DUMP! You do not even have a tightrope upon which to tread--your rope is wound so tightly and so tattered and frayed that it will reach critical point and snap, in the blink of an eye.

    What is good debt vs. bad debt, you ask of me? It is not arbitrary--it is judged by its productivity. This is the ratio of net gain in Gross National Product to the gain in debt (the net gain in GNP is the excess of additional GNP over additional debt).

    If this ratio is positive, then the new debt can be serviced out of current income. The greater the ratio, the higher the quality of the debt--like consumers having enough income to easily pay what they owe. BUT if the productivity of debt (meaning the income it produces) becomes negative and interest can no longer be paid out of current income, then new debts have to be originated to meet the maturing debt. This negative ratio is a clear sign that bad debt is now breeding and multiplying more bad debt. This feedback short-circuits the economic process.

    The debt-tower is then out of control and in due time must self-destruct. THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE, BROTHERS, AT CRITICAL POINT--­RIGHT AT CORE MELTDOWN BLAST-OFF! Hold to your seat belts: You have a GNP of around $4 trillion AND DEBT OF ABOUT $12 TRILLION. YOUR DEBT IS NOT PRODUCTIVE. YOU PRODUCE DEBT, NOT WEALTH! DEAR ONES, YOU WILL PAY THE PIPER IN THE FORM OF A LONG DEPRESSION. This is the only way to close the gap between your GNP and debt.


    Now I will quote directly from your own statistics: (Credit to Dr. John King, Future Economic Trends, August, 1989.) (Editor's note: the quote is direct; if the numbers do not add properly it is not the error of the Author.) "As of September 30, 1988, the formal debt of the Federal Government was $2.6 trillion, and this excludes their contingent liabilities which, to most Ameri­cans, are an accounting curiosity. The government debt maturity, on average, is just 4 1/2 years. In the early 1930's it was 50 years and in 1947, 20 years.

    'The Federal Government Contingent Liabilities are as follows: DIRECT GOVERNMENT LOANS: $222 BILLION, GUARANTEES ON LOANS BY U.S.: $550 BILLION, LOANS BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: $720 BILLION TOTAL: $1.5 TRILLION!

    밫o this must be added government deposit insurance guarantees: $1.5 trillion in S&L's, $1.5 trillion in Commercial Banks, and $700 billion in Credit Unions (FSLIC, FDIC, Federal Credit Union Insurance )---a TOTAL OF OVER $3 TRILLION. All government debts total over $8 TRILLION. Uncle Sam is strung out on a debt limb, more than most people can realize.

    밫he Thrift Crisis (S&L's) has given all of us a taste of how fast these contingent liabilities can turn into real dollar losses. Early on, the Thrift Crisis was estimated at $20 billion, then $150 billion, then $237 billion, and now $400 billion (WALL STREET JOURNAL. Martin Mayer. May 14, 1989). My own guess is that the thrift deposit total is $1 trillion, why so large? Uncle Sam does not have the resources to save that size debt, and neither do the taxpayers--consumers buried as they are in debt. The coming Credit Meltdown will prove the accuracy of this observation.

    "When will this happen? Actually, it has already started. The 'solution' by Congress of the S&L crisis is another Band Aide. Why don't they do more? A lack of funds--if the FED tried to borrow the kind of real money needed, the financial markets would be wrecked in the process. Not far ahead we will all be witness to that terrible fiasco--meltdown.�

    Now comes a very formidable situation. When your Treasury gets ready to refinance its debt, it is at the mercy of the financial markets. In fiscal year 1990 (Which by the way, starts October first--ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!), the Treasury will have to refinance $670 billion in debt. That, friends, is on top--above and beyond--any NEW borrowing.

    Short-term rates are on the rise, and this makes refunding more costly. Also, lurking in the distance is the worry that the markets will begin to worry about the "credit worthiness" (you know, your TRW credit report) of your Government. Uncle Sam.

    So far the financial markets globally have been remarkably complacent. No one harbors the thought that the U.S. government might go broke --- or do they? The world bankers are "banking" on it! The public truly believes that the government's promise to pay thrift and bank and other bad debts is a fact. BUT, THE GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU THAT GOD IS IN HIS HEAVEN, THEREFORE, ALL IS WELL WITH THE WORLD---WHY WORRY, AND BESIDES, THE WORLD SERIES IS COMING UP WITH OR WITHOUT PETE ROSE.


    Evidence is growing that the government has very little overall capacity to make good on its own debts.

