1 Attachment(s)
PJ 66
You have now come full circle into the integrated multi-national World
Order Puppet-Master's trap. You are now the targets of the most
vicious terrorism of all time and all places as the major "force"
players utilize the ultimate weapons for full programming mind‑
control. How can you counter it? BY KNOWING WHAT THEY
ARE DOING! Proof? Close your eyes and tightly cover your
ears-WHAT DO YOU HEAR? I THOUGHT SO!!-Electronic
frequency pulses and tones that NOTHING hides or covers.
"Gain control of a man's mind and you can control the man-
control the minds of the masses-AND YOU CONTROL THE
WORLD!" "When control is gained-the masses can be pro‑
grammed to do anything told to do and thus become as robotic slaves".
Thus say the "Big Boy" controllers. SALU.
The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.
All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.
If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.
So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").
The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.
If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
ISBN 1-56935-005-1
First Edition Printed by
P.O. Box 27353
Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
April 1993
Printed in the United States of America
DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1993........................................................................
HOW DID YOU GET TO HERE?.....................................................................
CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............
MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1993..........................................................................
STORMS.............................................................................................. ................
CHINA............................................................................................... ...................
U.S.A. HEADINGS............................................................................................ .
DEFICIT............................................................................................. ..................
SERBIAN FORCES.............................................................................................
BUILDING TECHNOLOGY..............................................................................
SO, WHAT ABOUT WAR?...............................................................................
NUCLEAR BLACK MARKET..........................................................................
SHELTERS............................................................................................ ..............
LONG-TERM SHELTERING............................................................................
INSERTS (5 Pictures Of An Emergency Shelter (2 Pages)...............................
CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............
TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1993..........................................................................
CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............
TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1993..........................................................................
APPRECIATION........................................................................................ .........
REFERENCE REVELATION 13.......................................................................
THE BOOK OF REVELATION, CHAPTER 13................................................
AND MOSLEMS:............................................................................................ ...
CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993..............................................................................
WOKINI.............................................................................................. .................
WHAT OF THIS MESSAGE?............................................................................
GEORGE GREEN...............................................................................................
OFFERS.............................................................................................. ..................
FEEDBACK............................................................................................ .............
OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY..............................................................
WHAT HAVE I TO OFFER ANOTHER PAPER?...........................................
IN NEGOTIATIONS........................................................................................ ...
SUBSCRIBERS......................................................................................... ..........
WILL THE PAPER COUNTERSUE?...............................................................
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER................................................................
STABILITY OF INSTITUTE..............................................................................
ATON VS. HATONN.........................................................................................
LITTLE CROW................................................................................................ ...
PHONE LINE--(HOTLINE)...............................................................................
WELL, IS THE MATERIAL REALLY VALID?.............................................
CAN THEY SILENCE THE HOSTS?...............................................................
AM I TRYING TO "BUOY" YOU UP?............................................................
CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993..............................................................................
COM-12 BRIEFING...........................................................................................
CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993..............................................................................
COM-12 BRIEFING (Continued).....................................................................
BLACK ROSE ORGANIZATION.....................................................................
CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993..............................................................................
COM-12 BRIEFING (Continued).....................................................................
THE PROMIS PROGRAM.................................................................................
CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1993..............................................................................
FOR YOU READERS.........................................................................................
THE PHOENIX INSTITUTE..............................................................................
SO WHY DO I "WASTE" TIME ON THIS DRIVEL?....................................
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER................................................................
WACO................................................................................................ ..................
GAIANDRIANA AND INSTANT RESULTS..................................................
GOD IS THE SHIELD......................................................................................... HUMAN GENOME PROJECT............................................................................................. .......................
CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1993............................................................................
LITTLE CROW................................................................................................ ...
IT IS AMERICA FIRST ALL THE WAY!........................................................
LETTER ATTACHED TO MS. CLINTON..............................................................
CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............
TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1993..........................................................................
INCOME TAXES AND GOVERNMENT........................................................
TRAFFIC TICKETS............................................................................................
EXPERIMENTATION-WHITHER THE KGB?.......................................
PART I--THE PROBLEM SURFACES.............................................................
THE EXISTING DIRECTED-ENERGY ARSENAL.......................................
BIOEFFECTS OF MICROWAVE RADIATION.....................................................
CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ............
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1993...................................................................
HUMOR IN THE MIDST!..................................................................................
BAD NEWS AT THE DOORSTEP...................................................................
LAW AND DISORDER......................................................................................
NO TIME FOR JURY DUTY.............................................................................
DEDICATION:......................................................................................... ...........
ELION............................................................................................... ...................
MIND-CONTROL EXPERIMENTATION..................................................
CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT....................................................................
PRELIMINARY FINDINGS......................................................................................
CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ............
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1993...................................................................
MIND-CONTROL EXPERIMENTATION.......................................................
PART II-OVERT AND COVERT HARASSMENT......................................
OVERT HARASSMENT....................................................................................
FAILURE OF "ESTABLISHMENT".................................................................
SUPPORT SYSTEMS............................................................................................. ...
CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............
THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1993............................................................................
NOT KNOW................................................................................................ ........
MIND-CONTROL EXPERIMENTATION..................................................
RELATED COVERT METHODOLOGIES......................................................
888................................................................................................. .......................
CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............
THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1993............................................................................
MIND-CONTROL EXPERIMENTATION.......................................................
CONTACT REPORTS, CONT'D.......................................................................
HARASSMENT OBJECTIVES.........................................................................
THE "STALKER" PHENOMENON..................................................................
CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ............
TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1993...............................................................................
SHOCK? OR, EXPECTATION?........................................................................
WACO TEXAS SIEGE: REAL STORY NOW TOLD.....................................
OTHER IRATEGATE RELATED CASES.......................................................
AMERICA WEEP FOR YOUR CHILDREN....................................................
One of our readers who
desires to let you know
that there are many who
find enlightenment and
hope in the Truth of the
words that we publish.
Providing The Funds With
Which To Publish This
WED., APRIL 7, 1993 2:47 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 234
As we write, this time only a very short introduction to this JOURNAL, I have to ask you to use for research and confirmation that which we have given before on these subjects of human replication, genetic alterations and manipulation, Psychopolitics and American Brainwashing. You can get your confirmations of these truths in just about every JOURNAL prior to this one, backed up by story after story of ones actually involved in BOTH sides of the games in play. You will have to understand sooner or later that the games are regulated for the purpose of the New World Order--in conjunction with your prior ENEMIES.
The working forces behind the actual physical manipulations always seem to go back to Intelligence Forces who are in the New World Order vs. Free World struggle, who all seem to be spinoffs and integrated as KGB (Soviet), CIA (you guessed it!), Mossad (Israeli Secret Service) and all wrapped up through British-Israel INTELLIGENCE NETWORK.
Some of your own Special Force, CIA, etc., personnel and players now see what dastardly work has been done and would like to see these truths presented--and moreover--are willing to put their own necks on the line for you-the-people. All we can do is aid as we can.
When you see the following headlines in the paper as we will show you, it seems impossible to reclaim any part of "freedom" but it remains to be seen how many will rally to the trumpet of "freedom's call". Both of these examples were printed and published on April 5, 1993--so they are about as current as you can get!
Headlines: "SECRET SELLOUT OF POWs. A secret meeting in Washington between administration officials and representatives of the Vietnamese government, unreported in the Establishment media, portends the normalization of relations and the end of hope for a full accounting of American POWs." If your government will deliberately murder, both literally and figuratively, those forced or volunteered to serve your nation--what hope do you have for freedom and quality of life in the places of your nation and of those of the world?
Headline: "SYCOPHANTS CAN'T CONTAIN NATIONAL ADL SCANDAL: A nationwide ADL (Anti-Defamation League [usually Bind B'rith]) spy ring that has been stealing classified police intelligence files has been unmasked. This may turn out to be one of the biggest political scandals in American history. The civil liberties of hundreds of thousands of Americans have been put in jeopardy. Efforts to contain publicity about the scandal are failing."
We will write on both of these topics in future writings but suffice it to say that your national "everything" is in total jeopardy and--with a fixed and corrupted Judicial system--you have little chance of recovery.
You got to here through the most massive and comprehensive of Human replication, Psychopolitical interactions, Microwave harassment and Mind control. It goes far beyond the old idea of "Brain-washing" for these things are now used against you IN MASS! THE STANDOFF AT WACO, TEXAS OF BRANCH DAVIDIAN IS MERELY AN ONGOING EXTENSION AND EXPERIMENTATION OF "MKULTRA", A PULSED MICROWAVE PROGRAMMING PROJECT UNDER YOUR INTELLIGENCE FORCES.
Further, the SWAT teams utilized to go in and "shoot to kill" fellow citizens are simply robotized programmed tools in the form of totally brain action controlled soldier/killers. The lawful soldiers don't even know what to do or think about it. The assumption is that ones in target must be horrendous and deadly dangerous, when actually the confrontation is against grandmothers, babies, children and religious and peaceful gatherings of people doing everything in freedom under Constitutional Law.
The ONLY way to conquer a man is to capture his mind. Control a man's mind and you control his body and all his actions. Most of you never even notice all the things that affect you subconsciously--you don't even know what to look for. For instance, the doctors' offices are filled with people looking for help for the "sounds in their head" and "the awful tones and ringing in their ears". Why? It is simply pulsed tones presenting signals and messages totally accepted by the mind and fully qualified by everything your enemy shows you on the television, radio, in papers--all media.
So what of Psychopolitics? Boy, that one came directly from KGB-Soviets and is now rampantly practiced around your globe from blasting loud music (carefully chosen for lyrics and "beat") into the targeted locations (but also mentally works an intended "frenzy" on the assaulting participants). Let me just quote a few things from the Introduction to a "TEXT BOOK" for the training of Red Communists. What are Red Communists? The anti-Christ atheists in actual conjunction with their comrades, the Khazarian Zionists who are also found throughout the globe and infiltrated into EVERY NATIONAL GOVERNMENT and society.
"A great, and almost secret, war is being waged by Red Communists against Christians and all Christ-like believers in God according to the teachings of "goodness" and God. A Red author once wrote, 'Books are weapons in the war of ideas.' The lectures and studies in this book are of two weapons, psychiatry and psychology, that secret Red Communists use against us in our own country. You may have already realized that the pseudo-sciences of psychiatry and psychology are ruining millions of American lives. What you may not have known, is that such ruination is DELIBERATE."
So, Psychopolitics is simply mass mind-control through any method desired at the hands of the politicians.
It is good to heed the warning of one Jean de La Bruyere (16451696: "THE EXACT CONTRARY OF WHAT IS GENERALLY BELIEVED (PRESENTED) IS OFTEN THE TRUTH!"
I can only ask that you consider that which is presented in your controlled media as if it is the opposite of the truth of a situation (see the final writing in this JOURNAL on the Waco, Texas incident) and then "find" the real information and see what you find to be truth!
I ask that the Editors offer information as to which prior JOURNALS offer coverage of these topics in direct point .(See below.)
Gyeorgos Ceres 'Atonn
(Doubles, Robotoids and Replicas)
(Mind Control)
(Replicas--man made, The Protocols)
PJ 66
MON., MARCH 15, 1993 7:42 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 211
MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1993
What of the storms in the U.S. today? What about the ones in other parts of the world? Yes, I realize that you ones of our readers are almost all from the U.S. and since that is the location from which I am working--I can understand and actually request that we must stick closely to the U.S. in happenings--"as the U.S. goes, so goes the world!"
I have explained to you how storms can be directed and how tornados are manufactured and you have just experienced another act of terrorism far greater than any in a "Trade" building--and, you get to blame God.
The point is, citizens, to not look the other way into the distractions as you have your nation and world "taken" while you have your "blind side" on. What is happening in the political circles can only devastate the world for freedom and glean the worldly property and assets for the Elite Controllers and Kings.
Since we just wrote of China in the just prior writing--I would have you look at "today". It is reported that the hard-line Chinese in power have just destroyed the "democratic" plan and have come down with massive power against the ones pushing it. As the power controls are pressed in Russia and the more "Soviet" power comes down with the Kissinger Associates in places like Serbia/Bosnia--more and more show-and-tells will be coming out of China.
The British Khazarian Banksters just about have you-the-people where you are harmless to their plans. The only unfortunate thing is that you have to "act-up" just when the defense system of the U.S. is about to fold completely and go away, making room for massive incarceration centers AND an influx of more U.N. Troops/Police Force.
Most people are going to fully believe the insanity and stupidity of the idea that spending more, raising taxes and then lying about both will magically "fix" EVERYTHING. YOU seem to think that higher taxes will simply hurt the "next guy" and NOT you. Woe unto you in that misperception for there are relatively few left with jobs to pay more of anything. The truth is that by far the majority of people refuse to face any kind of "reality". You will simply be sucked dry and vital portions of your lives will be amputated--but not cleanly--it will be an agonizing "infectious" process. I suggest, however, that almost NONE will act in time to change a thing. Consequences of this plan of the adversary in power is going to be terrible beyond your ability to believe.
What about the deficit? Won't it help to get that sucker cut back? NO. Right now the only thing that will happen in cutting the deficit is to cause interest rates to rise. YOU think you are in a "lull" of "good times" right now--but it won't (can't) last. It is not the deficit which is hurting you, little ones, and besides--the deficit will not be lowered by false spending slashes OR increased taxes. It is as within any household--the Government spending must be stopped (frozen, ALL of it) and a return to a budget within which you are limited and not allowed to go beyond those limits. No, I did not say "balanced" budget. A requirement of a balanced budget annually is already in your Constitution. The "balanced budget amendment through a Constitutional Convention" is a facade to remove your total Constitution.
Note the "slip" of the lip when CNN said there was a new and intensified assault by "Soviet" troops in Bosnia, etc. Then in the next broadcast it was changed to "Serbian". No, they were right the first time. AND, nice Americans--you are dropping supplies to them under the illusion of humanitarian food drops.
THE WORLD IS NOW MOVED INTO AN ERA OF INTENSIFIED CLOSING OF THE NOOSE ON ALL FREEDOM AS YOU MOVE INTO AND UNDER THE POWER OF THE ONE WORLD ELITE POWER. I LOOK TO ALTERNATIVES AND SEE NO WAY THAT YOU IN THE UNITED STATES CAN UNDO THAT WHICH IS DONE--FINISHED. IF YOU RISE UP IN OPEN "GUN" BATTLE WITH THE ADVERSARY IN POWER YOU WILL GET SMASHED AND THE BEST OF YOUR LEADERSHIP WILL BE KILLED OUTRIGHT. YOUR HOPE FOR SURVIVAL AND SOME GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE--WILL REST UPON HOW WELL YOU CAN FUNCTION IN "KNOWLEDGE" WITHIN THE SYSTEM AS STRUCTURED. This approach may well allow you to go pretty much unnoticed until the next major distraction to the very adversary hits THEM. That will be an open war, chelas, but you are going to be pretty destitute as a nation by that time so much of the battle will rage on lands across the seas. However, you will not go unscathed so survival facilities become your most important focus. The U.S. government is now focusing on absolute upgrading of facilities for survival--RIGHT NOW--they are "making their lists and checking them twice". You will not get help from the government for your own needs except in small and isolated "look how hard we are trying" spurts for "show-and-tell".
I am going to use some "Subtech Inc." information which has been sent to us from Florida. It is published in a Journal called American Survival Guide--in the April 1993 issue, so you can see that it is certainly current. I am not going to go into "building codes" and plans at this particular moment except to say that the corporation in point uses steel, concrete, wood and fiberglass construction which keeps expenses to a minimum for almost all of the structure is actually fiberglass. In this instance, these particular shelters are called ES10 DISASTER SHELTERS, by SUBTECH, INC. ("Information" will be appended.) As our Advanced Building Technology fabrication gets under way, that can be changed to fabricated panels of honeycomb filler and light cement compounds and fabricated "furnishings" as well, cutting out almost all need for wood or petroleum-based products. Until that is available, however, we note the value of getting "something" done and done as inexpensively, yet durably, as is possible. You can also, in farm areas or "good digging" property, sink fiberglass tanks to use as storage facilities as in a "root cellar" arrangement. The point now, however, is to discuss the need for such facilities as war approaches--AND as storms worsen.
You will note that the only things shown to you on television is massive destruction--they do NOT show you the domed buildings that undergo the same battering and come through totally perfect and untouched from anything thrown at them. If those people living in such buildings had a nice independent emergency generator and extra fuel tank--life would go forth totally unchanged. If, further, these same buildings had equal "underground" facilities with emergency supplies as recommended--weeks of good quality living would not only be possible but downright comfortable--and represent a good vacation rest period.
I suggest you have extendable air vents for areas where you can get so much snow as to bury a home entirely and in areas where sand can also bury a dwelling.
Dismantled nuclear weapons in combination with displaced nuclear weapons experts from the former Soviet Union resulted in a much greater availability of nuclear weapons to terrorists who are able to pay.
The reduction of the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. and Russia and the reduced threat of a massive nuclear confrontation is leading to even stronger, more dispersed enemies, such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Algeria and North Korea.
The CIA estimates that over 20 countries will have long-range ballistic missile capability by the year 2000.
The fact is that neither S.T.A.R.T. (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) nor the recent Washington-Moscow agreements on reduction of nuclear weapons requires the United States or Russia to destroy their nuclear warheads, just disassemble the warhead whole or store the various parts in warehouses.
When nuclear warheads are dismantled, tons of plutonium and high-enriched uranium (HEU) are placed into circulation; thus the emergence of the "Nuclear Black Market."
How much HEU and plutonium would be required to make a small atomic bomb? It takes only 15 kg (33 lbs) of HEU and 6 kg (13 lbs) of plutonium to make a small atomic bomb. In terms of volume, 15 kg is a little larger than a softball of HEU, and 6 kg (13 lbs) is approximately the size of a softball. The estimated material in the Russian arsenal which is estimated to be released in just the next few years is 300,000 kg of plutonium. This is enough to make 10,000+ atomic weapons.
There are numerous problems in storing weapons compounds. The first is that it takes a very special storage facility to warehouse nuclear warheads and/or nuclear components.
In June of 1991 Boris Yeltsin asked the U.S. for $300,000,000 to build a nuclear warehouse near Tomsk in Siberia to store more than 100,000 nuclear weapon components. The U.S. approved $15,000,000 to research such a project. Even if the U.S. were to grant such an expenditure, it will take years of study, years of engineering and when all this is finished, it would take at least five years to build.
Until adequate funding is approved, much of the nuclear fuel will have to remain intact in the warheads.
Secondly, it takes extremely sophisticated security measures to guard the weapon components which requires large and continuous financial burdens.
The third problem is that no inventory of Russian warheads has yet been drawn up and some may be missing already.
The fourth problem is finding other uses for plutonium which few nuclear reactors can use, and reprocessing it is not economical.
The fifth problem is that there is not enough storage space or funding to dismantle the nuclear weapons in the ground today.
In theory 6,000 warheads are to be removed under the 1991 S.T.A.R.T. An additional 8,200 U.S. and Russian warheads are due to be removed by 2003 based on the June Washington agreement by George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Russia could possibly dismantle up to 2,500 warheads per year if they had the funding. Even at this pace it would take 10 to 20 years to dismantle or properly dispose of all the strategic and tactical nuclear weapons that Russia spent decades building.
There are numerous disputes on the Russian side with the Washington agreements and the Russians are not able to shoulder any of the financial burden for destroying missile silos.
U.S. intelligence analysts reported that guards at a Russian missile base abandoned their posts to try and get food. In another situation, guards left their post to go fishing because they were out of food.
Col. Gen. Mikhail Kolesnikov, Chief of Staff of Russian ground forces, warned that disintegration of the armed forces could lead to "catastrophic consequences...not unlinked to the possibility of losing control of nuclear weaponry."
During the failed August coup, control of the launch codes for strategic nuclear weapons were in the hands of the plotters for 78 hours. Although the Russians have gone to great pains to reassure the West that nuclear command and control systems remain stable and safe, the main concern is control over its tactical nuclear weapons.
In the midst of "confused current circumstances when Russian ground forces pull back or redeploy from republics, tactical warheads could fall into the wrong hands", said retired Lt. Gen. William Odon, former head of the National Security Agency. Some 3,000 tactical nuclear weapons are stationed in republics other than Russia.
In early 1991, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell stressed to Congress that civil war in Russia represents a major threat to the United States. Gen. Powell stated, "Whatever the future state may look like, the land of the Czars and Commissars, after all is said and done, will still possess by far the strongest military force on the Eurasian land mass. The Soviet Union, now and in the future will remain the one country capable of destroying the United States in less than 30 minutes."
With the downfall of the Soviet Union, many small countries are becoming major nuclear powers.
Keep in mind that it does not require long-range missiles to attack an enemy with a nuclear weapon. In fact, it doesn't require a missile at all. A small nuclear weapon can be carried and delivered in a child's day pack and left to be remotely detonated.
In 1991, detectives in Budapest picked up a satchel filled with metal pellets they had found hidden in the pendulums of some small grandfather clocks in a Hungarian village near the Rumanian border.
The Hungarian detectives, breaking up what they thought was a routine smuggling ring, had discovered enriched uranium pellets stolen from a Rumanian nuclear reactor. Uranium pellets from the same reactor were found in Italy a few months after the Hungarian incident. This time the pellets were sold by another group of Hungarians.
In March of 1992, two Russians were arrested in Munich for trying to sell $1.1 million worth of enriched uranium. The enriched uranium was shielded in lead casing in the trunk of their Mercedes.
In April 1992, a shipment of hafnium was seized by Hungarian customs officials who halted a small truck from Russia. hafnium is a material used in the nuclear industry to absorb nuclear radiation. The amount of hafnium seized was enough to supply a nuclear industry or a nuclear weapons program for several years.
In June 1992, Vienna police arrested four Hungarians, three Czechoslovakians and an Austrian as they were about to sell three pounds of weapons grade plutonium to an Austrian middleman. The next day, a smuggling ring of people employed in the nuclear industry was smashed by Rumanian police.
Western specialists believe that 20 to 30 percent of the former Soviet Union nuclear weapon scientists are accepting positions in nuclear weapon production facilities. "Over the next decade or two we almost inevitably expect some of them to disappear to undesired locations," said Harold Muller, a German nonproliferation specialist and director of studies at the Peace Research Institute in Frankfurt.
More than 60 scientists and engineers with nuclear weapon experience and expertise in the former Soviet Union have vanished into the third world. India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, and Brazil have made job offers to unemployed nuclear and chemical weapon experts at salaries from $36,000 to $75,000 per year plus free housing and servants.
With the dismantling of thousands of nuclear warheads over the next few years, nuclear weapon products and materials will become even more available. Russia has yet to develop an accounting system for nuclear materials that is even close to Western standards.
In view of all the chaos, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that today's surplus warheads may just show up on some other missiles aimed at the U.S. or West.
The political representatives who have purchased Subtech ES10 Disaster Shelters (as mentioned up front in this article) were concerned about a number of threats which I am not able to talk about, but one dominant concern was the extreme hatred of Middle Eastern people toward Americans coupled with the "probability", not possibility, of nuclear terrorism.
Then there are the additional concerns of natural and manmade disasters, including nuclear accidents or terrorism, and civil disorders.
This year for the first time, police departments are using ES10 shelters for "remote tactical bases" in the event a police station is damaged or destroyed, as was the case during the Los Angeles riots.
ES10 customers in the Middle East and Europe have demanded some new shelter design considerations which have now been made standard.
The market has demanded a redeployable shelter that is more difficult to detect and target by aircraft using radar, photo reconnaissance, and ground intelligence and the shelter should be able to supply life support for up to one year.
To meet this need, the ES10 now has an all fiberglass entrance way with a bullet resistant steel cap on the top of the entrance way at ground level which floats to allow movement from heavy military traffic and ground movement.
The hatch at ground level now has absolutely no projections such as hinges, air manifolds, latches, etc. It looks just like a flat piece of steel 32 inches in diameter flush with the ground surface.
The entrance way, or command station, is now all structural fiberglass. Even the 90-degree angled entrance way is seamless structural fiberglass.
The traditional method of keeping shelters/tanks in the ground by using tiedowns has also been superseded by "cusps". These cusps negate the need for connecting the ES10 to concrete deadmen or blocks which transmit very concentrated loads to the shelter during heavy ground shock because they move differently under ground than the shelter. These cusps allow the shelter to remain in the ground when the shelter is located in areas where the water table reaches the ground surface. The bottom of the command station now also has a dish to hold the entrance way and one side of the shelter in place. The result is that the ES10 can be installed in maximum water table conditions from start to finish in 10 hours.
The HEPA filter is now a vertical unit inside the command station which can hold over 25 pounds of particulate. This was necessary to allow the shelter to function during desert storms where a very heavy quantity of sand is taken into the HEPA filter which must retain the particulates while allowing fresh filtered air into the shelter.
In a situation where there is heavy debris on the ground from a tornado or blast, an emergency escape may be necessary. However, if there is enough debris to block one entrance way, there is probably enough to block two, so a secondary exit is not considered safe practice. Instead, for an emergency escape, the ES10 has abandoned the hydraulic jack theory in place of a 1.5 -inch diameter stainless steel acme threaded screw jack which attaches to the hatch cover from inside the command station and can lift 6 tons of debris resting on the entrance way hatch cover. An 18-inch long monster wrench is included to turn the large nut which produces the upward force. There is not much to malfunction on this emergency escape system.
The ES10 shelter now has an optional Long-Term-Package consisting of a fiberglass grain bin which holds one ton of grain/legumes and a stove/oven with an internal methanol tank to cook all the contents of the grain bin. Subtech Inc. loans a nitrogen cylinder to nitrogen pack all the food in the grain bin. This grain bin can also be used in a basement and is a much more efficient vapor barrier than the PVC used in 5 and 6 gallon buckets.
There are also more sophisticated radio options in the optional NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) Package including a 196,000 frequency 12-volt scanner protected by a military EMP fuse.
This radio covers communications for AM stations, FM stations, aircraft, air traffic control, CB, civil air patrol, TV, federal agencies, police, fire, highway, emergency, maritime services, weather, taxis, civil defense, and military communications.
The only problem which users of the ES10 have experienced was due to the water filter used inside the shelter in some Middle Eastern countries. Some water filters became clogged, which required numerous lab tests to figure out why. As it turned out, some of the places where the shelters were installed were filling the 600-gallon water tank in the ES10 from watering holes where camels were allowed to be near or walk through. Lab tests revealed that the water filter was clogged from camel hair and camel manure. I really felt that I had thought of every incident which a person could possibly face in every shelter situation but I missed this one! The new ES10 Owner's Manual will now state, "Keep the damn camels out of the drinking water!" The new water filter was increased 300 percent in size with an absolute micron rating of .65.
Sometime during the spring of 1993 a few military surplus ES10s may be available for sale. The only stipulation is that they not be resold outside of the continental United States.
You may request literature on the ES10 by sending $5.00 (shipping is included) to Subtech Inc., 1381 Blakes Hill Road, Northwood, NH 03261. The 65-page ES10 Owner's Manual is available through Subtech for $30. The fifth edition of PRINCIPLES OF PROTECTION, the U.S. Handbook of NBC Weapon Fundamentals and Shelter Engineering Standards is available for $35 from The American Civil Defense Association, P.O. Box 910, Starke, Florida 32091; phone 904-9645397. [H: Be sure and tell them where you got the information (from the PHOENIX LIBERATOR) and surprise everyone!]
Even if nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons did not exist, there are still many disasters each year such as tornadoes, power failures, earthquakes, and riots requiring shelter protection. During Hurricane Andrew some families lived out of ES10s. During Hurricane Hugo, one family fed five other families for over four weeks while virtually all the other people had to go days without food and water and then had to wait on food and supply lines. As dangerous as the world situation is now, it could get much worse. However, it is great to see people helping each other during disasters. Some people are at their best in the worst situations. I wish this side of human nature could come out in everyday life. Because if it did, there would be no weapons. **
[H: Editors, please include the pictures even though of very poor quality--all you need is an "idea" (See end of chapter). In fact there could be ways of "planting" several pods in a given location for several families, and/or larger facilities for comfort and convenience, privacy and storage. This entire "compound" could even be covered over with a gentle slope sided "round" dome (flat on top) and planted with grass for more privacy and total non-detection from air photographs. There is much to be done along these lines to allow the passage through these hard times, if you put your efforts toward that instead of either "giving up" OR "going to war". These "tanks" or "tubes" can also be placed lengthwise as elongated facilities which would house a family nicely. The partitioning dividers could be strengthened to give the necessary additional support to the ceiling. These are flexible structures which should give you many ideas regarding the possibilities.]
Dharma, I have interrupted the writings on which we had begun as offered by Tim Burns because of the critical nature of the subject prior. It appears that the war possibilities are becoming more and more a probability in the not too distant future and we need to remind ones that "survival" is not only POSSIBLE but PROBABLE with some measure of preparation.
It is obvious that in cities with no usable space property this is not worthy of note--but even with a small area of yard attached to a house, this is a possible solution. I don't PUSH anything but when I see probabilities looming out there, I shall speak on these matters. I am asked about these things over and over again.
Now, to you who also write and ask for "answers" when you have no funds, no space, no help--I have no answers. Perhaps if you attend your community gatherings you can cause the groups to offer solutions, etc. I can only offer that which is--I CANNOT DO IT "FOR" YOU NOR CREATE MAGIC TO MAKE ALL THE DISAGREEABLE "STUFF" TO "GO-AWAY".
Do I think you have a "little while"? I can't know--but it would appear that things will heat up a lot more before the "big one" in the madman's hands happens. The "natural"-type disasters are already upon you but man will usually sleep through the first several years of these. I simply suggest that you begin to turn your attention to these things instead of "fighting" a system already beyond your control. You can make great impact on even the government as it is structured if you will continue to press for Constitutional function and LEARN how best to cause actions still possible to come about. You can gain massive protection from the system as established if you will stop complaining and learn HOW. The best way to LEARN HOW? Get the back JOURNALS! We have covered everything from survival facilities and gear to Nevada incorporation for sheltering of "stuff". We offer it, we can do no more. Thank you.
Let us close please,
Hatonn to clear.
PJ 66
TUE., MARCH 16, 1993 8:58 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 212
As you walk through the valley of the shadows, yea even the shadow of death, fear not for I am with thee! Thus sayeth the Lord thy God.
I write first for Gene Dixon of the Constitutional Law Center--for all the world to hear. Faint hearts do not save a Constitution or Truth. The blackmailers shall have to destroy themselves to cause any black marks upon your being. Hold the course and allow us to work this new revelation through to conclusion.
Advice is being given to your immediate enemy by George Green who is manipulating corporations and covering assets of every variety. If you (we) give in to such threats and violations of all honor and integrity--the soul shall never have self-esteem enough to rebuild from the rubble. We shall have to simply consider closing that office of the Constitutional Law Center. Please realize that to uncover any tiny violations of activities against reclaiming of a license to practice non-law is cause to uncover ALL activities of illegal activities by many inclusive. If George Green, Gary Anderson and Sylvia Koons are stupid enough to take this to the point of confrontation in blackmail--then I suggest we "let-'er-rip"!
George's petition to you, Gene, on the yesterday to "arbitrate" is interesting--but, GOD does not "arbitrate" or plea bargain. The laws of man AND GOD have been broken and many, many who have trusted and faithfully served and shared depend upon US, OF ALL, TO DECEIVE THEM NOT--AND THUS, SHALL WE CONTINUE IN TRUTH. George's lies and manipulations have now even put a Nevada Judge in jeopardy as well as Dave Horton, George's attorney. To go into a court of law and commit perjury and fraud is not even acceptable to the unjustice system when openly affronted.
The matter of the JOURNAL inventory was already established before the court hearing of yesterday. That was obvious and for George to claim, UNDER OATH, that he has nothing to do with America West Distributors and further, that America West Distributors OWNS ALL THE INVENTORY is ludicrous. Further, George claimed that the "notes" in point with the Institute were simply paper-work to protect from the University of Science and Philosophy. How interesting since ALL were made long before any contact from the US&P. Further--arbitration??? when now come new charges against Tehachapi Distributing (Rick Martin) and other parties such as the LIBERATOR for "defamation" and other outrageous claims as suggested to them by Mr. Green. If you have not had enough lessons from this criminal element--what more do you need to get your attention?
I continue to ask you readers to refrain from purchasing ANY volumes of our work from America West--Publishers or Distributors. I do not wish our work associated with such blatant liars and thieves. They "think" they are in some little brawl with "the Ekkers"--NO, THEY ARE IN VIOLATION OF TRUTH AND THE WORD OF GOD. GOD DOES NOT COMPROMISE OR ARBITRATE SETTLEMENTS ON A CRIMINAL "WORK-OUT" BASIS.
If necessary, the Law Center shall be closed. The work can continue as is from any office location and perhaps it is time to move it under the sheltering care of my Hosts who accompany me on this mission. When the lessons are learned--then and only then--can the work be accomplished as needed.
Can you not see that if no book is ever again released from America West--we shall not be silenced? As funding is provided ALL can be republished at much lower cost and scattered throughout the lands. We have patience for the house-cleaning--so too must YOU ONES. I, too, am most saddened by Desire& participation in this heinous activity--but then, man is known by his works and with whom he places his trust and his association. To claim that Desired Stevens owns all our inventory is giving her no escape from the same fraudulent activity--because no permission was EVER given to do anything with America West Distributors--that was George's business arrangement. Moreover, to sign notes against inventory not his--IS FRAUD! I AM SURE THE COMPUTERS ARE BUSILY SHOWING ALL SORTS OF CUTE DOCUMENTS--BUT IT IS GOING TO BE HARD BEYOND BELIEF WITH ALL THE WITNESSES--TO SHOW THAT DESIREE STEVENS GREEN PAID THE PUBLISHER FOR ALL THOSE THOUSANDS OF BOOKS WITH HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN GOLD BURIED IN THE YARD AND STASHED IN THE GARAGE. WHAT, TOO, OF THE CLAIM THAT THE JOURNALS DO NOT SELL "HARDLY AT ALL"? WOULD IT NOT SEEM GOOD TO GET RID OF THEM IN EXCHANGE FOR A NOTE TO THE INSTITUTE?? IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG HERE??
So, an aside to Gene--fear not, we shall walk with you right through this valley for you have great gifts yet to give and to receive. Do that which is necessary and allow us to assist wherein we have need. We work always within the Laws of God AND within the laws of the Land.
Please notify Scott that he is also being set-up for problems and "blackmail". He may "think" "they" have nothing with which to use against him--they do! Failure to notify you, Ekkers, of legal correspondence and silent efforting to get release of impounded books FOR GEORGE in secret--constitute ethics violations on the part of an attorney. There are some other things, also, but I would suggest that Scott realize that r SHALL. TELL WHATEVER THEY WOULD USE AS BLACKMAIL--TO THE WORLD--IN HIS PROTECTION AGAINST THE ASSAULT. WHEN ONES FIGHT WITH BLACKMAIL AND CRIMINAL ASSAULT UPON ASSAULT DEPENDING UPON THE ZIONIST/KHAZARIAN COURTS TO PROTECT THEM-THE GAME IS UNWORTHY OF THE HONEST PARTICIPANTS. MY PROMISE IS THAT NONE OF OUR PEOPLE SHALL LOSE A THING SAVE DISHONOR FROM THE INDICTMENTS FROM THE MOUTHS AND ACTIONS OF THE ADVERSARY--NOT EVEN A FARTHING WHEN THE "CHIPS ARE PLACED".
