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This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com PJ #130 " TRACKING DOWN THE KILLER"
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"This message journal is going to be printed in its most reasonable format for it must reach as many as will hear and see. You think that your diet-mongers, your `shape-you' directors and your `food expert' teachers are showing you the way. NO, they are NOT. You are becoming a planet of insane and deficient humanity. You have even crippled the very animal and plant life upon your place. IT IS ALL A PART OF THE NOW FULFILLMENT OF THE `PLAN'. YOU ARE DYING AND BECOMING TOTALLY INFIRM BY MALNUTRITION. IN THE `REAL WORLD' YOU CAN'T EVEN OBTAIN THAT WHICH YOU NEED AS THE PLAN HAS WORKED ITS MISERY SO WELL.
"Since the most of this journal will be about beriberi and the various deficiencies of food as tampered with, we will give you a definition as presented to us. BERIBERI: Caused by a deficiency in vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) and other vitamins, and is found in areas where the diet consists primarily of polished rice, white flour, and other nonvitamin-bearing food. Increased need for vitamin B1; fever, high carbohydrate intake, or alcoholism may lead to deficiency."" --HATONN
Some of the important topics discussed are: INCARCERATION AND SPACE SHUTTLE'S ROLE AS EFFECTIVE PARASITE-SPREADING TOOLS-The Talmud Unmasked-Tracking Down The Killer-the Bible War Program In Action-Gaiandriana And Spelt Are God's Gifts To You.-Hydrogen Peroxide Usage For Health-How To build Up Body Defenses Against Diseases-"Blue Beam Postponed Temporarily-The Messiah Of 1665-ROME WAS DESTROYED BY THE JEWS-Food Secrets And Other War Fronts-Antibiotics Won't Work-What Should We be Taking? By Sandra Tulanian, D.C. - Change diet for health - Demineralized bread as war against you.
Text: www.fourwinds.10.com
1 Attachment(s)
This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com PJ #21 " CREATION, THE SACRED UNIVERSE "
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In this "JOURNAL" we are given day by day information of important events going on in the world and especially about Russia, Iraq, Israel, the Middle East and the U.S. and how these tie into the major prophecies of the end-times.
We are given information about the history of this planet and origins of the humans here.
We are also given a response to the "Middle East Prayer Alert", put out by many well known "Christian" leaders, by Jesus Sananda.
Many other topics are covered including: Our origins - The moment of "no time" - Cities of Light - Pres. Bush and the "New World Order" and its consequences - The geological processes involved in vulcanism - Learn how water (Babylon's Achilles' heel) will play a major role in the starting of Armageddon - The "Global Agenda" and how oil control is of key importance - More about Noriega - Why doesn't Saddam give up? - Russia's real role with Iraq and the Middle East - RUSSIA'S SUPERIOR WEAPONS DETERMINES WHAT WE CAN DO IN SPACE - The POWs we abandoned - The origin and purpose of the Bird Tribes - Some history of Earth and the settlers that came here 70,000 years ago. (Index Included)
Text: www.fourwinds.10.com