    If the S&L (thrift) fiasco is not bad enough, in early June, Brian Hyland, Inspector General for the Labor Department, said that more than $1.6 TRILLION in PENSION FUNDS is potentially at risk because of poor regulations and inept enforcement of federal laws. Mr. Hyland added, "These are savings American workers have set aside for their future. These workers trust that the government will protect these funds by holding man­agers and trustees of their pension funds accountable." (So what, do you know any trustees or managers who have $1.6 trillion?) He continued, "As has been demonstrated by the recent savings and loan crisis, government regulation of an industry does not ensure that invested assets are protected. 봗he $100 billion Congress estimates the rescue of the thrifts to cost will appear to be a 'bargain'" (Already obsolete isn't it---$200 billion and grow­ing!) "should a similar crisis wrack a significant number of the nation's 870,350 private pension funds. The funds hold $1.6 trillion in assets. The government insuring agency, the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, is itself in financial trouble NOW." Oh my, the Labor Department has worked long into every night to discredit Mr. Hyland just as the government works at discrediting anyone who speaks truth.

    All it will take to bring down the house of cards--THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM--is a change in perception of those that buy government debt. If they become truly worried about the Treasury's willingness and ability to honor its debts, the debt game is OVER-DONE-FINIS! AND, BROTHERS, THE JAPANESE HAVE BEEN MOVING MORE AND MORE AWAY FROM SUPPORTING YOUR DEBT AND THEY HAVE BEEN CARRYING YOU FOR A LONG TIME! THEY ARE BUYING LESS AND LESS OF YOUR DEBT WHILE BUYING MORE AND MORE OF YOUR REAL ESTATE TO GET THE LAST BIT OF VALUE FROM YOUR DOLLAR.

    Keep in mind, also, that the contingent liabilities above are the items that might cause loss in confidence. These are debts that the government has put its guarantee behind---BUT---are not part of the $2.6 trillion in formal dept.

    Note how fast these contingent liabilities can turn into real dollar losses. Look at the Thrift Crisis. Add the potential Pension Crisis. (Worse, by tomorrow you will have additional crises.) A part of the problem is compounding interest, a most ridiculous spiral of disaster.

    Currently, you (taxpayers) are servicing the public debt, and it will never be retired, Taxation, given time, can only grow worse--it must. Moreover, the credit worthiness of the government can suddenly vanish if creditors lose faith (or decide against supporting you) in the ability of the government to eventually retire the public debt. Do you also see why you cannot afford to give up the billions of dollars gleaned by the drug intercourse?

    A great deal of the annual increase in debt now can be accounted for by the high rate of interest the government must pay. The interest payment is far in excess of the productivity of labor and capital, and it is created out of thin air to keep the game of musical chairs going. But this merry-go-around must stop sooner or later, and when it does, it is CATASTROPHE FOR ALL OF YOU.

    Please allow me to list a few things and then we can get down to some hard possibilities for saving your assets. Just a few things your friendly Mr. Bush faces in the "GRAY NINETIES": (Again quoting Dr. King.)

    "PEARL HARBOR NO.2. The Japanese Investor Army has gobbled up the best parts of Hawaii for breakfast. They are now having lunch on California and lunch dessert of Washington D.C. Dinner hour is arriving fast and this time Mr. Bush won't get a quick rescue!

    "NATIONAL DEBT. $2.6 TRILLION AND CLIMBING LIKE A ROCKET. Interest is a miserly 15% of the national budget at present. But, by the end of 1989, it will likely be doubled. How far is it from that point to bankrupt-city?

    "TRADE DEFICIT. At $160 billion, this is actually more pressing than the national debt. Your trading partners are really getting miffed off at you.

    "CORPORATE DEBT. This is worse than the government debt. It is a million wobbly dominoes on a shaky on a shaky table--all lined up. Leverage buy-outs have wreaked havoc on debt.

    "PRIVATE DEBT. The credit card mentality is pandemic, and nobody seems to care. Just offer more and more and you take and spend more and more. Over half your country lives from paycheck to paycheck and saves naught. Worse, much of that paycheck goes to paying off "old" purchases and interest. You believe an really upscale lifestyle is now your birthright. Well, you are taking VCRs, computer clones, Suzuki's and Hondas in trade for all that Hawaii and California real estate.

    "SAVINGS AND LOANS. The charade is over. Your FDIC is a total mi­rage and life FSLIC is some $17 billion in the debit hole. Both are being kept alive on life support systems in the form of an intravenous continuous drip line running from the Treasury Department. BROTHERS, THE 'QUIET' BANK RUNS HAVE ALREADY BEGUN!