Remember, we are NOT in this game to SAVE THE WORLD! We are come to bring the WORD, sort of God's property and creations and bring all into safety who would come. We do not "fight" with swords or lies, we do not battle in the courts of injustice to overturn the system--the citizens of your nations must overturn these vile and wretched systems--for it is the citizens who have allowed such treason. It IS ours to uncover these activities of evil--in TRUTH AND LIGHT where and when we can do so. There are things which must be released unto God and Hosts for final perfecting, however, and then one step at a time, one day at a time will serve its purpose.
Did these people set out in the beginning to commit these criminal activities? That is not for my projection and it matters not. We are grateful for any good which was given unto us in help and appreciate the lessons given and received. There are great disappointments all along the journey--they must always strengthen and not pull-down the participants.
Mankind is "proving" himself, chelas, through the sorting and purification. If "man" requires that we cease and desist with his passage home into safety and security--then we have no choices save to take the few who see and hear and leave the others to their choices. If this seems harsh, be at peace--it is JUST and wondrously perfect in concept and action. He who plants seeds of truth and righteousness--shall reap a just reward at harvest--he who plants the winds shall reap of the whirlwinds. If a man pulls down his brother through deceit and treachery, so too shall he reap the fall and the treason upon himself.
Consider carefully that which needs doing and DO IT.
PJ 66
TUE., MARCH 16, 1993 11:43 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 212
I am again indebted for input to Tim Burns who shares again with us. The word needs no explanation so we shall just move right along. Please!! Keep in mind that this following projection is one man's studied opinion and does not necessarily represent MINE. However, please KNOW that we would not share with you if it were not fairly accurate in some of the perceptions. T.B. does not pretend to hold all the answers--he only shares that which he has gleaned through years of study and observation--by putting the pieces of the puzzle together. It does not mean that all projections and opinions are totally accurate. Please do not be as the sheep and jump off the cliff because someone thought he knew all the answers and dove off in front of you. It is for you to find the pieces which offer truth and only then, in the final version, shall you have knowing and truth of journey.
QUOTING: (cover letter)
Dear Sir:
My work on Revelation Chapter 13 represents many years of reflection and thought. Also find enclosed a single page "flier" I made up. This information needs to get out to every Christian Church in America and world-wide so that when the times become even more critical the people will know how to identify the enemy easily. I would hope that copies could be sent by you
to your international bureaus for translation and distribution to churches and patriotic associations in those foreign countries.
I am sorry to say that since the destruction of the Teutonic-European tribal systems by the Romans about 400 A.D., appeals to intelligence, patriotism, self interest, security, or self respect do not, except rarely, seem to have much effect on those Christian people. But they do seem to fight to the death for religious principles when the enemy is well defined and obvious. Witness the Christians in the Roman Empire, the crusades of the Middle Ages, or the Reformation in Europe.
You are welcome to reprint, edit, and use the enclosed material in any way or at any time you wish. I only hope to do my small part in this gigantic struggle. If the idea should catch on, the flier can be copied for 5 cents each by people everywhere, and voluntarily distributed anonymously, neighbor to neighbor, the same way the word was spread hundreds of years ago.
I would also like to say something about aid to Israel. It is my understanding that the population there is about 5 million people and that annually the U.S. automatically gives Israel about 3 billion dollars. That works out to about $600 for every man, woman, and child. Regarding the proposed $10 billion loan guarantees, should Israel at a later date be forgiven that debt, due to the excuse of war or some other emergency, then that would work out in one year to $13 billion or about $2,700 for every man, woman, and child. If a foreign country should give the U.S. a similar aid package, in one year, it would work out to about $676 billion. Or, if we had given the former Soviet Union foreign aid in the same proportion to its population as we do to Israel, it would work out to approximately $800 billion in one year, far more than the paltry $24 billion just appropriated this year. On top of all this, Israel is probably getting foreign aid from most of the other European nations each year as well. There are approximately 550 Congressmen and 100 Senators, for a total of 650 legislators in Washington, D.C. Theoretically, Israel could bring back just 22% of the $3 billion of annual U.S. foreign aid, which is about $650 million, and give each legislator $1 million in contributions and kickbacks every year, so that Israel would, in effect, be buying the U.S. Government with our own tax money. Fortunately for Israel, the typical U.S. Legislator is not intelligent enough to hold out for $1 million annually and is probably selling himself for a mere few thousand dollars. This example, however, goes far to show how foreign aid has the tendency to unite the legislative and executive branches of government with foreign powers against the interests of its own U.S. citizens.
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[H: As you look at this information as regards the Mark of the Beast--DO NOT consider this just another "Jewish" bashing of some sort. This has nothing to do with those who are Judeans thinking themselves somehow "Jewish". This is reference to the Zionist Khazarian group who are self-styled "Jews" who decided to call themselves by this label in the late 1700s. If you cannot sort out the difference, you are in great trouble as to factual historical knowledge and need to apply yourselves to your studies of facts.]
13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
The seven heads represent 7 nations composing the Group of Seven or G-7. These seven nations include the U.S., Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan. The G-7 meet and decide on the Worlds' economic problems and set interest rates and currency valuations world-wide. These 7 nations have been associated as G-7 only in recent history, as the beast takes its final form. [H: Don't get confused with the recent acceptance of Russia onto this board. The G-7 group has never accepted others in the same manner as the original seven participants. Even when you hear the term "meeting of the G-7 now G-8 Group" it is only for cover for there is ONLY A SEGMENT OF RUSSIA WHICH IS ACCEPTABLE.] The 10 horns and 10 crowns are other countries and/or heads of State who will play important roles in the future struggle. The beast, then, is an association of many nations.
13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
The leopard's colors are yellow, black and white, symbolizing all races of the world. A bear goes anywhere it pleases and symbolizes world domination. The lion's powerful mouth is full of deadly teeth which symbolize military superiority--"armed to the teeth". This association called the beast, is given power by the dragon who is Lucifer or Satan.
13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
One of the G-7 nations is destroyed and later makes a remarkable recovery. This could be Germany, Japan, Italy, or France in connection with World War II, or, it could be the U.S.A. in connection with the Civil War. Which country or incident is referred to doesn't really matter because it doesn't affect the rest of the chapter.
13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?
More people daily follow the ways of Lucifer. The beast emerges supreme in the world after W.W.II
13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
1. The countries composing the beast control all major forms of communication and education, almost world-wide.
2. The second part of this verse is important and crucial because it holds the key to the successful determination of the beast's birth, age, and death. We are told that it continues in power for 42 months. Biblical time periods are millennium or 1000 year intervals. A month is a fraction of a year. The code word here is month meaning fraction, so that the beast remains in power for 42 fractions of a millennium or 42/100 of 1000 years, or, 420 years. If these calculations be correct, then the next step is to determine the birth date of the beast. To do this it is necessary to determine at what point in time all 7 of the G-7 nations came into existence. Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan have been around for many centuries but the beast is not yet born or complete until the United States and Canada come into existence. [H: Right off, I must point out that this is only ONE part of the Beast at best--just a finalizing of a little Beastlette for THE beast is, of course, as old as human expression. I do not wish to change Tim's presentation for he understands the point he is making--but every "time" segment has figured out the Revelation to meet the needs and circumstances of that "age". What may be more accurate in presentation is to realize that these particular puzzle pieces would fall into the "whole" before the final cycle of experience as expressed through John's vision would come into final realization.] The first permanent settlement in the U.S. was founded in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Canada's first permanent settlement was founded in Quebec in 1608. These then are the birth dates of these two countries from which time they began growing and still are today. [H: But you also must realize that these two "countries" are but offshoots of the King Country--England--and therefore do not necessarily need to be identified as three separate nations. You are more under the Crown of the British Israelite Zionists than ever in the history of your planet--RIGHT NOW AT THIS DAY. This is not to distract from your presentation, Tim, because you have done some very insightful calculations--even more important than what YOU "THINK" YOU HAVE DISCOVERED! Let us move on.] The seven heads of the beast, then, were completed in 1608 and 1608 can be considered its birth date. The G-7 association is the beast taking on its final form in the latter days of its life-span. It was in this formation when the Prophet John viewed it during its final days. This unholy association will continue in power for 420 years which puts its death in the year 2028. This date should arrive near the end of W.W. III, or, Armageddon, and the beginning of another millennium,--the 1000 years of peace. These dates coincide closely with certain interpretations of Nostradamus predicting a 27 year war. The first 7 years to be conventional, the last 20 years to be nuclear, beginning sometime in 1993 or 1994. The war will be between the non-Christian axis nations of China, Arabia, and North Africa fighting against the allies who are the anti-Christian led nations of the United States, Canada, Europe, and the Province of Russia, most of the Provinces of the former Soviet Union having joined China. I say anti-Christian led nations because the Christian people who live in those countries are the political and economic slaves of the anti-Christ self-called Jews [Zionists]. Ironically, it is because of the immense devastation that the allies receive that the Christian slaves finally gain freedom from their Jewish oppressors, who lose their grip and power during the holocaust. The final years of the war, then, becomes the Christian allies fighting against the non-Christian axis, with a final end from exhaustion. There are no winners except for the few survivors who inherit a world free from over-population and the Jewish [H: Watch it! Khazarian Zionist--it will NOT be that which you think of as simply, "Jewish".] 666 dictatorship. [H: You are basically already in the death grip of the referred-to dictatorship and world dominion.] So overwhelming is the latter's destruction that there is peace for 1000 years.
13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
The nations composing the first beast blaspheme God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible every day because the major instruments of communication in those countries are so overwhelmingly controlled by the people who follow the second beast; he is defined in verse #11.
13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Witness the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution where an estimated 50 million Christians and other Gentiles were butchered and killed by the "Jewish" Bolshevik regime. Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky (Braunstein), and Kerensky were all Jews. (His real name is Aaron Kirbiz; Kerensky was the name of his Step-father.)
13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
The second beast, Israel, gets its power from the Jews worldwide in every nation. The Jews world-wide have usually controlled the major means of communication in the nations composing the first beast.
13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men--Israel has nuclear capability ready to use.
13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
After World War II, it was a miracle that such a small group of people, world-wide Jewry,,or the second beast, could control so totally the world media. Through this they agitated the proposal to establish the United Nations for the 'benefit' of the nations composing the first beast. The benefits to the primary inhabitants of those countries is, of course, a deception.
13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
The proposal to establish the United Nations was successful and the United Nations went into motion thanks to the efforts of the second beast. The United Nations sends troops to destroy anyone who does not obey its directives.
13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
The activities of the second beast acting on the first beast, together combined, cause the people of the world to prostitute or sell their souls--the mark in their foreheads, for money--the mark in their hand.
13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
The U.S. dollar is a world-wide currency. You cannot, without much difficulty, buy or sell without it. On the back of the one dollar bill, or Federal Reserve note, is found the mark of the beast. It is the 6 pointed star, composed, in this case, of 13 five-pointed stars. This mark is located just above the eagle. The name of the beast is David or Israel--"the star of David or Israel". The number of his name is 666, the number of the 6 pointed Jewish star. [H: Remember: The "star" in point is not the star of David as you think of as the "House of David"--it is the symbol of David Al Roy--a Khazarian who claimed himself to be THE Messiah.
13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
In looking at the flag of Israel let us consider the star in its center.
The star has 6 points.
The star has 6 triangles.
The star has a 6 sided polygon inside.
The star has the number and the name of a man: David or Israel.
This star is the mark of the beast! Further, face the facts: The Jews as Pharisees killed the one called "Christ" about 2000 years ago, hence, the name "Anti-Christ". There is no point in arguing this fact since they are still opposed to Him, even to this day, and all the "Judeo-Christian" nonsense you can tout will change not an iota of it.
The Christian people of North and South America, Europe, and Russia have been enslaved politically and economically by world Jewry as defined through the Zionist/Khazarian movement. The Talmudic Khazar Jews control the governments of Europe, America, and Russia. They are not true Semites like you, but are mostly of Khazar-Russian-Turkish blood. After the destruction of Jewish Palestine in 70 A.D. by the Romans under the Emperor Vespasian, the Hebrew Semitic Jews scattered world wide and many emigrated to the Khazar Kingdom between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, just north of the Caucasus Mountains. There they inter-married with and converted the Khazar race to Talmudic Judaism. The Moslem Caliphate, based in Baghdad, fought Jihad Holy wars against the KhazarJew Empire for hundreds of years. The Khazar-Jew Empire rose to its greatest heights of power about 750 A.D. and continued until about 1220 A.D. when the Mongols, under Genghis Khan, smashed and destroyed them. They then scattered among the nations of Europe where they began to dominate in banking, commerce, and government. Some of the wealthiest Jews began marrying into the royal family blood lines of Europe. By 1820, the Khazar Jew banking family, Rothschild, had already taken control over the National Banks of issue of England, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium. By 1914, the family took control of most of Europe, the national bank of America, "the Federal Reserve System", and laid the foundations for modern Zionism--the idea of Palestine for the Jews and the idea that the Jews will rule over the world.
The 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was the takeover of the Soviet Union by the Jews. Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky (His real name is Braunstein), and Kerensky (His real name is Aaron Kirbiz), the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution, were all Jews. In 1917, 200 Jews left for Russia from New York with $20,000,000 in gold given to them by the Jewish Bankers headed by Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff, both founders of the United States Federal Reserve banking system and both agents for the Jewish banking family who control Europe--the Rothschilds. During the reign of the Bolsheviks in Russia no synagogues were touched, and the Jews are the only privileged people who even today can immigrate to and from the Soviet Union any time they wish.
This is why all of the wars against Israel have failed, because any Arab or Moslem countries receiving Soviet aid were betrayed. Jewish Russia made money selling weapons and technology to those countries but they made sure that the odds were stacked against them. The Moslems received inferior weapons, inferior technology, inferior training but, worst of all, the Moslem military secrets were given to their enemies by Israel. Any time the Moslem world deals with the governments of Europe, America, and Russia, they are in reality dealing with the Jews and their enemy, Israel.
The reason for this implied weakness or inferiority in Christians and Moslems is simple. The Jews always put the welfare of their race and culture above all other considerations, whereas the Christians and Moslems never consider any such thing. When a Jew becomes wealthy, the first thing he does is buy controlling interest in the major means of communication--television, radio, or newspapers, or takes controlling interest in a national bank which creates the currency, in most every country in the world.
The tactic ensures his political safety and future political power. Because the Jews now control 100% of all the major communications media in America, Europe, and Russia, as well as all the national banks in those countries, they thereby completely control the governments of those countries. No Senator, or Congressman, or President can survive or climb in office who opposes them. The Christian or Moslem, on the other hand, when he becomes rich, spends his money on large harems and pleasure yachts and jets. He plays and smiles and laughs, until one day the Jew becomes his master and dictator and expropriates all of his property and wealth and kills or enslaves him and his family. All of the hundreds of billions of dollars from Arab and Moslem oil revenues which are sent to Europe and America for investment is invested and managed by Jewish investment firms so that there is no Moslem control whatsoever in any of the communication media or important banks. This forebodes a very bleak future for the Moslem world because one day, not too far off, the armies and nuclear technology of America and Europe will be mobilized by the Jewish dictatorship to expropriate the land, oil, and wealth of all Moslems. This will all be done under the pretense of war. The times are even bleaker for the Christians for they have already been enslaved within their own countries. These enslaved Christians will fill the armies to fight against the Moslem world. While the Christians and Moslems are killing each other in war the Jew will be the one who will be smiling, and laughing, and pulling all the strings as his power increases.
The Arab-Moslem people of the world must unite and overthrow the hypocrites and prostitutes who rule in countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They are Jewish puppets and one day will be shot or executed like fat ducks too heavy to fly, and their countries and people will be enslaved. The only real balance of power in the world is China. The Jew does not control China. China has full nuclear capability. The Moslem world has oil and sincerity to offer China. It has been predicted by Nostradamus that the Moslem world will unite into a partnership with China and that China will give nuclear capability to the Arabs so that they may remain free from Jewish enslavement. World Jewry was very upset in the 1950s and early 1960s when China independently developed atomic and hydrogen bombs. The Soviet Union promised and worked jointly with China to give China atomic capability but it was all a ruse. China finally broke the Zionist monopoly when a Chinese American scientist defected to China with the secrets. If these events had not happened then there would be no hope for freedom for any Christians, Moslems, or Orientals (or the Judean "Jews"). And so, my brothers, you must unite with China or we will crush you. We Christians are but slaves to the Khazar Zionist Jews. Like fools and ignorant slaves, we Christians will fill the armies which will be fighting against you Moslems, our real brothers, to enslave you and further enslave ourselves to our Jewish masters. It is too late for us but you still have a chance, but you must unite with our other brother, China. It will only be through a world Holocaust that the Jewish yoke of tyranny can be overthrown. Our hopes are with you. May God bless you always.
Please help distribute the enclosed information, especially to the Christians in America and Europe. When they realize for the first time who the real enemy or Anti-Christ is it will help weaken the Jewish grip. ....Please put a little of the Billion in oil revenue to work for your own safety and security.
* * *
Enough for this sitting, please. I find this quite sufficient to think upon as these days of trial pass upon you.
Do that which you will as you journey through these days of confusion and chaos--but if you remain blind then you shall surely perish as a great nation in freedom.
PJ 66
FRI., MARCH 19, 1993 8:59 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 215
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993
I, Hatonn, come in the Light of Radiance with my brethren from those realms to which all might aspire and flourish--to serve God of Holy Light and Perfection in Creation.
I leave the "heading" above from Tuesday's writings for in the interim the burdens have quadrupled upon the head of my scribe and our local crew.
Disappointments?? Oh indeed, it goes beyond disappointments in events and in persons to whom were entrusted their very lives and all property.
What shall we do now? Well, I suppose many of you are going to feel "failure" is the response--for a journey and birthed entities to which we have given 100% of our work and time. But there are no "failures"--even "failure", if you are convinced of failing--is success! Ponder it. Do you take your wounds and steal away into the night, into some corner wherein you may lick your wounds and hibernate until "it's over"? Well, if you have no home left, five years and 67 JOURNALS taken from you in all aspects and new lawsuits piling up at two a day--only to find that even your attorney was working secretly with your closest and deadliest enemy--it is hard to not consider some alternatives--like, at the least, quitting and taking a vacation. Oh well, sorry chela, NO VACATION--alternatives? YES. Work gone? NO. Burial of that which is no longer feasible with which to struggle--YES. Weeping? NO!! Is the cup half empty or half full??
In translation, chela, "wokini" is a Lakota word meaning "New life, a life of peace and happiness". To achieve such status requires understanding self, direction, purpose and coming to peace with all of that which comes flowing (or dumped) in your laps to attend. Happiness is that which is a state of being which requires nothing save the peace and joy within as new challenges arise. If the "goal" is never lost, then the way shall be found to continue in service--and, in this way shall freedom again be found and our gifts not stopped in the flowing.
A river diverted--is yet the same flowing water--either stilled and deepened, or flowing in a different course unto the same great body as prior to the diversion.
What do I mean? How can I seemingly take so lightly that which SEEMS insurmountable? Easy--for I can see the other end of that river and we have trained well and I come to show you the way--as "pathfinder" and "scout" for my people. If you be seemingly caught in the tangled web of the spider--how do you get free? You find an Eagle to feed upon the spider and break away the webbing. I am the Eagle--the spiders shall not prevail! So be it.
To you readers, this is a most wearisome tale of harassment and seemingly "personal" and uninteresting dialogue. Think not of it in that manner--for this is ABOUT YOU! The assaults on the beams of lighted truth are being shut off daily one after another--THIS ONE ALSO! THAT'S RIGHT--THE LIBERATOR IS SILENCED! MY PEOPLE CANNOT LONGER STAND AGAINST THE ASSAULTS AND DELIBERATE "SELLOUTS" OF THOSE WHO CLAIMED TO BE CO-WORKERS AND RAYS OF LIGHTED BROTHERHOOD.
The LIBERATOR has only 1,400 subscribers--the income does not pay more than the postage and a part of the printing costs. It now has a suit against it in amounts of millions of dollars in "damages" to the University of Science and Philosophy--that's right, Dr. Russell's group who so claim to honor this man.
They now claim that all of the information offered in the LIBERATOR, especially the information regarding the surveillance and threats to my scribe, are all lies and they have "never placed surveillance, etc." So, they now claim massive and "overwhelming" damage to their "foundation" and work and damage to sales of their materials into the millions of dollars. Funny--we have never seen one cent of anything from all that work!! Neither has the LIBERATOR!
It does, however, cause our team to wonder a bit at the unfolding of actual fact--the people doing the surveillance above referred to said they worked for the University of Science and Philosophy. We were, further, told by ones involved with the US&P (like the threatening attorneys involved) that there was over $215,000,000 set aside to "kill" our business and bury our writings (or, preferably, burn the books to make sure the work is totally destroyed!).
But, they claim that our pronouncements are not truth and the damages so great to them that they will not even "accept" retraction. So be it. I wasn't going to offer retraction at any rate.
This friend does keep popping up into the conversation, does he not? Well, he is "ready to negotiate". What terms? Oh, not much--just that he keep all the gold and then, he will pay for outstanding printing costs (I thought a publisher was supposed to pay those costs AND pay the authors something for their offering--not TAKE IT ALL AS YOUR OWN--ESPECIALLY WITH AN OUTSTANDING BILL OF NOW OVER $175,000 TO THE INSTITUTE). He also offers to pay (undoubtedly out of the gold which he has hocked for his own purposes already) a couple of his friends who assisted early in the "work". AND, GET THIS--HE WILL AGREE TO PAY THE $45,000 TO THE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY! Did everybody get that?? Could this be why the attorney would believe that he somehow had cause to ask for some of those impounded JOURNALS sitting in the Federal Court--BUT, WITHOUT ANY MENTION OF SAME TO THE EKKERS-- WHO ARE "THE ONES" HELD RESPONSIBLE IN THE COURT--MR. GREEN HAVING AVOIDED EVEN ATTENDING A COURT APPEARANCE. DOES ANYTHING SOUND STRANGE AND SLIGHTLY "INCORRECT AND UNETHICAL" IN THIS MANEUVER??
Now, the US&P has come full circle and is after Tehachapi Distributing (a corporation in no way whatsoever involved with either the LIBERATOR or Ekkers). Well, the case has already "broken" Mr. Martin and Tehachapi Distributing and forced him into TOTAL loss of everything, books included. He, further, has outstanding due and owing of over $12,000 from America West--and yet, a bill from America West for over $87,000 for his "cooperation" with the Greens.
So now the US&P, with undoubted "coaching" from Mr. Green, has turned to the LIBERATOR. Mr. Green must have a VERY BAD MEMORY--for when he was THE honcho of the EXPRESS and LIBERATOR--he went in the hole every issue. When he left and moved to Nevada--he took with him the subscription money and over $29,000 was NEVER returned for the publishing of the paper. In addition, the funds promised against the sales of books--WAS NEVER HONORED. The Institute and volunteers continued from that point of being behind to continuing in publication of one of the finest papers in America--or the world--today! It still does not make its way and yet, with all the other assaults and expenses, it simply cannot continue in operation--SO IT WILL SHUT ITS DOORS AND CLOSE ITS CORPORATION. THE ADVERSARY HAS WON! OR HAS HE?? WE SHALL SEE, WON'T WE?
We have been contacted recently by two journalistic entities offering to take our work. They could not make it on their own either--and would take part of the burden just to keep the information in some manner of flow.
I consider this a great comfort--but not a solution--unless we can get more subscribers for that paper--for the need for closure is inability to pay expenses and maintain facilities. Certainly, there IS NO FUNDING FOR PAYING ATTORNEYS THAT WHICH THEY DEMAND TO EVEN CONSIDER TAKING ON A CASE--ESPECIALLY AGAINST ADVERSARIES WITH UNLIMITED FUNDING FOR JUST SUCH CAUSE.
The staff here at the LIBERATOR are devastated and yet desire to do that which serves the greater cause. The Chief Editor gave up a magnificent career in the worldly and academic sector to take on the publication of this paper. He is being offered total Editorial control over the alternate paper in consideration. The staff is even being offered the rights to remain in their location and homes (which doesn't mean much to the Ekkers since the RTC sold their home right out from under them)--but, as with the LIBERATOR, salaries are nil at best and moving, just to pick up new harassment, is hardly worthy of great and overjoyful consideration.
My promise and commitment, should we accept this alternative offer, is that I shall never again refer to the US&P as I have in the past--in any such manner unless factually documented in EVERY way including the perpetrators on the end of the string in front of their "palace". Yes indeed, I speak here of Swananoa Palace in Virginia where they hold their seminars unto the existence of humanistic god. I do apologize for any derogatory remarks I might have made about the organization for I HONOR WALTER RUSSELL BEYOND ALMOST ANY MAN TO WALK YOUR EARTH PLANE. I promise, however, never to mention his name, either--EXCEPT IN THE CONTEXT OF PURE SCIENTIFIC MENTION. You see, I CAN separate philosophy I feel totally WRONG--from the SCIENCE I feel is totally CORRECT and is PUBLIC DOMAIN BY ITS SCIENTIFIC, MATHEMATICAL AND FACTUAL TRUTH.
Well, quite a bit. I offer to rewrite all the PLEIADES CONNECTION banned books WITHOUT MENTION OR NOTATION OF UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY AND/OR WALTER RUSSELL. I will leave the FOUR JOURNALS under remaining ban--untouched and unoffered in any way--at this time. The information contained within those volumes is flowing in Earth stream from North Africa as we write here and, moreover, Germain has a good memory--plus, we have no interest in any of the philosophical manipulations of US&P and the proof of the scientific material is for all to see already. As is, the material in the books in point mostly holds almost no reference to Russell anyway. In the "AIDS" volume, there is only reference to healing or treating with light as Dr. Russell could validate. However, the actual work was done by Rife and Priore. I would have long ago updated those volumes anyway as they are old and all of the disease processes have treatment now--if you will.
I find our new sponsors to be most congenial and would continue the paper format almost "as is", with Nora's research segments, Soltec's sharings and any "insider/outsider" information we would be willing to share. They would even "buy" our "logo", but, we have no objection to the sharing of the Phoenix--it is not ours to have and hold--we even have thought of utilizing it UPSIDE DOWN as a show of "trouble" as with the symbol of your flag flown upside down being a sign of distress. We shall have to consider how the phoenix pyramid will look teetering on its point. I think it quite suitable and amusing--remember: humor comes from God ALSO!
The obvious next question will be: "What about us subscribers and our dues already paid"?? Well, since the paper runs behind financially, return of funds will be given to all extent possible if you request same. However, the better solution, if you wish, would be to turn over the subscriber's unfinished account to the new paper and the issues would not even be interrupted for more than a week or so at most.
That has not been under discussion. It apparently is assumed by ones "out there somewhere" and as represented by Mr. Green that there is GREAT VALUE in the LIBERATOR and as well, in Tehachapi Distributing. Obviously Mr. Green knows something no one at this location knows and that is why there is such interest and value placed in the JOURNALS when he claims sales are almost zilch! Perhaps there is an attorney out there somewhere who would consider these possibilities, knowing, of course, that there is no large funding to pay up front fees--but certainly reward would be most abundantly shared in the event of taking and completing such action. There is nothing to be gleaned here but there obviously is much to be gleaned THERE! I am confident there must be at least one attorney in this club of same, that could recognize such possibilities.
Boy, it is a week of heartbreak as misdeeds are uncovered and damages assessed. We may also have to reduce the Law Center to the cases under-way as so much has been skived off by and through (apparently) actions of ones we shall leave unnamed for protection of our people here, that to continue to support the Law Center through the Institute in the face of only a handful of contributors, is ludicrous. There are some cases which would allow financing independently for the Center--but the funds are not yet available for expending. We shall simply have to keep you all posted.
Indeed, the Institute is sound barring a "run"--which, will not be, by legal means, allowed. The price of gold is less than at the time of ANY collateral purchase so bankruptcy would be forced if such mass removal of funds would be accomplished. All funds are safe and secure against notes and qualified banking facilities so, disappointing to our enemies, no further expenditures will be allowed until this is resolved. Bare minimum maintenance of operations will be allowed until phased out and all institutional business is perfected.
I believe it will become clear to all of you that you are in good hands with God, and it is through God that we have structured our business activities in total integrity which can stand the scrutiny of even the Federal Government. This does not mean that the unjudicial system won't effort to search and destroy--it does mean that to do so they will have to take great risks against their OWN RULES AND REGULATIONS!
Since it seems to be this entity "Hatonn/Hatton" which annoys everyone so much in this inspirational assault--perhaps I shall be forced to also give up writing--as Hatonn, and take one of my other labels--like "Aton". I shall find it suitable either way. If Dharma wishes, we can call her by another label also--how about "Wokini"?? Sounds good to me--"new", "new life", etc. Or, we can go with Ceres which can identify both myself and Commander Soltec whose label is Ceres Anthonious (Toniose) Soltec. That way Doris is the only one left out to dry--and since she has never gotten anything save headaches and finger callouses at any rate--she is ready, willing and able to serve. I think it sounds pretty good to me, Ceres Aton and Wokini--Hatonn and Dharma soon to be but a memory--which by fact, already IS.
I would petition Little Crow that perhaps he might "fill in" some of the writings to get us through this time of transition--if that is the route chosen in action. You must understand, readers, THAT OUR PEOPLE ARE WEARY AND TRULY HAVE SERVED LONG ENOUGH AGAINST ALL ODDS. I FIND, HOWEVER, THAT THEY ARE WILLING AND EAGER TO DO WHATEVER CAN KEEP THE WORD FLOWING--AND SINCE THEY HAVE NOTHING LEFT OF PROPERTY, TO LOSE--THE UNANIMOUS OFFER IS TO MOVE FORWARD IF AT ALL POSSIBLE AND IF MY SCRIBE BE WILLING.
By necessity and through relocation (but still coming out of Las Vegas, Nevada, for that is where both offering papers are located already) phones, post boxes and all such will have to be changed, probably. The staff is checking to see if numbers can be maintained even though the business in point is dead and gone. It matters not, you readers surely can be flexible enough to find new listings if necessary. When I speak of "maintained numbers", I specifically refer to the "hotline" because it is already on an operational system but surely it would have to be separated out from the LIBERATOR as such. It is not a great "expense" to the paper but represents the most inconvenience to the reader if changed. For this interim time period, information will be carried on that line as decisions are made and the paper is shut-down. Staff is taking collections to continue that service until finalizations of closure are worked out. We will simply be in great appreciation for patience on your part for our staff must now go forth and seek employment and see their own dreams slip away and dissolved. Will God allow this work to die? More important, readers, WILL YOU?? If we can retrieve the JOURNALS--will you support them--purchase them? For, if you do not--why go to the pain and expense of retrieving them at all? We WILL drop the price below the $10.00 charged through the years so that more can have the volumes, but without the paper and facilities--the books will have to be handled out of another Distributor/Publisher at any rate. This is already established for new writings so is not a problem save the expense of getting the material from America West's impounding and shipping them, warehousing and staffing. If YOU are not interested, please allow us to know as much, for our people are willing to go "all the way" to keep you informed and the work available--BUT NOT IF YOU DON'T WANT IT--THEY HAVE PAID ENOUGH!
If ones on your human plane will go to all these efforts to STOP the flow, break our people, deny my presence and that of the Hosts--I WOULD GUESS, OFF HAND, THAT IT IS MOST VALID INDEED. If the CIA, Government Boys, Elite Planners, ADL, WZO, etc., will, and are, doing everything in their power to silence us (success to you, sirs) then it would seem what we write must have validity. If the churches of orthodox religions, especially Christianity, effort to silence us through measures such as threatening to bomb vehicles, etc.--something we are saying MUST BE VALID Dharma says, "We must be insane to even consider going on with this," but Wokini says, "Hey, let's go for it, brothers! I don't have anything left to lose except my life--and I'm too numb, especially between the ears, to give a damn." Each, of course, will have ample opportunity to make individual participation decisions.
The main problem with such change is that the mailing team of volunteers and workers who give, every week, hours and hours of time, are here--not in Nevada. We would need to see if mailing could continue as is, etc. There is simply too much at hand and the load of closure too great to focus on the change prior to meeting these other needs. You will be kept posted in advance. I do not, however, see more than one additional printing as the LIBERATOR. This is because the legal documents demand response and legal expenses in early April. We have yet to consider counter-measures but are open to all suggestions! Thank you, precious friends.
I do note that Dharma only has a couple of demands if we decide to go with "change": We use the "logo" somewhere on the other paper, even if at the bottom of the ending page, and, a new slogan will be: YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU MAD! I believe we might well indulge either or both, the request seems small enough in payment for six years of serving in Hell. The only wondrously fun thing about it is that so many of you have walked right there along side with only the offer to "do more". But when you chelas sit to ponder these trials and joys in your meditations and within your heart--ask yourselves some most important questions:
"Why am I so special? Because I have things that no one else can ever have. I am unique in this world and no warrior, chief or common man can ever lay claim to the things I have. I alone have my thoughts and hopes! I alone have my beating heart, my stamina, and my love of life--my direction or my fulfillment. Can anyone else lay claim to MY dreams? Can anyone else love exactly like ME? Is there anyone who sees EXACTLY the same color as I see? Does anyone other than me HEAR the same tonal pitches in exactly the same sound as do I? Will anyone ever be able to duplicate my deeds and actions? Exactly? NO, I KNOW THESE THINGS ARE MINE AND MINE ALONE! And, so be it--may you walk in joy and peace in thine own individual perfection, each of you blessed friends for each of you--is THE most special thing ever created. God smiles on his perfection for each of you is indeed rare and beautiful--a treasure cherished.
Little Wakini, Ceres Aton to clear, please.
PJ 66
FRI., MARCH 19, 1993 12:49 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 215
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993
And so too were these very rememberings placed also in Ecclesiastes 3:5-6:
* * *
Dharma, it is not yet "time" to put aside those things dear in that which we have labored long in the vineyards--the PHOENIX LIBERATOR. It is not yet time to withdraw in recognition for we have given much to be remembered and, yet, it matters not who speaks or writes the words in Truth--it matters only that they be written.
I have two writings to offer--each seemingly more important than the other and, yet, being unable to do them both at once--we shall move as quickly as is feasible. One subject deals with the total and ultimate manipulation come upon you of Earth and now perfected to the point of presentation all about you--gene manipulation and DNA "replication".
Then, we have a writing from our friends in intrigue. It would be gracious of us to share right up front some things which shall surely make your reading more pleasurable and give greater understanding but it would seem more appropriate to simply give notations as we move along in the presentation.
These offerings are the VERY ones which are both informative and "dreaded" by our people for the revealing of such is, in itself, a great risk indeed.
As you read, please know that "Corn Twelve" is an organization within the Navy Seal Team. This group is dedicated to restore and maintain the U.S. Constitution.
THE REASON I feel it fine to have our people present this is because so much of it has been published in one form or another and, now, even a television version of the INSLAW connection with Casolaro's death, that both sender and receiver are not giving enough "new" information as to uncover too much too quickly. Besides, with only 1,400 subscribers to the LIBERATOR, we feel a bit insignificant in the fight to help these daring reporters. We shall see and I further suggest that anyone efforting to "get at them" has to "get through ME!" So be it.
(Activities from 1980 to Present)
The following briefing concerns individuals and events which are keys in the continuing Cabazon-Wackenhut venture and related involvements. While some information has become available to a few investigative journalists and research/investigators, the main body of information has been classified. [H: At any rate of consideration, this will be new information to all but the most select few who work within, or have, the innermost organization itself. At the least, you as readers will find it most interesting.]
Dr. John P. Nichols is the first individual of interest as it is he who first approached the Cabazon Tribe, at the request and support of Wackenhut's Special Interests Group known as Wackenhut World Technologies, Inc. (WWT, Inc.), to offer the Cabazon Tribe (Native Americans) his administrative expertise.
Dr. Nichols had formerly been known as a labor worker and was commonly referred to as an "International Grantsman". Dr. Nichols was recognized for his ability to raise funds for a whole host of different organizations, all with differing interests and objectives. Dr. Nichols also spent approximately 10 years in South America, namely in Chile, Bolivia and Brazil. For one year he even took the position of a Coca-Cola Bottling Plant Manager in Brazil despite the fact he holds no credentials or experience to hold any such position for the company. It is believed this move was made at the behest of the Central Intelligence Agency for a related project under way at the time.
Shortly after this period, Dr. Nichols returned to the U.S. and continued his activities concerning collection of funds for various extra-curricular intelligence activities. At this time, he, along with WWT, Inc., took an interest in the Cabazon Indian Tribe. The Cabazon Tribe consists of only 25 Cabazon Indians. Shortly after Nichols became administrator for the tribe, the Cabazons began opening gambling ventures on tribal lands. These ventures were being observed at the time by special agents with the FBI and ATF because well-known members of organized crime groups were also becoming involved.
After setting up the gambling ventures at the Cabazon site, Dr. Nichols began traveling around the country lobbying and proposing a wide variety of military interests for military projects. Dr. Nichols' access to Black Operations funds, as well as international arms merchants, led other U.S. Intelligence Agencies to take notice. The projects discussed by Dr. Nichols concerned the research and development of everything from HMX processing to ABW manufacturing. His meetings and business associations were with the top-level personnel in the defense industry and the Pentagon, such as the Assistant Director for Land Warfare for DARPA.
The legal association concerning Indian land grants and Indian sovereignty has for some time been very attractive to some U.S. intelligence interests as well as Black Rose Operations. Black Rose and other intelligence operatives have realized that their non-Indian administration can gain a substantial profit in a business role with the tribe under the cover of Indian sovereign status. This allows them to conduct gambling operations and other activities without the scrutiny of the U.S. Government. These sovereign status rights have left the tribes open to a variety of ills, such as organized crime involvement and intelligence operations infiltration.
Note: "Rose" is George Bush's code name which has often been "White Rose". The rose has been historically a symbol in underground societies.
In addition to gambling ventures, intelligence and organized crime groups have found that there are unlimited opportunities for operation of such activities as Toxic Waste Disposal, Conventional and Biological Warfare Arms manufacturing and a whole variety of other questionable activities. These agencies and groups understand that on tribal lands they are only subject to federal laws, which are either non-existent or much more lenient than state or local laws. They can avoid all the checks and balances of the legislative or other government watch-dogs and will not be subject to U.S. law so long as the business is conducted within the reservation territory.
The death of journalist Joseph "Danny" Casolaro [H: I hope all of you watched the episode last week of UNSOLVED MYSTERIES which featured a lengthy portrayal of Casolaro. If not, perhaps you could get a copy for it is very well done, as far as allowed by the "fixed" media.] occurred shortly after he began requesting an interview with Dr. Nichols regarding the Cabazon venture and other subjects. Mr. Casolaro had discovered Dr. Nichols' involvement as an operative in Deep Black Operations.
Part of the operations of illegal activities being documented by a select group of intelligence operatives, as well as a few private individuals such as Mr. Casolaro, was the involvement of these operations in connection to private interests and individuals connected to intelligence groups. One of these groups is Wackenhut.
The Wackenhut Corporation was started by ex-FBI agent George Wackenhut in 1954. The Wackenhut Corp. is involved in everything from regular minimum security contracts up to the protection of some U.S. and private interests with the "Above Top Secret" security status. The Florida-based Wackenhut Corp. holds very lucrative contracts with such government agencies as the Department of Energy, the State Department and NASA. It is also involved with privatized prison operations and management, recently acquiring new contracts overseas. Wackenhut Corp. has also been increasingly involved in the intelligence field. Its operations of a secret operations group known as WWT, Inc. (Wackenhut World Technologies) are deeply involved in the inter-agency struggle among those who wish to maintain a Constitutional Government and those who wish to abolish it.
NOTE: Parts of the CIA and Naval Intelligence are on BOTH sides of the fence regarding Constitutional government.
The president of the Wackenhut group is Richard R. Wackenhut, son of the founder. The company has developed an array of specialized services, currently providing security and investigative services to private business and government in the U.S. as well as over 40 other countries. Twenty-five percent of its annual revenue comes from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). These DOE contracts range from protection of the Savannah River Nuclear Plant to The Strategic Petroleum Reserve and all the way to S-4 and S-6 classification facilities for the U.S. Government. It also manages the Department of Energy's Central Training Academy (CTA).
CTA is located deep within the confines of Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Actually, it is very, very near Dulce wherein highly advanced technological biological experiments are being done in the underground facilities. It provides and maintains security for all U.S. nuclear weapons and components in inventory as well as Top Secret Security Assets. The CTA is assigned to protect 47 national security sites. Between 3,000 and 4,000 individuals graduate from CTA training cycles each year. Their expertise is in the area of SRT skills, Weapons and Tactics, Crisis Negotiations and Management, Dignitary Protection, Sniper Observation Teams, Tactical Leadership, Overt and Covert Surveillance, Fire Team Tactics, Explosives and Explosives Identification, Armorer and Range-master Certification, Advanced Survival, etc. SRT work is divided into three levels--SRT 1: Basic Teamwork and Covert Tactics and Intelligence. SRT 2: Planning and Dynamic Counter-intelligence Factors. SRT 3: Advanced Special Circumstance Training--elite Security Methods, etc. (H & K MP5 A-2, Beretta 92F(M-9), S & W or SIGARMS, Inc. M4506, M4516, M6906, M3906 and M5906 9mm Parabellum Variants.
Also SIB/Saver P220 and P226, P225). Graduates of the CTA who go to work for the Wackenhut group are referred to as "Nuclear Snake Eaters". A patch on their uniforms bears the Latin phrases "Ad Finem Terram" on the top and "Fidelis Tamquam Post Mortem" on the bottom. These translate to "To the Ends of the Earth" and "Faithful Even After Death".
The joint venture between Wackenhut and the Cabazon Indians was managed by Dr. Nichols and the Nichols Group. On Wackenhut's Board of Directors is an array of former CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, ISA and NRO members. The Wackenhut World Technologies Group made several trips to Canada to meet with and attempt to purchase the explosives manufacturing company of Gerald Bull. (Mr. Bull was the designer and seller of the "Giant Gun" being built by Iraq which was destroyed by a joint U.S./Mossad Removal Team shortly before our military conflict with Iraq. Mr. Bull was then removed in a hit by U.S. and Mossad operatives.) [H: We have written extensively about Mr. Bull in prior JOURNALS so will not interrupt here to speak further about him.]
Wackenhut used Dr. Nichols as its representative to act as a go-between for dealings between the Canadian Co. and the Cabazon Indian Tribe. During the set up of the weapons manufacturing operations at the Cabazon facility several key players involved in the Contra supply effort appeared in person at different times on the reservation as guests of the Nichols family and Wackenhut. These individuals were present for such things as demonstrations of various weapons and advanced night vision equipment.
The Wackenhut Group and the CTA have handled the security of the nation's nuclear arsenals and highly classified sites since being requested to do so by the Reagan/Bush Administration when it privatized the U.S.'s nuclear arsenal. In some instances, Wackenhut took the place of the elite U.S. Marine Corps Black Beret Guard--Special Operations Units.
An individual by the name of Michael Riconosciuto was taken on by Wackenhut and the Nichols Group as Director of Research. Mr. Riconosciuto has a vast scientific background. [H: Before we go further please realize that these are the names revolving within the intrigue of the "Inslaw" case and PROMIS software. Know also that this IS THE software which was stolen but is utilized in programming THE BEAST computer system for the United Nations Forces, the United Nations One World Government and World Order.] Riconosciuto studied under Arthur Shallo, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist who was the co-inventor of the laser. Riconosciuto is extremely intelligent. He has skills in a variety of fields, with an expertise in Electronics, Engineering, and Advanced Computer Technologies.
It was at the Cabazon facility that Riconosciuto received the software package of INSLAW's material known as PROMIS (Prosecutors Management and Intelligence System). The software was borrowed from Nancy and Bill Hamilton (owners and founders of INSLAW company) by the U.S. Justice Department. The Justice Department claimed it was interested in obtaining the program for its department as well as other law enforcement interests. In reality, the U.S. Department of Justice ended up stealing the program.
After INSLAW lent the program to the Justice Department, it was forwarded to Wackenhut and the Nichols Group. It was at the Cabazon facility that Riconosciuto assessed the program and determined what an asset it could be. At this point, Dr. Earl Brian (A Ronald Reagan "kitchen" cabinet member who goes all the way back to E. Meese, W. Clark, etc.) and his associate from the Department of Justice, Peter Viedneks, oversaw the operation to copy and alter the PROMIS software and to create a back door access to the various U.S. intelligence agencies which would remain secret. This backdoor group, 92 countries, will find that they have a very "compromised" system--compromised by the U.S. Intelligence Service--WHEN THOSE COUNTRIES FIND OUT ABOUT THIS LITTLE FLAW THEY ARE GOING TO BE EXTREMELY AGITATED!
Presently, 92 countries have purchased this stolen and altered program. The illegal sales generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Most of this work occurred at the Cabazon site. Since sale of such intelligence-gathering software to a foreign country is illegal in itself, the property of William and Nancy Hamilton was pirated and sold under the approval and management of the U.S. intelligence agencies and the U.S. Justice Department. INSLAW is now defunct and the Hamiltons are in bankruptcy.
The Cabazon reservation is widely scattered on patches of land that stretch over nearly a 10-mile area, a total of approximately 1,700 acres. There are several different parts to this reservation. There is an underground, multi-operational base on the property. The large Bingo Hall and its expanse of 50,000 sq. ft. can be seen off the left side of Highway 10 if headed toward Palm Springs from the West. Clearly visible off Highway 111 is a huge Southern California Edison power plant being developed (a $150 million project). A $140 million housing project near Avenue 52 on the reservation can also be seen. As it has for many years now, Wackenhut runs the security for the underground installation at the Cabazon reservation. For a time, Wackenhut security personnel were even guarding the reservation meeting hall. The hall is a very small building which was paid for by HUD in an interesting use of funds.
Dr. Nichols, as mentioned, was known as a "grantsman". His most recent grant procurement was from HUD in the amount of $500,000 to create a facility to encourage other development in the area. Despite all the wealth that is being passed through this micro-sized Indian reservation, the grant was to be ostensibly used for establishment of an off-track betting operation. Incredibly, an off-track betting facility had already existed for nearly two years when the grant was given. HUD still granted the funds after a personal interest in the grant was taken by Jack Kemp. The $500,000 was given to Dr. Nichols' sons who currently run the Cabazon operations.
Former Senator James Abaresque was also involved with Dr. Nichols and acted as his attorney. Abaresque was a member of the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs. He traveled to Iran in 1979-80 under the direction of Ted Kennedy, supposedly to try to arrange release of the hostages. He has very powerful connections in the Middle East--a personal relationship with Arafat, as well as a number of very highly placed Saudi officials and members of the Saudi royal family.
Dr. Nichols had many connections all over the world with parliamentary officials, royal family members, and presidents, as well as Idi Amin. One of the Cabazon/Wackenhut ventures under the direction of Dr. Nichols was the development of an extremely high-tech and highly advanced electronic as well as physical security network for the Saudi royal family, in particular, one Saudi Royal Palace.
An individual by the name of Fred Alvarez, a college-educated Cabazon Indian, opposed Dr. Nichols, Wackenhut and the new gambling ventures on the reservations. After making his opposition well known in the press and the public in 1980-81, he received several death threats. He was voted out of his position as Tribal Vice-Chairman of the small, decision-making body of the tribe. A highly placed operative, who is a non-Indian member, flies in privately from Wisconsin for every meeting to act as the group's parliamentarian.
A few months after Alvarez was voted out, he was shot, execution style, at point-blank range, along with two non-Indian friends. The weapon was a .38 caliber automatic. [H: Yes indeed, for you who seem to recognize this information--it has been shared with you prior to this writing--by our friend R. Renick. It is good to see these things come together and in numbers--there is greater safety and security for these daring writers.] Although there were grand jury, state and federal investigations involving many levels for over 3-1/2 years, the case was never solved and no suspects were ever named. However, Dr. Nichols WAS convicted of the "Murder for Hire Scheme" regarding the murders of these three individuals.
Joseph "Danny" Casolaro was the second reporter involved with the INSLAW investigations to be murdered within a 30-day period. On July 29, 1990, Mr. Anson Ng, a reporter for The Financial Times, was found murdered in Guatemala, although his death was ruled a suicide. A third reporter, Harry Ghouli (probably misspelled) also with The Financial Times, has gone into hiding.
On the night of his murder, Casolaro's contact met with him in the parking lot of the Sheraton Inn in Martinsburg, West Virginia because Casolaro was afraid to go to his hotel room. The contact was made between the hour of 5:00 and 6:00 p.m., during which he was given 60 assorted documents, in part, proprietary information from a defense contractor involving a whistle-blowing operation of immense proportions. At 6:15 p.m., Casolaro telephoned his family to tell them he was on Interstate 81 in Pennsylvania and was heading home for a family birthday celebration. And then, just like Dexter Jacobsen in Sausalito, for an unknown reason Casolaro pulled off of Interstate 81.
Mr. Casolaro had declined to take his contact to his hotel room because he feared the room was bugged. His body was found by a hotel maid in his room. His clothes were found very neatly laid out on the bed. An open bottle of wine was on the bathroom floor, yet NO alcohol was found in the body in the autopsy report. There were eight very deep slash wounds on his right forearm (Casolaro was right-handed), and four were on his left forearm. The autopsy revealed that each of these 12 wounds cleanly severed all cartilage, tendons and ligaments in the wrist--an absolute impossibility if the wounds were self inflicted, yet the death was ruled a suicide. Casolaro also had a large bruise on the upper left inside arm of the biceps. It was estimated that it took about 20 to 25 minutes for him to die.
Wackenhut Special Services Teams, along with NSA officials, informed the Martinsburg Police Department that they would secretly conduct the investigation of Casolaro's death and the police were to maintain this cover. Within three hours of the body being discovered and before next of kin was notified, it was taken to a local funeral home and embalmed. This happened while the corpse was in the custody and jurisdiction of the Martinsburg Police Department. Casolaro's hotel room was also industrially cleaned. Assisting in the cover-up, the Martinsburg Police Dept. assured concerned family and friends who voiced their suspicions of a murder and not a suicide, that the crime scene was being protected and that no official finding regarding his death had been made.
Michael Riconosciuto is the next one on the list. His wife Bobbi and their children are also in grave danger if Mr. Riconosciuto decides to talk.
* * *
A question which seems to come up with this information is: "Is it from Russbacher" and "Can we trust it?" What do you mean? Go check it out for yourself and what difference does it make from where it comes--if it be truth?
"Well, we aren't yet too sure about Russbacher because he says he....this and that." Forget that nonsense, readers, and enjoy the information and the knowing. I will, later, share a dedication written to his brother, by Russbacher, and you can do a little discerning for self--STOP THE JUDGING! JUDGEMENT, REMEMBER, IS LEFT TO GOD AND SELF! WIPE YOUR OWN NOSE BEFORE ATTENDING THAT OF ANOTHER, PLEASE.
Let us have a short break, please.
Hatonn to stand-by.
PJ 66
FRI., MARCH 19, 1993 2:51 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 215
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993
Continued: We will take up where we left off--with Mr. Riconosciuto.
(Activities from 1980 to Present)
Charles McVay, involved in the Star Wars Software Scandal and the TOW Missile deal with Iran, is the foremost technobandit of the decade. McVay was set up in 1987 in an attempt to bring him back into U.S. jurisdiction. Presently in a hospital in Canada, he has won two cases of extradition against the U.S. and is about to be involved in a third attempt by the U.S. Justice Department. McVay also operated as a deep immersion agent for the KGB since the late 1960s. He is an associate of Michael Riconosciuto. [H: No, readers, this is NOT some science fiction or James Bond intrigue--THIS IS TRUTH AND THAT, IN ITSELF, IS WHAT MAKES IT SO INCREDIBLY UNBELIEVABLE--AND YES, RIGHT HERE IN THE GOOD OLD U.S.A. AND RIGHT IN YOUR OWN G-O-V-E-R-N-M-E-N-T!]
Riconosciuto was a CIA operative who wanted OUT of "The Company". He contacted Mr. Hamilton of INSLAW in May of 1991 and fed the Hamiltons classified information on "The Network" and its operations and how they had screwed INSLAW. Riconosciuto called the Hamiltons from pay phones--anonymously (or so he thought). He was actually being watched and tracked by a Special Intelligence Assignments Group. He soon realized his life was in danger.
On March 21, he did what is called an "Outing" by authoring and signing a statement which was COMPLETELY DEVASTATING to the U.S. Government. In the document, he detailed that the U.S. Government, specifically the CIA, was using Indian reservations as sovereign nations to manufacture and produce arms of high sophistication as well as general arms to support the Nicaraguan Contra effort.
The Black Rose Organization originally funded the "Black World Order" with proceeds from two areas. One, in Southeast Asia, is known as the Golden Triangle. The other area lies on the border of Iran and Iraq, and between Iran and Afghanistan and is known as the Golden Crescent. The drug-proceeds from these two areas wound up deposited in Nugen-Hand Bank in Australia after Dr. Earl Brian carried the bank codes out of Southeast Asia using formal diplomatic immunity. In Australia countless banks and persons were ruined when two operatives by the names of Frank Nugen and Michael Hand went into action. Frank Nugen was later "terminated" (listed as suicide). Michael Hand fled Australia with all the money from this so-called Black Fund.
Hand is currently the most-wanted individual the Australian government has its sights on. He is living in the Middle East under the protection of an Islamic group by the name of the "Gray Wolves" which is in a strange way connected to the Black Rose. Interestingly enough, it is the Gray Wolves who were behind the last assassination attempt on the Pope due to mind-control operations used on the unwitting victim (attempted assassin). This Black Fund next surfaced in Honolulu at BBR&W (Bishop, Baldwin, Renwald & Wong) before it disappeared again.
Michael Riconosciuto is the son of Marshall Riconosciuto, a former business partner of Richard Nixon. Marshall is a former long-time business associate and very close friend of W. Patrick Moriarity. In 1985, Moriarity was sent to jail for bribing government officials.
To illustrate their involvement, in 1984, Moriarity and Marshall Riconosciuto filed bankruptcy on a corporation they both founded known as Pleasanton Properties. Along with their personal attorney, Henry Baer, they had purchased a 940-acre stretch of canyon land. Previously owned by Sinbad 720 of Honolulu, the property was a political front. Mr. Moriarity had obtained a loan of $1.3 million from California-Canadian Bank based only upon his signature. When he got into the financial difficulty with Pleasanton Properties, a deal was struck with the East Bay Regional Park District with a letter of credit. Subsequently, $1.6 million in profit was laundered through to Moriarity as he sat in prison. Bank of America is one of the CIA's premier institutions for Black Fund transactions and operations. This is especially true of the Vienna and Swiss branches.
The largest white heroin bust in history occurred in Hayward, California and is partial proof of the scale of the involvement. The Chang family was all arrested and cars, homes, boats, and properties were all seized by the DEA. However, no one seized the warehouse in which the drugs were found because the warehouse was owned by Bedford Properties. Peter Bedford and his wife Kirsten are also known for Kemper Life Insurance out of Chicago. (Ed. Note: Could this be the same family George Green speaks of so fondly?) Despite the fact that everyone knows that new federal law states that the DEA and the federal government immediately and automatically seize ALL property in and on which illegal drugs are found, it was not done in this case.
Casolaro's phone conversations, which were being monitored by the intelligence team assigned to him, revealed that one week prior to his death he stated to close friends that, whereas he had always denied any belief that the U.S. Government was involved in drug sales to support its covert operations, he was suddenly CONVINCED IT WAS TRUE.
The House Judiciary is at this time in possession of documentation supplied by Michael Riconosciuto which contains incriminating evidence of some of these operations.
Getting back to the aforementioned BBR&W of Honolulu, the next phase of the Black Fund's annihilating effect was heavily hit investors in the Northern California area. The money again disappeared. The people that had invested in the general partnership lost everything they had. The U.S. Government refused to help them seek restitution. Renwald went to jail for a very short period of time. Renwald was also a victim of "suicide" by slashed wrists, but he managed to survive.
Anson Ng, the reporter who was killed in Guatemala, went there for two reasons. He was attempting to trace the Black Fund, which now reappears with the BCCI incident. Also, he wished to make contact with an eyewitness to the CIA triple execution at Rancho Mirage who happened to be a bag man for the money. This man was James "Jimmy" Hughes who had fled to Guatemala when he learned that a contract or a sanction had been placed on him by the family in charge of the Cabazon Indian Reservation, namely the John Peter Nichols family. John Nichols father, Dr. John Philip Nichols, was formerly involved in the hit of President Allende of Chili and was also an associate of G. Wayne Reader, a CIA operative involved in the Silverado Savings and Loan fiasco along with the President's son, Neal Bush. G. Wayne Reader and Neal Bush were also involved with the now insolvent San Marino Savings & Loan. Reader was also the owner of the Palm Desert Golf and Country Club.
Jimmy Hughes, the bag man for the money for the triple execution of Fred Alvarez and his friends, fled to Guatemala after a lawsuit was filed against him by G. Wayne Reader alleging that Hughes had made an attempt on his life.
An operative helped Jimmy Hughes, taking him into safety. This operative is also currently in hiding. This individual is closely connected to the downfall of Sid Shaw and Centennial Savings & Loan. This debacle resulted in the "unexpected death" of Mr. Hanson and the brief but illustrious life of Beverly Haines. Beverly Haines had accrued many enemies, two of whom were involved with the U.S. Justice Department. One was former U.S. Attorney Joseph Rucinello and the other was former Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Robinson. The Centennial Savings and Loan fiasco also links former Congressman Doug Bosco.
[H: Now, you readers, please understand why Dharma might just be "passing out" right about now--because this same bunch of criminals right down through the Municipal Court Judge just writing about her in the local paper--is a part and parcel of this whole S&L-RTC crime ring--whether or not he even realizes as much.]
Joseph Rucinello and Peter Robinson had filed a complaint with the Justice Dept. in 1986 regarding the misconduct of a man by the name of Charles Duck. Duck was bankrupt in 1968 and was later appointed by Conley S. Brown, the now-deceased judge from Eureka, to become a bankruptcy trustee. Mr. Duck is currently in the Sheridan Federal Prison in Sheridan, Oregon serving time for the largest embezzlement by a bankruptcy trustee in U.S. history. His attorney is the aforementioned Peter Robinson who was the Assistant U.S. Attorney investigating Centennial Savings & Loan. Robinson personally apologized to Beverly Haines for having to convict her. But he also was appointed, in direct violation of the "Revolving Door Policy", by Marilyn Hall Capell to represent one of the largest drug dealers from the Columbian Cartel. His client, Mr. Pasera, received a 40-year sentence.
A reporter by the name of Virginia McCullough contacted the Justice Department to make inquiries and request an investigation as to why Peter Robinson had been assigned these investigations in direct conflict with the "Revolving Door Policy". She also wrote a letter to the House Judiciary at that time because she and her husband had met with members of the Justice Department on August 15, 1989. At that time, they were told to cease and desist or it could get violent. Needless to say, they were outraged.
On August 30, Mrs. McCullough and her husband were returning to their home in Alameda County after stopping at a McDonald's to get dinner for the family. As they pulled into their isolated property, they witnessed a man run out of the back door. When he saw them, he ran back into the house, which he had already set on fire, ran past her children and out another door. At this point, a car abruptly pulled up, the man jumped into the passenger side and the car sped off. The McCullough children were uninjured but the house did burn completely due to its isolated location. Mrs. McCullough filed complaints with the Alameda Sheriffs Office, as well as writing letters to the U.S. Department of Forestry (who extinguished the fire), the U.S. Attorney and the FBI. Nothing was done regarding her complaints.
Dexter Jacobsen, whose body was found in August of 1989 in Sausalito, was investigating corruption in the federal bankruptcy system and reporting back to the FBI about it. He was found murdered under very strange circumstances. Among the many subjects of Jacobsen's investigations was the aforementioned Charles Duck. The FBI only audited three of the 1,500 cases of which Charles Duck had control, because, as the bureau publicly stated, "they didn't want to beat him over the head." The reason for this bizarre reaction from the FBI was because Duck shared four bank accounts with John L. Mullinari who ran for mayor of San Francisco in the last election. John Mullinari and the Trioni Brothers managed to tie up all of Mr. Duck's assets. Mr. Rucinello is fighting to keep from giving one dime of the bond money to any victim. Their companies have successfully disallowed or tied up in litigation any repair to the bankruptcy victims for the rape of their assets by Charles Duck. At this point the Justice Department had been hearing complaints from many hundreds of victims of the Savings & Loan Scandal for four years.
A woman by the name of Susan Uecher was the successor trustee in one bankruptcy involving a man named Bill Connely. Susan Uecher, on four separate declarations and as a matter of court record, threatened the life of Bill Connely if he were to set foot on his own property. The threat to his life was actually recorded by a woman by the name of Betty Ann Bruno of KTVU when she and her news crew accompanied Connely to Oregon as he attempted to set foot on his own property. Susan Uecher is also the successor trustee to Charles Duck in the Paul Sonowski Bankruptcy in which Dexter Jacobsen was the contingency attorney suing.
There was one individual in all of this who apparently was an honest man. He is a U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee who was placed there to "clean house". His name is Anthony Souza. When Mr. Souza tried to clean house, he was called back to Washington and was met by several CIA officers and Justice Department officials. He was told that they didn't want things "quite that clean". They then shut him down. They did this politically by removing his personal assistants--assistants he had worked with very efficiently and well. This was also accomplished by putting moles into his office and eventually calling him back to Washington and telling him to "shut up".
In court, Mr. Robinson, representing Duck, stated that his client had passed the polygraph test when he denied mismanagement of funds. For the record, Judge Souza said HE DID NOT. Although the polygraph results were never resolved, Duck was sentenced to 2-1/2 years and shortly after went to prison.
Through his sources, Casolaro had obtained the "declaration" written and signed by Michael Riconosciuto. Riconosciuto, through third parties, had managed to supply enough documentation to back up some rather preposterous claims. After reading the material, Casolaro realized to what extent things really were involved. Casolaro had received 60 pages of whistleblowing documentation on a major defense contractor. The material was "repossessed" that night by the assignment team from NSA and Wackenhut.
In April of 1991, the House Judiciary Committee met with Riconosciuto in Washington and afterward asked him for proof of his credibility by supplying them documents. Riconosciuto requested the documents in question from his attorney and asked that they be clearly marked "Lawyer/Client Privilege". By law, this is the only type of mail which is completely exempt from search and seizure by any government entity. When the documents were received by the jail in which Riconosciuto was incarcerated, jail officials admit they opened the documents and then refused to forward any of them to Riconosciuto. They immediately contacted the NSA which sent out a team to review the material. As of December 1, 1991, the NSA still refused to comment on when the documents would be forwarded to Riconosciuto.
One of Riconosciuto's associates who had managed to send him this material had in the meantime contacted a couple of attorneys. One of these attorneys was a very high-profile attorney by the name of Dennis H. Eisman. Eisman, also known as the "Fatal Vision Lawyer", was the attorney in the Jeffrey McDonald case. Eisman was scheduled to come out to meet with a third attorney and visit Riconosciuto at the Pierce County Jail in order to represent him.
Wackenhut and the CIA became extremely irate over this arrangement. Shortly afterward, Eisman was found shot to death in Philadelphia, from a single bullet to the chest. Before the story of his death went public, the government issued an Associated Press report announcing that the Justice Department was going to bring down indictments against Eisman and other named attorneys for money laundering and dealings in narcotics. It could therefore be assumed, the story continued, that Mr. Eisman had not been killed but rather, feeling cornered and quite despondent, had killed himself in the basement of his office's garage, sitting in his car.
The indictments were phony--they never surfaced and no one has bothered to follow up on this. Eisman had been scheduled to fly to Seattle to meet with Riconosciuto the day after his death. Knowing this, the team searched for and removed Eisman's plane tickets to Seattle as well as Riconosciuto's documents.
At this point, Peter Videnieks of the Justice Department, who had served as Contract Officer on INSLAW, threatened Riconosciuto. Videnieks told Riconosciuto that if Riconosciuto were to continue to cooperate with Jack Brooks (Congressman), the House Judiciary and the INSLAW people, he would be indicted along with his friends from Los Angeles. One of these friends Videnieks was referring to was Mr. Ferrante of Consolidated Savings & Loan. There had been an attempt to Mr. Ferrante's life which was very nearly successful. In the first reports that he gave to the police, Mr. Ferrante indicated that he felt it had been an attempt by the Israeli Mafia.
In tracing the $40 million that was paid in the "October Surprise", we come to Alan Michael May. [H: By the way--one reason some of our friends stay alive and better off than others is that, in at least one instance, the party was the "banker" for the money and carries the bank account numbers ONLY IN HIS BEAD. Further, he is known for lapses in memory, especially under pressure--so that the numbers are programmed to completely escape conscious recall.] May, a former Nixon campaign financial aide, wired the money to the Iranians in October of 1980 as a downpayment on the hostage deal. On Wednesday, June 19, he died of an apparent heart attack despite the fact he was 50 years old and in perfect health. His death occurred four days after the Napa Sentinel reported his connection to the October Surprise. On June 14, May told relatives that he had been threatened and he knew his life was in danger. In a phone conversation with Riconosciuto, May was recorded telling Riconosciuto to "Sit on your fat Italian ass and keep your mouth shut, or we're all going to be dead."
In Alan May's case, his autopsy report released on July 26 stated he died of pulmonary failure, with complications of diabetes. Also listed as a contributory cause was poly-pharmaceuticals or many drugs in his system. A cross reference with the drugs that had been prescribed to him brought to light the fact that these were not the only pharmaceuticals found in his system.
In every one of these deaths there is one common factor--the residence is broken into, their computer banks are raided and personal notes, diaries and files are confiscated. In the case of Dexter Jacobsen, two days after his death his office was broken into twice and his apartment once. In Anson Ng's case, the ISA instructed the Guatemalan government to retrieve the floppy discs and his personal papers regarding his investigation. It did so and turned them over to a U.S. intelligence agency. In a press conference a few weeks later, Senator Alan Cranston requested that these items be returned but they have not. After the killing of Alan May, Riconosciuto was told that his wife and children were in grave danger.
The 1981 government contract-hit of Fred Alvarez and his friends occurred in Rancho Mirage. Alvarez had been working for the Nichols family, specifically, for the senior Nichols in the security field. In 1985, Linda Streeter, Alvarez's sister, contacted 20/20 and managed to get Geraldo Rivera and Barbara Walters to do an investigative report on the situation. During their report, Rivera and Walters detailed the changes of the Indian laws which resulted in the control of the reservations by "non-Indian" business managers. After 20/20's report, Governor George Deukmejian reopened the investigation of the three murders for hire.
The man in charge of the investigation was a detective with the Riverside District Attorney's office by the name of Gene Gilbert. As a result of the investigation, it was determined who had ordered the execution and how much money was paid for the hit. However, the investigators were never able to get an indictment handed down from the Grand Jury due to extreme pressure from the NSA through the Justice Department.
During the investigation, when Detective Gilbert made repeated requests to interview Riconosciuto, they were always denied. Because Riconosciuto was being prevented from seeing an attorney and therefore had no legal representation, he could not get or have access to his papers or files and was even denied access to a law library to defend himself. Thus, he decided to work through people in the media.
At that particular time, the Justice Department shipped him out to the Bureau of Prisons facility in Springfield, Missouri for Mental Competency Hearings. While in Springfield, several of the media people who had become involved made arrangements for Detective Gilbert to fly to Springfield to finally obtain an interview with Riconosciuto. When the NSA found out about the proposed interview, they quickly flew out a U.S. Attorney who stopped the interview after only 45 minutes and immediately had Riconosciuto flown back to Washington.
The NSA and Wackenhut then proceeded to determine exactly what information had been discussed during that 45-minute period. What they found out tied the noose on Riconosciuto's life line. Riconosciuto had revealed which Wackenhut operative had acted as the primary triggerman in the Alvarez murders.
Riconosciuto is now back in Tacoma, Washington at Pierce County Jail. He is being held in solitary custody to prevent him from talking to anyone. [H: Please understand that we do not know WHEN this document was written so cannot verify accuracy of locations, etc.] He is in grave danger because the Bureau of Prisons has repeatedly ignored and then refused attempts by Riconosciuto family and friends to get him medical equipment needed to sustain his life. This is due to the fact that he is very obese and suffers from the condition known as Sleep Apnea which requires a machine to trigger breathing at night should the sufferer stop breathing. The Pierce County jail authorities have repeatedly denied allowing this necessary medical equipment to be brought in.
Dr. Earl Brian never finished his medical internship at Stanford University, quitting a full quarter short of completing it. Despite this, he went on to serve under then-governor Ronald Reagan. He identifies himself as a neurosurgeon. This is a falsehood since he never finished his internship, let alone residency. Dr. Brian was, however, a key Reagan aide and was heavily involved with the intelligence community and Naval Intelligence Prison's Mind Control Programs, (MK/ULTRA. Book: Journey Into Madness, by Gordon Thomas) most notably the abortive UCLA Center for the Study & Behavior of Violent Behavior. Also to be considered is the fact that EACH of the 24 members of the Cabazon Indian Tribe was sent during this time period to a "clinic" for some type of psychological program for alcohol or drug treatment.
The Cabazon "Business Committee" of which Alvarez was a member until his death, is very closely controlled by an attorney by the name of Glen Feldman who resides in Phoenix, Arizona. Prior to this position, Feldman was the business partner and law partner of the aforementioned Senator Abaresque from South Dakota, who is now retired and in private practice. Senator Abaresque acted as a representative for both the Iraqi and the Iranian governments. Abaresque and Feldman also worked together to help draft the 1978 revisions to the Bureau of Indian Affairs laws which have been so resented by the Indian communities of the nation.