    "INFLATION. It is back! In fact, it never went anywhere. Private studies of true inflation (you know, those NOT done by your government), have put it, and keep it, well above 10%.

    "THE BUREAUCRACY. All yes, the government apparatus has become bloated and incredibly expensive. (Please see SPACE-GATE, THE VEIL REMOVED.) Portions of it are legally IMPERVIOUS to change, like your State Department which tends to crucify your friends and aids your enemies.

    "THE HOUSE OF CONGRESS. The ultimate problem is entrenched liberal congressmen. They have taken the richest economy in the world and driven it to its knees. Further, today the re-election rate for those financial morons is 99%!! Now, who votes for the 'PUBLIC SERVANTS'''?


    I can go on and on pointing out all the mess. But you ask, "What do we do?" You take a good confronting look at the truth of it; take off the blinders and really SEE. Then, I am going to make some suggestions for handling your money and your business (from now on they will be inseparable). You must utilize all tools left at your disposal -- before they are appropriated. There are no good solutions. It is much like being in a nuclear war--there is no good place to be--only, perhaps, a place where you might somehow survive until the lifeboat arrives.

    The mess is not reversible, it must play itself out--right on through the debit card enslavement for it is too late to do more than try to survive and do as well as you can through it.

    You will have a series of expected sequence of events. First you will need to protect your current money assets as much as possible and protect your currently "owned" property. S&L's and Banks will not be a good place to keep anything. Then you will need to get yourself into a tax shelter (the government will appropriate all your funds in the form of taxes until there are no funds left to garner). There is only one shelter that I find on my scanners and that is in incorporation and good corporation management--­bunches of small corporations--quite frankly, set up in your State of Nevada. Nevada is the only one of your states within the union that can give you any protection at all.

    Dharma, I wish to give you a break, chela, before we continue further.

    I trust I have given you enough examples that you will at least listen to me. I can give you a history of how you have cycled, released control and historically come to this point--BUT--I perceive you need help, not lectures on how, why, what, when and where--you already know WHO! SALU.

    PJ 04
    REC #2, HATONN
    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1989 2:00 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 014
    Thank you, Dharma. Hatonn returned to continue.

    Let me remind the readers before going further; we are not in the literary business, nor the financial business, nor the corporations business, nor the "book" business. I am here because I have been requested to be here. I am giving input according to the probabilities as they are presented to me. I will tell you what I see; I can do no more. What you do with the information is irrelevant to me or to my scribes. I am here in your space on Higher business and am telling my troops the most effective moves to make RIGHT NOW. You are in a final loop in a tailspin that leaves you very few options.

    Your economists can tell you anything they please. You may believe anything you please. You may take the advice or cast it aside. I just suggest that if you cast it aside, you do not come to Hatonn with your moaning and complaints. You ones (your world) are going to go right through the prophetic times according to projections and, right on time. Built in is a very big world wide depression and economic collapse. I'm sorry, but you are also going to undergo a miserable, miserable war.

    There are no perfect "solutions"; I can only give you what might give you benefit. In other instruction manuals I will try to keep you informed as to the best type of survival facilities and food storage. Yes, there will be hard times ahead but if you heed my words and suggestions you can be a bit prepared. As your brothers from the cosmic realms have the ability to come and go in your behalf, you will be receiving much input and assistance. Many, many have responded to your plea for help--but I promise you this--there will be no abuse nor ridicule of my scribes nor those of Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda, If you do not know of that which I speak, I suggest you get everything you can from A.S.S.K as we will be giving updated suggestions and instructions through that source--often, regularly and up to the minute.

    I suggest you not be too amused at these words. You are in the transition of a world; to and into the final days of the Revelations' prophecies. It will be the ones who come into balance with the Creator God who will get their tickets on the trip to the stars with the Master who returns to pick you up. I have given you an overview that you might not be so foolish as to say there is no such thing as "space men", and a worse one---"These things are of the Devil". That statement, my friends, came directly and blatantly from the Devil himself. How better to keep you from finding truth and help through this horrendous transition?

    Now back to "what can you do"? Again I am going to take the liberty of quoting from Dr. John L. King. I highly recommend his advice and a contact place will be given at the ending of this book. Dr. King has never heard of me nor the author; but then, she doesn't know Dr. King so the balance is equal. I shall, however, see to it that he gets this material immediately so he can be expecting any calls which might originate from this source.

    Dr. King omits the one most valuable asset you can acquire and utilize, however, and that is the corporation--properly set up tended and utilized in Nevada with a trustworthy agent or office staff. I will cover it secondly.

    So far I have not been able to elicit communication with Dr. King personally so I will take liberties as a Space Commander that you ones should not utilize; that is, using another's material without permission, I trust that since I give him full credit he will be generous with me.

    And I quote, "So the question arises, 'What can I do now to protect myself from the inevitable financial debacle?'

    And with that, another question, 'How can I take advantage of the bargain basement opportunities the crash will bring?'" Well, I am not interested in that phase so you ones will have to find out directly from Dr. King.

    "First of all, if you persist in believing that Uncle Sam is going to bail you out, or anyone else out, forget it. There is no insurance program in force that will ultimately return your money to your hands. Nor is there any prevention against the domestic social violence that will erupt when financial chaos descends. Nor any way to quickly fix the breakdown in communications and transportation.

    "During the early months of the Great Depression, just about everything that could go wrong did go wrong. And now, in the 1980's, there's a whole lot more that can go wrong. Practically everything is hooked up by electronics and computers, so what can go wrong this time will likely go wrong with the speed of light." I would add here that I will, in this document, only refer to man-induced economic disaster. You will also be faced with incredible earth upheavals and changes.

    "Second, remember that change is an ordeal. The coming change will be more of an ordeal than previous changes because of its sheer size. It will be far more than financial and economic. It will be political and social, too, for we have reached a watershed in American history. Tomorrow will present a totally new world, which we will have to learn to cope with and fashion a life from. This will be no mere replay of the past. It will be a greater transformation than anything in memorable history". I'm sorry, Dr. King, much different than you can imagine, either.

    "What you can do immediately--assuming you are reading this before the crash--is get your money out of banks and S&L's. Don뭪 wind up among the panicked crowd banging on the bank's closed door.

    "Also, get your money out of the stock market and out of mutual funds or money-management funds.

    "Do not keep more than a bare-bones balance in your bank or S&L, just enough to make a month's worth of bill payments.

    "Do not keep money in pension funds, retirement funds or life insurance policies, either. All these institutions invest your money in stocks and bonds and mortgages. Those financial instruments will be hit the hardest, so cash out before it's too late.

    "To secure your nest egg, buy U.S. three-month Treasury bills or U.S. savings bonds. The bills are in $10,000 denominations and the savings bonds may be bought for as little as $25. Buy them from your bunk's Trust Department or from a stockbroker. The reason this is important is that while all else in the economy can be allowed to disintegrate, the U.S. Treasury will have to be held together at all costs. Without a federal foundation there is nothing at all left. And nothing upon which to rebuild.


    "This is a favorite haven of everyone because of tax-free income. Present tax law changes alter this wonderful world, but aside from that, cash out of municipals because of a far greater danger: defaults! During the 1930's one of the worst places to have your money was in city and state bonds since so few could honor them. Today there is $1 trillion of this 'paper' out there. Cash out now!


    "Everyone wants a high income and this means high interest rate returns that line your pockets. This is especially true of senior citizens living on fixed in­comes. They have an imperative to maximize their cash flows with high yields. This is unfortunate.

    "A high yield carries with it a high risk. Recently I talked with someone who told me, with some pride, that he still had some big money in a S&L that had been paying him 16-1/2% for 6 years! I suggested that he forget it; S&L's are the worst places in the country to deposit and leave funds because many are insolvent and one day the whole business will go up in smoke. You must be cautious: if you lose your capital, you have no Yield, and you are then truly up against it. So, forget yield. Look for capital safety above all!


    "Right now the best place for large sums of money is 3- to 6- month U.S. treasury bills. U.S. treasury notes and bonds will fall dramatically in price. The bills will, too, but not as far. In addition, you can double your money in Treasury bonds at the right time, which is in motion and coming our way.


    "Get out! Too risky.


    Get out! A CD is no better than the bank or S&L that issued it and most of them are in trouble now!


    "The FSLIC is insolvent. The FDIC has less than one cent for every $1 you have on deposit. Do not think for a second that the government will ride to the rescue of these deposit liabilities, as many believe. This is because the government must borrow the funds for such a rescue. This increases their debts, which are already sky high, and you would simply pay for this folly as a taxpayer. Not only that; if they even tried such a rescue they would wreck the bond market in the process since foreign holders of U.S. bonds would cash out and destroy bond prices. There is no fast and easy solution to this coming nightmare.