Linda Streeter and the Indians who have joined her cause to have her brother and his friends' murders investigated have now been officially labeled as dissidents by the Justice Department and the federal government. The three Wackenhut security members involved in these Rancho Mirage executions were themselves done away with in a Helicopter Crash which occurred on the Groom Range (Area 51) of Nellis AFB, Nevada.
One of Casolaro's contacts was an Alan David Standorf. Standorf was one of Casolaro's main suppliers of documents that directly exposed the government's connection to Savings & Loan failures, international drug smuggling, bank scandals, and Mafia ties. Standorf was employed by the NSA and NRO in a very restricted and sensitive Secret Communication Center. At the center he could listen to and intercept message traffic (crypto & codex) from the intelligence community.
Casolaro and Standorf had set up a Nerve Center for operations involving the duplication of sensitive documents. Highspeed Xerox commercial duplicating and collating machinery was installed in Room #900 of the Hilton Hotel in West Virginia to provide Casolaro copies of all documents and to allow Standorf a location and time to return the documents back to their original storage files.
After Casolaro's murder, Standorf s body was found in the rear seat of his car, under luggage and personal items, at Washington's National Airport. He died from a massive blow to the head.
Riconosciuto, a primary electronics expert for the U.S. intelligence community, was arrested seven days after providing Congress with testimony in the INSLAW case. When his attorney Dennis Eisman was to have picked up critical information in the case which was destined for Casolaro and Riconosciuto, he was found shot to death. Some of the individuals and companies Casolaro was following leads on at the time of his death are: Dominic and Bob Balsano, Gemini Industries, The Papago Indian Tribe, the Menominee Indian Tribe, The Cabazon Indian Tribe, The Primerit Bank of Nevada, BCCI and 312 other related financial institutions, Dr. Earl Brian, Peter Videnieks, Community Banking of Southern California, Home Savings and Loan of Seattle, Theodore Strand, Robert Booth Nichols, The Department of Commerce, and the Wackenhut Corp.
Casolaro was also investigating the links between the deaths of Indians and journalist Don Bolles who was killed in a car explosion in Arizona in 1976. [H: I am asked to herein note that this is "right on" and books with proof are: The Underground Empire by James Mills and The Arizona Project by Michael Wendland. It must also be noted here that Senators Montoya (NM) and Glen (AZ) (and also one of the "Keating Five") have both been involved in the "reservation" situation.] (In 1980, a jury found John Harvey Adamson guilty of first-degree murder in the death of Bolles). Also being investigated by Casolaro was the gold/platinum smuggling that came from Southeast Asia, through Mexico and then through the Papago Indian Reservation in New Mexico. This was done through a "clearance corridor" which, due to an inter-agency agreement, the DEA refused to patrol.
Another matter he was investigating was the IBM/Tel-Aviv connection linking the use of INSLAW's PROMIS software to Israeli intelligence. Casolaro was also in touch with Alan Michael May, the bag man for the $40 million downpayment made for the Iranian Hostages. Casolaro was also in contact with Bill Hamilton of INSLAW and was scheduled to meet with Videnieks and Brian at the approximate time of his murder. He kept all six of his file folders with his accumulated documents and information with him at all times. Just before his alleged meeting, he left the files locked up at his home, telling relatives he felt they were safer there than traveling with him. In a search of his house after his death, NO documents were found.
Peter Zokosky also had a close liaison with Casolaro. Zokosky had previous dealings with the Cabazon Indians at the time the INSLAW software was being converted for Canadian Intelligence. He also knew about the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons for the Contras through the joint venture of the Nichols family and the Wackenhut Corp. Casolaro was in the possession of documents which detailed such things as a bank in New England which has $400 million in phony bearer bonds that are being used for collateral because the bank's money has been siphoned off. Other documents detailed another bank's multi-million dollar loans used to finance drug deals which were based on only a few thousand dollars of collateral.
* * *
Let us take another short break as this segment is becoming too lengthy for a suitable "chapter". Thank you.
PJ 66
FRI., MARCH 19, 1993 4:48 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 215
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993
(Activities from 1980 to Present)
The PROMIS program which was stolen by the Justice Department was to act as a Caseload Management Program for the department's massive caseload problems. Ed Meese's associate, the aforementioned "Dr." Earl Brian, was given control of pirated versions of the PROMIS program by Meese in order to sell it back to different U.S. government agencies for a very sizeable profit. Two U.S. courts have sided with INSLAW in their case against the Justice Department and awarded them an $8 million judgement. However, a higher court of appeal has overthrown the verdict, declaring that it was not within the jurisdiction of the lower courts.
On October 9, the case was added to the workload of the United States Supreme Court. Earl Brian owns UPI (United Press International) and FNN (The Financial News Network). The awarding by Meese of the software pirating venture was a "thank you" gift for Brian's role in arranging the October Surprise--the conspiracy by the Reagan Administration under the control and direction of Vice Presidential Candidate George Bush to delay the release of the Iranian hostages until after the 1980 election.
[H: Just a point in passing to you who say you have read this and read that and thus and so--would it not be more plausible to hear from someone WHO WAS THERE IN PERSON, FLEW THAT SR-71 WITH BUSH IN THE COCKPIT (ON CAMERA) AND STOP THE NIT-PICKING ABOUT "WHO KNEW WHAT" AND "WHEN"? It would certainly seem appropriate to me. Yes indeed, there will be a book on the matter by this author in point--but right now we have to settle for that which is available and give our best efforts to security and safety.]
Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher was the pilot who flew the specially converted SR-71 carrying then Black Rose Chairman George Bush, CIA Chief William Casey and CIA operative Donald Gregg (among others). They met with Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (speaker of the Iranian Parliament), Mohamed Ali Rajai (future President of Iran) and Manucher Ghorbanifor (an Iranian arms dealer with connections to Mossad). Since making allegations regarding the meetings in May of 1991, Russbacher has been in jail, convicted of a charge of impersonating a U.S. Attorney. he is currently being held at Terminal Island (Federal Prison, CA). [H: This was true at the time of this original writing, however, he is now being held in Jefferson City, Missouri with added "State' charges.]
Michael Riconosciuto is currently in jail awaiting trial on charges of "conspiracy to sell drugs". These charges were concocted by the Justice Department to silence him until damage Control Procedures are carried out. The charges were made one week after Riconosciuto authored and signed his affidavit describing the operations, along with his personal involvement, of stealing and modifying the pirated PROMIS software. He detailed how Justice Department employee, customs official, and CIA operative Peter Videnieks threatened (over the phone) the lives of Riconosciuto's wife and children if he proceeded with his public "outing" of the operation. Videnieks was a frequent guest of the aforementioned John P. Nichols (Tribal Manager) who was actually Riconosciuto's boss in several projects conducted on Cabazon Reservation land. The PROMIS software modification was just one of these projects.
As mentioned, the PROMIS software was modified to install a "rear entry" or "backdoor" (very important) which could then at a later time be accessed for use by the NSA or other U.S. intelligence groups, or...the Black Rose. This accessing could be done without any of the prospective "buyers" being aware of it, so that files or information could be retrieved at will from any foreign country that the U.S. sold it to. The pirated and modified software was then sold to over 90 countries as the operation known as "Keys to the Kingdom" was commenced. The countries included Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya. Riconosciuto's expertise with computers, electronics and armaments was fully utilized.
The status of Indian Reservation land as "sovereign" enabled CIA, NSA, Wackenhut and elements of organized crime to conduct business in a totally new way--out of the sight of any government overseers or Congressional or Senate snoops. One project of the "Network" currently underway on the Cabazon Reservation involves a joint venture with Southern California Edison Company. This "project" will soon be generating electric power from Bio-mass drawn from local waste outlets. Biological Warfare projects are also under way at Cabazon.
Advanced Warfare projects such as "Pathogenic Viruses" (co-engineered with Stormont Laboratories) are also being conducted at the Cabazon Reservation. Enhanced "Fuel-Air Explosive" weapons are also being manufactured at Cabazon after they were created and tested with the assistance of Meridian Arms at the Nevada Testing site. These weapons are so advanced they match the explosive power of some nuclear weaponry.
This type of Advanced Weaponry gains its power from polarizing the molecules in the gas cloud by a modification of the electric field, a technology developed from Thomas Townsend Brown's suppressed work. Riconosciuto was one of the weapons technicians who worked with this weaponry. He was familiar with it as he had worked with it previously at Lear in Reno, Nevada. Lear's father worked on anti-gravity engines. Riconosciuto worked for a time on the Fuel-Air Explosive Weapons with the aforementioned Gerald Bull of the Space Research Corporation. Bull later became an arms advisor to Saddam Hussein. Hussein also now possesses the Fuel-Air Explosive technology. [H: See, our little stories of capability during that Gulf War were not as "far-out" as they seemed at the time of mass denial of our presentations.]
The Leader of the House, Thomas Foley, announced last month that a formal inquiry into the INSLAW case will be initiated. Foley appointed Senator Terry Sanford as co-chairman of the joint Congressional panel to investigate the matter. Prior to his election as a state senator, Sanford was the attorney who represented Earl Brian in his 1985 takeover bid for UPI. Sanford was also instrumental in appointing Earl Brian to the board of Duke Medical University of which Sanford is President.
Riconosciuto is known in certain circles as a genius in almost all sciences. The so-called drug operation broken up in Washington State that Riconosciuto was arrested for was in actuality an electro-hydrodynamic mining operation using Townsend Brown technology. Government analysis of soil samples at the arrest site showed NO drug contamination but a high concentration of barium. Barium is often used in high-voltage related work.
Wackenhut is presently in the same operational mode in several other areas of the world. The "Reservation Operations" being carried out by the "Enterprise" and the W.W.T. group are under the project name "Yellow Lodge".
The "Yellow Lodge" project involves the infiltration and covert operations of Advanced Chemical, Biological and, in some cases, HAT Weapon development. These activities, due to the sovereign status granted to Indian lands, can be carried out by private and covert operations without answering to the legitimate arm of the U.S. Government. This scenario is especially true of the Jicarilla Apache lands, as well as many other reservations in the American Southwest--the largest of these being the umbra-classification base known as D6 (DULCE) in the state of New Mexico.
The INSLAW operation is one small project developed and carried out under the "Yellow Lodge" Project. It should also be known that Bill Hamilton (of INSLAW) is an Ex-NSA operative. Therefore, one not unfamiliar with black operations.
The individual known as "Clark Gable" is in actuality the aforementioned Robert Booth Nichols. Nichols has extensive connections in both the intelligence underworld and the underworld of organized crime with contacts in not only the U.S. Mafia, but the Japanese "Yakuza" and everything in between. Mr. Nichols was one of Mr. Casolaro's sources of information. Nichols was and is a director of a company known as FIDCO (First Intercontinental Development Corporation). This is just one of the "front" companies established by the "network".
Robert Nichols' wife Ellen has extensive knowledge of her husband's involvements and should be considered dangerous. She is dedicated fully to the goals of their operations.
Associated with Bob Nichols are such individuals as: 1. Sir Dennis Kendall, a former MI-6 operative from England now residing in Southern California. 2. George Pender, a very powerful individual with extensive ties to an assortment of U.S. and foreign intelligence agencies and the Military Industrial Complex. Mr. Pender was a former director of Burns and Roe, Inc. He is considered to be one of the most powerful and influential men in the United States. 3. Peter Zokosky (mentioned previously), a former boss of Nichols' 4. Kenneth Roe, president of Burns and Roe, Inc. 5. Glenn Shockley. 6. Robert A Mayhew, former Howard Hughes associate and Chief Executive of Hughes Aircraft. He has been used extensively as a private contract operative for the CIA to act as a liaison agent between the "Enterprise" and organized crime. This relationship began before the assassination of John F. Kennedy. 7. Clint Murchison, Dallas oilman.
Robert Nichols is one of the key men in this group of individuals which holds and controls an extremely powerful interest in the events of the New World Order. Mr. Nichols himself, according to an admission by Ex-Special Agent in Charge, FBI, Ted Gunderson (ret.), was solely responsible for the removal of a "sanction" placed on Gunderson's life several years ago. It is no mystery as to why the pattern of hits (listed "suicides") continues with anyone daring to challenge or probe too deeply into these individuals and their affairs worldwide.
One of Casolaro's many mistakes was his sudden interest, shortly before his death, in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Killed on board the flight, among many others, were Ron Laviviere, Bill Leyere and Dan O'Connor--all CIA operatives from the Beirut station. Also killed was Matthew Gannon, the Chief of Station, CIA, Beirut office. The Toronto Star did a story by John Picton which was right in every aspect.
The commander in charge of their team was a U.S. Army Intelligence officer by the name of Charles McKee, one of the individuals in charge of counter-terrorist operations in the Middle East. Part of the information that was in transit with these now-deceased individuals was material which could be used to destroy the "Enterprise". Included was the connection to the Syrian Drug smuggling ring and the man by the name of Monzar Al-Kassar. Kassar was deeply involved in the drugs and arms for hostages deal with Secord, North, Poindexter, Hakim and all the others of the Black Rose Group.
McKee's operation uncovered an Aqua-Tech group (CIA--Deep Cover Operatives) which was actually the team the CIA employed to help provide cover protection, safe routing and screening procedures for the Middle East drug-running operations. Part of their duties was to cover and deflect interest from other intelligence offices from Europe and other countries, especially U.S. agencies and, in particular, another Deep Cover Operation working somewhere within the Office of Naval Intelligence.
The ONI Group is working currently to topple the "Enterprise" and restore the intelligence community to fall back within the guidelines of their original intent. The most pertinent of their motives is a salvage operation on the U.S. Constitution and the prevention of an extreme right-wing, fascist wing within the U.S. Government and intelligence communities (known to many as Aquarius or The Fourth Reich [Order of the Rose]) [H: Full circle? Sound familiar???].
West German Intelligence and Mossad uncovered the fact that a bomb had been placed on board Pan Am Flight 103 by detecting a different. briefcase than the one regularly used by the Drug Smuggler. As mentioned, McKee's team was on board the same flight with key evidence which would be devastating to the "Enterprise". When the bomb information was relayed to the proper sources, the reporting agencies were ordered by the CIA Cover Operations Group to "Disregard".
The parameters of this operation reach to the highest levels of many world governments. The Gander, Newfoundland crash is also linked, as well as the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut.
Tensions are growing daily between many levels of the intelligence community. Sides are currently being taken. This document is only an outline briefing of an intricate and highly complicated scenario. Advisories to follow.
* * *
Thank you, son, for daring to share with your fellow-citizen that he might get inform ed. Ignorance is the worst kind of tyranny. This system is massive and does not intend to be put down--YOU AS CITIZENS ARE GOING TO HAVE TO FACE FACTS AND THEN WORK WITHIN THE SYSTEM IF YOU ARE TO SURVIVE. IF YOU KNOW THAT WHICH YOU DO--YOU CAN DO SO--FIGHT THEM WITH THEIR OWN WEAPONRY AND THEY WILL SLAY YOU--DEAD! FOR ONE THING--YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA OF WHAT KIND OF WEAPONS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE FIRING LINE RIGHT NOW!
I wish to make a bit of a statement on a very local level which you MUST ATTEND. When ones of our staff were yesterday speaking with a Sheriff in Sacramento--the "appointment" for meeting had to be postponed a day. Why? Because the Sheriff's Department is undergoing emergency and extensive RIOT TRAINING. When asked "what riots"? The response: "Those planned in a couple of weeks at the end of the 'King' trial." I believe you can finish the story for selves.
Thank you, secretary, for an unduly long day of work. This is, however, most important information for your insight. I don't want any of our people--or anyone--misunderstanding HOW SERIOUS THIS TIME OF LIVING HAS BECOME TO YOUR SAFETY AND TO YOUR NATION. BE WISE IN ALL UNDERTAKINGS--DEAD MARTYRS ARE USELESS TO ALL SAVE THE ENEMY.
Good day.
PJ 66
WED., MARCH 26, 1993 8:11 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 222
FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1993
In this morning bewilderment, I must spend just a minute with Wokin (note this is NOT "walk in"). "Walk-in" is a NEW AGE term that means NOTHING! IF THERE BE CLAIMED "WALK-IN" STATUS--BE VERY, VERY CAUTIOUS--FOR GOD CREATES--THE ADVERSARY USES THAT WHICH ALREADY EXISTS FOR HIS OWN PURPOSES. If you have one who passes through a "death experience" or instant "change" of attitude--it does not mean a different soul has entered--it means that direction toward God has often been gained in insight and Truth through such experience--and it's the SAME OLD SOUL IN DIFFERENT EXPRESSION. DO NOT CONFUSE THE TWO! In this instance it is neither--the change is for the protection of the work having come through Dharma to this point in journey. You must understand that George Green is expressing on radio and through ones, even abroad, that HE IS THE RECEIVER FOR "HATONN" SINCE LAST SUMMER (1992) AND MUCH OF THAT WHICH HAS COME THROUGH DHARMA (AND NOW, ESPECIALLY) ARE LIES AND NOT THROUGH HATONN. I must give you a way to recognize the falseness of that statement and allow you to realize the flexibility of energy form. IT IS THE ENERGY FORM, NOT A LABEL, WHICH IS AT POINT. GOD DOES NOT MAKE ERRORS IN HIS PLACEMENT OR PERSONNEL JOINMENT--MAN IS THAT WHICH TAMPERS WITH EVERYTHING PHYSICAL OR IN PHYSICAL EXPRESSION.
George is even offering "good deals" to distributors on the OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL and demands to hold two of the JOURNALS isolated to his control. He even now says he will reprint the "Manual" and EDIT IT. What could that mean? It means the same thing that has happened to all of your Biblical LAW books. Someone in human physical form doesn't like the contents, authors, or, or, or. Oh, it will still house Druthea's writings, I am quite sure--for as George has also told the whole wide world in his tirades lately--that Druthea is Desiree. So be it, George, if this is love for your spouse in the danger-fields, then I question your intent and/or loyal integrity. Indeed it is so--and truth comes from any who accepts the conduit responsibility of that truth. But I ask, George, what are you trying to do? Will THIS make your word more OR LESS valid in the eyes of readers?? Does this make Desiree more acceptable, OR LESS? BLESSED BE THOSE WHO STUMBLE AND ALLOW HELP IN RECOVERY--WOE UNTO THOSE WHO CONTINUE TO EXPAND THE PEBBLE INTO A MOUNTAIN CANYON FROM WHICH THEY CANNOT MOVE.
It is impossible to understand why you cling to the JOURNALS when you denounce them at every turn--OR, IS THERE INTENT TO DESTROY THEM--NOT UTILIZE THEM PROPERLY?
I realize that George continues to contact ones and I also realize, as do the people at this location, that he is efforting to get full information--well, he can read the old LIBERATOR or new CONTACT and get all the information because we simply print it. However, we are going to taper off on that for we have already gone to near 70 pages of print in the LIBERATOR alone and now we must integrate new information space for our brothers in truth bringing.
Dharma Wokini confronts material which must be done which will amount to two or three HUNDRED pages, THIS MINUTE, of critical information. She has two JOURNALS which I have asked be ready for press by mid-week next. We have constant attorney matters to solve. We are in full-blown effort to get Gold assets back to the original owners (not for selves--not even for the Institute, to the owners!) We are trying to get the JOURNALS into security at the least: George told at least two people, yesterday, that he believed he would just DESTROY THE WHOLE INVENTORY OF JOURNALS, THAT THEY WERE LIBELOUS IN MANY INSTANCES AND, YES, HE BELIEVED HE MIGHT JUST DISPENSE WITH THEM ALL.
If this be the attitude, why does he not simply release them which would also allow cancellation of his monetary debt for, if books are not selling at any rate (as he has continually stated to the author), then why would he desire to keep this insane battle raging?? Could it be that he has joined with the US&P in some sort of joint venture to destroy the whole of the work of the God team? What motives push one into deeper and deeper mire? Is he so intent on destroying the Ekkers, for their services, that he distracts at any possible instance? So be it--for he cannot DISTRACT OLD HATONN! I believe the attorneys are listening pretty well, NOW--although it did take a few of his antics to cause them to realize the situation instead of listening to the lies. Do what you like, George, because it seems each move you make only helps our cause.
Under such attack it requires explanation and reminding of activities, intent and application of that which is under discussion. Therefore, I have no alternative other than to clear the decks and tell the people still wishing to participate--what are the directions taken, system of operation of the Institute itself, etc.
In the beginning of the opening of the Institute for the reader's participation, it was made explicitly clear that we were not then, never would be and would be considered in NO WAY A METALS DEALER, BUYER, STORAGE FACILITY OR ANYTHING ELSE SIMILAR.
George Green was an early on founder of the Institute's funding plan--before even moving his residence to Tehachapi. As America West began publication of JOURNALS it was necessary to have some operating capital as George had been helping fund the publications. At first he bore the expenses for he said he had plenty of resources and a publisher "does fund publication of books". Distribution would be handled through America West Distributors (Desire's "sort of" company). George let it be known from onset that HE RAN BOTH!--MADE THE ULTIMATE DECISIONS FOR BOTH--and demonstrated as much.
Now, came the Institute"plan". As economic times deteriorated and it began to become obvious that hundreds of banks and the ecomomy were in trouble, people asked constantly for a means by which they could "help us" and yet not lose all their retirement and security funds. It would be that they had some problems with their own sums and some had even lost massive amounts in the S&L's and market stocks.
It became evident that ones could not invest in projects which were still in preparation for start-up phase and, also, many desperately wanted to help in some large (or tiny) way to get the WORD out as we put it to press.
There was great discussion about how to do this and George proclaimed to know all there was to know about everything! He argued that he knew this would not represent a problem with SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) because no-one would be purchasing securities. THIS IS A FACT. But still, E.J., being overworked at the time, still decided he would not leave this in the hands of one George Green. Therefore, he took the responsibility of searching out established, well-recognized dealers, brokers, banks and vault facilities. He further said that there would be NO PARTIES in participation who would not incorporate so that there was no implication of unsophisticated investors, etc. There would actually be no securities involvement--but nonetheless, for the protection of any and all participants there would be required incorporation or already existing trusts.
Mr. Green proceeded to bring some ones within who either said they "would incorporate" or arranged with HIM to not do so. E.J. had no way to tell what Mr. Green was telling people and when asked personally to set aside the rules in some instances he did so--ON THE REQUEST AND WORD OF MR. GREEN. It is THOSE PARTIES now efforting to destroy the Institute--along with those who obviously listened to George Green and never understood the system--OR, HAVE BECOME A TOOL AND NOW CLAIM TO MISUNDERSTAND.
George Green was an original member of THE INSTITUTE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. It was discussed openly as to whether or not Mrs. Green would also serve. Mr. Green decided that since Mrs. Green did not want to be in Tehachapi and was a stickler for participation and detail and all was "long distance" at the time, that only Mr. Green would be a member of the Board. This was never changed until a brief few weeks ago when the Institute Board requested his resignation. He was also titled Vice-President and officer and did in fact even have access to the Corporate Bank Account on signature.
At the time it was further decided that all proceeds from the writings would be handled in a flexible manner. It was originally planned that Dharma would receive a minimum "up-front" amount for each JOURNAL. That didn't work because she never received anything to speak of and the books were coming forth at a speed unreasonable for Greens to carry such a load. So, it was decided that all proceeds would be placed back in the publishing system until such time as something else could be worked out. Almost 70 JOURNALS later it is obvious NOTHING ELSE was worked out, even though agreement was made for 50% of all profits after a JOURNAL would break even. Therefore, assuming misunderstanding, in the reprinted volumes--would there not have been some expression of remuneration to the writer? Then, as the Greens moved to Nevada--it was agreed that Greens would help with expenses on the paper and JOURNAL personnel. This never happened--so, then there was a promise of 10% of the gross sales of the JOURNALS--this never happened--not a dime. Even some $24,000 in LIBERATOR subscription fees was NEVER TURNED OVER FOR CONTINUING PUBLICATION OF THE PAPER.
Mr. Green stated that Ekkers could get money from the Institute and he needed everything for his operation. Fine? Every cent used by Ekkers not only has had to be borrowed at up to 18% interest-bearing notes--but the Institute was the LAST place they would go for funds for personal use. For goodness sakes, the Ekkers became totally destitute with house in constant litigation (with now some $200,000 gained in new loans at over 12%) on top of continuing to work with no income from publisher or distribution of dozens of volumes of work and a weekly newspaper. That outside "note" for legal services has now risen to well over $300,000 and now the property has been confiscated so Ekkers ARE LOCKED INTO A LAWSUIT TO RECOVER THOSE DAMAGES FOR THE LENDER--EVEN THOUGH IT APPEARS IT MAY WELL COST THEIR VERY LIVES TO CONTINUE THIS LITIGATION AGAINST THE CRIMINAL ELEMENT THAT GOES TO REAGAN, BUSH AND THE GOVERNMENT GANG OF THIEVES.
This does not mean by any measure that it has been EASY for Greens. We sincerely appreciate everything Greens did. The problem comes from the Greens connecting with the ADVERSARIAL forces--whether or not they will admit it or even understand it. It does, however, take a very BLIND person not to SEE THIS FOR WHAT IT IS!!
So back to the INSTITUTE. I believe, further, that every reader who has had anything to do with the Institute (unless deliberately misled DIRECTLY FROM GEORGE GREEN) WAS INFORMED EXACTLY AS TO HOW THE INSTITUTE "INVESTMENT/LOAN" PROGRAM WOULD FUNCTION.
A "participant" could place funds into the Institute through personal, or business corporation. Only persons who wanted to PARTICIPATE IN THE WORK GOING ON THROUGH PROJECT ASSISTANCE, PUBLISHING, DISTRIBUTION, ETC., WOULD BE ACCEPTED. The ONLY point in play was to be allowed to participate and still protect assets "borrowed". The funds would come in, gold would be purchased with the funds, loans (via a line of credit) against the gold (now collateral) and the proceeds of the loans to the Institute could be utilized as cash flow for input to projects. Project proposals had to be written, people had to live who were hired for this purpose, projects had to be instituted which could not await major funding, etc. This was FULLY EXPLAINED.
So how did the "protection" come about? Well, as you know if you read anything from any economic source (good or bad), Gold is predicted to move upward rapidly as the economy worsens. AND, the economy is about ready to blow-out. The market MEANS NOTHING-IT IS A COMPILATION OF MANIPULATED HIGH-ROLLER KHAZARIAN ONE WORLDER OPERATIONS.
The agreement was and remains: Put in whatever funds you wish, gold is purchased, money is borrowed by the Institute against that gold collateral for "NOW" utilization. In return a "demand" note AND A SIDE AGREEMENT is issued to the party participating--corporate or individual.
The agreement EXPLAINED AND AGREED UPON was that money, barring disaster and need for removal in emergency, would be left in the Institute (banks, collateral, etc.) until the price of gold was near double the investment price at original transaction. It would have to DOUBLE in value to cover brokerage fees, principle and interest. Now, after the doubling of the investment price at time of transaction, any profit above that doubled price would be handled in either of two ways: 1. A participant could take interest or regular withdrawals of funds and the profit would be split with the Institute by 50%--or, 2. The funds would remain and all 100% of the profit would be given to the participant.
NEVER was the Institute to be a metals dealer, a storage house for anyone's gold assets, an investment program of any kind, a securities or stock option plan-NOTHING OF THE SORT. It was for persons who wanted to make contribution and we do not accept CONTRIBUTIONS as such into the Institute. Even ones who asked to make contributions have received (if E.J. knew about them) NOTES in exchange--whether or not the people participating wanted them. If contribution was ultimately desired, then it could be handled from that point--not at onset.
There were ones who DID WANT TO CONTRIBUTE "ONLY" and there were other ways structured to allow for that.
It seems strange to me that Mr. Green now claims he had nothing to do with it and yet he holds (secretly) untold amounts of gold which he advised people to purchase and send to him for management. He has borrowed against that (secret gold stash), carried it interstate (illegal) and now conspired to "PULL DOWN AND BLOW UP THE WHOLE OPERATION OF THE INSTITUTE, THE EKKERS, AND ALL THAT HAS BEEN BUILT."
Will this happen? No, because the Institute is sound corporately and a "run" will not be legally tolerated. Mr. Green will stand responsible for any variance of instructions by those he brought into the funding process, and will also stand fully responsible for all repercussions brought forth by any of his "now legally defined conspiratorial partners".
It was originally Mr. Green's plan--but obviously meant by him for other personal use--and he was a corporate part of the Institute. He was accepted as an "authority" on SEC rules and regulations and shall be responsible for those to whom he misrepresented this Institute participation. Ones who have joined with Mr. Green in this attempt to bring down the Institute will be held fully responsible as CONSPIRATORS in this illegal assault on a Corporate entity in excellent standing.
NO. It is under protection of a "run" by the conspirators-‑NOTHING more. Participants will be totally protected against such criminal actions. Including, I might add, the ones who demand withdrawal--their funds are more safely guarded than prior to this take-over attempt by Mr. Green. Their assets sit safely and securely waiting the same course of action and increase as any. They will find, however, in some instances, the costs of such conspiracy to destroy others' assets will be very high--considering the costs of attorney's fees.
Do we need help? Indeed we do--we have had to close the LIBERATOR, the RTC got the property and Mr. Green still has possession of the JOURNALS as he threatens to DESTROY them and the court has possession of D.O.'s GOLD while the bastards try to lay claim to the gift and will not even allow the gold to be returned to the original owner for his own use or decisions.
Now Mr. Green calls bunches of you every day--being "sick of the pile of lies of the Ekkers, the LIBERATOR, and thus and so". So? When asked "what lies" specifically? He has no answer!
I do not wish to fight with anyone, much less Green. WE have work to do--piles and piles of it and my people are tired and frankly so assaulted and fatigued as to just about celebrate at a "shutdown". I suggested a week or so off while a new entity picks up the paper--and they proclaimed "No, they would get the work done, the shift made and a paper out any way necessary." God bless these precious children for they give all without restraint or barter. Dr. Young, for instance, who lives on unemployment from a brilliant career in the scientific front-edge world, has been bedridden lately from illness and pulse assault--and still gets the work done. I can say this same essential thing about EACH and every individual--including YOU READERS. There is no point in printing a paper--IF NO ONE READS IT. You accept it and petition for continuation and that is all that is needed for the ones here to work around the clock, if necessary, to be bringing you critical information and instructions. I don't know about you ones--BUT I WITNESS MIRACLES EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY AS THAT WHICH IS "IMPOSSIBLE" IS DONE!
We are going to have to cut a long way back in support of that entity. The more visible operations center will be in Nevada as originally structured. The office in Sacramento, California will continue to be a receiving point for mail and contact in some instances but the central offices and operations must be out of Nevada. We refuse to take any more guff from the California business community and/or the thieves in our midst.
There are some ongoing cases which cannot be abandoned and there is such a need for this entity that we must keep it going on its own a few more months--then there is expected income enough to allow it to carry itself. Readers, when the going gets tough--the ones with good intent and input--get tougher and keep right on keeping on. We find our Center into the midst of one of the biggest unfolding actions in the United States this day. It is going to be a full disclosure of the RTC, BANK FIASCO (BCCI, BNL, ETC.) politicians and involved conspirators as to shock even you readers who have already felt "beyond shock".
As a for instance, many of you will have gotten a Fax emergency summons from one Dare Schaut through what will appear to be the sanctions of the Council on Domestic Relations. NO--it is NOT! He has done this and you shall have backup information, but the point is--he has called to ARMS you ones who will go to Waco PREPARED for militia duty. This is insanity--this incites to war. For "Prepared" means bring your weapons and anyone who will use them against the Feds. You do not yet know your enemy and his workers--even if we are telling you constantly who they are. I have warned you about Dare Schaut, Gritz has warned you about Dare Schaut--COSMOS has stated nothing but rebuttal to that which Dare Schaut has given forth publicly--so might it be possible that Dare Schaut--???. I have even warned you to the point of full assault from ones supporting the CDR, that even if intentions be good--the set-up is dastardly and will only MARK YOU!
WELL, WHAT ABOUT OUR OWN GROUP? WE HAVE NO GROUP! We offer hearing in a newspaper for all valid and timely presentation. We advocate (yea, indeed, demand) no weapons, no civil disobedience, no lawbreaking (of the land as well as God) and effort to help you with enough information for confirmation to back up what we offer--when secure to ones presenting--to the best of our ability. We have to protect ones through initials or anonymity if necessary and we effort to ALWAYS utilize their own perceptions and experiences so that YOU can come into discernment of the TRUTH of things.
We, further, do not even give Editors a time to do their jobs in their own perception of perfection. We simply put it out to you as quickly and as "is" as possible. We choose, even when there are myriads of dollars to run hundreds of pages, to stick to only a tiny, tiny few contributors to the paper itself--because it is a guide to HOW MUCH MATERIAL YOU CAN HANDLE. WE FIND ONES NOT BEING ABLE TO FIND TIME TO GET THROUGH THE ISSUES AS IS. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU GET ALL THE INFORMATION--NOT JUST A FAVORITE ARTICLE OR TWO--SO WE WILL CONTINUE AS IS UNTIL WE FACE OTHER NEEDED CHANGES. Please give us allowance to make this immediate changeover before we have to restructure layouts and input. We are given much freedom of the press outlay to get through this integration period in order to allow continuity of publishing uninterrupted--any changes can come with working evolvement. We are being blessed with understanding and total support and we are prayerfully grateful.
To be allowed continuation until we can receive expected funding--WE DO NEED MORE SUBSCRIBERS-just to keep printing. Then after a while, as funding (for which a proposal has been approved but yet unavailable) we shall subsidize so that prices can drop and allow more independent subscribers. Meanwhile, we can only struggle along and hope you continue to share, share, and share--if you can do nothing else. If "just reading" is all you can do--it is as blessed as the largest gift for it is what you can do and is precious unto God for the service. KNOW IT.
I have a remarkable message from a friend who writes to lend credence to our writings in a most personal way--he finds that he has PERSONAL family connections to the very places of which we have written about in ancient Khazarian times. This is priceless for it unfolds history in such a way as to allow proof and understanding. In this instance the place no longer exists but the HISTORY writings present the line of happenings.
More pertinent to my instant discussion, however, is a note shared regarding an 11 YEAR-OLD son of one J.G. (Nev.). (I honor parents who will allow their children insight and truth enough to experience information causing discernment, etc.) I have shared many, many letters lately as the opinions and assaults, excuses and input have flowed. I published a letter from one, B.P. and one L.F. Quoting the young man after reading the paper with these differing in perspective letters: "Bill sounds like someone who loves God in his heart. Leon is someone who loves the IDEAL of loving our Father." I asked for clarification says the father, and he said: "Dad, loving the IDEAL is just another way of avoiding using the free will we all have to CHOOSE THE LIGHT." This father also incloses a "piece" on FREE WILL which I shall effort to find space to share with you--for it hits the subject squarely on the target. It is, however, a bit over 7 pages in length so perhaps we shall need to save it for next time. Its title is "Understanding the Mystery of Free Will" and certainly is extremely important to understanding. Thank you for taking time to write such insightful information to help all with understanding the meaning of Free Will--for it is indeed hard for mortal man to grasp.
I need to make one last observation before closing this segment.
First, DO NOT JUMP OFF INTO WRONG CONCLUSIONS. Some of you ones are treating and "taking" Gaiandriana as if it were some type of antibiotic--with expectations of never feeling so much as "queasy" the rest of your unnaturally long and youthful perfectioned span of mortal existence. GOOD GRIEF, NO! SURVIVAL AND ETERNAL LIFE ARE TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS.
Gaiandriana IS NOT an antibiotic. When you, even after perfection of cellular structure, are exposed to bombarding foreign substance--be it poison or biological impact--which hits your systems--YOU WILL GET SICK. The point is that if you have built up your natural cellular structure and immune system--the body will adjust to the foreign intruders and you will be able to "throw off" the invader as the body cells created for such a task DO THEIR TASK.
This is like thinking that if you are shot at, hit with a lead bullet--that somehow you are protected because you took something. If the body can survive the trauma of a lead bullet--but the bullet remains lodged in the system--you may well perish from lead poisoning--perfection of cellular structure or not. Some people are so compromised already as to not be able to counter the assaults. Others won't stop intaking things such as caffeine, alcohol, drugs of various types, etc., long enough to even perfect the body at any rate--so help and healing slowly is all that can be expected. YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING, TOO, YOU KNOW! BUT THIS SUBSTANCE IS A NATURAL THING WHICH RECREATES CELLULAR STRUCTURE OF A BODY BY DNA RE-CREATION OF ORIGINAL STRUCTURE--NOT AN ANTIBIOTIC FOR KILLING OFF BIO-ORGANISMS. The immune system must be upgraded and THEN IT does the housecleaning. How well it does the structuring and housecleaning is up to you--we can offer the product--we cannot precipitate miracles--YOU are the miracle if there is to be one. Often, if you are sick and feel offended by that insult--THINK HOW SICK YOU "COULD HAVE BEEN"! IT OFTEN BRINGS THE THING INTO PERSPECTIVE PRETTY QUICKLY--FOR PEOPLE ARE NOW DYING OFF PRETTY FAST AND UNDER PRETTY AWFUL CIRCUMSTANCES THESE DAYS.
In ANY instance where you feel you are put upon or this is not working--STOP USING IT. We force no one to do anything--much less use something against his wishes. If you expect to substitute us out for the trained medicine men--then you expect the wrong things. In your world TODAY--you are under such assault that you are going to be sick from time to time--even unto death for that IS the assault upon you. We only offer you that which shall help you MAKE IT THROUGH! No more and no less. Gaiandriana is NOT A SHIELD FOR YOU GOD IS THE SHIELD! YOU ARE THE BEARER. GOD, FURTHER, DID NOT PROMISE YOU A JOY-RIDE ON ROSE PETALS--HE HAS TOLD YOU THERE WILL BE MISERY, PLAGUES AND TRIBULATIONS PUT UPON YOU. PLEASE DO NOT LONGER MISUNDERSTAND ACCORDING TO YOUR "WISHES" THAT IT WOULD BE OTHERWISE. "WISHING" WILL NOT DO A THING--EXCEPT KEEP YOU MOTIONLESS. There is a great difference in "goal setting" and fantasy-land daydreaming. We will effort always to give you that which can assist in your "survival"--we can do no more for the rest is up to you. When overwhelmed, a thing is brought down--there is no magic. If a tidal wave washes over you--you will drown. If assault of massive measures of microorganisms hit you, you will be sick or perish--or, often you WILL be able to respond sufficiently to have no symptoms or only brief encounter with sickness--but, if you think you are going to walk in perfection just because you are working at protection of your system--you perceive incorrectly--UNLESS YOU WITHDRAW FROM EVERY IMPACTING PARTICLE ABOUT YOU OR TAKEN WITHIN. You all still want the magic wand approach of hocus pocus--and that, dear ones, is that which does not exist in any dimension!!
Please understand that if you have been intaking Gaiandriana and you or your family become ill--KNOW that it could have been far worse for what is put against you ones now--is intended to give you fatal infections--be the incubation period short or too long to trace cause until too late. Now, in addition, you must confront every kind of gene, DNA manipulation imagined and unimagined.
In this edition of the paper will be lengthy discussions regarding the biggest gamble in biology. Know that within every cell in your body is a gigantic DNA molecule about 5 ft. long and 50 trillionths of an inch wide. Spelled out in the structure of each strand is the recipe for yourself. Without it, you would be nothing more than a soup of commonplace chemicals.
Not to even count prior work and expenditures in producing things like the HIV series of viruses, etc., and prior replication and DNA alteration/manipulation phases, you are in for more. Right now your U.S. Government, along with several others, is getting ready to spend over $3 BILLION on the Human Genome Project, an effort to find out every word of what this voluminous molecule says. It is the biggest biology project ever BROUGHT PUBLIC. I can only effort to inform you, chelas, and offer some help--I cannot perfect it FOR you.
Please, further, take time to UNDERSTAND the instructions when you undertake anything. All of you, make sure you reread and study and KNOW what you are doing. This is most flexible but you would be ASTOUNDED at the letters we get and what people are actually DOING. First, read and reread, and then check it out. We have people using this stuff, a drop or two AS THEY TRANSPLANT PLANTS, in pet food, etc., with incredible results in responding health and sturdy growth--but do not believe you are dealing with medicine, drugs, antibiotics or even herbs--YOU ARE NOT.
Thank you for your attention.
PJ 66
SUN., MARCH 28, 1993 1:16 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 224
SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1991
In introduction to the following material and gathering information, please know that we are privileged to have offering of sharing from this brother, Little Crow of the Lakota. "Sioux" is a term foisted off by the "white" man and I do not accept it as valid for title.
From onset of our writings even unto the writing of SIPAPU ODYSSEY we have spoken of that which will be brought forth by Little Crow White Eagle of the Red tribe. This is called THE SACRED HILL WITHIN but has not yet been put to public press for many reasons, but is yet eagerly awaited. This being has not been without work load during these years of interim and so many have asked for sharing that we gladly offer you a partial listing of some teachings and explanations of the Native American culture. These need to be obtained directly from the source shown and I ask that all who can do so, please participate--FOR THIS INFORMATIONAL BACKGROUND IS NECESSARY FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE EVOLVEMENT OF OUR OWN TRIBES--THE "BIRD" TRIBES (FLYING BROTHERS) OF THE "SILVER CLOUDS COME FROM DISTANT STARS WITH THE WINGED PEOPLE". I need not write more than is offered in the explanation guide given, at this time, for we will later share these visions and "knowing" and it shall indeed be a wondrous revelation of species, source and truth of our heritage and species of creation.
Pagan? Oh dear chelas, before any "pagan" anything could develop--first had to come the perfection of God's unaltered Truth in Creation. If one becomes "pagan" it is because he comes to walk upon a physical plane of impact by physical senses. "Knowing" and "knowledge" are two very different things--one is an abiding recognition of that WHICH IS--the other is something gained but not necessarily even in truth. "Knowledge" from "Knowing" is the ultimate test of MAN--in wisdom and understanding in TRUTH which IS God. AHO!
The above will be utilized in acknowledgement of Little Crow's available information, please.
The next is separate from the above writing.
We are petitioned for update and ongoing information regarding "Cosmos". Yes, we have information--that which was promised by one of the signatories on the OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE which was the point around which the whole subject seemed to rotate. The following shall be HONORED as to content and any who would use this information from this document--are not welcome to do so unless authorized by the writer thereof. I do not wish to elaborate on the subject material offered but will attempt to reprint the letter with only occasional corrections of typographical errors, i.e., inverted letters, spelling, etc. Those will be offered only to facilitate ease of reading.
This letter and the attached ELEVEN (11) pages, cannot, nor shall they be copied, sold on tape, video, or sold in book or other written form, other than the designated address of the Scrivener and the party to whom this letter is addressed; THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR.
March 19, 1993 (Received P.L.: March 19, 1993)
The Phoenix Liberator
Dear Editor;
"I", V.K. Durham, am one of the 'two signatories' on the OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE which has created such a furor in the past few months. This is a personal letter, not a corporate.
Regarding the OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE, there has been no response from PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON--sad to say...
While waiting, as an INDIVIDUAL, a petition to MS. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, a famed and renowned Attorney and legal counsel in her own right, is being presented via the "attached eleven pages" with a request for her assistance, as we all know how busy the President is these days, with all the money problems plaguing the nation and so forth.
That OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE is the only thing left--out of a fortune--a fortune which had been worked for so long, and so damned hard. And, they have tried to steal THE GOLD CERTIFICATE also--it not being in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HOWEVER--they are having a damned hard time finding it...anywhere.
I, V.K. Durham, am writing this letter to all the many hundreds of you who wrote of your own problems, problems like my own personal and my Corporations had experienced during the past Administrations of Reagan and the BUSH BOYS CLUB. The U.S. Attorneys over in Los Angeles and San Diego have been wondering what the "BBC" is...It is the "Bush Boys Club"--complete with PARADOX THINKERS who think "NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HAVE THAT MUCH"...so let's KILL THEM AND STEAL WHAT EVER THEY HAVE..." So, BUSH BOYS CLUB: "BBC".
My own losses to my personal and corporate holdings have been beyond a reasonable man's comprehension--they were not just my losses, but they were also the losses of: Children who could not afford to go to school (an estate had been formed to provide for their education). It was to provide for the homeless, the ill, the aged, also, and to protect the farmers who were having their lands stolen from the long family held farms--it was to provide industry and jobs. There was to be an "800" number set up in order for ability of ones to call if a farm was being stolen, etc. The party on the other end of that number would have assisted the caller, paid off the loan which was being "called" due, left the farm in the family and would be repaid at only a very small fee. The grain would be stored, like in the old days, in the granges--to help another unfortunate. This was all planned for the American People. Not only have "I" lost but the AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE LOST. In the above mentioned stored grain--it would be representative of only a very small percentage of a crop.
The Corporations which I held were: Durham International Ltd., Durham International Exploration and Development Ltd., Gemstar Development Ltd., Tamarau Corporation Ltd., Triumph Enterprises Ltd., etc. There were also 13,520 acres of GOLD PROPERTY, which had assays of in excess of $35 TRILLION in reserves. A mill and a refinery was scheduled with a repository and a depository. The major portion of the profits were to be used as I explained earlier--TO RESTORE THE NATION.
Well, I suppose things like this only happen in UTOPIA. U.S. Senator Alan Cranston and the Keating Five boys decided THEY WANTED THE PROPERTY. They went so far as to have the Arizona BLM back-date a law which would not allow mining on the property. I was forced to release (confiscated) 9000 acres--because these crooked politicians wanted the property. The FEDS were contacted and responded: "This is not an area of our jurisdiction." Then, a package containing the assays was sent up to then President George Bush. Bush was requested to turn the evidence contained in the package over to the U.S. Senate Banking Investigating Committee. GEORGE BUSH WITHHELD EVIDENCE IN A CRIMINAL TRIAL ON THE SAVINGS AND LOAN FIASCO.
The information was forwarded on to Washington to "Bush" and only later did I know that it was George Bush's SON who walked around the table in Phoenix (AZ) and said: "Don't the OLD FOOLS know, we can take ALL the property and not give them a damned thing!?" I suppose it would be a difficult choice to make, the American People taking it in the shorts over some crooked shenanigans my kid was involved in, or handing everything over to the U.S. Senate Banking Investigating Committee--which would be the honorable thing to do--if one were not prone to commit TREASONOUS acts against the PEOPLE.
I am saying to all of you who read this paper: THESE TAXES DID NOT NEED TO BE RAISED. THIS COUNTRY SHOULD NOT HAVE SUFFERED THIS MESS NOR SHOULD "BUSH BOYS CLUB" MEMBERS GO UNTRIED FOR TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Treason charges were filed in Gonzalez's office but nothing was done--nothing will ever be done--certainly NOT by Bush Boys Club members who sit in our Congress and Senate. They will just keep oppressing the people, ignoring the problem, and the people will suffer.
For the record: The "certificate" REQUIRES TWO SIGNATURES. I refuse to sign anything as long as the American people suffer, as long as there is a contract on my head. It's called EXTORTION and RACKETEERING and it's BEING DONE BY OUR CONGRESSMEN, EX-PRESIDENTS, SENATORS AND THE REST OF THE MUCK WE ELECT IN OUR OFFICES TO CONDUCT OUR AFFAIRS OF NATION IN AND ON OUR BEHALF.
I must apologize if I seem angry--I admit I am angry. I get very angry when I see Americans in the greatest nation in the world trying to sleep in a blizzard, outside in the cold and the elements. Yes, by damned, I get angry! I always think: "There but for the Grace of God go I." The sickness and the sadness is that THERE IS NO NEED FOR THE NATION TO SUFFER AS IT IS.
When you get to Washington, the ideals, principles, good thoughts all go out the window--and they all get caught up in the graft and the corruption. It makes you sick to your stomach just to think about it all.
Perhaps these attached ELEVEN pages addressed to: MS. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON will pretty well explain what happened to ALL OF US IN AMERICA!
Thanks a million for taking your valuable time to read and hopefully, print, these pages. God bless.
It's America and Americans "First".
V.K. Durham, CEO of the following (others omitted at this writing). Durham International Ltd., (stolen), Durham International Exploration and Development Ltd., (stolen), Gemstar Development Ltd., (stolen), Tamarau Corporation Ltd., (stolen), Triumph Ltd., (stolen) and the 13,520 acres which belonged to ALL AMERICANS--ALSO STOLEN!
cc: Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton File
Note: Mrs. Clinton, You and the President are invited to attend a meeting at the Oakdale Village Hall at 2:PM on Sunday, March 28, 1993 [Today--do you suppose they attended?]. We will be delivering this to the "people". NO "CIA" welcome.
March 19, 1993
Hillary Rodham Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
The White House
Washington, District of Columbia 20001
Re: This is an open letter requesting your assistance, and bounty of 50% on all moneys recovered in these FRAUDS.
Dear Hillary;
You, Bill and Al, all seem like nice enough young people, and seemingly, you "want" to straighten out this country's ills. One would think, if the ills are to be cured, one must first know the "extent of the illness", and it is doubtful that you young ones know what "we older" ones have experienced, or if you understand the depth of what we know--about the WHAT, WHY, WHEN, WHERE AND "WHO" these parties are who are causing the disease which is destroying our nation. WE DO, Mrs. Clinton.
Americans are becoming "wary", Mrs. Clinton. When they try to be Patriotic they are published. When Americans try to do their national "duty" and report criminal acts being perpetrated by the privileged few, politicians and their selected henchmen, they are punished.
The punishment, Mrs. Clinton, begins with putting the name of the individual(s) in the infamous "computer database dump". Then, the discrediting starts; nothing they say is credible or to be believed. Next, Mrs. Clinton, comes the oppression--as they are denied access to the courts and the spirit of the law known as "due process". If they have knowledge which helps the little guy whose property is being stolen under the guise of the 100 year flood plain, only at a later date to be developed by prime developers. They (meaning the ones who try to be good Americans) suffer from "attempted murder" by what is thought to be "auto accidents", then at a later time, in this instance, the insurance companies take over. They use doctors and officers of the court (judges and attorneys) who have used their paid trips over to Palm Springs to play with women who are not and were not their wives and who were then blackmailed by the insurance companies who initially paid for the "little excursions"--to oppress and misuse the law against such a person--who just tried to be a good American.
The plan is under such as the Rico Act, Murder Incorporated, Murder for Hire, collect insurance on unauthorized "Life insurances"--"Kill the old woman" and steal, steal, steal--but at all costs: KEEP A LID ON IT.
All of this is going on, and more, Mrs. Clinton, to a little old lady. They tried to kill me in an "alleged auto accident" in 1983, and continue to date, now using medicine denial to do the dirty work. They forced me into bankruptcy. "Bush" had Judge Goldberg in the court (this was denied). This was, however, all in the bankruptcy. It was "KEEP A LID ON IT" by orders of Bush.
Well, guess "WHO" is one of the "signatories" on the OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE? Just the interest due could ELIMINATE THE NATIONAL DEBT and provide stability to the nation. Guess "WHO" is NOT going to sign until this mess is all straightened out! Yep, you guessed it--this "momma".
On the property, I had obtained a $300MM IRREVOCABLE Turn Key commitment to a loan, to build a mill and a refinery. There were the same conditions on a $600MM loan and on a $200MM loan. Then, Mrs. Clinton, there was a $10MM turn key commitment to loan which was also irrevocable. Did I obtain the loans? NO. Why? you might ask. Well, it's a story you need to fasten your seat belt for hearing--it goes as follows:
The first commitment to loan came in April of 1988, as is already stated. I was in the middle of "the" auto accident case whereas I was rendered disabled due to injuries sustained. The attorney, a Mr. Jay H. Picking, had been really enthused over the case, being Case 159758 in Riverside County for the State of California---UNTIL--he was "accidentally" also caught between two semi-trucks. His car was a total loss and he abandoned the case stating: "I am afraid to discuss the case with you even on the telephone," and "At some time, you have to make up your mind, which is more important, the money or your life." (This IS recorded on tape.) The insurance companies are hard at work since there is a $10MM "umbrella" policy on the business where I was insured in the event of any "bodily injury" and could no longer support myself. Then, Mrs. Clinton, there was the infamous SAFECO INSURANCE policy, C482687, where I was insured for $1MM and also for $500K, which I have never been able to "access", and there was an additional $300K, Workman's Comp" policy--which I have also been UNABLE TO ACCESS.
After Mr. Picking abandoned the case within days of the discovery period of the legal action commencing--leaving me totally naked before the courts--suffering from memory loss, loss of vision, loss of use of the left hand, herniation of the L3-4-5 areas and walking was very difficult--I, Mrs. Clinton, was DENIED legal counsel and forced to represent myself in Case #159758. Mrs. Clinton, denial of counsel for any period of time during the "discovery" period defeats the fairness of EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW AND DUE PROCESS. It violates the Constitutional provisions of EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW and this is ongoing, Mrs. Clinton.
This "patriotic" American was denied medical attention and overheard a conversation between one doctor and THE attorney: "...leave her alone and the infections will kill her. Anyway, we don't have to worry too much longer." The attorney was the "patriotic" American's business partner who knew of the many "projects" the "patriotic" American had accumulated--and were in process.
One of the projects, Mrs. Clinton, was a 3x3x3 "Bonni Light Crude" sale: 376 millions of barrels per day. The contract was signed and the money was alleged to be in place. The contract was taken under the guise of "power of attorney". The contract was a 1980 contract. A 3x3x3 means: there is a three year contract, then the next three year increments are renegotiable. The contract, Mrs. Clinton, was signed in 1982. Nine (9) years later the OIL is NOT paid for AND nine (9) years later THE SAUDI PRINCE DEMANDS HIS PAYMENT FOR HIS "PRINCELY ALLOTMENT". The "Princely allotment", Mrs. Clinton, is demanded at "Port of Departure", ABU DAUBI, KUWAIT. The Prince demand his payment--or the PORT--which was responsible for "his" oil. In 1991 he was then sanctioned by the "purchaser" of his Oil--to take KUWAIT. Result? DESERT STORM! The "Prince" was SADDAM HUSSEIN, the "Old Lion of the Desert"' s son--ALL BROTHERS.
The Oil, Mrs. Clinton, was purchased by ZAPATA OIL and UNION OIL. Bush attempted to turn Saudi "Brother" against brother. In the meantime, Mrs. Clinton--back at the ranch, so to speak--$650 BILLION American dollars are being used TO BUILD UP SAUDI ARABIA using our own DEFENSE PLANES and other DEFENSE MATERIALS which would normally be used TO DEFEND AMERICA. The Army Corps of Engineers were used and "so on". NONE of the $650 Billion has shown up anywhere other than as a DEFICIT in the American Taxpayer's economy, Mrs. Clinton. Bush had to pay Sad-dam's brothers for the use of their lands on which to base equipment and to attack Saddam to keep from PAYING him!
Did "I" have a commission coming? I surely did: half a percent on the total sale. Did I get the money? NO. It was divvied up between all of the attorneys. One of whom is an ex-District Attorney of Chicago, representing the first Ward for DALEY--even married Daley's daughter. His offices were: 5210 ONE WORLD Trade Center. It is strange, because the law firm in the offices located at 5210 ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER--ALSO represent the ONASSIS shipping and KUNOKUNDOS Shipping. These WERE USED TO TRANSPORT OIL IN THEIR OIL TANKERS. It is thought that when Christina Onassis discovered HER oil tankers had been used to transport oil WITHOUT her knowledge--she demanded payment. Then she was simply "TERMINATED" when in Argentina.
Something seems very "funny" about all of this, because the attorney who represented the Onassis shipping was an M. Daniels (the "M" represented at times, "Marlene"). Later, a discovery was made that this same M. Daniels is an Israeli representative of ITEC, based in Tel Aviv. This same ITEC is covered by the Citi-Corp Group and the Chase Group. Needless to say, Mrs. Clinton, we have things going on in this country which are SUB-ROSA to the point of being SUB-VERSIVE!
While all of this was going on, Mrs. Clinton, I had submitted a three month payment on the home I had rented over some 13+ years. By return mail I received an EVICTION NOTICE--this was ALSO right in the middle of this "Discovery" period. ALL of the records were in my home. The insurance companies had accessed Attorney Arthur R. Seidler, one of the Judges Pro-tempord, who had a propensity for jacuzzis, naked women who were NOT his "wife", and having expenses paid by INSURANCE COMPANIES. Seidler pressed the landlord and the landlord evicted me--just as simple as that.
"Now," you ask, "how did he access the Landlord?" Well, Mrs. Clinton, I was held in bondage and as a hostage in my own home from 1983 through October 1987 by a bastard who raped me repeatedly even while I was bleeding from injuries sustained in the auto accident.
This "Officer of the Court", a member of the "Old Boys Network" would come into my home (if I had gone out of the house), shake me violently screaming: You need Me, you are nothing--do you hear me? Keep it up and I'll see that you starve to death on the God-damned streets! You are mine! Do you hear me? You are MINE!" Then he would scream: "Don't you ever try to match wits with me. I am an Officer of the Court! Who do you think they will believe--you or ME?" This would go on and on and on--it was a living nightmare.
This JUDGE PRO-TEMPORE also was an ex-District Attorney. According to him, and this is a direct quote: "Woodie (meaning Judge Elwood Rich) was out drinking one day, then he decided to drive his car home. On his way home, he hit a kid. The Riverside County Sheriff's Office called me to find out what to do. I drove over, WE cleaned WOODIE up and took him home. The kid was taken to the hospital and no one ever knew who hit the kid." (quote and end quote)
As it would be, "Woodie" was one of the PRIMARY JUDGES in the Riverside Court. He was also a fishing buddy. He, Bill Mortland, and Micelli, and there were others, but these are the ones I remember him talking about, these fishing trips were paid for by INSURANCE COMPANIES. The fishing trips would be in Alaska and some down in the Baja.
Then, there is a little matter of the "Fishing Camp" down at San Phillipe in the Baja. They had built their own "runway", had their own freezers and so on where they could and would smuggle drugs in the cavities of the fish--which were frozen. They kept them in the Hemet, California Locker up to and into 1987. I don't know what happened after that.
An awful lot of money was spent by these guys. Their BAR bill alone would be in excess of $5,000 a week. This did not include the trips, the "broads" or the extra booze.
What bank did they use? you might ask. Security Pacific Bank, First Interstate Bank, Western Community Bank and Bank of America. These were the "primary" banks. Seidler went from assets of (according to him) $500 to $600 thousand to his reported $30 million--from 1980 when he took my Real Estate Contractual Interference Case on the Franson Property (above) to 1985. In 1985 he was bragging, "Here I am now worth over $30 million dollars and can't even cash a damned check at 'Longs' ." Longs was a local drug store we had gone into for my medicines. He wanted to buy a liter of booze and they would not cash his check as he was not a local nor did he have the proper identification they required.
It is interesting to note, from a period of time from Dec. 17, 1980 up through and including July 17, 1984, my Agent's copy of my SAFECO policy C482687 reflected: Bodily injuries, $10M. There was also a provision of 52 weeks in the amendments of the policy which stated: In the event the injury(s) sustained shall prevent the insured from working in the regular employment for a period of 52 weeks, the injuries shall be deemed permanent"--and so forth. What is so interesting is that AFTER the "52 weeks" the Agent's renewal premium notice drops down to $1M and $500K on the Bodily Injury and is Under an Un-insured provision--of the policy. I think the SOB used a phony power of attorney and cashed in my policy and left me hanging out to dry. SAFECO denies me access to my own policy to recover insurances on my disabilities--and the California Department of Insurance, both present and past administrations--"have no area of jurisdiction". The latest, and which is in violation of their own insurance Code 704--they tell me to "get an attorney".
These "Old Boy Networks" and their buddies in the insurance business have denied me legal counsel. I was ordered to present the case myself and thereby having to settle for far less than the injuries and losses warranted--$52,021.12. Then, when I cashed the damned checks, a STOP PAYMENT ON THE CHECKS WAS ISSUED.
SAFECO refused to assist me when apprised that I was without legal counsel and after the "STOP PAYMENT" they say: "You settled without us." Now, there is no way I can access my own insurance.
This goes on and on, deeper and dirtier, Mrs. Clinton. After the "eviction notice" and having pets, I was forced to purchase another house. I tendered an offer on address 24928 Girard Street, San Jacinto, California 92383. The "escrow" and all paper work was on a property in ANOTHER TOWN--with a like address. I took possession two days prior to the closing of escrow on the property in SAN JACINTO, CA.
The court case was going on, escrow was going on, Cranston and Keating were using the Arizona BLM at the same time, to force me to release 9000 acres of the 13,520 I held under "OPTION". It was a mess.
When escrow closed "allegedly", it was on the 17th day of June 1988. Narys Schaefer said, "There was only one document in escrow as 'Paul Ruggeri had thrown a temper tantrum and taken the escrow instruments out of the office." I didn't think too much about it as I was up to my fanny in alligators with the undergoing case. It did not dawn on me that they were "DUMMYING" up loans on non-existent properties, using sound-alike names, sound-alike addresses and so on. That didn't ever enter my mind as I was concentrating on my future and the outcome of the Case 159758 in which I had been denied legal counsel.
There I was, running all over to hell-and-gone on the case, depositions were being taken, the counsel for the defense was going through temper tantrums and ordering medical examinations on the same day as depositions and sometimes having TWO depositions on the same day--hundreds of miles apart at time. One deposition was even scheduled on a Sunday. It was run here, run there, copy this, do that--you know how it goes, you being an attorney and all...
During all this confusion, between moving, escrow, doctor's examinations, depositions, etc., the counsel for the defense, in March 1988 ordered by Set No. 3, "Inspection of Documents and Things". OK I hustle my buns, go down and spend approximately $310 at a nickle a page copying approximately 6,200 pages of tax records, bookkeeping records, business records for a period of 10 years prior to the 1988 period of demand of documents and other things--then the B.... goes over, wiggles her buns in front of the insurance "Judges"--oh, you know, the OLD BOYS NETWORK, i.e., the OLD BOYS CLUB--and the Judge (Micelli) orders me to release "ORIGINAL" records as "copies do not suffice", in April, 1988.
In later time, it was discovered:
- 1. The social security records had been erased back to 1978 (exactly 10 years), then scrambled in the prior years.
- 2. Even though I had applied for my SSAD in April of 1984, the records contained in the computer data base evidenced me as DECEASED in 1989 and then
- 3. In 1990 we decided to run a credit scan. Seven damned loans showed up: 7 loans on 7 non-existent properties with 7 different spellings of names which alleged to be "me"--each of these 7 packed INSURANCE--LIFE INSURANCE, PROPERTY INSURANCE, BUYERS INSURANCE- - ‑
- 4. Sound alike names, sound alike social security numbers, etc. I had Social Security No. 364-28-2566 stolen in 1974, just outside Knoxville, Tennessee. This was reported to the FBI, Immigrations and the Knoxville State Police, Evansville, Indiana, City and Indiana State Police.
- 5. A full set of identification, birth certificate, driver's license, social security card, credit cards--all the usual-‑
- 6. In 1974, SSA issued a new Social Security card and number: 364-(3)8-2566.
- 7. We discovered both of these social security numbers on these 7 phony loans which were being used to mop and launder money by what we discovered were some 22 insurance companies--all with a common denominator and/or set of denominators--UNDERWRITERS.
- 8. Mrs. Clinton, that home I purchased: as the key was handed over to me outside escrow after I tendered $5,000 to the sellers so that they might close their own escrow (as they were allegedly losing their escrow which was purchasing their own new home)--this was two days before escrow closed on June 17, 1988 (5103-N) at Ramona Escrow Company in Hemet, California.
- 9. On or about June 21, 1988 I received the "original" deed. It is an "Individual Grant Deed" in Fee Simple--Deed in Libre, Mrs. Clinton--a free, unencumbered INDIVIDUAL GRANT DEED on "my" home...
As both you and I are aware, "IF" there is a mortgage on the property, it must be noticed in the deed, a COPY of the Deed goes to the property owner, the original stays with the mortgage company or bank--after which time the mortgage is paid off and the deed must be redeemed. There is the redemption process whereas the mortgage is then deleted from the BODY of the deed, and the "original deed" is then delivered to the property owner.
In their moments of zest and zeal to steal, mop and launder money, they had so many properties--7 of them to be exact--they slipped up and sent the ORIGINAL "FEE DEED" to me--in LIBRE.
Being involved in the Case 159758, I paid no attention to the deed when I received it. I just stuck it in the cubbyhole of the old Jefferson desk and forgot about it.
I kept waiting for the closing documents, and the payment book. They never came. I waited and I waited and waited some more...
On or about September 1, 1988 I tendered a payment check over to the Riverside office of the "mortgage company". They REFUSED THE TENDER. The payment was made on 24928 Girard Street, San Jacinto, California 92383. (We had filed a Constitutional Homestead, No. 22790, on August 12, 1988 on the 24928 Girard Street, San Jacinto, California 92383 property.)
On or about September 17, 1988, I received a telephone call from this mortgage company and they said: "You must make a payment." I responded: "I am waiting for my payment book." Oh, "We don't give payment books," was the response. "OK," I respond, "what is it going to take to make a full year's payments as the doctors think my daughter has cancer and I will probably be in and out of the state during the year? So, how much will a full year's payments be?" "Approximately [C: Sorry, but right here it gets sticky for she has written $8,532,36. but it seems that perhaps she meant $8,532.36 (or maybe not)--it gets more complicated as you will see.] $8,532(,)36 (would have to look up the check) but the amount is approximate." So I said, "OK, I'll send you a check for a full year's payments of principal and interest and insurance."
The check was tendered for the full year's payments and the amounts were specifically spelled out on the check and in an accompanying letter. THE TENDER WAS REFUSED. The check had been made out as well as the accompanying letter to be applied to: 24928 Girard Street, San Jacinto, California
You know why they could not accept the checks? They did NOT have such an address in the portfolio! They had another property--one of the 7 OTHERS--and NOT my San Jacinto property. They responded in their "Refusal of Tender: "This is not a non escrow." [C: There is obviously something wrong with this statement as written, also, but I can't clarify.]
Foreclosure procedures began on the 7 "others" and they were sending me the foreclosure notices. My feelings were "go ahead and foreclose" on the other property for mine is in San Jacinto. It should be noticed at this time that I received a title report in 1989 on the property. There is an old deed of record which was to expire in 1990 on the water rights of that property.
In 1989, my Constitutional Homestead, over at 24928 Girard Street in San Jacinto, had been fully reconveyed back to "the sellers" by an instrument No. 318405. There was an existing First Trust Deed on the property when I purchased it and it was NOT paid off as alleged in escrow 5103-N. It was paid off AFTER escrow closed. That First Trust Deed's No. is 330419 for the curious and it was held by Hemet Federal Savings and Loan Corporation.
The fools allowed TWO First Trust Deeds to exist at the same time--while mopping and laundering the money on those other 7 properties.
But! The First Trust Deed which I was trying to pay off, I discovered in January of 1989--WAS NOT MY PROPERTY! IT WAS IN ANOTHER TOWN WITH A SIMILAR SOUNDING ADDRESS--IT DID NOT EXIST.
In 1989, it became necessary for all title instruments to be reaffirmed, re-recorded, Quitclaims, Notice of Death of Joint Tenant, on and on. As the chain of title was "bad" here I was running here and there just trying to save my Constitutional homestead as now the Title company refused to honor the TITLE INSURANCE. They discovered that I had a "Black" investment banker trying to purchase my home for $2,000,000. furnished. "It will be a cold day in hell when a 'damned nigger' buys that property," screamed Bud Whitner and Rich Macalussio of Orange Coast Title.
In 1989, forged and altered instrument No. 250298 was allowed to be recorded ON MY Constitutional homestead by the Riverside County Recorder. When confronted he said, "So what if it's altered and forged!? It's not a legal document--anyone can file anything, so sue me," he said.
In 1990, on January 16, Instrument No. 096503 a Mend of Title was filed on 24928 Girard Street, San Jacinto, California 92383. In that individual grant deed is contained the Constitutional homestead, all the quitclaims, the notice of death of joint Tenant, and so on. The title was mended.
On or about April 9, 1990, a gunman hidden under the window, behind the shrubs of my Constitutional homestead, did attempt to fire a pistol, which he held in his hand--and attempted to MURDER me. Subsequently, I fled to Illinois for my life. There WERE witnesses.
I called my insurance gent, Orvil Dennis, and he said, "I can't get involved. I have been told 'hands off'."
Later discovered; State Farm had allowed the forgers and alterers of Instrument NO. 250298 access to my Homeowner's insurance--and--without my authorization. State Farm told me in writing, "We refuse to pay you for the damages you say you suffered on your home you say you own, as we feel as though you could not have afforded to purchase the home." They paid the VANDALS instead of the Constitutional homesteader--to vandalize and rape the Constitutional homestead.
State Farm was shown all "original" title instruments and they refused to acknowledge the instruments saying, "We don't know, nor have we fully decided WHAT WE ARE GOING TO CHARGE YOU WITH!"
State Farm was apprised that NO homestead shall be sold or ordered sold for less than 90% of its fair market value. If ordered sold and the 90% is not obtained, it shall be put off for another full year then it shall be offered on the market again. If 90% is not obtained then it must wait another full year before going on the market and on and on but the 90% must be obtained or the property cannot, shall not, be sold. The Homestead Act is an Act of Congress adopted by these mickey mouse states--who forgot THEY ARE REPUBLICS BOUND TO THE PARENT OF THE UNION.
While I am battling for my insurances and my Constitutional homestead, the water rights are being illegally sold off for an amount in excess of $10 MILLION dollars. And, the County Supervisor's relatives are purchasing this homestead--which has never been assigned, sold or otherwise alienated by ME. Their deed is No. 283474. They allegedly bought my Constitutional homestead on Mend of Title by instrument No. 096503, a duly recorded County Recorder's Records instrument. None of the title instruments contained in that deed have been assigned, alienated or otherwise, by me, the disabled Constitutional homesteader.
By now, Mrs. Clinton, my losses are [C: Can't determine how much]. All insured.
While trying to save my Constitutional homestead, Mrs. Clinton, I was beaten to the ground by persons sent in from the mortgage company and insurance companies who were mopping and laundering money. I was actually physically beaten to the ground. The reports were filed with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department and the Riverside County District Attorney's office, along with the forged and altered documents which had been discovered. "We can find nothing worthy of our pursuit of prosecution," they responded--in writing.