    "Start now buying gold coins, any kind, and hoarding them. Keep them at home, not in a safe deposit box at a bank (banks will be closed, and deposit box contents are not insured). Gold will rise to $2,000 an ounce and the bad news is that it will fall back to $35 an ounce. This is because the purchasing power of gold is always constant: one ounce buys a man's suit of clothes; in 1935 $35 gold bought a good suit; today $450 gold buys a good suit. You cannot have a fortune in gold and hope for super-low prices for the things you buy.


    "It will rise to over $100 an ounce, and then will fall, too.

    "What do you do if you have large profits in gold and silver? How do you preserve your gains. My suggestion is buy land in the country with your profits. Land, of course, will be very cheap as we get further into the depression, less than ten cents on the dollar for most everything.


    "Cash them out now while you can. Why? Insurance companies will take large losses in stocks and bonds and real estate, and pass them on to you. I know this since I worked for a major life insurance company as an economist years ago and saw the debris the Great Depression left. Also, AIDS will finish them off for good.


    "Pray a lot if you are collecting one. These funds are managed by yuppie whizzes on Wall Street who are up to their eyeballs ill stocks and bonds-­-paper that will vanish. If your pension fund survives, which is doubtful, it will then be cut.

    "The stock market crash of October, 1987, directly affected many pension funds, especially those that invested in corporate stocks. Corporate pension funds generally invest 50% of their pension funds in stocks, 35% in corporate bonus, and the balance in real estate, certificates of deposit, etc.

    It is only prudent to find out just where your pension fund has your money invested, and if it is not totally in Treasury bills, try to change this as soon as possible.


    "Both of these will be reduced at least by half, maybe more. But the prices of the items you buy will also fall by that amount, so your purchasing power will be the same.

    "Above all, you must preserve your capital so you will have purchasing power and income as the economy is stood on its financial head. The good days are gone forever, perhaps, and we are all going to have to do a lot of surviving so you might get ready for this now.

    "The large fortunes in America, many of them, were made in hard times or depressions, when the wise and thrifty had funds and bought cheap. In the coming depression everything will be for sale, but few will have saved resources."

    I, Hatonn, have been telling my own dear ones this very same thing, and still, some play the "outguess it" game. Well, it is the risk of your lives. That break could come this very afternoon and if so, you will have lost greatly. I mean, you ones who know me well---get yourself under disciplined control; the risk is not nearly worth those few dollars. Besides you will have what you need; better to use it to get in the inner circle where the business can continue to thrive. We intend our cells to thrive.


    "No one knows when the final, major financial panic will happen. The time is not now that important, but being prepared is crucial. You must be ready. After the crash, it will be too late; you will be licked financially, filled with fear, and unable to cope. I caution you: be prepared. This advice is conservative, but it has stood the test of history for generations and it will tomorrow, too.


    "Always, in severe deflations, opportunities for real estate buys emerge at bargain basement prices. In Chicago in 1832 during a real estate crisis, a $15,000 house depreciated to $100 in one year. In Florida in the late 1920s a real estate credit bubble grew and then burst, as all credit bubbles do, and beachfront property fell to one cent on the dollar." Well, Hatonn is here to tell you that you are also going to have a rearrangement of your beachfront properties!

    "The more palatial the property is, the cheaper it will be since no one wants to get involved with property having high maintenance costs.

    "But to take advantage of these real estate buys, you must be liquid. If you are in dicey credit paper, like a certificate of deposit, you stand to lose much of its face value. This makes hoarding gold and silver coins rather attractive, doesn't it?

    "The October crash signaled a major reversal in the economy. Until then, the farm, oil, bank and thrift losses and commercial real estate losses had not totally impacted the minds of the public. For some unknown reason, the public maintained an uncanny optimism about the future.


    "This is the time to batten down your financial hatches and get yourself personally prepared for financial survival. Be self-reliant because no one else will take care of you or protect you, and that includes Uncle Sam, who will have his hands filled, too, with tax revenue losses and larger-than­-believable federal deficits and other unique problems.

    "For those with an eye to the future, the silver lining and the strategy is to secure your nest egg and patiently await the profit opportunities that always accompany hard times. As in the past most of the public will be caught by surprise, and left standing in a line at the bank. But someone has to be positioned to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Begin now to become that somebody."

    Please hear us, friends, there are several more things I want to take the liberty of pointing out to you. I hope you understand that I most surely am very serious about what I am giving unto you.