Now, here it is, 1993; I still can't get my Social Security Disability because my records have been wiped from the insurance company's. I am owed $1,282.00 per month since April of 1984--plus the accepted 10% interest, plus the accepted 44% compounding of the compounds of interest on all the money since 1984.
Like "pucky" in the old bucket--they are still hounding me. Now they are attacking my Medicaid. I must take generic medicines instead of the "brand" medicines or Medicaid will not pay for the prescriptions and now as of yesterday, March 18, 1993--they have decided--that a doctor who prescribes the medications must be a "resident" of Illinois. My prescribing doctor knew what was going on with these insurance companies and just before he sold off his business and retired, he made certain my prescriptions were PERMANENT. He was afraid they would inject me with AIDS or something--he was afraid the S.O.B.'s would KILL ME.
Now, Mrs. Clinton, you might say that this is not an issue in which you would be interested--nor is it a "Federal" problem. Yes it is! Any time these crooked courts who are bought off by insurance companies who are attempting to keep from paying just and legal claims to the named insured--and the named insured winds up on SSI and Medicaid when SSA was paid--IT IS A FEDERAL PROBLEM!!
I am asking you for your assistance. I sent some documents to both the President and the Vice President--ask to see them. I need your assistance in obtaining my Social Security Disability and the back monies owned to me. After I obtain that--then the three of you come here; I have information that will save the three of you one hell of a lot of headaches. I know who the snakes are in the U.S. House of Representatives and can prove it.
By a small "coincidence", Mrs. Clinton, I happen to be ONE of the SIGNATORIES on that OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE you kids want and need to bail this nation out of this nightmare we are experiencing as a result of all this fraud. You and the President claim you are seeking an "insurance program". Just come on down--"you ain't seen nothin' yet". But, you have to help me in the resolution of this mess. You will clean up one big mess when this one is cleaned up. Americans will be able to breathe easier. I am not the only American who has gone through this mess of being run off the Federal Constitutional HOMESTEAD and been denied access to their insurances. You kids have a damned mess on your hands--but it can be cleaned up--you just have to know "where the bodies are buried" or, "who is pitching and who is doing the catching". We can help--if you help us get our mess straightened up.
Please respond.
Vina K. Durham
RR #1 Box 171
Okawville, Illinois--a Republic 62271
It was discovered in 1989 that I was in need of open heart surgery. I had health insurance with State Farm.
After the discovery of the other legal problems in 1990, the policy came due in the summer. State Farm Agent Eugene Raetz accepted a full year's payment, then decided I must "reapply" with State Farm in Illinois--or be billed the California rates. They cancelled the insurance. I did not have the heart surgery of which they were aware was needed. That is "Health Providers" for you, Mrs. Clinton, BIG TIME, WORLD CLASS "FRAUD".
By the way, State Farm is THE Insurance Company who pays for the Judges and Officers of the court to pinch b...s and t s over at Sun Dance Villas in Palm Springs---then they blackmail the Attorneys and Judges. They do this all over Alaska as well as in the Baja--but I only have "pictures" of them in Palm Springs.
Please respond,
V.K. Durham
* * *
Doris: I am sorry, readers, this was a very, very difficult letter to reconstruct because of the errors in presentation. It was conversational and I am confident that some of the "numbers" may be incorrect.
We do not KNOW this person but have no reason to believe her to be invalid as a source or resource. We present this as follow-up as you have requested. I will say that, we having gone through the same "types" of harassment and miserable political and judicial corruption (in the same given area of Southern California), we are quite sure her problems are valid. We don't seem to have an OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE lying about but we recognize the threat to this person--for OBVIOUSLY THERE IS "SOME" REASON THEY WANT TO DESTROY HER, GET THE GOLD (SO THERE MUST BE SOMETHING VALID IN THE STORY), ETC.
She asks for some measure of protection and we do KNOW THIS--when petitioned for help and security--our brothers respond.
We have no further update on the "Cosmos" activities as such--but Dare Schaut is coming under constant and heavy fire for his activities and not the least of them is involved at the EXPENSE of this dear person and those who work with her. I seem to recognize the type of "helper" and "friend" as one, Dare Schaut--I seem to have one of my very own--George Green!
PJ 66
TUE., MARCH 30, 1993 9:57 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 226
I believe the next should go on the HOTLINE, please.
As THAT time of the year rolls around we are again flooded with inquiries about "what do I do now?". I didn't file in such and such a year because I no longer have taxable income, the income tax is "voluntary", I don't consider myself a citizen of the U.S. that breaks the law of the Constitution and they have left me alone until NOW but now call me up to personally confront the buzzards. "What do I do?"
You go back to the writings which covered the subject early on--before you acted appropriately in the first place. You read and re-read Howard Freeman's presentation as to handling all of these situations. Then you go forth armed with your own ammunition. Will you win the war? Perhaps not--for soon the illegal enforcers will have their way--but, having acted appropriately and honorably in the matter up to this point, the matter should be handled nicely. This may mean that you have to reconsider next year's move (this year actually) because they HAVE THE BIG GUN AND ARE LEGALLY SENT FORTH TO USE IT. However, the Constitution still has lawful merit even if not "legal" merit. If you have structured the remainder of your affairs correctly--you will have nothing much for them to grab--only good paperwork which will reinforce your prior moves. If you have "not", then get them in the best order possible and continue on the basis as priorly argued through correspondence.
I would offer the information on the back cover of a book just sent to us: TO HARASS OUR PEOPLE, The IRS and Government Abuse of Power. By Congressman George Hansen.
"The IRS...'has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance." (The Declaration of Independence)
As Congressman George Hansen reminds us, an old maxim states that "the power to tax is the power to destroy." [But, the government has most assuredly taken the right to do exactly that--DESTROY THE PEOPLE AND THE NATION!]
In this chilling exposé of the IRS, we learn that:
* only the IRS can attach 100 percent of a tax debtor's wages and/or property
* only the IRS can invade the privacy of a citizen without court process of any kind
* only the IRS can seize property without a court order
* only the IRS can force a citizen to try his case in a special court governed by the IRS
* only the IRS can legally, without a court order, subject citizens to electronic surveillance
We also learn of recent armed searches conducted by IRS agents, of "hit lists," of snooping, of harassment, entrapment and a myriad of other horrors that are actually happening in our republic.
And we learn that there are things we can do to fight the IRS.
George Hansen represents the 2nd District of Idaho and is a member of the House Banking and the Domestic Monetary Committees. This book can be accessed through LIBERTY LOBBY (Library), 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003.
* * *
I take exception to only a few points: THE IRS IS NOT THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN DO THESE THINGS--ANY LONGER! Blessed ones, you have been under martial law since 1933 and now you are functioning under the New World Order, One Global Government under the United Nations Charter--NOT THE CONSTITUTION. (It IS the "newstates" Constitution.)
Remember, please, that which I pointed out to you from onset of writing--WE ALWAYS ACT WITHIN THE LAW! WE ORGANIZE THAT WHICH CAN BE USED FOR AS LONG AS IT CAN BE USED WHILE HOPEFULLY A NATION AWAKENS AND RECLAIMS THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. How long a given action will be functional is uncertain and that is the reason for exceptional management, documentation and always the intent of that which is Constitutionally RIGHT--and not just to evade the laws of Caesar! If you break Caesar's rules--you will pay Caesar's penalties. If you have honorably followed that which has been Constitutional in practice--you are NOT breaking laws and have every RIGHT TO AVOID paying undue taxes of any kind! Stay the course and change it only AFTER they "disallow" your presentation. If you have done your homework there will be nothing to show of taxable value (by their own rules and regulations, allowances and business arrangements). Will there come a day when there are NO ALLOWED SHELTERS OR EVEN GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICES? YES, UNDOUBTEDLY SO! What will you do then? Follow the law as laid forth and hopefully from the prior actions you will have "something" with which to make transition between the two states within which you find selves. There is NO MAGIC and WHAT IS "LAWFUL" and THAT WHICH IS "LEGAL" for the thugs--are two quite different matters.
* * *
I have been sent a document with request for sharing in the CONTACT. It is titled: Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control Experimentation by Julianne McKinney, Director, Electronic Surveillance Project, Association of National Security Alumni, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Because our recent "really serious" presentations are in the lines of CONTROL, either through mental-washing, reprogramming or genetic/DNA manipulation, we need these bits and pieces to give you an overview of what is going on--and how it is planned to take-over! You are already at the "end of the line"; it is simply a matter of how many of you will fall into the pit for the pit is prepared and waiting.
In February 1974, Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) hosted discussions on the plight of dissenters in the Soviet Union, and on the means by which the U.S. Government might most effectively intervene. Highlights of these discussions are reported in Understanding The Solzhenitzyn Affair: Dissent And Its Control In The USSR (CSIS, 1974).
KGB strategies were addressed in some detail during these discussions. It was noted that the KGB's success depended on the extensive use of informant networks and agents provocateurs; and, following Brezhnev's rise to power, on the use of drugs and psychiatrists for further purposes of manipulation and control. Shadowing, bugging, slandering, blacklisting and other related tactics were also cited as serving KGB purposes. Participants in the conference agreed that the KGB's obvious intent was to divide and isolate the populace, to spread fear, and to silence dissenters.
Agencies of our own government are on record as having employed precisely these same tactics on recurrent basis. The Church and Rockefeller Committee Hearings in the mid-1970s purportedly put an end to these practices. Based on recent developments, it would appear that the CIA's and FBI's Operations MKULTRA [C: Yep, you sure have heard of this before--and recently so if you have read the LIBERATOR and/or JOURNALS. In fact, all of these. This mess in Waco, Texas is a direct expansion of those ongoing, unceasing projects.] MHCHAOS and COINTELPRO (the focus of these Senate Committee and Vice Presidential-level Hearings) were instead merely driven underground. We are now in contact with a total of 25 individuals, scattered throughout the United States, who firmly believe they are being harassed by agencies of the U.S. Government. Others have been brought to our attention whom we will be contacting in the future. The majority of these individuals claim that their harassment and surveillance began in 1989.
The methods reportedly employed in these harassment campaigns bear a striking resemblance to those attributed to the CIA and FBI during Operations MKULTRA, MHCHAOS and COINTELPRO. The only difference now is that electronic harassment and experimentation also appear to be (more blatantly) involved.
The Berlin Wall is down, Communism is in the midst of a death rattle, and the KGB no longer poses the threat which purportedly served to justify the U.S. Government's resort to such operations as MKULTRA, MHCHAOS and COINTELPRO. The KGB, since 1989, has been reduced to an increasingly distant memory. [C: Remember, this is not a "patriot" document for the benefit of mankind, readers. Further remember: there are more KGB operatives in the CIA than Americans!]
Reactivation of surveillance/harassment/mind-control operations in this country suggests that the KGB, as an institution, was never the real threat. A KGB "mentality", with its underlying pragmatic contempt for civil liberties, appears, instead, to have been the driving force behind MKULTRA, MHCHAOS, COINTELPRO, and the operations now being reported to us.
The KGB "mentality" is a matter of personal predilection, not ideology. Its objective is power and control, regardless of human cost. It is a corrupting, cancerous influence, which feeds on fear, conformity and government funding.
Four months ago, when this Project commenced, we approached these complaints of government harassment and experimentation with an admitted "high degree of caution". We are no longer skeptical. The growing numbers of independent complaints and the similarities between those complaints cannot be ignored. Under the circumstances, the KGB should be proud of itself. As a "mentality", the KGB appears to be accomplishing more in "burying this country" from within than it could ever have hoped to have achieved as an institution. It would appear that this country has a serious problem on its hands which needs to be resolved.
Part I of this report, which is reprinted from the June-July 1992 edition of the Association's publication, Unclassified, preliminarily addresses the complaints brought to our attention as of July 1992. Our objective, as noted, was to weight the legitimacy of those complaints in terms of the directed-energy technologies reportedly involved. Part II discusses the overt and covert patterns of harassment identified as a result of our investigations, to date. A part of our objective, here, is to limit the success of such operations in the future, by according them widespread publicity.
In Part II, we do not identify individuals by name, both to honor their privacy and because our investigations have not been completed. Part II, like Part I, is a preliminary finding. Our focus is on the similarities of the complaints being received--similarities which Federal and State legislators, the courts, the FBI, local law enforcement agencies, the medical and psychiatric professions, and organizations such as the ACLU and Amnesty International have so far chosen to ignore.
We frankly find it curious that more attention and credibility is being accorded purported victims of UFO experiences and spectral visitations than to persons who complain of systematic harassment and experimentation by the U.S. Government, involving technologies which the U.S. Government is only now grudgingly admitting to possess. These complaints require investigation. In due course (and provided financial support is obtained), we hope to be able to acquire the technology and supportive medical expertise needed to substantiate the claims being made. We also hope to alter the institutional mindset that U.S. Intelligence can be trusted. History, repeatedly, has proven otherwise.
(Reprinted from the June-July 1992 edition of UNCLASSIFIED (Vol. IV, No. 3), published by The Association of National Security Alumni, Washington, D.C.)
The August-September 1991 issue of UNCLASSIFIED reviewed Hamline University's Public Administration report on the resolution of MICULTRA cases in 1988. Although the shocking details of medical ethics abuses by the U.S. and Canadian governments were amply detailed, Washington and Ottawa--citing national security and government privilege--stalled for so long that the cases never came to trial. The surviving victims settled for a pittance of an out-of-court settlement.
Since no individuals or agencies were held legally accountable, the door was left open for possible resumption of similar "mind-control" activities.
In the context of that article, we mentioned briefly that some half-dozen people had contacted us with appeals for assistance in ending what they believe to be electronic harassment and mind-control experimentation, possibly involving the CIA. We decided to take a closer look at this situation.
We are now in touch with approximately a dozen individuals located throughout the United States who appear to be targets of harassment and mind-control experimentation involving directed-energy technologies. (By mid-November 1992, that number had increased to 25.)
Typically, persons who complain of being "zapped by radio waves" and of "hearing voices" are stigmatized as psychotic, delusional or schizophrenic. Being mindful of this, as well as aware of the treatment accorded UFO and psychic phenomena "freaks", we approach this subject with a high degree of caution. Based on our preliminary investigation, including interviews with the affected individuals, we conclude that the matter is serious and should be pursued further.
Our first step was to determine what, if any technology exists which might be used for electronic harassment. That information was found in a "white paper" published in 1991 by the U.S. Global Strategy Council--a Washington-based organization, under the chairmanship of Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA, who maintains very close ties with the U.S. Intelligence community. The "white paper" describes the foreign and domestic uses foreseen for laser weapons, isotropic radiators, infrasound, non-nuclear electro-magnetic pulse generators, and high-power microwave emitters.
The term, "non-lethal", used to describe this technology is misleading. The energy emitted from all of these weapons can kill when appropriately amplified. At lower levels of amplification, they can cause extreme forms of physical discomfort and debilitation.
The Department of Army (DA) identifies these same weapons as "non-conventional". They were so identified in an exhibit at a DA-sponsored symposium on "The Soldier As A System", in Crystal City, VA, on June 30, 1992. Beta wave incapacitators were separately mentioned during the symposium as being of particular interest to the U.S. Marine Corps.
We discussed these "non-conventional" directed-energy weapons with Mr. Vernon Shisler, manager of the exhibit and the Army's delegate to NATO in matters pertaining to "The Soldier As A System". Mr. Shisler acknowledged not only that directed-energy weapons are in DoD's arsenal, but also that the American soldier will remain vulnerable to their effects, should they be employed in the battlefield.
The U.S. Global Strategy Council recognizes the issue of vulnerability, as well, and urges ongoing research into effective countermeasures.
Interested readers may want to send for the U.S. Global Strategy Council's complete project proposal on this subject (Title: Nonlethality: Development of a National Policy and Employing Nonlethal Means in a New Strategic Era, prepared by Janet Morris). A number of references in this Proposal to unidentified, elusive "enemies" of the U.S. Government and to the potential domestic applications of this "non-lethal" technology invite serious consideration by the public at large.
The Council's address is 1800 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, (202)466-6029.
Research into the biological and psychological effects of exposure to microwave radiation is voluminous. The U.S. public has been led to believe that the former Soviet Union leads in this research. The fact is, the CIA and DoD (Department of Defense) have jointly pursued precisely the same research since commencement of Project Pandora in the 1950s. The current primary users of this research appear to be the CIA, DoD, the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Energy (DoE).
The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) has participated in this research since Project Pandora. In 1973, WRAIR discovered that externally induced auditory input could be achieved by means of pulsed microwave audiograms, or analogs of spoken words' sounds. The effect on the receiving end is the (schizophrenic) sensation of "hearing voices" which are not part of the recipients' own thought processes. [C: NOW-does it still seem too unlikely that my own transmissions to Dharma Wokini are STRANGE and IMPOSSIBLE!?! The difference is that she receives a very organized and REASONABLE set of pulse patterns which represent "language" needing translation of which she has been "programmed" to decipher. THAT takes a LOT of "time" in the learning but I'd say she has done a good job--as have many other translators, i.e., Soltec's receiver, others who are involved with necessary information as in "our Editor", etc. It is not only NOT magic or "channeling" from some 64,000 year old crackpot E.T.--but is reasonable and very, very "logical". Yes indeed, ANY KIND OF MESSAGE CAN BE 'TRANSFERRED AND THEREIN LIES THE REASON FOR SO MANY "JUDAS-GOATS" IN THE "BUSINESS" OF CHANNELING. THEY ARE RECEIVING AND TRANSLATING THE INPUTTED INFORMATION OF THE ADVERSARIAL TROOPS THEMSELVES!]
The experiment prompted the following comment in The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, by Robert 0. Becker, M.D., and Gary Selden (Wm. Morrow & Company, NY, 1985): "Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with 'voices' or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin."
This research has continued, and the results are published in various publicly available scientific and technical journals. Interested readers might consult, for example: Lin, James C., Electromagnetic Interaction With Biological Systems (Plenum Press, NY, 1989). Professor Lin, then with the Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois, Chicago, has published a number of books and articles on this subject. (He has more recently informed us that he had designed the experiment referenced in Dr. Becker's book.)
WRAIR has more recently been studying the biological effects of exposure to high-power microwave radiation. WRAIR presented a paper on this subject to a DoD-sponsored symposium on "MW (microwave) Weapons" at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, in mid-1989.
A matter of interest to us is why WRAIR should be experimenting with auditory effects of pulsed microwave audiograms. Also, recent statements by an Army psychiatrist assigned to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) suggest that WRAIR may be experimenting upon select psychiatric inpatients with microwaves. This, too, is a matter of interest to us.
* * *
Since there are other matters to attend presently, allow us to close this portion. I would ask that you readers PAY CLOSE ATTENTION AND RE-READ IF NECESSARY. WE ARE MOVING RIGHT ALONG INTO THE ULTIMATE MANIPULATION OF A PLANET AND INSIGHT IS ALL THAT CAN SAVE YOUR SANITY AND HIDE!
PJ 66
WED., MARCH 31, 1993 9:03 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 227
Dharma and E.J. have been trying every known means of man to get a court hearing on ANY of the many diverse court battles ongoing--for over five years. Not only have they not had a JURY as is Constitutional--they have yet to even be recognized in any of the courts from the Federal to the Municipal, or, through some 15 separate Judges in the Superior Court in Kern County. BUT, DHARMA NOW GETS A SUMMONS TO JURY DUTY--THE VERY SAME WEEK AS SHE HAS AT LEAST TWO COURT APPEARANCES ON THE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY CASE IN FEDERAL COURT IN THE EASTERN DISTRICT (note that the Federal system does NOT go by States and Counties--it goes by "districts")???!! And, furthermore, it comes off in Fresno--a long distance from home or county system.
Please look for the clues and humor in EVERY instance--it will keep you sane AND you'll see the organized system against you AT WORK. This means that you must be "gentle as a dove and shrewd as the serpent himself"! When you think you cannot go further--remember this, YOU CAN! Alternative thinking is a MUST if you are to make it, chelas. It most certainly CAN BE DONE if you stay the course. Salu.
And readers, how is your day?
One of our own team members spoke with a deputy in Sacramento, working with us on the Constitutional Law Center theft problem, because reports had not yet been typed-up and follow-up had been lacking.
The deputy was just leaving, as the call came in, for machine gun practice. He said they are "anticipating a hung jury on the Rodney King trial possibly by April 1st (tomorrow). "If that happens," he said, "we can expect Los Angeles to 'go up in smoke' and all surrounding cities, probably nationwide, are expected to have their 'hands full' ."
READERS, IT IS NERVOUS TIME--PLEASE SQUARE THINGS AROUND WITH GOD AND ATTEND YOUR SECURITY PREPARATIONS. All these things are being coordinated to "hopefully" come down in pretty close sequence to overwhelm the nation. It is expected that all major cities will come under announced "martial law" (which of course is already present) but, moreso, Los Angeles' Federal martial law was never removed SINCE THE RIOTS FOLLOWING THE LAST RODNEY KING TRIAL.
I think an experience on the jury panels would be wondrous for our writer, if we had time for same. I'm quite sure "they" would dismiss her as I believe the court would be in for some enlightenment as she would train the jurors on "juror responsibility"--we'll see for later.
However, we have so many subjects begging for hearing that we are overwhelmed. Further, I must take time to offer some response to the many loving letters received with such blessings and inquiries of "Where from here?" By now, you ones will have received the first issue of CONTACT. I believe you will see that it will, in fact, be an even more encompassing information digest. We will find it appropriate to run some things in the paper which are a bit more controversial, i.e., the notice regarding "militias", long rifles, etc., in Waco. But, realize that our thrust is to FULLY inform and, now, it becomes even more urgent to meet needs of ones such as Center for Action (Gritz), Native American problems, etc., due to our change in adventures.
For instance, Dharma is staring at one of the most startling revelations of Bush's misadventures. The title: Is George Bush the World's Leading Child Molester? The document (special report) comes from "Australia"! Its lead-off says:
On December 31 the President of the United States of America arrives in Australia for a visit. George Bush is arguably already the most powerful man on Earth. Currently he is striving to introduce what he terms a "New World Order", supposedly for the benefit, prosperity, and peace of all mankind.
To give one man as much power as Mr. Bush craves could be dangerous, even if that man were the most honourable on Earth. But is Mr. Bush honourable? Is he really the type of man to have control over our children's futures? Is he a saint? Or is he a HOMOSEXUAL CHILD ABUSER & part of a powerful child exploitation & pornography ring that controls America & perhaps the Western World? You decide---!
I think to spark a bit of interest and then return to our subject of "mind-control", we'll just share the FOREWORD about this particular Special Report.
In November 1988, a relatively small financial institution called the Franklin Federal Community Credit Union, located in Nebraska, U.S.A., collapsed. Its demise marked the beginning of the end for a man named Larry King, (not Larry King "Live"--but he got tangled up in it all at any rate), a once flamboyant mover and shaker with Republican Party political circles.
It also marked the opening of the biggest can of worms in American political history; a can of worms that discloses new light on George Bush and his high-placed friends and business associates, and raises the biggest question marks possible regarding the integrity of America's political and judicial systems, and even the integrity of the highest political position in the country, the Presidency. Such question marks in turn should cause all of us to seriously query the appropriateness of rushing headlong into joining the U.S. in its "New World Order".
With the collapse of the Franklin Federal Community Credit Union came the inevitable "official investigation", the proverbial bureaucratic equivalent of closing the gate well after the horse has bolted. In this case, however, the improprieties and even illegalities associated with the Franklin Credit Union's business soon paled into insignificance under an avalanche of allegations of a massive child sex and pornography ring that involved some of America's most powerful businessmen, community leaders, and politicians.
This Special Report is about those allegations; about the people who have made them; the people named; and most importantly about the official corruption and cover-up employed to keep the truth from coming out. A dark trail of cover-up involving lies, deceit, perversion of the natural course of justice, tampering with witnesses, rigged juries, threats, mysterious accidents, and even murder, leading all the way to the Oval Office of the White House.
This Special Report is dedicated to the memory of the late Gary Caradori, a brave and relentless official investigator for the Franklin Senate Committee, who was murdered in the course of obtaining much of the information enclosed in this Report. Mr. Caradori joins the ranks of the small band of committed "White Knights" to whom all my work is dedicated. [C: I shall keep this author's identity private for this interim period.] Little Fairy Princess, wherever you are, although we may lose such a champion from time to time, our numbers continue to swell every day. The Good Guys DO win in the end!
* * *
So, in answer to the inquiries, we shall continue to "keeping on" until they silence us--IF THEY CAN. We do not intend that that happen. Where are the Ekkers? Dharma is at the keyboard and E.J. is handling six law-suits, myriads of problems both personal and financially associated to the "impossible" situation with Green and US&P. Remember: "The Good Guys DO win...." The tents are down--not because they may not yet be needed but because the adversarial "PLANNING COMMITTEE" of the local Community Services District (who also sent a notice of water shut-off on the same day) ordered them DOWN--in violation of some kind of regulation or another. We really didn't understand if it was violation of the "tent stakes" or the holes in the tenting because measuring for "set-backs" was carefully attended. Then the interesting incident came as the lot on which the tents were sitting has an option on it by Ekkers with the "owner"--but, came a nice sheriff and said that "owner" demanded that the tents be removed. The sheriff was very friendly and allowed a week for "action". Yes the going gets rough, chelas, but you are strong enough to handle it if you but stay the course for as a door closes--another always opens. WE ARE NOT FINISHED BY ANY CONSIDERATION!
As for the "tapes"; please be patient--we simply have not had time for other than Board meetings, etc. We will on occasion have open meetings again as friends wish to share with us here but there has simply been no time nor has it been appropriate in all the morass of confusion and assaults. We have had surveillance teams actually caught in the process of "bugging" and listening with sophisticated eavesdropping equipment. Funny thing is that we publish or loudly share everything going on--ALL THE TIME. Well, the boys must have their games I suppose.
Now that Cort has "had his baby" we can look forward to his being swamped for a while in sorting all the corporations. Then he will be putting together a whole taped seminar (which will go forth as The Word tapes, along with any meeting tapes we have suitable. We have no right to use your support funds for dumping business meetings on your already burdened ears. There will be a radio program on the 10th with Sam Russell--we'll see if I as "Ceres" can pull off a coup and avoid swamping in the George Green "stuff". There is so very much going on, like at this very instant, a massive blast against our shields as they continue to bombard the Western fault system, that I am sorely tempted to refuse to even speak on the subject. This will be a "tape" for sharing. Thank you ones for noticing that it has been a while that tapes have not gone out. It is not the fault of the ones "in charge" for Diane had her baby one day and both she and "Daddy" were back at work the next. With Gaiandriana their responsibility for packing, there was no allowance for much R&R. I am so honored--my crew is totally dedicated to work as fast and as long as necessary to meet the needs of the day. Bless you ones for inquiring.
I believe this paper just issued as CONTACT No.1 is the best so far--so, perhaps Ceres is better than Hatonn? And, let's hear it for Dharma Wokini and the staff who are breaking their backs to present as much as they can. I have the pride of a Father as I watch my team pick up the "cross and make firewood of it"! With this kind of dedication do any of you actually think GOD will let them down? "Make my day!"
Our new baby "Son" is called Luke Elion. Luke means "Light", El means "of the elders of Light", Elion means "of the lion (God)" also the "great spirit" who comes just prior to the coming of God (Elijah). There is always the ONE who comes just prior to or with.... No, Jenny and Cort did NOT know this when they chose the babe's name, in fact, they expected a baby girl. We are indeed blessed as these children of God come to take their places in proper sequence of service. THIS, chelas, IS THE EVIDENCE OF THE PROMISE OF GOD UNTO YOU, HIS PEOPLE!
Let us now turn to the subject material under way on the yesterday.
[This writing follows directly on from the prior offering where we left off with Bioeffects of Microwave Radiation.]
The Government's past record of abuses in the area of civil rights is well documented. Within the past 30 years alone, we have witnessed the effects of Operations MKULTRA, MHCHAOS and COINTELPRO.
Primarily because of MKULTRA, MHCHAOS and COINTELPRO, Executive Orders and implementing regulations were published which prohibited military and CIA domestic covert
intelligence operations. Experiments on involuntary human subjects and the surveillance of/collection of personal information on U.S. citizens, except under strictly regulated conditions, were also prohibited.
Congressional committees were created to oversee compliance with these (quasi-) prohibitions. We have evidence that this is not being done. Moreover, where there are laws and, in this case, no laws enacted, there are loopholes as well as individuals and institutions who deliberately capitalize upon the existence of loopholes. Iran-Contra is one of the more blatant recent examples. Loopholes are also found in government resorting to "black" intelligence and weapons programs, in the use of contractors, and in the absence of clear definitions of such terms as "national security" and "national security risk".
Executive Orders and regulations which currently limit official U.S. Intelligence activities do not extend to non-intelligence government agencies or to their contractors. In fact, Executive Order 12333 specifies that government contractors do not need to know that their services support U.S. Intelligence objectives.
In its report of July 8, 1992, the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government management addresses the problem of tracking funds granted to government-contracted research and development (R&D) centers. The report notes that the problem is compounded by DoD's penchant for creating hard-to-monitor "shell" contractors as disbursement centers for funding programs.
Neither shell contractors nor their subcontractors are directly accountable to Congress. Being beyond Congressional oversight, they have the license to operate as Government surrogates in intelligence operations about which, "officially", they know nothing.
In this context, a publication disseminated at DA's "The Soldier As a System" symposium noted that the Army's Research and Technology Program sponsors 42 laboratories and R&D centers, employing approximately 10,000 scientists and engineers. The annual budget of $1.3 billion is only a small part of overall DoD research spending.
Weapons research, which includes the development and testing of "non-lethal" weapons, is not governed by laws restricting the activities of U.S. Intelligence agencies, though it may be presumed that these agencies contribute to and benefit from such research.
- 1. The technology exists for the types of harassment and experimentation reported to us.
- 2. About a dozen U.S. citizens have informed us of continuing experiences with effects which directed-energy weapons are designed to produce.
- 3. U.S. Government-sponsored research into the bioeffects of exposure to microwave radiation is extensive and continuing.
- 4. The U.S. Government has a past record of having engaged in mind-control experimentation and various agencies of the Government have a record of circumventing legal restrictions upon their activities.
- 5. Neither Congress nor the courts appear willing to look closely into "black" intelligence and weapons procurement programs.
- 6. A number of U.S. Government agencies might have interests in testing directed-energy technologies on U.S. citizens under non-clinical/non-controlled circumstances--DoD, to test ranges and degrees of "non-lethality"; DoE, to explore "safety" limits; CIA, to test "mind-control" capabilities, and NSA, for technological refinement.
PJ 66
WED., MARCH 31, 1993 11:17 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 227
Electronics Surveillance Project
December 1992
Since publication of the preceding article less than four months ago, the Association of National Security Alumni/Electronic Surveillance Project has heard from an additional 13 individuals who report both overt harassment and a range of symptoms which coincide with the known effects of exposure to microwaves, electromagnetic/radio frequency (RF) radiation and/or infrasound.
The similarity of these symptoms will be addressed in greater detail in future Project reports. Suffice it to say, at this point, that the physical and psychological symptoms being reported to us are consistent with the effects which directed-energy weapons are designed to produce. Indeed, the numerous afflictions (or "inflictions") being reported appear to parallel standard torture "sequelae" (after effects).
[Wokini, you ones will pay particular attention to this subject for it will answer a lot of questions for you personally, chela. Does George Green actually get thought projections or "voices" or something which legitimately makes him think Hatonn is communicating all this junk? Indeed he does! Remember, you ones come under protection as long as you abide by the rules of our Command. When the intent falters--the impact begins--THIS IS THE ONLY WAY THE ADVERSARY CAN GET AT YOU, PRECIOUS--THROUGH ONES SUCH AS GEORGE, ETC. HE IS BEING FED INSTRUCTIONS AND MANIPULATIONS FASTER THAN WE CAN COUNTER THEM AT THIS TIME. YOU WILL ALSO HAVE TO WATCH YOUR OWN ATTORNEYS FOR THEY WILL BE RECEIVING PROGRAMMING AS WELL. DEMAND THAT THEY DO THEIR JOB "OUR" WAY--BECAUSE 'THINGS WILL BE CAUSED TO FALL THROUGH CRACKS AND CONTACTS WILL BE MADE TO THREATEN JUDGES AND LAW FIRMS. IT IS A TIME FOR THESE THINGS AND THE SOPHISTICATION OF THESE TECHNOLOGIES ARE MIND-BOGGLING IN THEIR CAPABILITIES. This is not funny except that it "fits" so well: We must have God-respecting attorneys--and it is all but IMPOSSIBLE to find such! So be it, we simply have to research and search until we can do so.]
Overt harassment--which obviously is meant to be observed--may be intended to "precondition" individuals for eventual longterm electronic harassment. Persons terrified by unexplained overt harassment are not likely to cope with the sudden onset of electronic harassment in any more reasoned fashion. This phased pattern of harassment is apparent in all of the cases now being investigated. The fact that the overt harassment continues in these cases even after the electronic targeting commences suggests that the objective is to maintain long-term extremes of stress.
Many of the overt harassment tactics discussed below are surfacing in cases which (so far) have not involved discernible forms of electronic harassment. These are cases involving so-called "whistleblowers" who, because of their inside knowledge of certain potentially newsworthy events, pose particular threats of embarrassment to the Government or to government-affiliated employers. We have noticed that electronic harassment is beginning to surface as a form of retaliation against persons who try to assist electronic "harassees". Retaliation suggests loss of control. Under the circumstances, we are not entirely confident that "whistleblowers" will continue to be exempted from this type of harassment in the long term.
The individuals now in touch with the Project describe their circumstances as involving most, if not all, of the following overt forms of harassment:
* Sudden, bizarrely-rude treatment, isolation and acts of harassment and vandalism by formerly friendly neighbors.
* Harassing telephone calls, which continue even after the targeted individual obtains new, unlisted telephone numbers.
* Mail interception, theft and tampering.
* Noise campaigns.
While unrelenting harassing telephone calls might be considered in this context, other tactics are employed. Blaring horns, whistles, sirens, garbage disposals (run concurrently in apartment settings, for excessively prolonged periods of time), and amplified transmissions of recorded "general racket" have been used on a recurrent basis under circumstances intended to persuade the individual that he or she is under surveillance.
In all of these cases, the individuals' neighbors apparently pretend to be oblivious and/or indifferent to these sudden, continuous explosions of noise.
Door slamming is also a popular pastime, particularly in apartment buildings. One individual reported that, during a peak period of harassment, the neighbor across the hall began entering and leaving his apartment every 10 minutes, slamming his door loudly on each occasion. This was a daily occurrence, encompassing periods of several hours, over a period of several months.
It apparently served to trigger a door-slamming "chain reaction" on the part of neighbors both on that floor and on the floors immediately above and below. When our contact politely asked her immediate neighbor to close his door more quietly, he slammed the door in her face. Prior to commencement of this harassment, that neighbor had apparently been quite friendly and courteous.
In another case, the primary door-slammer is an employee of Radix Systems, Inc., Rockville, MD, a DoD contractor engaged in the "super-secret" research and development of some type of electronic equipment.