    If this information is shocking to you, such as the information regarding the world banking "take over", I suggest you continue with serious intent in receiving just a bit longer. If you take care and act promptly you can be spared much of the danger that lurks in the dark. Information and knowledge is your best ally; except for action. You can know all there is to know and yet, if you do not "act", you have garnered naught.

    You will have two main enemies in the months to come regarding your financial and self-survival. Your government and your neighbor, for both will become desperate soon enough and, driven by panic, they will both use the force necessary to get what is yours.

    In case you have not heard of Emergency Banking Regulation #1, it is not surprising. You were not supposed to know about it. It is almost impossible to get information about it. Be grateful for careful research in your behalf.

    In a "NATIONAL EMERGENCY"--which the President can declare in a time of grave crisis (like any great economic depression)--this regulation gives your government the right to:





    The imposition of this Regulation will he devastating and destructive to anyone caught in its trap. You must arrange your property so no-one can get at it. They will have the right to do anything legal or illegal, from garnishment to kidnapping to get your resources. The latter has already happened (the kidnapping), by "authorities" during the Reagan administration. Scare you? I certainly hope so!

    If you follow some good techniques and instructions you will he able to achieve some security. If you are careless and procrastinating to over-extent you will loose. Pay attention for the time is NOW. If I get inquiries about how to accomplish some of these things, I will take the time a bit later to give you some input. Before I depart this portion, I will tell you a few things that threaten your privacy, your safety and the security of your assets.

    Know that your IRS can conduct "informal" inspection of your bank account(s)--WITHOUT YOU EVER BEING INFORMED THEY ARE SO DOING! They gained that right in January, 1989, so if you do not believe me--check it out. Thank Judge Larry McKinney, Federal District Court for that little gem. He ruled that the IRS has a legal right to "informally" examine bank records without a summons, search warrant, court order or even the knowledge of the bank account's owner! As you might surmise, a surprise "informal" investigation is far more effective. You better learn how to protect yourself and get yourself devoid of anything of merit in your bank account.

    There is a great misconception that a "low profile" existence is the best way for you to protect your privacy. No---forget it. Do not differ from anyone else--low or high. Fit in the mold and be so routine in appearance that you would not attract a snooper sniper. In a great depression you can't maintain a low profile anyway. Until tax funds dry up and blow away they will have their big guns and magnifying glasses at ready.

    Anybody can inspect your credit records--and if that is not bad enough, those records, right now, are probably incorrect. You better get them cleaned up before you have to come up with assets you didn't know were listed, and that you do not have.

    Do not count on electronic protection devices to protect. You can count on being under surveillance if you appear to have anything during a great depression. You will be electronically surveiled. Most of my team is already under constant surveillance. There is, however, a rather simple device for debugging --- check with your electronics store.

    You must know that the only safe phone is a cellular phone--and it is safe only while you are in motion. It is simple to intercept a cellular phone call, but nearly impossible for a stationary phone tapper to listen in while the caller moves through different zones in the network.

    Now, I know it is a problem thinking where in the world can you store money around your house and be safe. Well, first of all you learn to put it somewhere and keep your mouth shut. Except, always have at least one family member who knows where to search for things.

    For instance, if you bury it outside on your property. Make sure you have watertight, insulated containers and do make a detailed map. You think you will not forget but from season to season and bush to bush you will forget.

    Also, your refrigerator or canned goods shelves are quite good--if you weight the cans to be approximately the same weight as the original can with contents.

    Your freezer is excellent; especially a large turkey which can he stuffed, But you will have to be careful who accesses these places.

    Remove a baseboard ill a special room of attic cubbyhole which can be placed back into form with no notice.

    Back of a light switch-plate is excellent (within the hollow wall space).

    Books which are hollowed out in the center. However, you will he limited, space-wise, if you do the proper thing and get small denomination bills.

    Well, I shall have more for you on this later; I want you to have enough at this session to get started! Sit quietly and you will become most creative. Aho and Amen! This is all I am going to give you from this subject matter for I shall now turn to Corporations. I strongly urge you to rush to the phone or mailbox and obtain Dr. King's material immediately.

    Let us take a break, Dharma, as this has been much too long a day for you but time is so precious--each day is truly a gift from here forward. Use it well, my friends. If you pull together as in true community, you call handle this thing come upon you. Divided you shall surely fall. SALU!
    Last edited by wave; 2010-01-26 at 04:57.

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