Several individuals reported recurrent, loud, strange noises in their ventilation systems during the preliminary stages of their harassment. One individual complained of being recurrently awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of wires being fed into his (independent) ventilation system. On checking further, he found that a tubular construction had been built into his vent system which appears to lead to the apartment upstairs. His upstairs neighbor is employed by the Department of Justice.
A number of individuals report that occupants of upstairs and downstairs apartments appear to follow them from room to room, tapping on the floor or engaging in other activities which appear intended to advertise an ongoing surveillance.
The Justice Department employee mentioned above went so far as to offer an unsolicited apology to her downstairs neighbor for the all-night "pacing about" in her bedroom (in the event he had happened to notice it). She claimed to be an insomniac. That pacing-about continued during her recent 36-hour absence from the area. When our contact politely alerted her to the fact that her apartment had apparently been entered during her absence, she told him, in effect, to mind his own business and then immediately complained to the building manager that he was stalking her.
She conveniently forgot to inform the building manager that she had assiduously "courted" this individual for several months, without success; and that she had been stealing his newspapers on a regular basis. (On one occasion, she handed him a week's accumulation of those papers, claiming that they had been left outside the door of another apartment. Her reason for collecting and saving newspapers which had not been delivered to her directly is unknown.)
* Recurrent confrontations by unusually hostile strangers; and comments by strangers which appear intended to evoke "paranoid" reactions.
In this context, we note that several individuals have reported confrontations with "homeless" people who, on closer examination, were found to be fastidiously clean, though garbed in offbeat fashion (wigs included). The same "eccentric" confronted two of the individuals in contact with us, at separate distant locations. He is reported as having feigned mental illness on both occasions, and as having apparently enjoyed creating a public scene.
* Entries into the individual's residence, during late-night hours while he/she is sleeping, and/or during the day when the individual is elsewhere.
In virtually all such cases, the burglars leave evidence of their visits, such as by relocating objects, or by committing petty and not-so-petty acts of vandalism. In two cases, the burglar's "calling card" was to slaughter caged pets, leaving the mangled carcasses inside their locked cages.
In one case, the burglar stole several pieces of correspondence and left a packet of crack cocaine behind as a "calling card". Our contact in this case--an individual who has no criminal record and no history of experimentation with drugs--is also being harassed (stalked) by a police officer in her community. One of his recent acts was to "frame" her with a drug possession charge. After pulling her off the road (a frequent pastime) and subjecting her to an illegal search (done twice, so far), he conveniently managed to find a glassine packet of cocaine eight feet away, in front of his squad car. He retrieved the packet with his fingers and then charged her with Possession. Our contact found this packet of crack cocaine in her apartment shortly after this investigator reminded the attorney handling her case that the police officer had smudged his only piece of evidence with his own fingerprints. It would appear that someone is interested in correcting that police officer's oversight.
In another case, the individual reports that a tremendous amount of money had been stolen from a hiding place in her apartment, within hours after she had withdrawn the money from her bank. There were no obvious signs of entry into her apartment. The police conducted a cursory inquiry which failed to produce evidence of a crime worthy of investigation. (This case is an anomaly. Money is not usually stolen. Documents appear to be the preferred objects of theft, when thefts occur.)
In another case, the burglars replaced installed lightbulbs with "exploding" bulbs, many of which were Made in Hungary. The lightbulbs are now in our possession.
* Rapidly deteriorating health, generally of a digestive nature.
In two of the cases reported, massive rectal bleeding accompanied the sudden onset of severe gastrointestinal disturbances. One of these individuals abruptly terminated the deteriorative process simply by changing the locks on her door.
* Sleep disruption/deprivation.
This is achieved by means of both overt and electronic harassment. Sleep deprivation, as a tactic, invariably surfaces when the targeted individual begins exhibiting a strong emotional and irrational response to the other forms of harassment.
* Vandalism of privately-owned vehicles. 150
Vehicles invite peculiarly ferocious attacks in these harassment campaigns--slashed tires, smashed windows, oil drainage, oil contamination, destruction of electronic components and batteries (frequently involving wildly fluctuating, grounded fuel gages, often within range of weapons research facilities and/or other microwave emitters); and suddenly failed brakes and clutches (possibly involving anti-traction polymers, which are also in DoD's "non-lethal" weapons arsenal). Recurrent auto thefts have also been reported.
Two individuals reported finding their oil contaminated immediately after having the oil changed by reputable mechanics. In one of these cases, the oil viscosified (thickened) while the individual was driving through a remote rural area. Her car ground to a halt. Getting the "gunk" cleaned out of her engine proved to be an expensive ordeal. (Viscosification agents are also lauded by the U.S. Global Strategy Council as serving "non-lethal" strategic purposes--a topic discussed in Part I of this publication. Had this woman been assaulted while awaiting help in the said isolated area, the "non-lethal" attributes of viscosification agents might have required redefinition).
Most of those who have experienced these attacks on a recurring basis have abandoned driving altogether--an objective apparently sought by their tormentors as a means of increasing the isolation.
* Staged accidents.
The majority of those in touch with us have reported these types of experiences. One individual, for example, was tailgated at a high rate of speed by two vehicles, while concurrently being threatened with a gun by one of the vehicles' occupants. Two others narrowly avoided what appeared to be deliberately attempted collisions by drivers who quickly sped away from the scene. One avoided three attempts in four days at being run off the road. One survived being run off the road in two incidents within a one-week period, which resulted in "totaling" of her two vehicles. Another narrowly avoided being crushed into an expressway retaining wall, on four occasions, by an off-duty metro bus, as well as, within the same time frame, being "fried" by two suddenly-malfunctioned household appliances which subsequently repaired themselves.
It should be noted that, in some of these cases, "accidental" deaths do occur. One individual in contact with us reported that his mother drove off a cliff to her death, during a period when he was researching evidence that a still-respected, high-level State Department official had passed A-bomb secrets to the Soviet Government during World War H. The accident occurred shortly after her car had undergone routine maintenance. She was returning from a dental appointment when the accident occurred. Witnesses state that it appeared that she had suddenly stepped on the accelerator before running off the road. The accident served to terminate this person's research project.
We are also currently looking into the recent death of a woman in Lexington, MO, who was killed when the brakes on her tractor failed. We are informed that she had been collecting affidavits from persons who believe they are the targets of government harassment and experimentation when her "accident" occurred. We are also informed that those affidavits have disappeared.
Suicides might also qualify as "staged accidents", particularly where "plausibly deniable" government involvement has been surfaced. We are currently looking into the recent suicide of a man in Trappe, PA, who, as early as 1981, had asked the FBI and CIA to intervene in his case. We have copies of that early correspondence. The man, a former U.S. Army radar technician, had a highly technical and--given the date of his correspondence--"precocious" grasp of the experimental objectives apparently being sought in his case. It is apparent from his correspondence that he had wanted to believe that the Soviets were conducting these experiments. The FBI and CIA, of course, did not intervene. We are informed that members of his family have also been targets of this experimentation.
* Isolation of the individual from members of his/her immediate family--virtually assured when highly focused forms of electronic harassment commence.
The exception to this is when elderly parents and young children in the family become targets for apparent purposes of intimidation. This situation has been reported in eight of our cases, to date.
One individual (driven to extremes of stress by ongoing electronic harassment focusing on her children) killed one child in an effort to protect her from further pain (The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH, June 28, 1991, p. 4-B ["Psychiatrist Testifies at Mom's Hearing"]; November 6, 1991, ("Woman Ruled Competent for Trial"); and December 21, 1991, p. 4-C ("Ruling Expected Monday on Sanity of Parma Mother/Woman says she stabbed her 3 children to protect them"). It appears that lasers were being used in this individual's case. The targeting intensified after she called the Soviet Embassy to report the harassment, which she believed to be U.S. Government-sponsored. It became even more deadly when, in a further show of defiance, she then called a representative of the Iraqi Government to portray the U.S. Government's war in the Middle East as "hypocritical". She is now hospitalized in a midwestern psychiatric facility, where, apparently, the experimentation is now continuing.
(That psychiatric facility is in a State where a disproportionate number of complaints of electronic harassment are beginning to surface. It is also within range of a U.S. Air Force base which houses a "super secret" research facility. We are currently looking into information that spouses and children of persons employed on that USAF base may be the targets of involuntary experimentation involving directed-energy weapons technologies.)
Another individual, during a telephone conversation, was told by an employee of a local power company that, if she valued the lives of her children, she would drop her public opposition to the company's installation of high power lines. Since receiving that threat, the individual's 11-year-old daughter has been reduced to extremes of pain, resulting in her recurrent hospitalization for treatment of illnesses which cannot be diagnosed. It is now also apparent to this individual that her three-year-old son is on the receiving end of externally-induced auditory input. (DoE figures prominently in this case.)
* Progressive financial impoverishment, brought on by termination of the individual's employment, and compounded by expenses associated with the harassment.
The majority of those now in contact with the Project--educated, white-collar professionals--have lost their jobs. Termination of employment in many of these cases involved prefatory harassment by the employer and co-workers, which coincided with the other overt forms of harassment discussed above.
These overt harassment tactics are being described as recurrent, non-sequential and overlapping. As noted above, the overt harassment continues even after the electronic harassment commences.
Those individuals who have tried to resolve their respective situations through resort to "establishment" channels have invariably encountered the following:
* Apathy, indifference and/or professed helplessness on the part of members of Congress and state legislatures.
* Dismissal and/or attempted discrediting by psychiatrists who refuse to include the terms, "government harassment", "mind-control experimentation" and "torture" in their vocabulary.
Several individuals, thinking that psychiatrists might help to alleviate the extreme stress associated with their harassment, were accorded "treatment" which clearly pointed to cooperation between their psychiatrists and members of the U.S. Intelligence community. One such psychiatrist, in fact, bragged about being a member of the U.S. Intelligence "inner circle", informing our contact that her harassment was a "Pavlovian Experiment", intended to "break" her.
* Lack of interest, courage and/or competency in legal circles.
Few of those in contact with us have been able to acquire legal assistance--not helped by their straitened financial circumstances. Most have found that few attorneys are willing to risk their careers by pursuing cases involving what is believed to be government-sponsored harassment and experimentation.
A few attorneys reportedly engaged in egregious violation of codes of professional conduct, in what appear to have been deliberate efforts at sabotaging our contacts' cases. Subsequent attempts by two individuals at obtaining legal redress were met with stonewalling, obstruction, and high-level denials of wrongdoing.
* Refusal of mass media to address this topic, except in those cases where suspected experimentees have been driven to the point of committing murder or suicide.
Such cases (particularly where an individual has claimed to be the victim of CIA-directed mind-control involving auditory input) are treated by the press as "curiosities". An example of this is the individual who shot a Navy officer outside the Pentagon in mid-1991. (The Washington Post, June 1, 1991, p. C-1 ["Voices" Led to Tragedy for 1 Man/Pentagon Suspect's Mother Says "Institutions Should Have Held Son"] and December 14, 1991 p. D-3 ["Suspect in Pentagon Killing Is Found Unfit to Stand Trial "]). He claimed to be a victim of CIA mind control, involving auditory input. According to the press, "he worried 'about being run over by trains'..." (ref. incident described in following paragraph). He is now permanently residing in a psychiatric facility. He, being institutionalized, and others in the preliminary stages of his predicament are no longer of interest to the media.
Another recent case which received short-lived press attention involved a woman diagnosed as having "suffered from periods of confusion" who climbed over a fence onto a railroad track and walked into an oncoming train. Because the incident occurred in a community in which an unusually large number of these mind-control experiments have been reported, we are looking into the situation. The woman was reportedly "under a physician's care" because of her "periods of confusion". A family member described the physician to this investigator as "a psychiatrist". We find that the alleged "psychiatrist" is a General Practitioner, otherwise non-accredited, practicing out of his home. We find also that the suicide may have been witnessed under peculiarly-timed circumstances by an alleged "homeless" person who has since disappeared. Needless to say, our interest has been whetted.
* Refusal and/or inability of local police to intervene.
The tendency of local police is to dismiss an individual's complaints of government harassment as the ravings of a "fruitcake". In one case, discussed above, it is apparent that one police officer is actively cooperating in the harassment. Some police agencies, while acknowledging the reality of the situation, hesitate to intervene in cases involving what they believe to be U.S. Intelligence. On a few occasions, certain police officials did attempt to intervene, based on what they perceived to be evidence of a systematic harassment/illegal surveillance campaign. Absent a clear mandate to prosecute "stalkers" acting under the aegis of U.S. Intelligence, the police obviously have their hands tied.
* Refusal of the FBI to intervene in any of the cases brought to our attention, thus far.
FBI spokesmen do acknowledge that they have received a large number of requests for assistance from "mentally disturbed persons" who believe that they are being "zapped by radio waves" and/or "are hearing voices"..."from Mars, that is."
In one case, an FBI spokesman reacted in an angry, defensive and bizarre fashion when our contact briefly alluded to PROJECT SLAMMER as possibly being related to her surveillance. (PROJECT SLAMMER is a CIA-funded study, managed by CIA and FBI behavioral scientists, which explores the "mental make-up" of alleged security risks, along with their family members and close associates. Participants in PROJECT SLAMMER include NSA, DIA, and Army, Navy and Air Force Intelligence.)
Until PROJECT SLAMMER was mentioned, the FBI spokesman's approach in this case was to politely and redundantly explain that the law, as currently constructed, prevents the FBI's intervening in this individual's case. When she briefly pointed out that the surveillance activities might fall under the purview of PROJECT SLAMMER, the spokesman's response was to abruptly and angrily declaim, "You don't know who is conducting that surveillance! You don't know if that is a state police surveillance!...or a local police surveillance! It could be a totally unrelated operation! You don't know who is conducting that surveillance! [etc., etc.]!"
It was apparent from this response that the FBI was at least acknowledging the existence of a surveillance, if in somewhat emotional fashion. The individual in question subsequently furnished acquired evidence to the local police, who made it clear that they are not participants in the surveillance which, based on the evidence, pointedly suggests that our contact is the target.
* Refusal or inability of the ACLU and Amnesty International to intervene.
Both organizations acknowledge receiving many complaints from persons claiming to be the targets of some type of electronic harassment. An ACLU spokes-woman characterized the complainants as appearing to be rational, except in a few cases. The complaints are not being investigated, she said, because of "limited resources". We have to wonder, of course, why the ACLU could recently find resources to defend the rights of prostitutes and the Ku Klux Klan, yet remains incapable of intervening in cases such as we are now pursuing.
Amnesty International recently informed one of our contacts that they could not intervene in her case because their focus is on the U.S. Government's treatment of prison inmates. While incarceration does appear to be one sought-for objective in these harassment/mind-control experiments, we would like to think that protections by such organizations as Amnesty International can be achieved beforehand.
To be Continued.
PJ 66
THU., APRIL 1, 1993 1:47 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 228
As we move on into the continuing outlay of mind-control information, you are going to be shocked! Even hardened ones who think there "can't be more", will find there IS. You will come to realize that the whole illusion of "alien abductions" are NOT--they are ongoing experiments of an ongoing action by your adversaries right here on old "terra-firma". What are you going to do about all this? I really don't know. Some of you will come within the lighted places of protection by God while severing those things and contacts which allow these things to take place. Most, I assume, will go your way unimpressed--right down the primrose path with the beast.
You will also find that the 13th (short-version) of the Protocols of Zion, will also be making more and more sense as you see that it has been accomplished according to their plans for your citizenry:
"13: We have already established our own men in all important positions. We must endeavor to provide the Goyim with lawyers and doctors; the lawyers are au courant with all interests; doctors, once in the house, become confessors and directors of consciences. And,
"15. If one of our people should unhappily fall into the hands of justice amongst the Christians, we must rush to help him; find as many witnesses as he needs to save him from his judges, until we become judges ourselves."
Also there is a letter, remember, where a Jewish Rabbi of Arles in Provence, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, as the people of Arles were threatening the synagogues. What should the Jews do? This was the reply:
"Dear beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter i n which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.
"The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
"1. As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise, but let the law of Moses be kept in your hearts.
"2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your goods" (the law was that on becoming converted Jews gave up their possessions); "make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs.
"3. As for what you say about their making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may TAKE AWAY CHRISTIANS' LIVES.
"4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
"5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
"6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
"Signed V.S.S.V.F.F., Prince of the Jews, 21st Caslue (November), 1489."
So this is "just old stuff!"? How interesting to note that the CIA is now predominantly KGB (Soviets) and Mossad (Israel Secret Service) and ALL are branches of the British-Israel EMPIRE.
The persons engaged in this harassment tend to become careless, possibly the result of arrogance born of an assumption that nobody can stop them. "Harassees" who have noted this carelessness have furnished us with the following insights into the covert side of these harassment activities.
* Impersonation of military officers.
One individual found that her next-door neighbor had claimed to be a military intelligence officer, assigned to a space technology unit in California, on year-long "TDY" (temporary duty) in the individual's apartment building. It was subsequently determined that this alleged officer is not in fact a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, and that he had used this bogus status to acquire information from a major defense contractor. Our contact is certain that this person's apartment was used as a base of harassment operations.
* Use of concealment devices, and emitters detected to date.
Several individuals and supportive associates report having seen some of the electronic devices being used in these harassment campaigns.
One saw electronic equipment concealed inside a false-front upright piano being moved out of her apartment building. She had previously noted that all of her surrounding neighbors had identical upright pianos in their apartments, not one of which was ever played.
Other suspected participants in the harassment may be concealing devices in oversized stereo speakers, measuring approximately 5' in height x 3' x 3'. Several of our contacts have noted the presence of such speakers in adjacent dwellings.
One individual was told by a resident of her building that her upstairs neighbor has "microwave ovens" in his bedroom and livingroom, but none in the kitchen.
Another individual, while standing outside, looked into her neighbor's window to find that her bedroom appeared to be the target of a gray-colored, elongated box-like device, measuring approximately 1' in length x 5" in height (side view). A large, black-framed lens protruded from the end facing her window. The electrical cord, if any, was not visible from that vantage point. The equipment was being operated by a stranger in a three-piece suit, who appeared to be quite startled to find that he was being observed.
Another was given strong reason to believe that portable emitters are being concealed in oversized, extremely heavy, sometimes expandable "briefcases" for use in places of public assembly, such as meeting halls, auditoriums and restaurants. Smaller varieties are apparently being used on aircraft.
On one 3-hour flight, our contact noticed that the man sitting next to her seemed peculiarly intent on keeping the attache case on his lap propped open with his fingertips, while he gazed "blankly" into the distance during the entire flight. She believed that she was being electronically harassed while on the fight (a common complaint, in most of the cases now being investigated).
Our contact reports that, when they prepared to land, the man opened his attache case to hastily check its contents, thus disclosing the presence of a raised, built-in "concealment device" covering the entire bottom surface of the attache case. The low-slung, lift-off cover did not appear to be capable of concealing a laptop computer. At one point during the flight--apparently aware that his "reverie" was inviting attention,--the man devoted approximately ten minutes to scribbling assorted entries on a sheet of line paper, which he had placed on top of his briefcase two hours previously. He devoted roughly ten minutes to the effort (obviously preferring a pen to a laptop computer). His attache case remained ajar during this process. Jane's Security and Co-In [Counter-Insurgency] Equipment, (Surrey, UK, 199192), as a preliminary source, contains a number of references to attache-case concealment devices, for use in surveillance/communications operations. The electronic components are built into the bottom interior of these cases. Obviously the man just described could NOT have carried a "microcircuitried" attache case aboard a U.S. airliner WITHOUT FIRST CLEARING SECURITY. We are advised by a former CIA, DDS (Security) employee that credential-carrying members of U.S. Intelligence can bypass airport security checks of their carry-on luggage.
One individual reports that mobile emitters may be installed in certain oversized, non-attributable medical emergency vehicles, possibly for eventual use in civil disturbances. Her unsuccessful attempts at following the "medical emergency" vehicle which had surfaced in her case ended with a high-speed chase.
The phony military intelligence officer, when recently moving out of our contact's apartment building, was found to possess a device which resembles an oversized microwave oven, measuring approximately 4' in width x 2' in height x 2-1/2" in depth. A subsequent examination of his apartment revealed that he had tapped numerous additional lines into existing, in-house telephone and TV cables; and that he had gone to great pains to conceal a major excavation into one wall abutting the "harassee's". Judging from photographs taken immediately after this person's departure, the wiring suggests that he was hooked by modem into a computer network, and that at least some of his electronic equipment was situated in a large walk-in closet, again abutting the "harassee's".
When the alleged officer moved out, his equipment (except for the oversized "microwave oven") was packaged in boxes identifying the contents only as stereo components. During his year-long residency in this building, no sounds emanated from his apartment to indicate use of this "stereo" equipment.
* Use of modified license plates and vehicle look-alikes.
Some individuals have noted that their neighbors' vehicles are periodically replaced (during peak periods of harassment) by others which qualify as "rough look-alikes". The tags on these latter closely resemble those of the homeowners' vehicles, with a difference being noted in only one digit or one letter. These modified plates appear to have been acquired through State DMV channels, thus suggesting government/intelligence agency involvement.
In one case, where the individual has obtained police assistance, tracking of one plate surfaced evidence of a drug connection. That plate rapidly disappeared from the vehicle in question, to be replaced by another, again bearing a one-letter modification.
* Use of neighbors' residences as bases of operation and training.
One individual recently saw a team of "technicians" in the house behind hers--a consequence of the team's failure to close the curtains and/or use dim lighting when puttering around in the kitchen at 5:00 in the morning. The three men (strangers to this individual, all stripped down to their T-shirts) behaved as if they were unaware that they were being watched. Their observer had long suspected that this house was being used as a base of electronic harassment operations. The harassment had been ongoing throughout the night.
To provoke a response from these men, the individual eventually commented by turning the lights off and switching to the use of flashlights. Why they failed to close the curtains is unknown.
This individual is working with the police in an effort at ending this surveillance and harassment, with mixed results.
8 8 8
Another individual, paying a surprise visit to the apartment upstairs, overheard one of her own telephone conversations being played on a tape recorder inside that apartment. Lacking both a legitimate pretext to enter the apartment and the support of the building's management personnel and/or the police, she was prevented from pursuing this further. Her upstairs neighbor is purportedly employed by Stanford University Hospital, in Stanford, CA.
The target of surveillance and harassment in this case is still also trying to recover from the effects of exposure to potentially lethal doses of radiation, administered in the 1970s by a dangerously "incompetent" dentist. This might explain the involvement of alleged Stanford University Hospital personnel in her situation.
The government is on record as having experimented on unwitting U.S. citizens with radioactive material during the 1970s (and earlier) (St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch, October 15, 1986, p. 1-A ["U.S. Used Humans for Radiation Guinea Pigs"].) The House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce based their investigation into this matter on a 30-year accumulation of documents maintained by the Department of Energy. Under the circumstances, it will come as no surprise if it is ultimately found that DoE has been involved in this woman's surveillance and harassment.
* * *
Another individual paid a surprise visit to the apartment immediately beneath hers, in an attempt to identify the source of a tremendous racket in her ventilation system. Standing outside the door, she could hear an individual moving around, a short distance from the door. She also heard the sound of rustling paper and the steady, sonar-like "pinging" of some type of electronic device. In response to her repeated knockings on the door, the person inside simply stopped moving about. The sound of rustling paper (perhaps a printout of some type) and the steady "...pin-ng!...Pin-ng!" sound continued. The occupant of this apartment resumed moving about only after it was (incorrectly) believed that our contact had departed the area. Typically, this situation could not be pursued further.
* * *
All of those who live in apartment buildings report unusual patterns of occupancy in the apartments surrounding their own; i.e., upstairs, downstairs and on all sides. They have become quite convinced--if only because of the highly focused nature of the symptoms being experienced--that these surrounding apartments are being used as bases of operation. Perhaps this encirclement facilitates studies of holographic human telemetries; or perhaps it is intended to increase the prospect of brain entrainment by electronic means ("entrainment" being one published objective sought in mind-control experiments). See, for example, Weinstein, Harvey M., M.D., Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control, American Psychiatric Press, Washington, D.C., 1990; Marks, John, The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control, Times Books, New York, 1979; Delgado, Jose M .R., M.D., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society, Harper & Row, New York, 1969,; and Hutchinson, Michael, Megabrain: New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion, Ballantine Books, New York, 1986.
In examining this situation more closely, a number of individuals have found that surrounding apartments are either permanently vacant, for unknown reasons, or that they have been "sub-let" by the original occupants to persons who are purportedly unknown to the buildings' management personnel. In one case, the surrounding renters all list two residences in the local telephone book. Not one lives in the apartment building in question, though the address is identified as one of the renters' places of residence. One individual suspects that the original occupants of apartments surrounding hers have simply been relocated to other apartments in the same (large) building. Another suspects that an adjacent apartment, which has been permanently rented to the U.S. Government for use by "visitors" is also being used as a base of operations.
One individual found that an immediate neighbor's housemate has the same (unusual) name of a university professor who has engaged in extensive research on behalf of the government, studying the bioeffects of exposure to microwave radiation.
* Use of informants/agents provocateurs, frequently members of the opposite sex.
As noted in the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs' draft report, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Covert Operation (July 1992), the Wackenhut Corporation's Special Investigations Division adopted this tactic when pursuing Alyeska's critics.
A number of the individuals in touch with us report a range of experiences with new "friends" who--apparently posing as confidants--used acquired personalties to abruptly end these "friendships" under deliberately degrading and humiliating circumstances. When taken in the context of the ongoing surveillances and harassment, these exercises appear intended to heighten emotional trauma, perhaps to provoke an uncontrolled response and/or to enforce isolation.
* Misuse of covert intelligence personnel (possible former case officers).
One individual, while under contract to the U.S. Government, properly reported what he believed to be an approach by a hostile intelligence service. Within a few weeks, alleged U.S. Intelligence officers contacted this individual. In addition to questioning him about his background, these alleged intelligence officers asked that he keep in constant touch with them, particularly when planning to travel.
It soon became apparent that the alleged intelligence officers were intent only on forcing this individual to report to them as directed, and to account for his activities. He was not asked to assist the U.S. Government in any form of intelligence operation; he was not asked to execute any form of secrecy affirmation statement acknowledging the classified nature of these meetings; nor was he told why these meetings--involving a total of seven alleged case officers--were necessary.
When he began to balk at a continuation of this process, one of his "handlers" conveyed a threat, suggesting that his continued compliance might be "enforced". Finally, when this individual adamantly refused to cooperate further, massive overt harassment commenced and is currently ongoing.
The operation (clearly intended to bully this individual into submissive compliance for purposes which are still unknown) involved crude tactics formerly prized by the KGB.
Whether or not legitimate U.S. Intelligence case officers were involved in this activity remains to be determined. Some private firms retain former U.S. Intelligence case officers for contracting out as "security specialists". The founder and CEO of one such firm (Girard P. Burke, The Parvus Company, Silver Spring, MD) has informed us that the activities of contract case officers are neither monitored nor subject to formal restraint.
* Use of psychotropic drugs by cooperative physicians.
Shortly after resigning from the CIA, one of our contacts underwent a range of experiences which suggested that she had been massively drugged. One of the alleged perpetrators, whom we have met, alternately claims to be employed by NASA and/or by a firm in Miami, handling "microwave equipment". NASA has no record of this person under the name furnished.
The "experimentee" ultimately sought the assistance of a psychiatrist, whom her parents had located as a referral. The psychiatrist treated her reported "flash-backs" by immediately placing her on a regimen of Stelazine, which quickly aggravated her condition. He also made comments to this individual which suggested that he had a foreknowledge of her situation, and that he was cooperating with U.S. Intelligence. On one occasion the psychiatrist intimated that our contact might be employable as an assassin; and he repeatedly urged her to move to Great Britain where, he said, she would be put in touch with an unidentified Member of Parliament.
Interestingly, he had a tremendous computer system in his office suite, which he explained as being connected by modem into a national level system which, in turn, connected into private residences. When showing her this equipment, this psychiatrist informed our contact that she had been "CATscanned", pointing out that she was the subject of the vast series of "A's" and "B's" being printed out by one of the many terminals at his disposal.
Our contact also found that this psychiatrist kept a military uniform in his closet which bore the rank and insignia of a three-star general.
The individual ultimately sought psychiatric support elsewhere. Her new psychiatrist, formerly employed by DoD, immediately put her on a regimen of Haldol Decanoate, Klonopin and Benzatropine. The combined effect of these drugs was loss of memory and a state of mind which, under other circumstances, might be diagnosed as Depersonalization or Dissociative Disorder. All three drugs proved to be highly addictive. Our contact, since severing contact with the psychiatrist as well, has finally successfully overcome the addiction.
* * *
Another individual--the one whose psychiatrist had informed her of her role in a "Pavlovian Experiment"--was subjected to attempted drugging by Trazodone, one of the strongest sedatives on the market. The psychiatrist in question kept no record of the individual's outpatient visits, nor of her Trazodone prescriptions. Being unaware that the individual was not adhering to his regimen, the psychiatrist urged her to rapidly increase her dosage, renewing her 30-day prescription after a period of only 11 days.
Though aware of her heart condition, he failed to monitor her condition, dismissing her complaints of (electronically-induced) pains in her heart as inconsequential. Trazodone is known to aggravate heart conditions. Perhaps the intent was to have this individual succumb to a "heart attack" as the result of "imagined" government harassment. Neither the appropriate psychiatric society nor the FBI would touch this case.
* * *
Another individual (a clear target of retaliation) sought medical assistance to counter sudden massive headaches and recurrent attacks of vomiting--effects which can be produced by infrasound. The physician to whom she was referred (an alleged specialist in Internal Medicine) placed her on a combination of Compazine and Xanax, prescribing dosages which the Physicians' Desk Reference warns against.
Compazine, in addition to being an anti-emetic, is used in the treatment of psychotic disorders. It can also cause tardive dyskinesia, an irreversible syndrome involving loss of motor control. Xanax is known to induce vomiting. Both drugs can lead to dependency and a worsening of the patient's condition. The effects of all such drugs, in fact, can be mutated in high-energy fields, thus increasing the likelihood of adverse reactions.
We have recently found that this prescribing "physician" is not licensed to practice medicine in the state in which she has been practicing since at least 1989.
Our contact, being concerned about the long-term effects of Xanax and Compazine, consulted another physician in that same office. This physician immediately prescribed Prozac, failing to concurrently recommend that her patient discontinue the Xanax and Compazine prescriptions. When our contact refused to take any psychotropic drugs, the doctor became upset and asked, "Don't you want to get well?"
This second physician is a licensed practitioner in Internal Medicine, with no background in Psychiatry. We have also found that she apparently refers her patients to yet a third physician in the office who claims to be a psychiatrist. She, too, is licensed to practice Internal Medicine, only. Her receptionist described this third physician as having a psychiatric "sub-specialty", ... "as an internist". The receptionist also informed us that this internist "is treating a number of psychiatric patients."
On pursuing this further, we find that these physicians are in a small "medical group" which is not listed by specialty in standard regional telephone directories. The group bears the same name as one of the IA's most infamous recruited physicians (perhaps best described as "the Mengele of MKULTRA").
The doctors' offices are located in a bank building, which, we have found, is a favored hiding place for security-oriented businesses and government agencies. Two computer firms, co-located with an attorney who represents "Island Resort Development, Ltd.", are situated immediately beneath the doctors' offices. The prospect of our finding island resort developments within 500 miles of this attorney's office is limited.
Our contact, being apprised of these findings, is seeking medical help elsewhere.
* * *
In two of our cases, urologists took it upon themselves to play the role of "psychiatrist"; i.e., they rendered psychiatric diagnoses and prescribed psychotropic drugs. One of these urologists, employed by The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, prescribed Haldol, informing our contact that he perceived her to be "psychotic". His efforts at getting a Clinic psychiatrist to confirm this diagnosis were unsuccessful. The psychiatrist, apparently a rare individual who subscribes to codes of medical ethics, found nothing wrong with this woman, even given the nature of her complaints. The urologist's response to this was to issue his own Haldol prescription. Sensing that something was amiss, the woman refused to have the prescription filled.
* * *
Yet another individual ended up in the hands of a psychiatrist who, as a purported means of ending the stress associated with her harassment, offered to put her under hypnosis. She described the hypnotic state as "equivalent to floating" and (based on her overall experiences with this physician) has not ruled out the possibility that drugs may have been surreptitiously administered. The psychiatrist claimed to be interested in psychic phenomena and demonstrated an apparently remarkable ability to read this individual's mind.
While in her "hypnotic state, the individual felt a sharp, painful pressure inside her nose, as if something were being shoved up her nostrils to the sinus cavities. She awoke to find blood pouring out of her nostrils. The psychiatrist casually dismissed this as owing to a probable cold. [C: Anyone see the correlation between this and what is reported in so-called "abductions"? You had best be thinking about these things because "abductions" are B.S. as far as "space-aliens" are concerned. I think you ones have NO IDEA how far along your hostile One Worlder's really ARE!]
Shortly after that experience, the individual began to hear loud tones in her head, followed in due course by auditory input. Brain scans have failed to yield evidence of an implanted device. (We have recommended that she undergo a scan by means of a suitably adapted non-linear junction detector, as a preliminary.) Suffice it to say, this individual has severed contact with the psychiatrist and is continuing to cope with ongoing overt and electronic harassment by other non-medical means.
* Use of medical implant devices.
The situation just described is not our first encounter with the apparent use of medical implant devices in these harassment/mind-control cases. Another of our contacts began receiving auditory input roughly 15 years after she had 4 mm. cochlear implants placed in her ears. The "voices" claim to be affiliated with the CIA and, among other things, expressed intentions of running this woman as an agent in denied areas by "piggybacking" their audio transmissions onto standard FM frequencies to avoid detection.
We have been unable to locate the surgeon who implanted these devices, though we do have copies of his operative reports. A recent CATscan of this individual failed to disclose the presence of the cochlear implants.
Several years ago, the individual (now a psychologist) applied for a position with the CIA. She was interviewed by four Langley-based, purported psychologists, who allegedly informed her that her job would involve the assessment of certain criminals for purposes of weighing their prospects for loyalty to this agency.
During these interviews, she was told to read several books by such persons as Philip Agee, Stansfield Turner and Ralph McGehee, all of whom were unknown to her. The alleged psychologists claimed that these authors had described the CIA "as it really is". Our contact was not asked to execute a secrecy affirmation statement acknowledging the classified nature of these proceedings.
The unconventional manner of this interview process suggests that this individual was being toyed with, for reasons which remain to be determined. She did not get the job and in fact more recently lost her job with a state penitentiary. She was fired, on the recommendation of the prison's psychiatrist, because of her insistence that she is receiving auditory input from CIA personnel who persist in feeding her classified information.
Interestingly, though this individual was deemed unfit to function as a psychologist in the penitentiary system, the State has rehired her, assigning her to a mental health facility where, apparently, she is to develop a behavioral modification program for retarded adults with diagnosed mental illnesses.
This individual claimed to be receiving and responding to externally-induced auditory "advice" while working with prison inmates. Under the circumstances, we have to wonder if this case qualifies as a benchmark in mind-control experimentation; i.e., employment of a mind-control psychologist to run the equivalent of mind-control experiments on mentally-ill retarded adults. We will continue to monitor the situation.
* * *
I would guess you are about ready for a break and a breath for some of you will be "holding" your breath by this point in the reading. I would also guess all those nice, warm and cozy thoughts about aliens, abductions with "devices" and denial of auditory and sensory implications and bombardment will be sinking in a bit as to the REAL CULPRITS of downfall of a civilization at the hands of the One World Order. So be it.
PJ 66
THU., APRIL 1, 1993 4:11 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 228
The individual whom we previously identified as having challenged a local power company also appears to have been "tagged" by some type of implant device. During a recent symposium, she was approached by a man whose business card identifies him as "Program Manager, Electromagnetic Radiation Division", DoE. His approach was suitably sympathetic. Our contact ultimately accepted the man's invitation to continue discussing their common ranges of interest in his hotel room. During this meeting, she accepted the offer of a drink, blacked out after consuming it, and awoke four hours later, still in this man's hotel room, to find that the back of her ear had been punctured and was bleeding. There was no evidence of a sexual assault. The man glibly evaded this woman's requests for an explanation. She has since found two adjacent puncture marks behind her ear, which are not healing properly, and between which she can feel the presence of a "wire" measuring approximately 1/4" in length. We are pursuing this further.
The said DoE Project Manager has more recently initiated contact with yet another activist in touch with this Association. His call was unsolicited. He apparently wanted to know if this woman would be attending an upcoming conference. We have warned the individual to avoid any form of private meeting with the said Project Manager.
* * *
To date, we are aware of three cases involving clandestine behavior on the part of alleged DoE employees. The CIA figures prominently (if peculiarly) in the majority of our other cases. Two of those have been discussed above.
In another, also involving auditory input, the individual is certain that the current Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) participated in the "voice transmission" process on at least one occasion. She claims to have recognized his voice. When she commented aloud on the DCI's perceived involvement in this experimentation, the "voice" responded with stuttered and stammered denials. We are told that this particular "voice" has not been heard from since.
* * *
In yet another case involving auditory input, the individual has allegedly been informed by her "voices" that the technologies being used against her were stolen from the CIA by a maverick employee, whose group is now targeting her from a distance of 2,000 miles. She reported this to the DCI's office and was allegedly informed by the deputy DCI that she will be awarded millions of dollars if she can produce the equipment and any of the personnel involved in her harassment.
One unusually-candid CIA spokesman also allegedly informed this individual that, "while the CIA does not deny having this equipment", they "do not use it in this country". Perhaps this explains why a number of our contacts have also been electronically harassed while traveling overseas.
This woman has also been repeatedly assured by CIA DDS (security)) personnel of the Agency's sincere concern for her welfare. During a recent telephone conversation with that Office, we confirmed that she is indeed known to the CIA. Based on this, we asked that the Agency "put its money where its mouth is", so to speak, by conducting a long-term electronic sweep of this individual's premises. That was two months ago. No sweep has been conducted, though CIA spokesmen continue to "sympathize" with her predicament.
* * *
Another individual, a target of harassment and experimentation since 1952 (apparently singled out because of his student activism while at Penn State University) began hearing "voices" after having most of his teeth capped. He has more recently been informed by his "handlers" that implanted devices are no longer used for purposes of inducing auditory input. No explanation was offered. He was quite visibly surprised when informed by this investigator that auditory input can be achieved solely by means of pulsed microwave audiograms (discussed in Part I of this report).
This individual's "handlers" allegedly have also stated that their experiments on U.S. citizens are in pursuit of a variety of objectives; viz.,
•1. develop an effective means for creating a perfect, "robotized" soldier;
•2. alter individual sexual preferences, such as by turning heterosexuals into homosexuals (they allegedly claim to be having "difficulties" reversing the process); and
•3. enhance or destroy levels of academic achievement, at will, such as by degrading the performance of otherwise brilliant students, and by drastically improving the performance of poor students.
Given the technology at the government's disposal and a predisposition on the part of certain governmental agencies to "play God" in experimental fashion with citizens' lives, these purported projects do not come across as being totally far-fetched.
* * *
Another case involves a woman whose experiences suggest that she, too, is an MKULTRA experimentee being kept on the books, so to speak. The woman, apparently a "pet" experimentee, found herself being introduced to a wide array of prominent individuals whose connections with the CIA she believed to be quite apparent. One of those, she states, was Robert Jay Lifton, a well-known author and expert on brainwashing, whose books include The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide (Basic Books, 1986).
Her experiences included a voluntary ("referral") admission to Hollywood Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 1973, during an era when MKULTRA experiments at the Allan Memorial Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, were only beginning to capture the attention of the U.S. Senate. According to a Vancouver Sun archivist, Hollywood Hospital, Ltd. (a privately-owned institution), went out of business in 1975, two years after this woman's hospitalization and after approximately 30 years of doing business. The event coincided with findings by the U.S. Senate Church Committee concerning the CIA' brainwashing experiments under MKULTRA. Our contact also identified the Director of Hollywood Hospital as Dr. Ross MacLean--information also confirmed by the Vancouver Sun. Nothing in these records, copies of which are being obtained, points to CIA involvement with the hospital. Perhaps a portion of history has been overlooked. Cornell Medical Center's role in MKULTRA is a matter of public record (See, for example, Thomas Gordon, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, Bantam Books, New York, 1989.
More recently, in 1990, she was transported to New York University's Cameron Medical Center, in Westchester, NY (under circumstances which qualify as an abduction), where she was forcibly wrestled to the ground by approximately six Center staffers and forcibly confined for a period of approximately three weeks. She was neither psychiatrically counseled nor formally tested while in that facility. The psychiatrists assigned to her case appeared more intent on forcing her to take a combination of neuroleptic drugs, to include Haldol, Navane and Cogentin. (Haldol and Navane can cause tardive dyskinesia.) She resisted those attempts. [C: Does anybody remember what happened to Mr. Bush when he was on similar drugs and visited the Japanese for a nice "pass-out" dinner and collapse?? Is all this making more sense now, to you, chelas? Where do YOU think we are in the state of evolvement to the New World Order and the Armageddon of ancient predictions?]
A court ultimately ordered this woman released from the Center, stipulating that she was not to be administered drugs. On subsequently acquiring her medical records, under conditions which prevented censoring or doctoring of those records, she found that her psychiatrists had planned to inject her with drugs (in defiance of the court order) on the day of her release. As luck would have it, she was released a day early.
This woman states also that she has met Budd Hopkins, of the Intruders Foundation, and that she had had a long-term, confiding relationship with John E. Mack, Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, and founding Director of the Center for Psychological Studies in the Nuclear Age (previously named Research Program for the Study of Human Continuity; and, still previously, rumored to have cooperated with the CIA in studies of "human ecology").
At one point in their relationship, Professor Mack apparently accompanied this woman to a "support group" meeting of UFO abductees, who, she observed bemusedly, "spent their time comparing (extraterrestrially) implanted devices." Professor Mack is ON RECORD AS PROMOTING the perception that UFO ABDUCTIONS ARE LEGITIMATE. The Roper Organization, Unusual Personal Experiences: An Analysis of the Data from Three National Surveys, (Bigelow Holding Corp., Las Vegas, NY, 1991). Contributors lending "credibility" to this publication include John Mack and Budd Hopkins.
[C: If you are not scared spitless by this time, chelas, THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOU!]
* * *
We frankly doubt that extraterrestrials who have a means to commute intergalactically would stoop to implanting comparatively primitive devices in human beings. However, should it be proved that the psychiatrist, surgeon and DoE Project Manager discussed above are extraterrestrials posing as humans, we will be happy to weigh that information. [C: NOT LIKELY, GOOD BUDDIES.] If it is similarly established that the vehicular "abduction" of the woman discussed above was the work of an extraterrestrial named Kaplan, who is posing as a human with Cornell Medical Center connections, we will be happy to ponder that as well. [C: Hot dog! Now, finally, we are beginning to get some truth and perspective into this nonsense. This DOES tell you, however, that "they" are ready to spring a "biggie" on you very, very soon because they are softening you up to believe anything. Dharma Wokini sits here right now with a folder from Paramount Pictures regarding FIRE IN THE SKY. (By the way, it was sent to George Green for his comments--NOT MINE!) So what are we to think? Sorry, watchers, it is a fun story but it "ain't extraterrestrials"!]
In the meantime, it would seem reasonable that the government would want the public to believe that extraterrestrial visitations are on the upswing. Mind-altering drugs, externally-induced auditory input, holographic projections (also a DoD capability), appropriately focused directed-energy targeting, device implantations, special effects and abductions are all within this government's capabilities and can be used for purposes of creating illusions of UFO experiences. Persons not cognizant of this might be more inclined to fall for the UFO mythologies now being officially "legitimized". (Defense Week, October 19, 1992, Vol. 13, No. 41 pp. I and II ["Pentagon, State Department Collaborate on Counterterror Gear.")
[C: Does this mean there are not any nice cute aliens running around or flying around or just hanging around? No--it means that we are of a higher intelligence and DO NOT PLAY STUPID TRICKS WITH PRIMITIVE IDIOTIC B.S. YOU HAVE BEEN "HAD", PEOPLE!--EVERY WAY INCLUDING UPSIDE DOWN!]
* * *
Other cases, possibly involving U.S. Navy Intelligence, NSA, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and, peripherally, members of former Soviet Bloc intelligence services will be discussed in future reports.
In his book, Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control, Dr. Harvey Weinstein quotes the following passage from a book entitled, Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing, by William Sargant (Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1957):
"By increasing or prolonging stresses in various ways, or inducing physical debilitation, a more thorough alteration of the person's thinking processes may be achieved. ...If the stress or the physical debilitation, or both, are carried one stage further, it may happen that patterns of thought and behavior, especially those of recent acquisition, become disrupted. New patterns can then be substituted, or suppressed patterns allowed to reassert themselves; or the subject may begin to think or act in ways that precisely contradict his former ones.
"' ...If a complete sudden collapse can be produced by prolonging or intensifying emotional stress, the cortical slate may be wiped clean temporarily of its more recently implanted patterns of behavior, perhaps allowing others to be substituted more easily."
Dr. Weinstein then comments: "The parallel with (Dr. Ewen) Cameron's theory of differential amnesia is striking, and the relationship to brainwashing is abundantly clear." (Op. cit., Weinstein, pp. 140-141) Dr. Cameron, employed by McGill University's Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, between 1943 and 1964, conducted brainwashing experiments upon select, non-volunteer psychiatric patients on behalf of the CIA. Dr. Weinstein's father was one of Cameron's victims.
Sargant's theorems and Cameron's associated experimental findings appear to be the driving force behind the harassment and experimentation now being reported to this Association. All of these individuals are being subjected to a series of overlapping circumstances which apparently are meant to induce and sustain long-term extremes of stress. All of these individuals have been effectively isolated. Unethical psychiatrists and physicians are involved in the majority of these cases. Mind-altering prescription drugs are being used for clearly non-therapeutic purposes. Evidence of LSD use is also beginning to surface (one of Cameron's favored mind-altering substances). And "psychic driving" techniques--Cameron's pet brainwashing method--are involved in all of these cases, to a much greater and more potentially effective degree where auditory input is involved.
The long-term objectives of these harassment and experimentation campaigns appear to be quite fundamental; viz.,
•1. induce a sense of perverted "loyalty" toward the very agencies engaged in the individual's harassment, to confuse his or her priorities where the possibility of obtaining legal redress might be concerned;
•2. redirect the targeted individual's feelings of hopelessness, anger and frustration toward racial and ethnic groups, and toward select, prominent political figures, to include the President of the United States; and
•3. force the individual to commit an act of violence, whether suicide or murder, under conditions which can be plausibly denied by the government.
An operation's ultimate success apparently hangs on this latter objective. We have successfully obstructed this process in a number of cases now being investigated.
In recent weeks, considerable publicity has been given the trauma suffered by victims of "stalkers" (persons who obsessively surveil, harass and, in some cases, kill targeted individuals for assorted, unfathomable reasons). Movie stars who have been stalked recurrently make the news. Stalking, as a problem, is in fact becoming widespread, to the point where, in some States, the activity has finally been specifically proscribed by law.
The individuals in contact with our Association are reporting the same terrifying ranges of experiences as are now being reported in the press on behalf of other victims of stalkers. The only difference in the cases reported to us is that the stalkers operate in groups over extremely prolonged periods of time, and (it would appear) with the blessing of certain agencies of the U.S. Government. The laws being passed to protect victims of stalkers are clearly being selectively applied. We hope to put an end to this situation; that is, in addition to achieving the objectives discussed above.
It should be noted that the FBI, though unwilling to intervene in the cases described above, recently intervened on a massive scale to protect Joy Silverman, a Bush-appointed trustee of the J.F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, from the ardent "stalkings" of her estranged paramour, Sol Wachtler, Chief Justice, Court of Appeals for the State of New York. (The Washington Post, November 10, 1992, p. A-I ["An Unlikely Suspect for Scandal/Top N.Y. Judge Accused of Breaking Law in Secret Life".] [Please note that this story is recently making big news, still.]
Wachtler had apparently threatened to kidnap Silverman's daughter if not paid $20,000. Since no kidnapping had occurred, and the case qualified merely as an attempted extortion, a question arises as to why the New York State Police could not have handled this investigation. Mrs. Silverman resides in New York.
It would appear that the FBI devoted more than 100 agents and technicians to the effort, resolving the case within approximately 30 days. On November 7, 1992, the day of his arrest, Wachtler ran a gantlet of 80 FBI special agents on the Long Island Expressway. Apparently the FBI does not have enough to do, if staking out a lone stalker is their top priority. We have to wonder, of course, if the FBI's massive response was prompted by what was perceived to be Wachtler's usurpation of governmental stalking prerogatives.
Mrs. Silverman's $300,000 donations to Republican Party causes could be considered a basis for the FBI's solicitous concern for her welfare. It would appear, under the circumstances, that the "stalking victims" discussed above--being by now quite poverty-stricken--should abandon all hope of FBI intervention in their respective situations. FBI protection appears to have a price tag, which not one of our contacts can afford.
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PJ 66
TUE., APRIL 6, 1993 9:41 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 233
We are not going to write more on any subject until we offer the story on Waco, Texas. It has been bits and pieces in coming but now the CONSTITUTION COALITION has presented a paper as the siege is ongoing. This will be history by the time you receive this writing--and how will it be? Will it be death to the "hostages" inside that Branch Davidian Compound? Or, will it be peaceful? MORE IMPORTANT, READERS--WILL TRUTH EVER BE ALLOWED AIRING?
How many of you realize that those "ATF" terrorists of your U.S. Federal Swat Squads--invaded, headed directly to the babies (NURSERY) and totally "shot-up" the place? They completely severed one child IN HALF with automatic weapons fire. Two of the "squad" raiders were shot by two grandmothers in protection of that nursery.
As airings have come about papers have been shut-down, people have been "disappeared" who write about the truth of what has happened in Texas--and one name you good readers will recognize, Bill Cooper, was on a show over WWCR in Tennessee, spoke on this subject and the station was, following the airing--BURNED TO THE GROUND!
I don't need to comment on this information to great extent--it certainly speaks for itself and I honor the brave people who have dared to bring it forward for dispersement to you-the-people. No matter what the government and injustice system finally does--YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH OF IT! This was not received in time yesterday to get in the prior issue of CONTACT. For that shortage of "time" we are sorry--except the paper is so filled to overflow with so much of critical importance that we have to accept what we CAN do and allow things to flow as the "river" runs. There is only so much YOU can receive and absorb and this MUST NOT BE LOST IN THE SHUFFLE AND LACK OF TIME TO READ THE PAPER.
From: Constitution Coalition
Phone: 602:926-7418
APRIL 4, 1993
Three principals from the Waco Siege Control and Relief Team, one a prominent Mesa, Arizona Chiropractor, arrived in Los Angeles recently to expose the Big Lie the press has been given by FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. They held a successful press conference scheduled by Anthony J. Hilder of Radio Free World and obtained international coverage. However, within hours of a huge radio station, WWCR in Nashville, Tennessee, promoting this story on nationally known Bill Cooper's show, the entire multi-million dollar station was torched into ashes. This is because the REAL story is the Christian men, women and children in Waco are like the Warsaw Jews under Nazi persecution. The ATF have and are conducting a strictly Gestapo operation. No doubt the ATF burned the radio station as part of its cruel operation. Innocent people have been "set up" and are being slaughtered.
ATF went in to "take out" women and children. When the ATF stormed the nursery on the initial assault, they killed infants and cut a 6 year old girl in half with machine gun fire, splattering the little girl's guts around the room. Hackers intercepted the ATF transmissions of the assault and recorded this. Two grandmothers defended the nursery and killed 2 ATF mercenaries. The ladies were indicted for murder upon surrender, but the next day Texas Governor Ann Richards was served with a citizen's arrest written and served by Eric Lighter (as the Governor was not fulfilling her obligations to the Sovereign Citizens under siege in the Republic of Texas) at the behest of correspondent Nancy LeRosa of Dallas. The next day the indictments on the two senior women in their seventies were dismissed.
The noteworthy principals were in Los Angeles to expose the real Waco Siege story. Immediately after the first of a number of ATF assaults began at Waco, Constitution Coalition and prominent investigators, these principals, filed a Federal suit in Dallas under the name IRATEGATE. The suit, No. 3-93 CVO440 X (Judge Kendall), also explains the actual reasons why a related siege happened in Ruby Creek, Idaho last year. In that siege, the federal assailants shot a boy's dog, then shot the boy 3 times in the back. Agents then nailed the boy's mother while breast feeding her 10 month old infant, smashing her brains on the wall with her other 3 children watching.
Just a few days ago in Ruby Creek, 15 armed ATF agents visited a female witness in that case while she was home alone. The ATF beat her mercilessly, ransacked her home looking for evidence, and then left her bloody and battered on the floor. It took 15 macho agents to do the job. This is the ATF in action. This is the New World Order operating to disarm America for mastery over our constitutional rights (see 5/31/91 Federal Register, pps. 24836-43; ATF's USC Title 27 is negative law, which is equivalent to no law or jurisdiction at all per U.S. Constitution).
The principals from Constitution Coalition, a Dallas based multi-city, a national political and legal group filed the related IRATEGATE suit in Dallas. The suit has a huge amount of high quality evidence. The evidence is so hot that many people died at the hands of the "government within the government" trying to keep the evidence out of public view. One man was sucked slowly into an airplane propeller until he begged to be killed (SPY magazine January 1993 issue, page 65). One family (Spiral) was tortured to death in protecting this evidence (see said federal suit for more details on this related case). The evidence includes the material sought by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee before its hearing closed and its 9/12/92 INSLAW report was filed, which hearing may be reopened.
The IRATEGATE case is the largest civilian national scandal, which is that the Federal Grand Juries in Washington, D.C. are proven to be tampered with. Thus, no wonder virtually no one of any political importance in Washington, D.C. ever gets indicted.
Constitution Coalition's negotiation settlement work has even helped President Clinton to announce "no more bloodshed". The ATF is the brutal Gestapoized bully trying to scare away the people of Dallas from the IRATEGATE evidence and issues. The ATF are even willing to sacrifice their own to accomplish this. Nancy LeRosa's request during an interview with white collar crime investigator Eric Lighter, Pastor Koresh made his first contact with the outside world since the Feds cut off his phones. Pastor Koresh moved his satellite dish as requested over a KGBS radio show March 5, 1993 in Dallas. Later, the Davidian Church Complex also gave the following Morse Code signals from the Church tower: (1) ATF GRENADED MY SON, (2) THREE DIE MILK DDT (Constitution Coalition has obtained from Dr. Michael Bradley of Mesa, Arizona the antidote for the New World Order poisons believed to be the actual crisis). (3) UV (and brain damaging microwave) RADIATION, (5) RAIDED AGAIN 3/3, 3/7, (6) FOOD LOW/RAIN WATER, (7) ATF GRENADED OWN MEN. The Davidian Church Complex is no fortress, it is a wooden church complex. The ATF has been spraying rifle fire into the roof via helicopter, potentially with chemical armaments.
[C: Anybody shocked yet? It isn't EXACTLY like "they" tell you, is it?]
One thing the ATF sought was to scare the Dallas community with the Waco Assault. That is, ATF wants to get Dallas to be too afraid to support the IRATEGATE prosecutions in the Federal Grand Juries (IRATEGATE investigator Eric Lighter announced over one month before the Waco Assault that he was taking the IRATEGATE scandal to the Texas Grand Juries, which caused ATF and others to tremble in fear and need a counter measure such as the Waco Assault). [C: NO! DO NOT BELIEVE THEY TREMBLED IN FEAR! THERE IS NO FEAR--THERE IS NOT A GRAND JURY LEFT THAT IS NOT TOTALLY CONTROLLED BY "CHOSEN" JUDGES. WE WILL WRITE ON TAMPERING WITH JURIES--NEXT.]
Another thing the ATF is doing is attempting to scare America into disarming. Even churches are being assaulted to accomplish this. Theologians such as Dr. Arnold of the Reunion Institute in Houston have determined that Pastor Koresh is basically a mainstream Christian (a splinter from the Seventh Day Adventists), but merely that he focused on the hard to understand last Bible chapter, Revelation. Pastor Koresh was not under investigation as the ATF said: President Clinton even made a campaign stump speech within rifle range (1-1/2 miles) from the Branch Davidian Church Complex at the time of the alleged investigation. This is a damnable Gestapo operation in America, the New World Order SS troops.
The entire face of negotiations has changed now that the ATF Director Higgins has been served with a citizen's arrest by Eric Lighter, Dr. Michael Bradley and Lt. Col. (ret) John Salter, in order to take him to the Federal Grand Juries also. The ATF falls under USC Title 27 and is considered negative law or no law at all because it is not enacted as positive law per USCA title 1 General Provisions Section 204, page 24. Title 27 is only prima facie and the official source of the United States law is the Statutes at Large. Congress has NOT given ATF authority to operate as ruthless premeditated murderers and raiders.
It has been suggested on two television and one radio show that the press be allowed inside the Church Complex for 8 hours just after the water and electricity is turned back on. The press is to interview the Branch Davidians for 8 hours to assess the situation and garner both sides of the story. There should be three days of calm to allow the information to be given to the press and have the other side of the story be told. Constitution Coalition has rejected a government plant's widely distributed plan to have 5,000 armed militia show up last Saturday with weapons [C: Best news we have had!!] (at the behest of a BATF front attorney "plant"): and Constitution Coalition seems to again have averted more bloodshed.
The press would be part of the Siege Control and Relief Team, who have already arranged to bring in medical services, food and water: just as the Geneva Convention demands even in foreign countries. Then, anyone over the age of 3 and the wounded would walk out with their hands over their heads. The children would come out first with their hands up, marching before the Bradley and Abrams TANKS, and militarized troops bristling with weaponry. By law the Sheriff and the Texas Rangers should have taken care of the Branch Davidian Church Complex, NOT THE ATF. If troops were needed there, the National Guard should have been used. There is a lawful and legal procedure to follow when the government interacts with citizens (due process).
(a) Disclosures by British Broadcasting Corporation about Hawaii CIA master operative Ronald Renwald, which the U.S. government refused to reveal (related to a prominent Mesa developer (and attorney) also attacked by Phoenix IRS-CID), but which were utilized to assist prosecution of Admiral Poindexter despite tamperment of the Iran Contra Special Grand Jury (which exposé of such tamperment caused the recent pardons by former President Bush), [C: Yes indeed there most certainly IS a government project called "Phoenix" (Phoenix Project--to be correct)--doesn't it always happen? Labels utilized for confusion and chaos? By the way--how interesting to note: ABC IS GOING TO MERGE WITH BBC (BRITISH BROADCASTING). IF YOU THINK YOU CAN SWING A RENEWAL--GOOD LUCK AND "KNOW" THAT IT WILL NOT BE THROUGH VIOLENCE THAT YOU WILL ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING OTHER THAN ALL-OUT WAR. IT MOST CERTAINLY WILL HAVE TO BE THROUGH PEACEFUL DECLARATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.]
(b) theft and "money" (cash, gold and other "loot") laundering and/or aiding and abetting in same, including of the Hawaiian Royal Crown Jewels via Gerald Breeden's firm Royal Hawaiian Heritage (and apparently related to being a major conduit for Hong Kong and other Far East jewelry sources with high political profile: Mayor of Hong Kong), where Breeden has, according to the record, refused (1) to pay over $300,000 ($3 million in damages) due to IRATEGATE related victimized entity resulting in inhibition of funding for IRATEGATE investigation and prosecution, (2) to cease IRATEGATE based collusion with the U.S. government to continue using said IRATEGATE based "laundering" patterns of criminal behavior for additional purpose of degrading the cause of Hawaiian Sovereignty (by a people facing genocide who do not even have their own indigenous peoples court), subsequent to the illegal overthrow of a legitimate, sovereign monarchy by the (u)nited States of America via wrongful misuse of its uniformed troops) (Marines 100 years ago) just as in Waco, Ruby Creek and Kalamazoo, and other modern day sieges
(c) obvious murder of IRATEGATE Hawaii's attorney George Sheets, IRATEGATE Hawaii's advocate Luella LeeBarella, U.S. Senator "Spark" Matsunaga (D-H1), attempted murder of IRATEGATE's multistate attorney Mary Rudolph (former assistant U.S. Attorney for San Antonio, Texas, who received chemically induced nerve damage and still attends physical therapy 3 days a week; her body guard, however, was also murdered), and C. Wright bribing by ATF,
(d) the murders of high profile investigative reporter Danny Casolaro, Alan D. Standorf, Cabazon Indian leader Alfred Alvarez (and 2 other associates), attorney Dennis Eisman May and attorney David Mayer, and obviously corrupt, government inspired attacks on INSLAW investigators, authors and advisors by Richard Landkammer
(e) torture deaths of Paul Morasca and certain INSLAW scandal insiders (including their children, such as the Spiro family),
(f) the Christic Institute La Penca case noted in abovesaid 5/31/91 the Iran Contra scandal to begin,
(g) serious victimization of honest IRATEGATE and CIA whistleblowers Stew Webb, Maynard Campbell, Rodney Stich (who was indicted for daring to file IRATEGATE related important matters in an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court), [C: Let me interrupt right here, please. I want it recognized by readers and "enemy" alike that these people now being named ARE UNDER MY REQUEST FOR PROTECTION. THAT MEANS THAT IF THEY ARE DAMAGED AS THE ROBOTS ARE PROGRAMMED TO DO--THERE WILL BE TROUBLE BEYOND THEIR BELIEF. THIS IS PER ME, COMMANDER GYEORGOS CERES HATONN. THESE PEOPLE ARE OFF-LIMITS, AS ARE OTHERS WHICH I SHALL NOT POINT OUT DIRECTLY AT THIS TIME. GOD IS GOING TO GIVE AMERICA A FAIR CHANCE AT TURNING SOME OF THIS SATANIC HORROR AROUND. THOSE OF YOU WHO DOUBT MY PRESENCE AND THAT I CAN DO WHAT I SAY--"MAKE MY DAY".]
(h) Mesa, Arizona Dr. Michael Bradley (subject to office firebombing) politically persecuted (including by illegal phone taps) for daring to investigate IRATEGATE corruption and cover of corruption, as well as reveal to the world the antidote to the New World Order poisons and chemical weaponry which is intended to be used to reduce the world population by at least 25% (according to Global 2000 and accepted by President Carter 1975); the Department of Justice bribed and/or urged Dr. Bradley's ex-wife Carol and (drug abuse history) Robin LaFoe to testify against him in exchange for favors by Phoenix based Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Winerip and IRS-CID Special Agent Gregory Heck (defacto Waco infant killers); persecution against Dr. Bradley also for his receiving assistance from former British MI-6 intelligence in his investigation and attempt to save lives of "under siege" women and children,
(i) murder of Michigan Judge Carol Irons and cover-up by Michigan Judge Roman Snow and others, including related cover-up of the murder of a 3 month old Caucasian infant allegedly by one apparently illegal immigrant (Dutch mafia) who, according to recent investigation has allegedly threatened to cripple other children (as well as continued sexual abuse) with the aid of an ATF front (bribee) lawyer James Zerrenner,
(j) Dallas paralegal expert Lee Stearman, whose warehouse was burned to the ground by ATF anyway when Stearman refused to cooperate with ATF insurance scam making ATF insurance beneficiary through other ATF front lawyers
(k) Dallas based JFK Center white collar crime analyst Nancy LeRosa, protected by honest federal, Texas and Dallas (police) officers and agents, made the connection between IRATEGATE key "Octopus" (per Danny Casolaro, and many others), "government within the government" players and the connection between the JFK assassination, Ruby Creek, IN-SLAW, and the Waco ATF Siege; now fully exposed in above-said Dallas Federal suit 3-93CVO440
(l) obvious IRATEGATE tax and property embezzlement (and attempted embezzlement) crimes of Messrs. John Ponsen and Henry Bechard, working together with other key conspirators, in the Hawaiian Colony/Federally funded Hawaii Mass Transit/Japanese (and Yakuza-mafia & banking) Special Interests: especially for their politically progressive "purchase" of one state in the nation (Hawaii) for purposes of manipulating Washington, D.C. political matters and its Iran Contra Special Grand Jury (which kept Ronald Reagan, George Bush from impeachment: Eric Lighter is the key witness), and including for formal IRATEGATE predictions of Gulf War funding problems related to IRATEGATE triggering Japanese Stock Market crash,
(m) IRATEGATE Shirley D. Peterson to retire via his over 1,800 pages of testimony in and in cooperation with the U.S. House Oversight Committee, supported by his filed tax return of over 250,000 pages, with over 65,000 pages being on public microfilm; and due to Lighter and others legally having some $50 Billion in filed tax writeoffs taken to prove Federal Grand Jury tamperment; these parties sued the Grand Juries for failing to indict Lighter and Salter, who confessed to felonies to further prove tamperment, which confessions were refused despite self bonding offered to Grand Juries (bond offered by the caring Phoenix based Eternal Life Church [C: Humm-m-nn? Isn't it interesting that Phoenix has so many nice churches with "goers" who are really most interested in allowing truth to be heard and people to live in spite of the government guillotines? Some of you will even recognize having association with the Phoenix Church of Christ who plans a Branch in Tehachapi come Summer or Fall of this year. Thank you for hearing our petition and answering in tangible form, instructions and requests for structuring things in such a way as to be sufficient to our needs.] who provided the grant that inspired but not controlled this discussion, and whose prayers are welcome): this means that (1) many or most felony convicts now receive new trials paid for by the government, (2) the convicts show up to trial with plea bargains (confessions) voided, and thus many prisoners now will be freed simply because of the IRATEGATE corruption, and (3) most tax return filers can now receive 3 years of refunds because these matters have Federal Orders approving same (see abovesaid 5/31/91 Federal Register),
(n) IRATEGATE investigators Lighter and Lt. Col. (ret.) John Salter (subject to car firebombing) triggering the (CIA) Alan Fiers plea bargain, which caused top CIA officials to be indicted,
(o) INSLAW's Michael Riconosciuto (CIA) is a scientific genius (INSLAW's "Promis" software was stolen by the Department of Justice, and designed to data bank all things and people, and was covertly sold to Saddam Hussein and others) and longtime CIA key agent who is either (1) a victim of IRATEGATE who refuses to stop aiding and abetting "New World Order" crimes such as gene-splicing for illegal germ warfare (to make a "slave race" and eliminate the middle class and other innocent population blocks, while master race receives custom gene-splicing antidotes more specialized than Dr. Bradley's permanent antidote), development of super gaseous plasma bombs, futuristic new weapons (hand held laser pistols, etc.), and by his refusal to protect IRATEGATE/INSLAW crimes, or (2) is a government "plant" to bait computer and other white collar "super-geniuses" into the New World Order programs to enhance one-world slavery, i.e., to collect and control "super geniuses" such as Barry Kumnick, son of the historically close friend and neighbor of Randy Weaver of Ruby Creek (see above, his wife and son were murdered by federal assailants in another recent siege: Kumnick was sought by some to prevent his testimony in the U.S. House Judiciary Committee regarding the INSLAW scandal and the proposed appointment of an Independent Counsel therein, which event would surely have adversely affected the Republican slate in the 1992 Congressional/Presidential election; former Attorney General Elliot Richardson is counsel for INSLAW victims). Riconosciuto appears to be overtly aiding and abetting numerous crimes in the IRATEGATE scandal, including misuse of "black budget" clandestine technology (the size of a car battery able to illuminate city blocks), remote stealth manipulation of Department of Justice computerized files, etc., and schemes to entice such "super geniuses" as Kumnick to merge INSLAW's "Promis" software with Kumnick's software "Architecture of Thought" (designed to profile human thought and predict behavior of criminals and New World Order dissidents) via warfare applications of ominous and illegal dimensions; sometimes referred to collectively in the national media as dimensions of the New World Order "Octopus" (who covertly demands to recruit the best minds in America at ALL costs, including sieges). Phoenix, call for information on dates of hearing for prosecution of corrupt bureaucrats. All individuals herein are innocent until proven guilty, and are subject of Federal Grand Jury investigation in one or more states: such investigation may take years.
For further information, to become additional Congressional witnesses or experts, to become an active member of Constitution Coalition, or send welcome support, please contact:
CONSTITUTION COALITION, 25 Highland Park Village #248; Dallas, Texas 75205, Telephone answering machine (214) 606-3570, Nancy LeRosa and Eric Aaron Lighter.
* * *
May I take a minute or two to respond to the piles of letters and questioners who ask: Is this a part of the Constitutional Law Center, and, is or was a representative from the Law Center present in Texas?
NO, to the first inquiry. Not at this time. The head of the Law Center WAS in Texas at the time early on in the Waco situation--however, it had to be restricted to "George Green" business and denial of participation in the Waco "incident". All funding and all ongoing projects of the Law Center had to be temporarily STOPPED due to the illegal ongoings of the conspirators against our own participating organizations. NOTHING IS COINCIDENTAL NOR ACCIDENTAL! Now it is very difficult to get funding to cover costs of such involvement with George Green and America West holding all assets and gold in impound. Is George Green an adversarial deliberate disinformer? Be your own Judge of actions--"he" doesn't believe himself to be an enemy. What more does that very realization tell you?
To you who write and abuse yourselves for having supported the enemy in the form of sharing with early publication of JOURNALS, etc., through America West. Please, do not chide selves--people CHANGE as visions of great fortunes come past the wishing opportunistic minds. YOU made no errors--YOU ALLOWED US TO GET TO THIS POINT WHEREIN OUR VOICES CAN BE HEARD BY THE MULTITUDES--YOU MADE NO ERRORS! PARTICIPANTS HAVE MADE ERRORS--BUT NOT YOU WHO SHARED WITH AMERICA WEST FOR IT HAS ALLOWED FULL DISCLOSURE IN ITS PROPER TIMING AND ALLOWED US TO GAIN RECOGNITION ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO BRING THIS HORRENDOUS NIGHTMARE INTO DOWNFALL.
Ceres 'Atonn to clear.
Serve within the Lighted intent of the Hosts under God--and ye shall be given protection that ye might serve again. Allow the ego to take control, and the fall is quick and sure. Thank you.